In Compute Library there are two main parts or modules:
The library can be integrated in an existing external library or application that provides its own scheduler or a specific memory manager. In that case, the right solution is to use only the core library which means that the user must also manage all the memory allocation not only for the input/output tensor but also for the intermediate tensors/variables necessary. On the other hand, if the user doesn't want to care about allocation and multithreading then the right choice is to use the functions from the runtime library.
Apart from these components that get linked into the application, the sources also include the validation test suite and the C++ reference implementations against which all the operators are validated.
Following are the steps involved in adding support for a new operator in Compute Library
Compute Library declares a few new datatypes related to its domain, kernels, and functions in the library process Tensors and Images (Computer Vision functions). Tensors are multi-dimensional arrays with a maximum of Coordinates::num_max_dimensions dimensions; depending on the number of dimensions tensors can be interpreted as various objects. A scalar can be represented as a zero-dimensional tensor and a vector of numbers can be represented as a one-dimensional tensor. Furthermore, an image is just a 2D tensor, a 3D tensor can be seen as an array of images and a 4D tensor as a 2D array of images, etc. All the datatype classes or structures are grouped in the core library folder arm_compute/core like the ITensor, ITensorInfo (all the information of a tensor), TensorShape and simpler types are in arm_compute/core/CoreTypes.h.
If an operator handles a new datatype, it must be added to the library. While adding a new data type to the library, it's necessary to implement the function to enable printing, the to_string() method and the output stream insertion (<<) operator. Every datatype implements these two functions in utils/TypePrinter.h
A quick example, in CoreTypes.h we add:
And for printing:
In Compute Library, we use namespaces to group all the operators, functions, classes and interfaces. The main namespace to use is arm_compute. In the test suite, the test framework and the individual tests use nested namespaces like test::validation or test::benchmark to group the different purposes of various parts of the suite. Utility functions like conversion or type cast operators, that are shared by multiple operators are in arm_compute/core/Utils.h. Non-inlined function definitions go in the corresponding .cpp files in the src folder. Similarly, all common functions that process shapes, like calculating output shapes of an operator or shape conversions etc are in arm_compute/core/utils/misc/ShapeCalculator.h.
As we mentioned at the beginning, the kernel is the implementation of the operator or algorithm partially using a specific programming language related to the backend we want to use. Adding a kernel in the library means implementing the algorithm in a SIMD technology like Arm® Neon™ or OpenCL. All kernels in Compute Library must implement a common interface IKernel or one of the specific subinterfaces. IKernel is the common interface for all the kernels in the core library, it contains the main methods for configure and run the kernel itself, such as window() that return the maximum window the kernel can be executed on or is_parallelisable() for indicate whether or not the kernel is parallelizable. If the kernel is parallelizable then the window returned by the window() method can be split into sub-windows which can then be run in parallel, in the other case, only the window returned by window() can be passed to the run method. There are specific interfaces for OpenCL and Neon™: ICLKernel, INEKernel (using INEKernel = ICPPKernel).
There are two others implementation of IKernel called ICLSimpleKernel and INESimpleKernel, they are the interface for simple kernels that have just one input tensor and one output tensor. Creating a new kernel implies adding new files:
Neon™ kernel
We must register the new layer in the respective libraries:
These files contain the list of all kernels available in the corresponding Compute Library's backend, for example CLKernels:
For OpenCL we need to update the CLKernelLibrary.cpp, adding the appropriate code to embed the .cl kernel in the library. The OpenCL code can be compiled offline and embed in the library as binary. The essential operation we want to do with a kernel will be
Each kernel will have to implement the method:
The structure of the kernel .cpp file should be similar to the next ones. For OpenCL:
The run will call the function defined in the .cl file.
For the Arm® Neon™ backend case:
In the Arm® Neon™ case, there is no need to add an extra file and we implement the kernel in the same NEReshapeLayerKernel.cpp file. If the tests are already in place, the new kernel can be tested using the existing tests by adding the configure and run of the kernel to the compute_target() in the fixture.
Memory management and scheduling the underlying kernel(s) must be handled by the function implementation. A kernel class must support window() API which return the execute window for the configuration that the kernel is configured for. A window specifies the dimensions of a workload. It has a start and end on each of the dimension. A maximum of Coordinates::num_max_dimensions is supported. The run time layer is expected to query the kernel for the window size and schedule the window as it sees fit. It could choose to split the window into sub windows so that it could be run in parallel. The split must adhere to the following rules
CPPScheduler::schedule provides a sample implementation that is used for Arm® Neon™ kernels. Memory management is the other aspect that the runtime layer is supposed to handle. Memory management of the tensors is abstracted using TensorAllocator. Each tensor holds a pointer to a TensorAllocator object, which is used to allocate and free the memory at runtime. The implementation that is currently supported in Compute Library allows memory blocks, required to be fulfilled for a given operator, to be grouped together under a MemoryGroup. Each group can be acquired and released. The underlying implementation of memory groups vary depending on whether Arm® Neon™ or CL is used. The memory group class uses memory pool to provide the required memory. It also uses the memory manager to manage the lifetime and a IPoolManager to manage the memory pools registered with the memory manager.
