2. Password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE)

This is a proposed PAKE interface for PSA Certified Crypto API [PSA-CRYPT]. It is not part of the official Crypto API yet.


The content of this specification is not part of the stable Crypto API and may change substantially from version to version.

2.1. Algorithm encoding

A new algorithm category is added for PAKE algorithms. The algorithm category table in [PSA-CRYPT] Appendix B is extended with the information in Table 4.

Table 4 New algorithm identifier categories

Algorithm category


Category details



See PAKE algorithm encoding

2.1.1. PAKE algorithm encoding

The algorithm identifier for PAKE algorithms defined in this specification are encoded as shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1 PAKE algorithm encoding

The defined values for PAKE-TYPE are shown in Table 5.

Table 5 PAKE algorithm sub-type values

PAKE algorithm


Algorithm identifier

Algorithm value





2.2. Changes and additions to the Programming API

2.2.1. PAKE algorithms


Whether the specified algorithm is a password-authenticated key exchange.

#define PSA_ALG_IS_PAKE(alg) /* specification-defined value */



An algorithm identifier: a value of type psa_algorithm_t.


1 if alg is a password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) algorithm, 0 otherwise. This macro can return either 0 or 1 if alg is not a supported algorithm identifier.


The Password-authenticated key exchange by juggling (J-PAKE) algorithm.

#define PSA_ALG_JPAKE ((psa_algorithm_t)0x0a000100)

This is J-PAKE as defined by J-PAKE: Password-Authenticated Key Exchange by Juggling [RFC8236], instantiated with the following parameters:

  • The group can be either an elliptic curve or defined over a finite field.

  • Schnorr NIZK proof as defined by Schnorr Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof [RFC8235], using the same group as the J-PAKE algorithm.

  • A cryptographic hash function.

To select these parameters and set up the cipher suite, initialize a psa_pake_cipher_suite_t object, and call the following functions in any order:

psa_pake_cipher_suite_t cipher_suite = PSA_PAKE_CIPHER_SUITE_INIT;

psa_pake_cs_set_algorithm(cipher_suite, PSA_ALG_JPAKE);
                          PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE(type, family, bits));
psa_pake_cs_set_hash(cipher_suite, hash);

More information on selecting a specific Elliptic curve or Diffie-Hellman field is provided with the PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_ECC and PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_DH constants.

The J-PAKE operation follows the protocol shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2 The J-PAKE protocol.

The variable names x1, g1, and so on, are taken from the finite field implementation of J-PAKE in [RFC8236] §2. Details of the computation for the key shares and zero-knowledge proofs are in [RFC8236] and [RFC8235].

J-PAKE does not assign roles to the participants, so it is not necessary to call psa_pake_set_role().

J-PAKE requires both an application and a peer identity. If the peer identity provided to psa_pake_set_peer() does not match the data received from the peer, then the call to psa_pake_input() for the PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PROOF step will fail with PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE.

The following steps demonstrate the application code for ‘User’ in Figure 2. The input and output steps must be carried out in exactly the same sequence as shown.

  1. To prepare a J-Pake operation, initialize and set up a psa_pake_operation_t object by calling the following functions:

    psa_pake_operation_t jpake = PSA_PAKE_OPERATION_INIT;
    psa_pake_setup(&jpake, &cipher_suite);
    psa_pake_set_user(&jpake, ...);
    psa_pake_set_peer(&jpake, ...);
    psa_pake_set_password_key(&jpake, ...);

    The password is provided as a key. This can be the password text itself, in an agreed character encoding, or some value derived from the password as required by a higher level protocol.

    The key material is used as an array of bytes, which is converted to an integer as described in SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography [SEC1] §2.3.8, before reducing it modulo q. Here, q is the order of the group defined by the cipher-suite primitive. psa_pake_set_password_key() will return an error if the result of the conversion and reduction is 0.

