2. Password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE)


The API defined in this specification will be integrated into a future version of [PSA-CRYPT].

This chapter is divided into the following sections:

PAKE also introduces additional algorithm identifiers and key types to the Crypto API. See Algorithm and key type encoding for the encoding of these values.


PAKE protocols are more complex operations, when compared with the other types of cryptographic operation in the Crypto API. PAKE protocols can also have multiple phases, some of which are carried out prior to the PAKE operation itself, using other parts of the Crypto API.

To improve the understanding and correct use of PAKE protocols, it helps to show the protocol flow, and to demonstrate how to implement this with this API.

2.1. Common API for PAKE

This section defines all of the common interfaces used to carry out a PAKE protocol:

2.1.1. PAKE algorithms


Whether the specified algorithm is a password-authenticated key exchange.

#define PSA_ALG_IS_PAKE(alg) /* specification-defined value */



An algorithm identifier: a value of type psa_algorithm_t.


1 if alg is a password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) algorithm, 0 otherwise. This macro can return either 0 or 1 if alg is not a supported algorithm identifier.

2.1.2. PAKE primitives

A PAKE algorithm specifies a sequence of interactions between the participants. Many PAKE algorithms are designed to allow different cryptographic primitives to be used for the key establishment operation, so long as all the participants are using the same underlying cryptography.

The cryptographic primitive for a PAKE operation is specified using a psa_pake_primitive_t value, which can be constructed using the PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE() macro, or can be provided as a numerical constant value.

A PAKE primitive is required when constructing a PAKE cipher-suite object, psa_pake_cipher_suite_t, which fully specifies the PAKE operation to be carried out.

psa_pake_primitive_t (typedef)

Encoding of the primitive associated with the PAKE.

typedef uint32_t psa_pake_primitive_t;

PAKE primitive values are constructed using PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE().

Figure 1 shows how the components of the primitive are encoded into a psa_pake_primitive_t value.


Figure 1 PAKE primitive encoding


An integral type is required for psa_pake_primitive_t to enable values of this type to be compile-time-constants. This allows them to be used in case statements, and used to calculate static buffer sizes with PSA_PAKE_OUTPUT_SIZE() and PSA_PAKE_INPUT_SIZE().

The components of a PAKE primitive value can be extracted using the PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_GET_TYPE(), PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_GET_FAMILY(), and PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_GET_BITS(). These can be used to set key attributes for keys used in PAKE algorithms. SPAKE2+ registration provides an example of this usage.

psa_pake_primitive_type_t (typedef)

Encoding of the type of the PAKE’s primitive.

typedef uint8_t psa_pake_primitive_type_t;

The range of PAKE primitive type values is divided as follows:


Reserved as an invalid primitive type.

0x01 0x7f

Specification-defined primitive type. Primitive types defined by this standard always have bit 7 clear. Unallocated primitive type values in this range are reserved for future use.

0x80 0xff

Implementation-defined primitive type. Implementations that define additional primitive types must use an encoding with bit 7 set.

For specification-defined primitive types, see PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_ECC and PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_DH.


The PAKE primitive type indicating the use of elliptic curves.

#define PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_ECC ((psa_pake_primitive_type_t)0x01)

The values of the family and bits components of the PAKE primitive identify a specific elliptic curve, using the same mapping that is used for ECC keys. See the definition of psa_ecc_family_t. Here family and bits refer to the values used to construct the PAKE primitive using PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE().

Input and output during the operation can involve group elements and scalar values:

  • The format for group elements is the same as that for public keys on the specific Elliptic curve. For more information, consult the documentation of key formats in [PSA-CRYPT].

  • The format for scalars is the same as that for private keys on the specific Elliptic curve. For more information, consult the documentation of key formats in [PSA-CRYPT].


The PAKE primitive type indicating the use of Diffie-Hellman groups.

#define PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_DH ((psa_pake_primitive_type_t)0x02)

The values of the family and bits components of the PAKE primitive identify a specific Diffie-Hellman group, using the same mapping that is used for Diffie-Hellman keys. See the definition of psa_dh_family_t. Here family and bits refer to the values used to construct the PAKE primitive using PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE().

Input and output during the operation can involve group elements and scalar values:

  • The format for group elements is the same as that for public keys in the specific Diffie-Hellman group. For more information, consult the documentation of key formats in [PSA-CRYPT].

  • The format for scalars is the same as that for private keys in the specific Diffie-Hellman group. For more information, consult the documentation of key formats in [PSA-CRYPT].

psa_pake_family_t (typedef)

Encoding of the family of the primitive associated with the PAKE.

typedef uint8_t psa_pake_family_t;

For more information on the family values, see PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_ECC and PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_DH.


Construct a PAKE primitive from type, family and bit-size.

#define PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE(pake_type, pake_family, pake_bits) \
    /* specification-defined value */



The type of the primitive: a value of type psa_pake_primitive_type_t.


The family of the primitive. The type and interpretation of this parameter depends on pake_type. For more information, see PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_ECC and PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_DH.


The bit-size of the primitive: a value of type size_t. The interpretation of this parameter depends on pake_type and family. For more information, see PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_ECC and PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_DH.

Returns: psa_pake_primitive_t

The constructed primitive value. Return 0 if the requested primitive can’t be encoded as psa_pake_primitive_t.


A PAKE primitive value is used to specify a PAKE operation, as part of a PAKE cipher suite.


Extract the PAKE primitive type from a PAKE primitive.

#define PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_GET_TYPE(pake_primitive) \
    /* specification-defined value */



A PAKE primitive: a value of type psa_pake_primitive_t.

Returns: psa_pake_primitive_type_t

The PAKE primitive type, if pake_primitive is a supported PAKE primitive. Unspecified if pake_primitive is not a supported PAKE primitive.


Extract the family from a PAKE primitive.

#define PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_GET_FAMILY(pake_primitive) \
    /* specification-defined value */



A PAKE primitive: a value of type psa_pake_primitive_t.

Returns: psa_pake_family_t

The PAKE primitive family, if pake_primitive is a supported PAKE primitive. Unspecified if pake_primitive is not a supported PAKE primitive.


For more information on the family values, see PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_ECC and PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_DH.


Extract the bit-size from a PAKE primitive.

#define PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_GET_BITS(pake_primitive) \
    /* specification-defined value */



A PAKE primitive: a value of type psa_pake_primitive_t.

Returns: size_t

The PAKE primitive bit-size, if pake_primitive is a supported PAKE primitive. Unspecified if pake_primitive is not a supported PAKE primitive.


For more information on the bit-size values, see PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_ECC and PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_DH.

2.1.3. PAKE cipher suites

Most PAKE algorithms have parameters that must be specified by the application. These parameters include the following:

  • The cryptographic primitive used for key establishment, specified using a PAKE primitive.

  • A cryptographic hash algorithm.

