CMSIS-RTOS2  Version 2.2.0
Real-Time Operating System: API and RTX Reference Implementation
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Building the RTX5 Library

The CMSIS Pack contains a µVision project for building the complete set of RTX5 libraries. This project can also be used as a reference for building the RTX5 libraries using a tool-chain of your choice.

  1. Open the project RTX_CM.uvprojx from the pack folder CMSIS/RTOS2/RTX/Library/ARM/MDK in µVision.
  2. Select the project target that matches your device's processor core.
    The project provides target configuration for all supported Cortex-M targets supported by RTX5.
  3. You can find out about the required preprocessor defines in the dialogs Options for Target - C/C++ and Options for Target - Asm. Note the need to use at least the C99 compiler mode when building RTX from source.
  4. From the Project window you find the list of source files required for a complete library build.
  5. Build the library of your choice using Project - Build Target (or press F7).
Project with files for Armv8-M Mainline