Record program events, display status information, and analyze execution faults
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The EventStatistics example project shows how to use start/stop events with the Event Recorder and obtain execution statistics.

The start/stop events allow to measure execution times with different slots (0 - 15) in four different groups (A - D). The call to 'EventStart' starts a timer slot; the call to 'EventStop' stops the related timer. A call to EventStop with slot 15 stops the timers of all slots in the specific group.

This example project is located in the Examples/EventStatistic/ directory. It uses the CMSIS-Toolbox for project build and runs on Arm Virtual Hardware (AVH) processor simulation and does not require real hardware board.

Build and run

Follow the instructions in the example's to build and run the project.

Use the eventlist Utility to analyze the outcomes.

main.c File

The application code in the main.c file does some time consuming calculations that are recorded.

#include "RTE_Components.h" // Component selection
#include CMSIS_device_header // defined in the RTE_Components.h file
#include "EventRecorder.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define TABLE_SIZE 1000
float sin_table[TABLE_SIZE];
// Calculate table with sine values
void CalcSinTable (void) {
unsigned int i, max_i;
float f = 0.0;
max_i = TABLE_SIZE - (rand () % 500);
EventStartAv (15, max_i, 0); // Start group A, slot 15, passing the max_i variable
for (i = 0; i < max_i; i++) {
if (i == 200) {
EventStartAv (0, max_i, 0); // Start group A, slot 0, passing the max_i variable
sin_table[i] = sinf(f);
f = f + (3.141592 / TABLE_SIZE);
if (i == 800) { // Measure 800 table entries
EventStopA (0); // Stop group A, slot 0
EventStopA (15); // Stop group A, slot 15 (stops also slots 0..14)
// Return number of sqrt operations to exceed sum
unsigned int FindSqrtSum (float max_sum) {
unsigned int i;
float sqrt_sum;
sqrt_sum = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
sqrt_sum += sqrtf((float) i);
if (sqrt_sum > max_sum) {
return (i);
return (i);
unsigned int j, num, MaxSqrtSum;
int main (void) {
SystemCoreClockUpdate(); // System Initialization
EventRecorderInitialize (EventRecordAll, 1U); // Initialize and start Event Recorder
EventStartC (0); // start measurement event group C, slot 0
printf ("Started\n");
for (j = 0; j < 10000; j++) {
CalcSinTable (); // calculate table with sinus values
EventStartB(0); // start group B, slot 0
MaxSqrtSum = rand () / 65536; // limit for sqrt calculation
num = FindSqrtSum ((float) MaxSqrtSum); // return number of sqrt operations
EventStopBv(0, MaxSqrtSum, num); // stop group B, slot 0, output values: MaxSqrtSum, num
EventStopC(0); // stop measurement event group C, slot 0
while (1) {