  • Whether the application requires the shared secret before, or after, it is confirmed.

The hash algorithm is encoded into the PAKE algorithm identifier. The psa_pake_cipher_suite_t object is used to fully specify a PAKE operation, combining the PAKE protocol with all of the above parameters.

A PAKE cipher suite is required when setting up a PAKE operation in psa_pake_setup().

psa_pake_cipher_suite_t (typedef)

The type of an object describing a PAKE cipher suite.

typedef /* implementation-defined type */ psa_pake_cipher_suite_t;

This is the object that represents the cipher suite used for a PAKE algorithm. The PAKE cipher suite specifies the PAKE algorithm, and the options selected for that algorithm. The cipher suite includes the following attributes:

  • The PAKE algorithm itself.

  • The hash algorithm, encoded within the PAKE algorithm.

  • The PAKE primitive, which identifies the prime order group used for the key exchange operation. See PAKE primitives.

  • Whether to confirm the shared secret.

This is an implementation-defined type. Applications that make assumptions about the content of this object will result in implementation-specific behavior, and are non-portable.

Before calling any function on a PAKE cipher suite object, the application must initialize it by any of the following means:

Following initialization, the cipher-suite object contains the following values:




PSA_ALG_NONE — an invalid algorithm identifier.


0 — an invalid PAKE primitive.

key confirmation

PSA_PAKE_CONFIRMED_KEY — requesting that the secret key is confirmed before it can be returned.

Valid algorithm, primitive, and key confirmation values must be set when using a PAKE cipher suite.

Implementation note

Implementations are recommended to define the cipher-suite object as a simple data structure, with fields corresponding to the individual cipher suite attributes. In such an implementation, each function psa_pake_cs_set_xxx() sets a field and the corresponding function psa_pake_cs_get_xxx() retrieves the value of the field.

An implementation can report attribute values that are equivalent to the original one, but have a different encoding. For example, an implementation can use a more compact representation for attributes where many bit-patterns are invalid or not supported, and store all values that it does not support as a special marker value. In such an implementation, after setting an invalid value, the corresponding get function returns an invalid value which might not be the one that was originally stored.


This macro returns a suitable initializer for a PAKE cipher suite object of type psa_pake_cipher_suite_t.

#define PSA_PAKE_CIPHER_SUITE_INIT /* implementation-defined value */

psa_pake_cipher_suite_init (function)

Return an initial value for a PAKE cipher suite object.

psa_pake_cipher_suite_t psa_pake_cipher_suite_init(void);

Returns: psa_pake_cipher_suite_t

psa_pake_cs_get_algorithm (function)

Retrieve the PAKE algorithm from a PAKE cipher suite.

psa_algorithm_t psa_pake_cs_get_algorithm(const psa_pake_cipher_suite_t* cipher_suite);



The cipher suite object to query.

Returns: psa_algorithm_t

The PAKE algorithm stored in the cipher suite object.


Implementation note

This is a simple accessor function that is not required to validate its inputs. It can be efficiently implemented as a static inline function or a function-like macro.

psa_pake_cs_set_algorithm (function)

Declare the PAKE algorithm for the cipher suite.

void psa_pake_cs_set_algorithm(psa_pake_cipher_suite_t* cipher_suite,
                               psa_algorithm_t alg);



The cipher suite object to write to.


The PAKE algorithm to write: a value of type psa_algorithm_t such that PSA_ALG_IS_PAKE(alg) is true.

Returns: void


This function overwrites any PAKE algorithm previously set in cipher_suite.

Implementation note

This is a simple accessor function that is not required to validate its inputs. It can be efficiently implemented as a static inline function or a function-like macro.

psa_pake_cs_get_primitive (function)

Retrieve the primitive from a PAKE cipher suite.

psa_pake_primitive_t psa_pake_cs_get_primitive(const psa_pake_cipher_suite_t* cipher_suite);



The cipher suite object to query.

Returns: psa_pake_primitive_t

The primitive stored in the cipher suite object.


Implementation note

This is a simple accessor function that is not required to validate its inputs. It can be efficiently implemented as a static inline function or a function-like macro.

psa_pake_cs_set_primitive (function)

Declare the primitive for a PAKE cipher suite.

void psa_pake_cs_set_primitive(psa_pake_cipher_suite_t* cipher_suite,
                               psa_pake_primitive_t primitive);



The cipher suite object to write to.


The PAKE primitive to write: a value of type psa_pake_primitive_t. If this is 0, the primitive type in cipher_suite becomes unspecified.

Returns: void


This function overwrites any primitive previously set in cipher_suite.

Implementation note

This is a simple accessor function that is not required to validate its inputs. It can be efficiently implemented as a static inline function or a function-like macro.


A key confirmation value that indicates an confirmed key in a PAKE cipher suite.


This key confirmation value will result in the PAKE algorithm exchanging data to verify that the shared key is identical for both parties. This is the default key confirmation value in an initialized PAKE cipher suite object.

Some algorithms do not include confirmation of the shared key.


A key confirmation value that indicates an unconfirmed key in a PAKE cipher suite.


This key confirmation value will result in the PAKE algorithm terminating prior to confirming that the resulting shared key is identical for both parties.

Some algorithms do not support returning an unconfirmed shared key.


When the shared key is not confirmed as part of the PAKE operation, the application is responsible for mitigating risks that arise from the possible mismatch in the output keys.

psa_pake_cs_get_key_confirmation (function)

Retrieve the key confirmation from a PAKE cipher suite.

uint32_t psa_pake_cs_get_key_confirmation(const psa_pake_cipher_suite_t* cipher_suite);



The cipher suite object to query.

Returns: uint32_t

A key confirmation value: either PSA_PAKE_CONFIRMED_KEY or PSA_PAKE_UNCONFIRMED_KEY.


Implementation note

This is a simple accessor function that is not required to validate its inputs. It can be efficiently implemented as a static inline function or a function-like macro.

psa_pake_cs_set_key_confirmation (function)

Declare the key confirmation from a PAKE cipher suite.

void psa_pake_cs_set_key_confirmation(psa_pake_cipher_suite_t* cipher_suite,
                                      uint32_t key_confirmation);



The cipher suite object to write to.


The key confirmation value to write: either PSA_PAKE_CONFIRMED_KEY or PSA_PAKE_UNCONFIRMED_KEY.

Returns: void


This function overwrites any key confirmation previously set in cipher_suite.

The documentation of individual PAKE algorithms specifies which key confirmation values are valid for the algorithm.

Implementation note

This is a simple accessor function that is not required to validate its inputs. It can be efficiently implemented as a static inline function or a function-like macro.

2.1.4. PAKE roles

Some PAKE algorithms need to know which role each participant is taking in the algorithm. For example:

  • Augmented PAKE algorithms typically have a client and a server participant.