After setup, the key exchange flow for J-PAKE is as follows:

  1. To get the first round data that needs to be sent to the peer, call:

    // Get g1
    psa_pake_output(&jpake, PSA_PAKE_STEP_KEY_SHARE, ...);
    // Get V1, the ZKP public key for x1
    psa_pake_output(&jpake, PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PUBLIC, ...);
    // Get r1, the ZKP proof for x1
    psa_pake_output(&jpake, PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PROOF, ...);
    // Get g2
    psa_pake_output(&jpake, PSA_PAKE_STEP_KEY_SHARE, ...);
    // Get V2, the ZKP public key for x2
    psa_pake_output(&jpake, PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PUBLIC, ...);
    // Get r2, the ZKP proof for x2
    psa_pake_output(&jpake, PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PROOF, ...);
  2. To provide the first round data received from the peer to the operation, call:

    // Set g3
    psa_pake_input(&jpake, PSA_PAKE_STEP_KEY_SHARE, ...);
    // Set V3, the ZKP public key for x3
    psa_pake_input(&jpake, PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PUBLIC, ...);
    // Set r3, the ZKP proof for x3
    psa_pake_input(&jpake, PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PROOF, ...);
    // Set g4
    psa_pake_input(&jpake, PSA_PAKE_STEP_KEY_SHARE, ...);
    // Set V4, the ZKP public key for x4
    psa_pake_input(&jpake, PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PUBLIC, ...);
    // Set r4, the ZKP proof for x4
    psa_pake_input(&jpake, PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PROOF, ...);
  3. To get the second round data that needs to be sent to the peer, call:

    // Get A
    psa_pake_output(&jpake, PSA_PAKE_STEP_KEY_SHARE, ...);
    // Get V5, the ZKP public key for x2*s
    psa_pake_output(&jpake, PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PUBLIC, ...);
    // Get r5, the ZKP proof for x2*s
    psa_pake_output(&jpake, PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PROOF, ...);
  4. To provide the second round data received from the peer to the operation call:

    // Set B
    psa_pake_input(&jpake, PSA_PAKE_STEP_KEY_SHARE, ...);
    // Set V6, the ZKP public key for x4*s
    psa_pake_input(&jpake, PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PUBLIC, ...);
    // Set r6, the ZKP proof for x4*s
    psa_pake_input(&jpake, PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PROOF, ...);
  5. To use the shared secret, set up a key derivation operation and transfer the computed value:

    // Set up the KDF
    psa_key_derivation_operation_t kdf = PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_OPERATION_INIT;
    psa_key_derivation_setup(&kdf, ...);
    psa_key_derivation_input_bytes(&kdf, PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_CONTEXT, ...);
    psa_key_derivation_input_bytes(&kdf, PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_LABEL, ...);
    // Get Ka=Kb=K
    psa_pake_get_implicit_key(&jpake, &kdf)

For more information about the format of the values which are passed for each step, see PAKE step types.

If the verification of a Zero-knowledge proof provided by the peer fails, then the corresponding call to psa_pake_input() for the PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PROOF step will return PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE.


At the end of this sequence there is a cryptographic guarantee that only a peer that used the same password is able to compute the same key. But there is no guarantee that the peer is the participant it claims to be, or that the peer used the same password during the exchange.

At this point, authentication is implicit — material encrypted or authenticated using the computed key can only be decrypted or verified by someone with the same key. The peer is not authenticated at this point, and no action should be taken by the application which assumes that the peer is authenticated, for example, by accessing restricted files.

To make the authentication explicit, there are various methods to confirm that both parties have the same key. See [RFC8236] §5 for two examples.

Compatible key types


2.2.2. PAKE primitives

A PAKE algorithm specifies a sequence of interactions between the participants. Many PAKE algorithms are designed to allow different cryptographic primitives to be used for the key establishment operation, so long as all the participants are using the same underlying cryptography.

The cryptographic primitive for a PAKE operation is specified using a psa_pake_primitive_t value, which can be constructed using the PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE() macro, or can be provided as a numerical constant value.

A PAKE primitive is required when constructing a PAKE cipher-suite object, psa_pake_cipher_suite_t, which fully specifies the PAKE operation to be carried out.

psa_pake_primitive_type_t (typedef)

Encoding of the type of the PAKE’s primitive.

typedef uint8_t psa_pake_primitive_type_t;

The range of PAKE primitive type values is divided as follows:


Reserved as an invalid primitive type.

0x01 0x7f

Specification-defined primitive type. Primitive types defined by this standard always have bit 7 clear. Unallocated primitive type values in this range are reserved for future use.

0x80 0xff

Implementation-defined primitive type. Implementations that define additional primitive types must use an encoding with bit 7 set.

For specification-defined primitive types, see the documentation of individual PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_XXX constants.


The PAKE primitive type indicating the use of elliptic curves.