We have seen the various interfaces for a kernel in the core library, the same structure the same file structure design exists in the runtime module. IFunction is the base class for all the functions, it has two child interfaces: ICLSimpleFunction and INESimpleFunction that are used as base class for functions which call a single kernel.
The new operator has to implement validate(), configure() and run(), these methods will call the respective function in the kernel considering that the multi-threading is used for the kernels which are parallelizable, by default std::thread::hardware_concurrency() threads are used. For Arm® Neon™ function can be used CPPScheduler::set_num_threads() to manually set the number of threads, whereas for OpenCL kernels all the kernels are enqueued on the queue associated with CLScheduler and the queue is then flushed. For the runtime functions, there is an extra method implemented: prepare(), this method prepares the function for the run, it does all the heavy operations that are done only once (reshape the weight, release the memory not necessary after the reshape, etc). The prepare method can be called standalone or in the first run, if not called before, after then the function will be marked as prepared. The files we add are:
OpenCL function
Neon™ function
As we did in the kernel we have to edit the runtime libraries to register the new operator modifying the relative library file:
For the special case where the new function calls only one kernel, we could use as base class ICLSimpleFunction or INESimpleFunction. The configure and the validate methods will simply call the corresponding functions. The structure will be:
If the function is more complicated and calls more than one kernel we have to use the memory manager to manage the intermediate tensors; in the configure() method we call the manage() function passing the tensor to keep track, in the run method we will have to acquire all the buffer managed and released at the end. For OpenCL if we want to add two tensor input and reshape the result:
For Neon™:
At this point, everything is in place at the library level. If you are following an tests driven implementation and all the tests are already in place, we can call the function configuration in the fixture and remove any redundant code like the allocation of the intermediate tensors since it's done in the function. Run the final tests to check the results match with the expected results from the reference implementation.
As mentioned in the introduction, the reference implementation is a pure C++ implementation without any optimization or backend specific instruction. The reference implementation consist of two files into the folder tests/validation/reference:
where we will put respectively the declaration and definition of the new operator. All the utility functions that are used ONLY in the tests are in test/validation/helpers.h, for all the others, as mentioned before, there are helpers in the library. Compute Library and the tests do use templates, the reference implementation is a generic implementation independent from the datatype and we use the templates to generalize the datatype concept. Following the example, let's have a look at the ReshapeLayer operator:
An explicit instantiation of the template for the required datatypes must be added in the .cpp file.
One of the parameters of the tests is the dataset, it will be used to generate versions of the test case with different inputs. To pass the dataset at the fixture data test case we have three cases
Benchmark and validation tests are based on the same framework to setup and run the tests. In addition to running simple, self-contained test functions the framework supports fixtures and data test cases. Fixtures can be used to share common setup, teardown or even run tasks among multiple test cases, for that purpose a fixture can define a "setup", "teardown" and "run" method. Adding tests for the new operator in the runtime library we need to implement at least the setup method, that is used to call two methods for configure, run and return the output respectively of the target (CL or Neon™) and the reference (C++ implementation).
For example let's have a look at Reshape Layer Fixture :
In the fixture class above we can see that the setup method computes the target and reference and store them in the two members _target and _reference which will be used later to check for correctness. The compute_target method reflects the exact behavior expected when we call a function. The input and output tensor must be declared, function configured, tensors allocated, the input tensor filled with required data, and finally, the function must be run and the results returned. This fixture is used in the test case, that is a parameterized test case that inherits from a fixture. The test case will have access to all public and protected members of the fixture. Only the setup and teardown methods of the fixture will be used. The setup method of the fixture needs to be a template and must accept inputs from the dataset as arguments. The body of this function will be used as a test function. For the fixture test case the first argument is the name of the test case (has to be unique within the enclosing test suite), the second argument is the class name of the fixture, the third argument is the dataset mode in which the test will be active (PRECOMMIT or NIGHTLY) and the fourth argument is the dataset. For example:
This will produce a set of tests that can be filtered with "CL/ReshapeLayer/Float/FP16/RunSmall". Each test produced from the cartesian product of the dataset is associated to a number and can be filtered specifying all the parameters.