  • Some symmetric PAKE algorithms assign an order to the two participants.

psa_pake_role_t (typedef)

Encoding of the application role in a PAKE algorithm.

typedef uint8_t psa_pake_role_t;

This type is used to encode the application’s role in the algorithm being executed. For more information see the documentation of individual PAKE role constants.


A value to indicate no role in a PAKE algorithm.

#define PSA_PAKE_ROLE_NONE ((psa_pake_role_t)0x00)

This value can be used in a call to psa_pake_set_role() for symmetric PAKE algorithms which do not assign roles.


The first peer in a balanced PAKE.

#define PSA_PAKE_ROLE_FIRST ((psa_pake_role_t)0x01)

Although balanced PAKE algorithms are symmetric, some of them need the peers to be ordered for the transcript calculations. If the algorithm does not need a specific ordering, then either do not call psa_pake_set_role(), or use PSA_PAKE_ROLE_NONE as the role parameter.


The second peer in a balanced PAKE.

#define PSA_PAKE_ROLE_SECOND ((psa_pake_role_t)0x02)

Although balanced PAKE algorithms are symmetric, some of them need the peers to be ordered for the transcript calculations. If the algorithm does not need a specific ordering, then either do not call psa_pake_set_role(), or use PSA_PAKE_ROLE_NONE as the role parameter.


The client in an augmented PAKE.

#define PSA_PAKE_ROLE_CLIENT ((psa_pake_role_t)0x11)

Augmented PAKE algorithms need to differentiate between client and server.


The server in an augmented PAKE.

#define PSA_PAKE_ROLE_SERVER ((psa_pake_role_t)0x12)

Augmented PAKE algorithms need to differentiate between client and server.

2.1.5. PAKE step types

psa_pake_step_t (typedef)

Encoding of input and output steps for a PAKE algorithm.

typedef uint8_t psa_pake_step_t;

Some PAKE algorithms need to exchange more data than a single key share. This type encodes additional input and output steps for such algorithms.


The key share being sent to or received from the peer.

#define PSA_PAKE_STEP_KEY_SHARE ((psa_pake_step_t)0x01)

The format for both input and output using this step is the same as the format for public keys on the group specified by the PAKE operation’s primitive.

The public key formats are defined in the documentation for psa_export_public_key().

For information regarding how the group is determined, consult the documentation PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE().


A Schnorr NIZKP public key.

#define PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PUBLIC ((psa_pake_step_t)0x02)

This is the ephemeral public key in the Schnorr Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof, this is the value denoted by V in [RFC8235].

The format for both input and output at this step is the same as that for public keys on the group specified by the PAKE operation’s primitive.

For more information on the format, consult the documentation of psa_export_public_key().

For information regarding how the group is determined, consult the documentation PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE().


A Schnorr NIZKP proof.

#define PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PROOF ((psa_pake_step_t)0x03)

This is the proof in the Schnorr Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof, this is the value denoted by r in [RFC8235].

Both for input and output, the value at this step is an integer less than the order of the group specified by the PAKE operation’s primitive. The format depends on the group as well:

  • For Montgomery curves, the encoding is little endian.

  • For other Elliptic curves, and for Diffie-Hellman groups, the encoding is big endian. See [SEC1] §2.3.8.

In both cases leading zeroes are permitted as long as the length in bytes does not exceed the byte length of the group order.

For information regarding how the group is determined, consult the documentation PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE().


The key confirmation value.

#define PSA_PAKE_STEP_CONFIRM ((psa_pake_step_t)0x04)

This value is used during the key confirmation phase of a PAKE protocol. The format of the value depends on the algorithm and cipher suite:

  • For PSA_ALG_SPAKE2P, the format for both input and output at this step is the same as the output of the MAC algorithm specified in the cipher suite.

2.1.6. Multi-part PAKE operations

psa_pake_operation_t (typedef)

The type of the state object for PAKE operations.

typedef /* implementation-defined type */ psa_pake_operation_t;

Before calling any function on a PAKE operation object, the application must initialize it by any of the following means:

This is an implementation-defined type. Applications that make assumptions about the content of this object will result in implementation-specific behavior, and are non-portable.


This macro returns a suitable initializer for a PAKE operation object of type psa_pake_operation_t.

#define PSA_PAKE_OPERATION_INIT /* implementation-defined value */

psa_pake_operation_init (function)

Return an initial value for a PAKE operation object.

psa_pake_operation_t psa_pake_operation_init(void);

Returns: psa_pake_operation_t

psa_pake_setup (function)

Setup a password-authenticated key exchange.

psa_status_t psa_pake_setup(psa_pake_operation_t *operation,
                            psa_key_id_t password_key,
                            const psa_pake_cipher_suite_t *cipher_suite);



The operation object to set up. It must have been initialized as per the documentation for psa_pake_operation_t and not yet in use.


Identifier of the key holding the password or a value derived from the password. It must remain valid until the operation terminates.

The valid key types depend on the PAKE algorithm, and participant role. Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for more information, see PAKE algorithms.

The key must permit the usage PSA_KEY_USAGE_DERIVE.


The cipher suite to use. A PAKE cipher suite fully characterizes a PAKE algorithm, including the PAKE algorithm.

The cipher suite must be compatible with the key type of password_key.

Returns: psa_status_t


Success. The operation is now active.


The following conditions can result in this error:

  • The operation state is not valid: it must be inactive.

  • The library requires initializing by a call to psa_crypto_init().


password_key is not a valid key identifier.


psssword_key does not have the PSA_KEY_USAGE_DERIVE flag, or it does not permit the algorithm in cipher_suite.


The following conditions can result in this error:

  • The algorithm in cipher_suite is not a PAKE algorithm, or encodes an invalid hash algorithm.

  • The PAKE primitive in cipher_suite is not compatible with the PAKE algorithm.

  • The key confirmation value in cipher_suite is not compatible with the PAKE algorithm and primitive.

  • The key type or key size of password_key is not compatible with cipher_suite.


The following conditions can result in this error:

  • The algorithm in cipher_suite is not a supported PAKE algorithm, or encodes an unsupported hash algorithm.

  • The PAKE primitive in cipher_suite is not supported or not compatible with the PAKE algorithm.

  • The key confirmation value in cipher_suite is not supported, or not compatible, with the PAKE algorithm and primitive.

  • The key type or key size of password_key is not supported with cipher suite.







The sequence of operations to set up a password-authenticated key exchange operation is as follows:

  1. Allocate a PAKE operation object which will be passed to all the functions listed here.

  2. Initialize the operation object with one of the methods described in the documentation for psa_pake_operation_t. For example, using PSA_PAKE_OPERATION_INIT.

  3. Call psa_pake_setup() to specify the cipher suite.

  4. Call psa_pake_set_xxx() functions on the operation to complete the setup. The exact sequence of psa_pake_set_xxx() functions that needs to be called depends on the algorithm in use.