#define PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_ECC ((psa_pake_primitive_type_t)0x01)

The values of the family and bits components of the PAKE primitive identify a specific elliptic curve, using the same mapping that is used for ECC keys. See the definition of psa_ecc_family_t. Here family and bits refer to the values used to construct the PAKE primitive using PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE().

Input and output during the operation can involve group elements and scalar values:

  • The format for group elements is the same as that for public keys on the specific Elliptic curve. For more information, consult the documentation of psa_export_public_key().

  • The format for scalars is the same as that for private keys on the specific Elliptic curve. For more information, consult the documentation of psa_export_key().


The PAKE primitive type indicating the use of Diffie-Hellman groups.

#define PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_DH ((psa_pake_primitive_type_t)0x02)

The values of the family and bits components of the PAKE primitive identify a specific Diffie-Hellman group, using the same mapping that is used for Diffie-Hellman keys. See the definition of psa_dh_family_t. Here family and bits refer to the values used to construct the PAKE primitive using PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE().

Input and output during the operation can involve group elements and scalar values:

  • The format for group elements is the same as that for public keys in the specific Diffie-Hellman group. For more information, consult the documentation of psa_export_public_key().

  • The format for scalars is the same as that for private keys in the specific Diffie-Hellman group. For more information, consult the documentation of psa_export_key().

psa_pake_family_t (typedef)

Encoding of the family of the primitive associated with the PAKE.

typedef uint8_t psa_pake_family_t;

For more information see the documentation of individual PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_XXX constants.

psa_pake_primitive_t (typedef)

Encoding of the primitive associated with the PAKE.

typedef uint32_t psa_pake_primitive_t;

PAKE primitive values are constructed using PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE().


An integral type is required for psa_pake_primitive_t to enable values of this type to be compile-time-constants. This allows them to be used in case statements, and used to calculate static buffer sizes with PSA_PAKE_OUTPUT_SIZE() and PSA_PAKE_INPUT_SIZE().


Construct a PAKE primitive from type, family and bit-size.

#define PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE(pake_type, pake_family, pake_bits) \
    /* specification-defined value */



The type of the primitive: a value of type psa_pake_primitive_type_t.


The family of the primitive. The type and interpretation of this parameter depends on pake_type. For more information, consult the documentation of individual psa_pake_primitive_type_t constants.


The bit-size of the primitive: a value of type size_t. The interpretation of this parameter depends on family. For more information, consult the documentation of individual psa_pake_primitive_type_t constants.

Returns: psa_pake_primitive_t

The constructed primitive value. Return 0 if the requested primitive can’t be encoded as psa_pake_primitive_t.

2.2.3. PAKE cipher suites

A PAKE algorithm uses a specific cryptographic primitive for key establishment, specified using a PAKE primitive. PAKE algorithms also require a cryptographic hash algorithm, which is agreed between the participants.

The psa_pake_cipher_suite_t object is used to fully specify a PAKE operation, combining the PAKE algorithm, the PAKE primitive, the hash or any other algorithm that parametrises the PAKE in question.

A PAKE cipher suite is required when setting up a PAKE operation in psa_pake_setup().

psa_pake_cipher_suite_t (typedef)

The type of an object describing a PAKE cipher suite.

typedef /* implementation-defined type */ psa_pake_cipher_suite_t;

This is the object that represents the cipher suite used for a PAKE algorithm. The PAKE cipher suite specifies the PAKE algorithm, and the options selected for that algorithm. The cipher suite includes the following attributes:

  • The PAKE algorithm itself.

  • The PAKE primitive, which identifies the prime order group used for the key exchange operation. See PAKE primitives.

  • The hash algorithm to use in the operation.


Implementations are recommended to define the cipher-suite object as a simple data structure, with fields corresponding to the individual cipher suite attributes. In such an implementation, each function psa_pake_cs_set_xxx() sets a field and the corresponding function psa_pake_cs_get_xxx() retrieves the value of the field.

An implementations can report attribute values that are equivalent to the original one, but have a different encoding. For example, an implementation can use a more compact representation for attributes where many bit-patterns are invalid or not supported, and store all values that it does not support as a special marker value. In such an implementation, after setting an invalid value, the corresponding get function returns an invalid value which might not be the one that was originally stored.

This is an implementation-defined type. Applications that make assumptions about the content of this object will result in in implementation-specific behavior, and are non-portable.

Before calling any function on a PAKE cipher suite object, the application must initialize it by any of the following means:


This macro returns a suitable initializer for a PAKE cipher suite object of type psa_pake_cipher_suite_t.