A typical sequence of calls to perform a password-authenticated key exchange:

  1. Call psa_pake_output(operation, PSA_PAKE_STEP_KEY_SHARE, ...) to get the key share that needs to be sent to the peer.

  2. Call psa_pake_input(operation, PSA_PAKE_STEP_KEY_SHARE, ...) to provide the key share that was received from the peer.

  3. Depending on the algorithm additional calls to psa_pake_output() and psa_pake_input() might be necessary.

  4. Call psa_pake_get_shared_key() to access the shared secret.

Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for details on the required set up and operation for each algorithm, and for constraints on the format and content of valid passwords. See PAKE algorithms.

After a successful call to psa_pake_setup(), the operation is active, and the application must eventually terminate the operation. The following events terminate an operation:

If psa_pake_setup() returns an error, the operation object is unchanged. If a subsequent function call with an active operation returns an error, the operation enters an error state.

To abandon an active operation, or reset an operation in an error state, call psa_pake_abort().

psa_pake_set_role (function)

Set the application role for a password-authenticated key exchange.

psa_status_t psa_pake_set_role(psa_pake_operation_t *operation,
                               psa_pake_role_t role);



Active PAKE operation.


A value of type psa_pake_role_t indicating the application role in the PAKE algorithm. See PAKE roles.

Returns: psa_status_t




The following conditions can result in this error:


The following conditions can result in this error:

  • role is not a valid PAKE role in the operation’s algorithm.

  • role is not compatible with the operation’s key type.


The following conditions can result in this error:

  • role is not a valid PAKE role, or is not supported for the operation’s algorithm.

  • role is not supported with the operation’s key type.




Not all PAKE algorithms need to differentiate the communicating participants. For PAKE algorithms that do not require a role to be specified, the application can do either of the following:

Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for more information. See PAKE algorithms.

psa_pake_set_user (function)

Set the user ID for a password-authenticated key exchange.

psa_status_t psa_pake_set_user(psa_pake_operation_t *operation,
                               const uint8_t *user_id,
                               size_t user_id_len);



Active PAKE operation.


The user ID to authenticate with.


Size of the user_id buffer in bytes.

Returns: psa_status_t




The following conditions can result in this error:


user_id is not valid for the operation’s algorithm and cipher suite.


The value of user_id is not supported by the implementation.





Call this function to set the user ID. For PAKE algorithms that associate a user identifier with both participants in the session, also call psa_pake_set_peer() with the peer ID. For PAKE algorithms that associate a single user identifier with the session, call psa_pake_set_user() only.

Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for more information. See PAKE algorithms.

psa_pake_set_peer (function)

Set the peer ID for a password-authenticated key exchange.

psa_status_t psa_pake_set_peer(psa_pake_operation_t *operation,
                               const uint8_t *peer_id,
                               size_t peer_id_len);



Active PAKE operation.


The peer’s ID to authenticate.


Size of the peer_id buffer in bytes.

Returns: psa_status_t




The following conditions can result in this error:


peer_id is not valid for the operation’s algorithm and cipher suite.


The value of peer_id is not supported by the implementation.






Call this function in addition to psa_pake_set_user() for PAKE algorithms that associate a user identifier with both participants in the session. For PAKE algorithms that associate a single user identifier with the session, call psa_pake_set_user() only.

Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for more information. See PAKE algorithms.

psa_pake_set_context (function)

Set the context data for a password-authenticated key exchange.

psa_status_t psa_pake_set_context(psa_pake_operation_t *operation,
                                  const uint8_t *context,
                                  size_t context_len);



Active PAKE operation.


The peer’s ID to authenticate.


Size of the context buffer in bytes.

Returns: psa_status_t




The following conditions can result in this error:


context is not valid for the operation’s algorithm and cipher suite.


The value of context is not supported by the implementation.






Call this function for PAKE algorithms that accept additional context data as part of the protocol setup.

Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for more information. See PAKE algorithms.

psa_pake_output (function)

Get output for a step of a password-authenticated key exchange.

psa_status_t psa_pake_output(psa_pake_operation_t *operation,
                             psa_pake_step_t step,
                             uint8_t *output,
                             size_t output_size,
                             size_t *output_length);



Active PAKE operation.


The step of the algorithm for which the output is requested.


Buffer where the output is to be written. The format of the output depends on the step, see PAKE step types.


Size of the output buffer in bytes. This must be appropriate for the cipher suite and output step:

  • A sufficient output size is PSA_PAKE_OUTPUT_SIZE(alg, primitive, step) where alg and primitive are the PAKE algorithm and primitive in the operation’s cipher suite, and step is the output step.

  • PSA_PAKE_OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE evaluates to the maximum output size of any supported PAKE algorithm, primitive and step.


On success, the number of bytes of the returned output.

Returns: psa_status_t


Success. The first (*output_length) bytes of output contain the output.


The following conditions can result in this error:

  • The operation state is not valid: it must be active and fully set up, and this call must conform to the algorithm’s requirements for ordering of input and output steps.

  • The library requires initializing by a call to psa_crypto_init().


The size of the output buffer is too small. PSA_PAKE_OUTPUT_SIZE() or PSA_PAKE_OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE can be used to determine a sufficient buffer size.


step is not compatible with the operation’s algorithm.


step is not supported with the operation’s algorithm.









Depending on the algorithm being executed, you might need to call this function several times or you might not need to call this at all.

The exact sequence of calls to perform a password-authenticated key exchange depends on the algorithm in use. Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for more information. See PAKE algorithms.

If this function returns an error status, the operation enters an error state and must be aborted by calling psa_pake_abort().

psa_pake_input (function)

Provide input for a step of a password-authenticated key exchange.

psa_status_t psa_pake_input(psa_pake_operation_t *operation,
                            psa_pake_step_t step,
                            const uint8_t *input,
                            size_t input_length);



Active PAKE operation.


The step for which the input is provided.


Buffer containing the input. The format of the input depends on the step, see PAKE step types.


Size of the input buffer in bytes.

Returns: psa_status_t




The following conditions can result in this error:

  • The operation state is not valid: it must be active and fully set up, and this call must conform to the algorithm’s requirements for ordering of input and output steps.

  • The library requires initializing by a call to psa_crypto_init().


The verification fails for a PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PROOF or PSA_PAKE_STEP_CONFIRM input step.


The following conditions can result in this error:

  • step is not compatible with the operation’s algorithm.

  • The input is not valid for the operation’s algorithm, cipher suite or step.


The following conditions can result in this error:

  • step is not supported with the operation’s algorithm.

  • The input is not supported for the operation’s algorithm, cipher suite or step.








Depending on the algorithm being executed, you might need to call this function several times or you might not need to call this at all.

The exact sequence of calls to perform a password-authenticated key exchange depends on the algorithm in use. Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for more information. See PAKE algorithms.