#define PSA_PAKE_CIPHER_SUITE_INIT /* implementation-defined value */

psa_pake_cipher_suite_init (function)

Return an initial value for a PAKE cipher suite object.

psa_pake_cipher_suite_t psa_pake_cipher_suite_init(void);

Returns: psa_pake_cipher_suite_t

psa_pake_cs_get_algorithm (function)

Retrieve the PAKE algorithm from a PAKE cipher suite.

psa_algorithm_t psa_pake_cs_get_algorithm(const psa_pake_cipher_suite_t* cipher_suite);



The cipher suite object to query.

Returns: psa_algorithm_t

The PAKE algorithm stored in the cipher suite object.


Implementation note

This is a simple accessor function that is not required to validate its inputs. It can be efficiently implemented as a static inline function or a function-like macro.

psa_pake_cs_set_algorithm (function)

Declare the PAKE algorithm for the cipher suite.

void psa_pake_cs_set_algorithm(psa_pake_cipher_suite_t* cipher_suite,
                               psa_algorithm_t alg);



The cipher suite object to write to.


The PAKE algorithm to write: a value of type psa_algorithm_t such that PSA_ALG_IS_PAKE(alg) is true.

Returns: void


This function overwrites any PAKE algorithm previously set in cipher_suite.

Implementation note

This is a simple accessor function that is not required to validate its inputs. It can be efficiently implemented as a static inline function or a function-like macro.

psa_pake_cs_get_primitive (function)

Retrieve the primitive from a PAKE cipher suite.

psa_pake_primitive_t psa_pake_cs_get_primitive(const psa_pake_cipher_suite_t* cipher_suite);



The cipher suite object to query.

Returns: psa_pake_primitive_t

The primitive stored in the cipher suite object.


Implementation note

This is a simple accessor function that is not required to validate its inputs. It can be efficiently implemented as a static inline function or a function-like macro.

psa_pake_cs_set_primitive (function)

Declare the primitive for a PAKE cipher suite.

void psa_pake_cs_set_primitive(psa_pake_cipher_suite_t* cipher_suite,
                               psa_pake_primitive_t primitive);



The cipher suite object to write to.


The PAKE primitive to write: a value of type psa_pake_primitive_t. If this is 0, the primitive type in cipher_suite becomes unspecified.

Returns: void


This function overwrites any primitive previously set in cipher_suite.

Implementation note

This is a simple accessor function that is not required to validate its inputs. It can be efficiently implemented as a static inline function or a function-like macro.

psa_pake_cs_get_hash (function)

Retrieve the hash algorithm from a PAKE cipher suite.

psa_pake_primitive_t psa_pake_cs_get_hash(const psa_pake_cipher_suite_t* cipher_suite);



The cipher suite object to query.

Returns: psa_pake_primitive_t

The hash algorithm stored in the cipher suite object. The return value is PSA_ALG_NONE if the PAKE is not parametrized by a hash algorithm, or if the hash algorithm is not set.


Implementation note

This is a simple accessor function that is not required to validate its inputs. It can be efficiently implemented as a static inline function or a function-like macro.

psa_pake_cs_set_hash (function)

Declare the hash algorithm for a PAKE cipher suite.

void psa_pake_cs_set_hash(psa_pake_cipher_suite_t* cipher_suite,
                          psa_algorithm_t hash_alg);



The cipher suite object to write to.


The hash algorithm to write: a value of type psa_algorithm_t such that PSA_ALG_IS_HASH(hash_alg) is true. If this is PSA_ALG_NONE, the hash algorithm in cipher_suite becomes unspecified.

Returns: void


This function overwrites any hash algorithm previously set in cipher_suite.

The documentation of individual PAKE algorithms specifies which hash algorithms are compatible, or if no hash algorithm is required.

Implementation note

This is a simple accessor function that is not required to validate its inputs. It can be efficiently implemented as a static inline function or a function-like macro.

2.2.4. PAKE roles

Some PAKE algorithms need to know which role each participant is taking in the algorithm. For example:

  • Augmented PAKE algorithms typically have a client and a server participant.

  • Some symmetric PAKE algorithms need to assign an order to the participants.

psa_pake_role_t (typedef)

Encoding of the application role in a PAKE algorithm.

typedef uint8_t psa_pake_role_t;

This type is used to encode the application’s role in the algorithm being executed. For more information see the documentation of individual PAKE role constants.