PSA_PAKE_INPUT_SIZE() or PSA_PAKE_INPUT_MAX_SIZE can be used to allocate buffers of sufficient size to transfer inputs that are received from the peer into the operation.

If this function returns an error status, the operation enters an error state and must be aborted by calling psa_pake_abort().

psa_pake_get_shared_key (function)

Extract the shared secret from the PAKE as a key.

psa_status_t psa_pake_get_shared_key(psa_pake_operation_t *operation,
                                     const psa_key_attributes_t * attributes,
                                     psa_key_id_t * key);



Active PAKE operation.


The attributes for the new key. This function uses the attributes as follows:

  • The key type is required. All PAKE algorithms can output a key of type PSA_KEY_TYPE_DERIVE or PSA_KEY_TYPE_HMAC. PAKE algorithms that produce a pseudo-random shared secret, can also output block-cipher key types, for example PSA_KEY_TYPE_AES. Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for more information. See PAKE algorithms.

  • The key size in attributes must be zero. The returned key size is always determined from the PAKE shared secret.

  • The key permitted-algorithm policy is required for keys that will be used for a cryptographic operation.

  • The key usage flags define what operations are permitted with the key.

  • The key lifetime and identifier are required for a persistent key.


This is an input parameter: it is not updated with the final key attributes. The final attributes of the new key can be queried by calling psa_get_key_attributes() with the key’s identifier.


On success, an identifier for the newly created key. PSA_KEY_ID_NULL on failure.

Returns: psa_status_t


Success. If the key is persistent, the key material and the key’s metadata have been saved to persistent storage.


The following conditions can result in this error:

  • The state of PAKE operation operation is not valid: it must be ready to return the shared secret.

    For an unconfirmed key, this will be when the key-exchange output and input steps are complete, but prior to any key-confirmation output and input steps.

    For a confirmed key, this will be when all key-exchange and key-confirmation output and input steps are complete.

  • The library requires initializing by a call to psa_crypto_init().


The implementation does not permit creating a key with the specified attributes due to some implementation-specific policy.


This is an attempt to create a persistent key, and there is already a persistent key with the given identifier.


The following conditions can result in this error:

  • The key type is not valid for output from this operation’s algorithm.

  • The key size is nonzero.

  • The key lifetime is invalid.

  • The key identifier is not valid for the key lifetime.

  • The key usage flags include invalid values.

  • The key’s permitted-usage algorithm is invalid.

  • The key attributes, as a whole, are invalid.


The key attributes, as a whole, are not supported for creation from a PAKE secret, either by the implementation in general or in the specified storage location.








This is the final call in a PAKE operation, which retrieves the shared secret as a key. It is recommended that this key is used as an input to a key derivation operation to produce additional cryptographic keys. For some PAKE algorithms, the shared secret is also suitable for use as a key in cryptographic operations such as encryption. Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for more information, see PAKE algorithms.

Depending on the key confirmation requested in the cipher suite, psa_pake_get_shared_key() must be called either before or after the key-confirmation output and input steps for the PAKE algorithm. The key confirmation affects the guarantees that can be made about the shared key:

Unconfirmed key

If the cipher suite used to set up the operation requested an unconfirmed key, the application must call psa_pake_get_shared_key() after the key-exchange output and input steps are completed. The PAKE algorithm provides a cryptographic guarantee that only a peer who used the same password, and identity inputs, is able to compute the same key. However, there is no guarantee that the peer is the participant it claims to be, and was able to compute the same key.

Since the peer is not authenticated, no action should be taken that assumes that the peer is who it claims to be. For example, do not access restricted resources on the peer’s behalf until an explicit authentication has succeeded.


Some PAKE algorithms do not enable the output of the shared secret until it has been confirmed.

Confirmed key

If the cipher suite used to set up the operation requested a confirmed key, the application must call psa_pake_get_shared_key() after the key-exchange and key-confirmation output and input steps are completed.

Following key confirmation, the PAKE algorithm provides a cryptographic guarantee that the peer used the same password and identity inputs, and has computed the identical shared secret key.

Since the peer is not authenticated, no action should be taken that assumes that the peer is who it claims to be. For example, do not access restricted resources on the peer’s behalf until an explicit authentication has succeeded.


Some PAKE algorithms do not include any key-confirmation steps.

The exact sequence of calls to perform a password-authenticated key exchange depends on the algorithm in use. Refer to the documentation of individual PAKE algorithms for more information. See PAKE algorithms.

When this function returns successfully, operation becomes inactive. If this function returns an error status, the operation enters an error state and must be aborted by calling psa_pake_abort().

psa_pake_abort (function)

Abort a PAKE operation.

psa_status_t psa_pake_abort(psa_pake_operation_t * operation);



Initialized PAKE operation.

Returns: psa_status_t


Success. The operation object can now be discarded or reused.


The library requires initializing by a call to psa_crypto_init().




Aborting an operation frees all associated resources except for the operation object itself. Once aborted, the operation object can be reused for another operation by calling psa_pake_setup() again.

This function can be called any time after the operation object has been initialized as described in psa_pake_operation_t.

In particular, calling psa_pake_abort() after the operation has been terminated by a call to psa_pake_abort() or psa_pake_get_shared_key() is safe and has no effect.

2.1.7. PAKE support macros


Sufficient output buffer size for psa_pake_output(), in bytes.

#define PSA_PAKE_OUTPUT_SIZE(alg, primitive, output_step) \
    /* implementation-defined value */



A PAKE algorithm: a value of type psa_algorithm_t such that PSA_ALG_IS_PAKE(alg) is true.


A primitive of type psa_pake_primitive_t that is compatible with algorithm alg.


A value of type psa_pake_step_t that is valid for the algorithm alg.


A sufficient output buffer size for the specified PAKE algorithm, primitive, and output step. An implementation can return either 0 or a correct size for a PAKE algorithm, primitive, and output step that it recognizes, but does not support. If the parameters are not valid, the return value is unspecified.


If the size of the output buffer is at least this large, it is guaranteed that psa_pake_output() will not fail due to an insufficient buffer size. The actual size of the output might be smaller in any given call.



Sufficient output buffer size for psa_pake_output() for any of the supported PAKE algorithms, primitives and output steps.

#define PSA_PAKE_OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE /* implementation-defined value */

If the size of the output buffer is at least this large, it is guaranteed that psa_pake_output() will not fail due to an insufficient buffer size.



Sufficient buffer size for inputs to psa_pake_input().

#define PSA_PAKE_INPUT_SIZE(alg, primitive, input_step) \
    /* implementation-defined value */



A PAKE algorithm: a value of type psa_algorithm_t such that PSA_ALG_IS_PAKE(alg) is true.


A primitive of type psa_pake_primitive_t that is compatible with algorithm alg.


A value of type psa_pake_step_t that is valid for the algorithm alg.


A sufficient buffer size for the specified PAKE algorithm, primitive, and input step. An implementation can return either 0 or a correct size for a PAKE algorithm, primitive, and output step that it recognizes, but does not support. If the parameters are not valid, the return value is unspecified.


The value returned by this macro is guaranteed to be large enough for any valid input to psa_pake_input() in an operation with the specified parameters.

This macro can be useful when transferring inputs from the peer into the PAKE operation.



Sufficient buffer size for inputs to psa_pake_input() for any of the supported PAKE algorithms, primitives and input steps.

#define PSA_PAKE_INPUT_MAX_SIZE /* implementation-defined value */

This macro can be useful when transferring inputs from the peer into the PAKE operation.


2.2. The J-PAKE protocol

J-PAKE is the password-authenticated key exchange by juggling protocol, defined by J-PAKE: Password-Authenticated Key Exchange by Juggling [RFC8236]. This protocol uses the Schnorr Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof (NIZKP), as defined by Schnorr Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof [RFC8235].

J-PAKE is a balanced PAKE, without key confirmation.

2.2.1. J-PAKE cipher suites

When setting up a PAKE cipher suite to use the J-PAKE protocol:

  • Use the PSA_ALG_JPAKE() algorithm, parameterized by the required hash algorithm.

  • Use a PAKE primitive for the required elliptic curve, or finite field group.

  • J-PAKE does not confirm the shared secret key that results from the key exchange.

For example, the following code creates a cipher suite to select J-PAKE using P-256 with the SHA-256 hash function:

psa_pake_cipher_suite_t cipher_suite = PSA_PAKE_CIPHER_SUITE_INIT;

psa_pake_cs_set_algorithm(&cipher_suite, PSA_ALG_JPAKE(PSA_ALG_SHA_256));
                                             PSA_ECC_FAMILY_SECP_R1, 256));
psa_pake_cs_set_key_confirmation(&cipher_suite, PSA_PAKE_UNCONFIRMED_KEY);

More information on selecting a specific Elliptic curve or Diffie-Hellman field is provided with the PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_ECC and PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_DH constants.

2.2.2. J-PAKE password processing

The PAKE operation for J-PAKE expects a key of type type PSA_KEY_TYPE_PASSWORD or PSA_KEY_TYPE_PASSWORD_HASH. The same key value must be provided to the PAKE operation in both participants.

The key can be the password text itself, in an agreed character encoding, or some value derived from the password, as required by a higher level protocol. For low-entropy passwords, it is recommended that a key-stretching derivation algorithm, such as PBKDF2, is used, and the resulting password hash is used as the key input to the PAKE operation.

2.2.3. J-PAKE operation

The J-PAKE operation follows the protocol shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2 The J-PAKE protocol

The variable names x1, g1, and so on, are taken from the finite field implementation of J-PAKE in [RFC8236] §2.

Details of the computation for the key shares and zero-knowledge proofs are in [RFC8236] and [RFC8235].


J-PAKE does not assign roles to the participants, so it is not necessary to call psa_pake_set_role().

J-PAKE requires both an application and a peer identity. If the peer identity provided to psa_pake_set_peer() does not match the data received from the peer, then the call to psa_pake_input() for the PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PROOF step will fail with PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE.

The following steps demonstrate the application code for ‘User’ in Figure 2. The code flow for the ‘Peer’ is the same as for ‘User’, as J-PAKE is a balanced PAKE.

  1. To prepare a J-PAKE operation, initialize and set up a psa_pake_operation_t object by calling the following functions:

    psa_pake_operation_t jpake = PSA_PAKE_OPERATION_INIT;
    psa_pake_setup(&jpake, pake_key, &cipher_suite);
    psa_pake_set_user(&jpake, ...);
    psa_pake_set_peer(&jpake, ...);

    See J-PAKE cipher suites and J-PAKE password processing for details on the requirements for the cipher suite and key.

    The key material is used as an array of bytes, which is converted to an integer as described in SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography [SEC1] §2.3.8, before reducing it modulo q. Here, q is the order of the group defined by the cipher-suite primitive. psa_pake_setup() will return an error if the result of the conversion and reduction is 0.

Key exchange

After setup, the key exchange flow for J-PAKE is as follows:

  1. Round one.

    The application can either extract the round one output values first, and then provide the round one inputs that are received from the Peer; or provide the peer inputs first, and then extract the outputs.

  2. Round two.

    The application can either extract the round two output values first, and then provide the round two inputs that are received from the Peer; or provide the peer inputs first, and then extract the outputs.

  3. To use the shared secret, extract it as a key-derivation key. For example, to extract a derivation key for HKDF-SHA-256:

    // Set up the key attributes
    psa_key_attributes_t att = PSA_KEY_ATTRIBUTES_INIT;
    psa_set_key_type(&att, PSA_KEY_TYPE_DERIVE);
    psa_set_key_usage_flags(&att, PSA_KEY_USAGE_DERIVE);
    psa_set_key_algorithm(&att, PSA_ALG_HKDF(PSA_ALG_SHA_256));
    // Get Ka=Kb=K
    psa_key_id_t shared_key;
    psa_pake_get_shared_key(&jpake, &att, &shared_key);

For more information about the format of the values which are passed for each step, see PAKE step types.

If the verification of a Zero-knowledge proof provided by the peer fails, then the corresponding call to psa_pake_input() for the PSA_PAKE_STEP_ZK_PROOF step will return PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE.

The shared secret that is produced by J-PAKE is not suitable for use as an encryption key. It must be used as an input to a key derivation operation to produce additional cryptographic keys.


At the end of this sequence there is a cryptographic guarantee that only a peer that used the same password is able to compute the same key. But there is no guarantee that the peer is the participant it claims to be, or that the peer used the same password during the exchange.

At this point, authentication is implicit — material encrypted or authenticated using the computed key can only be decrypted or verified by someone with the same key. The peer is not authenticated at this point, and no action should be taken by the application which assumes that the peer is authenticated, for example, by accessing restricted resources.

To make the authentication explicit, there are various methods to confirm that both parties have the same key. See [RFC8236] §5 for two examples.

2.2.4. J-PAKE algorithms


Macro to build the Password-authenticated key exchange by juggling (J-PAKE) algorithm.

#define PSA_ALG_JPAKE(hash_alg) /* specification-defined value */



A hash algorithm: a value of type psa_algorithm_t such that PSA_ALG_IS_HASH(hash_alg) is true.


A J-PAKE algorithm, parameterized by a specific hash.

Unspecified if hash_alg is not a supported hash algorithm.


This is J-PAKE as defined by [RFC8236], instantiated with the following parameters:

  • The primitive group can be either an elliptic curve or defined over a finite field.

  • The Schnorr NIZKP, using the same group as the J-PAKE algorithm.