A value to indicate no role in a PAKE algorithm.

#define PSA_PAKE_ROLE_NONE ((psa_pake_role_t)0x00)

This value can be used in a call to psa_pake_set_role() for symmetric PAKE algorithms which do not assign roles.


The first peer in a balanced PAKE.

#define PSA_PAKE_ROLE_FIRST ((psa_pake_role_t)0x01)

Although balanced PAKE algorithms are symmetric, some of them need the peers to be ordered for the transcript calculations. If the algorithm does not need a specific ordering, then either do not call psa_pake_set_role(), or use PSA_PAKE_ROLE_NONE as the role parameter.


The second peer in a balanced PAKE.

#define PSA_PAKE_ROLE_SECOND ((psa_pake_role_t)0x02)

Although balanced PAKE algorithms are symmetric, some of them need the peers to be ordered for the transcript calculations. If the algorithm does not need a specific ordering, then either do not call psa_pake_set_role(), or use PSA_PAKE_ROLE_NONE as the role parameter.


The client in an augmented PAKE.

#define PSA_PAKE_ROLE_CLIENT ((psa_pake_role_t)0x11)

Augmented PAKE algorithms need to differentiate between client and server.


The server in an augmented PAKE.

#define PSA_PAKE_ROLE_SERVER ((psa_pake_role_t)0x12)

Augmented PAKE algorithms need to differentiate between client and server.

2.2.5. PAKE step types

psa_pake_step_t (typedef)

Encoding of input and output steps for a PAKE algorithm.

typedef uint8_t psa_pake_step_t;

Some PAKE algorithms need to exchange more data than a single key share. This type encodes additional input and output steps for such algorithms.


The key share being sent to or received from the peer.

#define PSA_PAKE_STEP_KEY_SHARE ((psa_pake_step_t)0x01)

The format for both input and output using this step is the same as the format for public keys on the group specified by the PAKE operation’s primitive.

The public key formats are defined in the documentation for psa_export_public_key().

For information regarding how the group is determined, consult the documentation PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE().


A Schnorr NIZKP public key.

#define PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PUBLIC ((psa_pake_step_t)0x02)

This is the ephemeral public key in the Schnorr Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof, this is the value denoted by V in [RFC8235].

The format for both input and output at this step is the same as that for public keys on the group specified by the PAKE operation’s primitive.

For more information on the format, consult the documentation of psa_export_public_key().

For information regarding how the group is determined, consult the documentation PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE().


A Schnorr NIZKP proof.

#define PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PROOF ((psa_pake_step_t)0x03)

This is the proof in the Schnorr Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof, this is the value denoted by r in [RFC8235].

Both for input and output, the value at this step is an integer less than the order of the group specified by the PAKE operation’s primitive. The format depends on the group as well:

  • For Montgomery curves, the encoding is little endian.

  • For other Elliptic curves, and for Diffie-Hellman groups, the encoding is big endian. See [SEC1] §2.3.8.

In both cases leading zeroes are allowed as long as the length in bytes does not exceed the byte length of the group order.

For information regarding how the group is determined, consult the documentation PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE().

2.2.6. Multi-part PAKE operations

psa_pake_operation_t (typedef)

The type of the state object for PAKE operations.

typedef /* implementation-defined type */ psa_pake_operation_t;

Before calling any function on a PAKE operation object, the application must initialize it by any of the following means:

This is an implementation-defined type. Applications that make assumptions about the content of this object will result in in implementation-specific behavior, and are non-portable.


This macro returns a suitable initializer for a PAKE operation object of type psa_pake_operation_t.

#define PSA_PAKE_OPERATION_INIT /* implementation-defined value */

psa_pake_operation_init (function)

Return an initial value for a PAKE operation object.

psa_pake_operation_t psa_pake_operation_init(void);

Returns: psa_pake_operation_t

psa_pake_setup (function)

Set the session information for a password-authenticated key exchange.

psa_status_t psa_pake_setup(psa_pake_operation_t *operation,
                            const psa_pake_cipher_suite_t *cipher_suite);



The operation object to set up. It must have been initialized as per the documentation for psa_pake_operation_t and not yet in use.


The cipher suite to use. A PAKE cipher suite fully characterizes a PAKE algorithm, including the PAKE algorithm.

Returns: psa_status_t




The following conditions can result in this error:

  • The operation state is not valid: it must be inactive.

  • The library requires initializing by a call to psa_crypto_init().


The following conditions can result in this error:

  • The algorithm in cipher_suite is not a PAKE algorithm.

  • The PAKE primitive in cipher_suite is not compatible with the PAKE algorithm.

  • The hash algorithm in cipher_suite is invalid, or not compatible with the PAKE algorithm and primitive.


The following conditions can result in this error:

  • The algorithm in cipher_suite is not a supported PAKE algorithm.

  • The PAKE primitive in cipher_suite is not supported or not compatible with the PAKE algorithm.

  • The hash algorithm in cipher_suite is not supported, or not compatible with the PAKE algorithm and primitive.



The sequence of operations to set up a password-authenticated key exchange operation is as follows:

  1. Allocate an operation object which will be passed to all the functions listed here.

  2. Initialize the operation object with one of the methods described in the documentation for psa_pake_operation_t. For example, using PSA_PAKE_OPERATION_INIT.

  3. Call psa_pake_setup() to specify the cipher suite.

  4. Call psa_pake_set_xxx() functions on the operation to complete the setup. The exact sequence of psa_pake_set_xxx() functions that needs to be called depends on the algorithm in use.

A typical sequence of calls to perform a password-authenticated key exchange:

  1. Call psa_pake_output(operation, PSA_PAKE_STEP_KEY_SHARE, ...) to get the key share that needs to be sent to the peer.

  2. Call psa_pake_input(operation, PSA_PAKE_STEP_KEY_SHARE, ...) to provide the key share that was received from the peer.

  3. Depending on the algorithm additional calls to psa_pake_output() and psa_pake_input() might be necessary.

  4. Call psa_pake_get_implicit_key() for accessing the shared secret.

Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for details on the required set up and operation for each algorithm. See PAKE algorithms.

If an error occurs at any step after a call to psa_pake_setup(), the operation will need to be reset by a call to psa_pake_abort(). The application may call psa_pake_abort() at any time after the operation has been initialized.

After a successful call to psa_pake_setup(), the application must eventually terminate the operation. The following events terminate an operation:

psa_pake_set_password_key (function)

Set the password for a password-authenticated key exchange using a key.

psa_status_t psa_pake_set_password_key(psa_pake_operation_t *operation,
                                       psa_key_id_t password);



Active PAKE operation.


Identifier of the key holding the password or a value derived from the password. It must remain valid until the operation terminates. It must be of type PSA_KEY_TYPE_PASSWORD or PSA_KEY_TYPE_PASSWORD_HASH. It must allow the usage PSA_KEY_USAGE_DERIVE.

Returns: psa_status_t




The following conditions can result in this error:


password is not a valid key identifier.


The key does not have the PSA_KEY_USAGE_DERIVE flag, or it does not permit the operation’s algorithm.


The following conditions can result in this error:

  • The key type for password is not PSA_KEY_TYPE_PASSWORD or PSA_KEY_TYPE_PASSWORD_HASH.

  • password is not compatible with the operation’s cipher suite.


The key type or key size of password is not supported with the operation’s cipher suite.



Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for constraints on the format and content of valid passwords. See PAKE algorithms.

psa_pake_set_user (function)

Set the user ID for a password-authenticated key exchange.

psa_status_t psa_pake_set_user(psa_pake_operation_t *operation,
                               const uint8_t *user_id,
                               size_t user_id_len);



Active PAKE operation.


The user ID to authenticate with.


Size of the user_id buffer in bytes.

Returns: psa_status_t




The following conditions can result in this error:


user_id is not valid for the operation’s algorithm and cipher suite.


The value of user_id is not supported by the implementation.



Call this function to set the user ID. For PAKE algorithms that associate a user identifier with both participants in the session, also call psa_pake_set_peer() with the peer ID. For PAKE algorithms that associate a single user identifier with the session, call psa_pake_set_user() only.

Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for more information. See PAKE algorithms.

psa_pake_set_peer (function)

Set the peer ID for a password-authenticated key exchange.

psa_status_t psa_pake_set_peer(psa_pake_operation_t *operation,
                               const uint8_t *peer_id,
                               size_t peer_id_len);



Active PAKE operation.


The peer’s ID to authenticate.


Size of the peer_id buffer in bytes.

Returns: psa_status_t




The following conditions can result in this error:


peer_id is not valid for the operation’s algorithm and cipher suite.


The value of peer_id is not supported by the implementation.