  • The cryptographic hash function, hash_alg.

J-PAKE does not confirm the shared secret key that results from the key exchange.

The shared secret that is produced by J-PAKE is not suitable for use as an encryption key. It must be used as an input to a key derivation operation to produce additional cryptographic keys.

See The J-PAKE protocol for the J-PAKE protocol flow and how to implement it with the Crypto API.

Compatible key types



Whether the specified algorithm is a J-PAKE algorithm.

#define PSA_ALG_IS_JPAKE(alg) /* specification-defined value */



An algorithm identifier: a value of type psa_algorithm_t.


1 if alg is a J-PAKE algorithm, 0 otherwise. This macro can return either 0 or 1 if alg is not a supported PAKE algorithm identifier.


J-PAKE algorithms are constructed using PSA_ALG_JPAKE(hash_alg).

2.3. The SPAKE2+ protocol

SPAKE2+ is the augmented password-authenticated key exchange protocol, defined by SPAKE2+, an Augmented Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) Protocol [RFC9383]. SPAKE2+ includes confirmation of the shared secret key that results from the key exchange.

SPAKE2+ is required by Matter Specification, Version 1.2 [MATTER], as MATTER_PAKE. [MATTER] uses an earlier draft of the SPAKE2+ protocol, SPAKE2+, an Augmented PAKE (Draft 02) [SPAKE2P-2].

Although the operation of the PAKE is similar for both of these variants, they have different key schedules for the derivation of the shared secret.

2.3.1. SPAKE2+ cipher suites

SPAKE2+ is instantiated with the following parameters:

  • An elliptic curve group.

  • A cryptographic hash function.

  • A key derivation function.

  • A keyed MAC function.

Valid combinations of these parameters are defined in the table of cipher suites in [RFC9383] §4.

When setting up a PAKE cipher suite to use the SPAKE2+ protocol defined in [RFC9383]:

  • For cipher-suites that use HMAC for key confirmation, use the PSA_ALG_SPAKE2P_HMAC() algorithm, parameterized by the required hash algorithm.

  • For cipher-suites that use CMAC-AES-128 for key confirmation, use the PSA_ALG_SPAKE2P_CMAC() algorithm, parameterized by the required hash algorithm.

  • Use a PAKE primitive for the required elliptic curve.

For example, the following code creates a cipher suite to select SPAKE2+ using edwards25519 with the SHA-256 hash function:

psa_pake_cipher_suite_t cipher_suite = PSA_PAKE_CIPHER_SUITE_INIT;

psa_pake_cs_set_algorithm(&cipher_suite, PSA_ALG_SPAKE2P_HMAC(PSA_ALG_SHA_256));
                                             PSA_ECC_FAMILY_TWISTED_EDWARDS, 255));

When setting up a PAKE cipher suite to use the SPAKE2+ protocol used by [MATTER]:

The following code creates a cipher suite to select the [MATTER] variant of SPAKE2+:

psa_pake_cipher_suite_t cipher_suite = PSA_PAKE_CIPHER_SUITE_INIT;

psa_pake_cs_set_algorithm(&cipher_suite, PSA_ALG_SPAKE2P_MATTER);
                                             PSA_ECC_FAMILY_SECP_R1, 256));

2.3.2. SPAKE2+ registration

The SPAKE2+ protocol has distinct roles for the two participants:

  • The Prover takes the role of client. It uses the protocol to prove that it knows the secret password, and produce a shared secret.

  • The Verifier takes the role of server. It uses the protocol to verify the client’s proof, and produce a shared secret.

The registration phase of SPAKE2+ provides the initial password processing, described in [RFC9383] §3.2. The result of registration is two pairs of values — (w0,w1) and (w0,L) — that need to be provided during the authentication phase to the Prover and Verifier, respectively. The design of SPAKE2+ ensures that knowledge of (w0,L) does not enable an attacker to determine the password, or to compute w1.

In the Crypto API, the registration output values are managed as an asymmetric key-pair:

The SPAKE2+ key types are parameterized by the same elliptic curve as the SPAKE2+ cipher suite.

The key pair is derived from the initial SPAKE2+ password prior to starting the PAKE operation. It is recommended to use a key-stretching derivation algorithm, for example PBKDF2. This process can take place immediately before the PAKE operation, or derived at some earlier point and stored by the participant. Alternatively, the Verifier can be provisioned with the PSA_KEY_TYPE_SPAKE2P_PUBLIC_KEY() for the protocol, by the Prover, or some other agent. Figure 3 illustrates some example SPAKE2+ key derivation flows.

The resulting SPAKE2+ key-pair must be protected at least as well as the password. The public key, exported from the key pair, does not need to be kept confidential. It is recommended that the Verifier stores only the public key, because disclosure of the public key does not enable an attacker to impersonate the Prover.


Figure 3 Examples of SPAKE2+ key derivation procedures

The variable names w0, w1, and L are taken from the description of SPAKE2+ in [RFC9383].

Details of the computation for the key derivation values are in [RFC9383] §3.2.

The following steps demonstrate the derivation of a SPAKE2+ key pair using PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256, for use with a SPAKE2+ cipher suite, cipher_suite. See SPAKE2+ cipher suites for an example of how to construct the cipher suite object.

  1. Allocate and initialize a key derivation object:

    psa_key_derivation_operation_t pbkdf = PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_OPERATION_INIT;
  2. Setup the key derivation from the SPAKE2+ password, password_key, and parameters pbkdf2_params:

    psa_key_derivation_setup(&pbkdf, PSA_ALG_PBKDF2_HMAC(PSA_ALG_SHA_256));
    psa_key_derivation_input_key(&pbkdf, PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_PASSWORD, password_key);
    psa_key_derivation_input_integer(&pbkdf, PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_COST, pbkdf2_params.cost);
    psa_key_derivation_input_bytes(&pbkdf, PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_SALT,
                                           &pbkdf2_params.salt, pbkdf2_params.salt_len);
  3. Allocate and initialize a key attributes object:

    psa_key_attributes_t att = PSA_KEY_ATTRIBUTES_INIT;
  4. Set the key type, size, and policy from the cipher_suite object:

    const psa_pake_primitive_t primitive = psa_pake_cs_get_primitive(&cipher_suite);
    psa_set_key_bits(&att, PSA_PAKE_PRIMITIVE_GET_BITS(primitive));
    psa_set_key_usage_flags(&att, PSA_KEY_USAGE_DERIVE);
    psa_set_key_algorithm(&att, psa_pake_cs_get_algorithm(&cipher_suite));
  5. Derive the key:

    psa_key_id_t spake2p_key;
    psa_key_derivation_output_key(&att, &pbkdf, &spake2p_key);

See SPAKE2+ keys for details of the key types, key pair derivation, and public key format.

2.3.3. SPAKE2+ operation

The SPAKE2+ operation follows the protocol shown in Figure 4.