Call this function in addition to psa_pake_set_user() for PAKE algorithms that associate a user identifier with both participants in the session. For PAKE algorithms that associate a single user identifier with the session, call psa_pake_set_user() only.

Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for more information. See PAKE algorithms.

psa_pake_set_role (function)

Set the application role for a password-authenticated key exchange.

psa_status_t psa_pake_set_role(psa_pake_operation_t *operation,
                               psa_pake_role_t role);



Active PAKE operation.


A value of type psa_pake_role_t indicating the application role in the PAKE algorithm. See PAKE roles.

Returns: psa_status_t




The following conditions can result in this error:


role is not a valid PAKE role in the operation’s algorithm.


role is not a valid PAKE role, or is not supported for the operation’s algorithm.



Not all PAKE algorithms need to differentiate the communicating participants. For PAKE algorithms that do not require a role to be specified, the application can do either of the following:

Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for more information. See PAKE algorithms.

psa_pake_output (function)

Get output for a step of a password-authenticated key exchange.

psa_status_t psa_pake_output(psa_pake_operation_t *operation,
                             psa_pake_step_t step,
                             uint8_t *output,
                             size_t output_size,
                             size_t *output_length);



Active PAKE operation.


The step of the algorithm for which the output is requested.


Buffer where the output is to be written. The format of the output depends on the step, see PAKE step types.


Size of the output buffer in bytes. This must be appropriate for the cipher suite and output step:

  • A sufficient output size is PSA_PAKE_OUTPUT_SIZE(alg, primitive, step) where alg and primitive are the PAKE algorithm and primitive in the operation’s cipher suite, and step is the output step.

  • PSA_PAKE_OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE evaluates to the maximum output size of any supported PAKE algorithm, primitive and step.


On success, the number of bytes of the returned output.

Returns: psa_status_t


Success. The first (*output_length) bytes of output contain the output.


The following conditions can result in this error:

  • The operation state is not valid: it must be active and fully set up, and this call must conform to the algorithm’s requirements for ordering of input and output steps.

  • The library requires initializing by a call to psa_crypto_init().


The size of the output buffer is too small. PSA_PAKE_OUTPUT_SIZE() or PSA_PAKE_OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE can be used to determine a sufficient buffer size.


step is not compatible with the operation’s algorithm.


step is not supported with the operation’s algorithm.



Depending on the algorithm being executed, you might need to call this function several times or you might not need to call this at all.

The exact sequence of calls to perform a password-authenticated key exchange depends on the algorithm in use. Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for more information. See PAKE algorithms.

If this function returns an error status, the operation enters an error state and must be aborted by calling psa_pake_abort().

psa_pake_input (function)

Provide input for a step of a password-authenticated key exchange.

psa_status_t psa_pake_input(psa_pake_operation_t *operation,
                            psa_pake_step_t step,
                            const uint8_t *input,
                            size_t input_length);



Active PAKE operation.


The step for which the input is provided.


Buffer containing the input. The format of the input depends on the step, see PAKE step types.


Size of the input buffer in bytes.

Returns: psa_status_t




The following conditions can result in this error:

  • The operation state is not valid: it must be active and fully set up, and this call must conform to the algorithm’s requirements for ordering of input and output steps.

  • The library requires initializing by a call to psa_crypto_init().


The verification fails for a PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PROOF input step.


The following conditions can result in this error:

  • step is not compatible with the operation’s algorithm.

  • The input is not valid for the operation’s algorithm, cipher suite or step.


The following conditions can result in this error:

  • step is not supported with the operation’s algorithm.

  • The input is not supported for the operation’s algorithm, cipher suite or step.



Depending on the algorithm being executed, you might need to call this function several times or you might not need to call this at all.

The exact sequence of calls to perform a password-authenticated key exchange depends on the algorithm in use. Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for more information. See PAKE algorithms.

PSA_PAKE_INPUT_SIZE() or PSA_PAKE_INPUT_MAX_SIZE can be used to allocate buffers of sufficient size to transfer inputs that are received from the peer into the operation.

If this function returns an error status, the operation enters an error state and must be aborted by calling psa_pake_abort().

psa_pake_get_implicit_key (function)

Pass the implicitly confirmed shared secret from a PAKE into a key derivation operation.

psa_status_t psa_pake_get_implicit_key(psa_pake_operation_t *operation,
                                       psa_key_derivation_operation_t *output);



Active PAKE operation.


A key derivation operation that is ready for an input step of type PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_SECRET.

Returns: psa_status_t


Success. Use the output key derivation operation to continue with derivation of keys or data.


The following conditions can result in this error:

  • The state of PAKE operation operation is not valid: it must be active, with all setup, input, and output steps complete.

  • The state of key derivation operation output is not valid for the PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_SECRET step.

  • The library requires initializing by a call to psa_crypto_init().


PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_SECRET is not compatible with the algorithm in the output key derivation operation.


Input from a PAKE is not supported by the algorithm in the output key derivation operation.



At this step in the PAKE operation there is a cryptographic guarantee that only an authenticated participant who used the same password is able to compute the key. But there is no guarantee that the peer is the participant it claims to be, and was able to compute the same key.

In this situation, the authentication is only implicit. Since the peer is not authenticated, no action should be taken that assumes that the peer is who it claims to be For example, do not access restricted files on the peer’s behalf until an explicit authentication has succeeded.

This function can be called after the key exchange phase of the operation has completed. It injects the shared secret output of the PAKE into the provided key derivation operation. The input step PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_SECRET is used to input the shared key material into the key derivation operation.

The exact sequence of calls to perform a password-authenticated key exchange depends on the algorithm in use. Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for more information. See PAKE algorithms.

When this function returns successfully, operation becomes inactive. If this function returns an error status, both the operation and the key_derivation operations enter an error state and must be aborted by calling psa_pake_abort() and psa_key_derivation_abort() respectively.

psa_pake_abort (function)

Abort a PAKE operation.

psa_status_t psa_pake_abort(psa_pake_operation_t * operation);



Initialized PAKE operation.

Returns: psa_status_t


Success. The operation object can now be discarded or reused.


The library requires initializing by a call to psa_crypto_init().



Aborting an operation frees all associated resources except for the operation object itself. Once aborted, the operation object can be reused for another operation by calling psa_pake_setup() again.

This function can be called any time after the operation object has been initialized as described in psa_pake_operation_t.

In particular, calling psa_pake_abort() after the operation has been terminated by a call to psa_pake_abort() or psa_pake_get_implicit_key() is safe and has no effect.

2.2.7. Support macros


Sufficient output buffer size for psa_pake_output(), in bytes.

#define PSA_PAKE_OUTPUT_SIZE(alg, primitive, output_step) \
    /* implementation-defined value */



A PAKE algorithm: a value of type psa_algorithm_t such that PSA_ALG_IS_PAKE(alg) is true.


A primitive of type psa_pake_primitive_t that is compatible with algorithm alg.


A value of type psa_pake_step_t that is valid for the algorithm alg.


A sufficient output buffer size for the specified PAKE algorithm, primitive, and output step. An implementation can return either 0 or a correct size for a PAKE algorithm, primitive, and output step that it recognizes, but does not support. If the parameters are not valid, the return value is unspecified.


If the size of the output buffer is at least this large, it is guaranteed that psa_pake_output() will not fail due to an insufficient buffer size. The actual size of the output might be smaller in any given call.



Sufficient output buffer size for psa_pake_output() for any of the supported PAKE algorithms, primitives and output steps.

#define PSA_PAKE_OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE /* implementation-defined value */

If the size of the output buffer is at least this large, it is guaranteed that psa_pake_output() will not fail due to an insufficient buffer size.



Sufficient buffer size for inputs to psa_pake_input().

#define PSA_PAKE_INPUT_SIZE(alg, primitive, input_step) \
    /* implementation-defined value */



A PAKE algorithm: a value of type psa_algorithm_t such that PSA_ALG_IS_PAKE(alg) is true.


A primitive of type psa_pake_primitive_t that is compatible with algorithm alg.


A value of type psa_pake_step_t that is valid for the algorithm alg.


A sufficient buffer size for the specified PAKE algorithm, primitive, and input step. An implementation can return either 0 or a correct size for a PAKE algorithm, primitive, and output step that it recognizes, but does not support. If the parameters are not valid, the return value is unspecified.


The value returned by this macro is guaranteed to be large enough for any valid input to psa_pake_input() in an operation with the specified parameters.

This macro can be useful when transferring inputs from the peer into the PAKE operation.



Sufficient buffer size for inputs to psa_pake_input() for any of the supported PAKE algorithms, primitives and input steps.

#define PSA_PAKE_INPUT_MAX_SIZE /* implementation-defined value */

This macro can be useful when transferring inputs from the peer into the PAKE operation.