Figure 4 The SPAKE2+ authentication and key confirmation protocol

The variable names w0, w1, L, and so on, are taken from the description of SPAKE2+ in [RFC9383].

Details of the computation for the key shares is in [RFC9383] §3.3 and confirmation values in [RFC9383] §3.4.


In SPAKE2+, the Prover uses the PSA_PAKE_ROLE_CLIENT role, and the Verifier uses the PSA_PAKE_ROLE_SERVER role.

The key passed to the Prover must be a SPAKE2+ key-pair, which is derived as recommended in SPAKE2+ registration. The key passed to the Verifier can either be a SPAKE2+ key-pair, or a SPAKE2+ public key. A SPAKE2+ public key is imported from data that is output by calling psa_export_public_key() on a SPAKE2+ key-pair.

Both participants in SPAKE2+ have an optional identity. If no identity value is provided, then a zero-length string is used for that identity in the protocol. If the participants do not supply the same identity values to the protocol, the computed secrets will be different, and key confirmation will fail.

The following steps demonstrate the application code for both Prover and Verifier in Figure 4.


To prepare a SPAKE2+ operation for the Prover, initialize and set up a psa_pake_operation_t object by calling the following functions:

psa_pake_operation_t spake2p_p = PSA_PAKE_OPERATION_INIT;

psa_pake_setup(&spake2p_p, pake_key_p, &cipher_suite);
psa_pake_set_role(&spake2p_p, PSA_PAKE_ROLE_CLIENT);

The key pake_key_p is a SPAKE2+ key pair, PSA_KEY_TYPE_SPAKE2P_KEY_PAIR(). See SPAKE2+ cipher suites for details on constructing a suitable cipher suite.


Provide any additional, optional, parameters:

psa_pake_set_user(&spake2p_p, ...);       // Prover identity
psa_pake_set_peer(&spake2p_p, ...);       // Verifier identity
psa_pake_set_context(&spake2p_p, ...);

To prepare a SPAKE2+ operation for the Verifier, initialize and set up a psa_pake_operation_t object by calling the following functions:

psa_pake_operation_t spake2p_v = PSA_PAKE_OPERATION_INIT;

psa_pake_setup(&spake2p_v, pake_key_v, &cipher_suite);
psa_pake_set_role(&spake2p_v, PSA_PAKE_ROLE_SERVER);

The key pake_key_v is a SPAKE2+ key pair, PSA_KEY_TYPE_SPAKE2P_KEY_PAIR(), or public key, PSA_KEY_TYPE_SPAKE2P_PUBLIC_KEY(). See SPAKE2+ cipher suites for details on constructing a suitable cipher suite.


Provide any additional, optional, parameters:

psa_pake_set_user(&spake2p_v, ...);       // Verifier identity
psa_pake_set_peer(&spake2p_v, ...);       // Prover identity
psa_pake_set_context(&spake2p_v, ...);

Key exchange

After setup, the key exchange and confirmation flow for SPAKE2+ is as follows.


The sequence of calls for the Prover, and the sequence for the Verifier, must be in exactly this order.


To get the key share to send to the Verifier, call:

// Get shareP
psa_pake_output(&spake2p_p, PSA_PAKE_STEP_KEY_SHARE, ...);

To provide and validate the key share received from the Prover, call:

// Set shareP
psa_pake_input(&spake2p_v, PSA_PAKE_STEP_KEY_SHARE, ...);

To get the Verifier key share and confirmation value to send to the Prover, call:

// Get shareV
psa_pake_output(&spake2p_v, PSA_PAKE_STEP_KEY_SHARE, ...);
// Get confirmV
psa_pake_output(&spake2p_v, PSA_PAKE_STEP_CONFIRM, ...);

To provide and validate the key share and verify the confirmation value received from the Verifier, call:

// Set shareV
psa_pake_input(&spake2p_p, PSA_PAKE_STEP_KEY_SHARE, ...);
// Set confirmV
psa_pake_input(&spake2p_p, PSA_PAKE_STEP_KEY_CONFIRM, ...);

To get the Prover key confirmation value to send to the Verifier, call:

// Get confirmP
psa_pake_output(&spake2p_p, PSA_PAKE_STEP_CONFIRM, ...);

To verify the confirmation value received from the Prover, call:

// Set confirmP
psa_pake_input(&spake2p_v, PSA_PAKE_STEP_CONFIRM, ...);

To use the shared secret, extract it as a key-derivation key. For example, to extract a derivation key for HKDF-SHA-256:

// Set up the key attributes
psa_key_attributes_t att = PSA_KEY_ATTRIBUTES_INIT;
psa_set_key_type(&att, PSA_KEY_TYPE_DERIVE);
psa_set_key_usage_flags(&att, PSA_KEY_USAGE_DERIVE);
psa_set_key_algorithm(&att, PSA_ALG_HKDF(PSA_ALG_SHA_256));

// Get K_shared
psa_key_id_t shared_key;
psa_pake_get_shared_key(&spake2p_p, &att, &shared_key);

To use the shared secret, extract it as a key-derivation key. The same key attributes can be used as the Prover:

// Get K_shared
psa_key_id_t shared_key;
psa_pake_get_shared_key(&spake2p_v, &att, &shared_key);

The shared secret that is produced by SPAKE2+ is pseudorandom. Although it can be used directly as an encryption key, it is recommended to use the shared secret as an input to a key derivation operation to produce additional cryptographic keys.

For more information about the format of the values which are passed for each step, see PAKE step types.

If the validation of a key share fails, then the corresponding call to psa_pake_input() for the PSA_PAKE_STEP_KEY_SHARE step will return PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT. If the verification of a key confirmation value fails, then the corresponding call to psa_pake_input() for the PSA_PAKE_STEP_CONFIRM step will return PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE.

2.3.4. SPAKE2+ keys


SPAKE2+ key pair: both the prover and verifier key.

#define PSA_KEY_TYPE_SPAKE2P_KEY_PAIR(curve) /* specification-defined value */



A value of type psa_ecc_family_t that identifies the Elliptic curve family to be used.


The bit size of a SPAKE2+ key is the size associated with the Elliptic curve group, that is, log2(q) for a curve over a field Fq. See the documentation of each Elliptic curve family for details.

To construct a SPAKE2+ key pair, it must either be output from a key derivation operation, or imported.

The corresponding public key can be exported using psa_export_public_key(). See also PSA_KEY_TYPE_SPAKE2P_PUBLIC_KEY().

Key derivation

A SPAKE2+ key pair can be output from a key derivation using psa_key_derivation_output_key(). The SPAKE2+ protocol recommends that a key-stretching key-derivation function, such as PBKDF2, is used to hash the SPAKE2+ password. See [RFC9383] for details.

The key derivation process in psa_key_derivation_output_key() follows the recommendations for the registration process in [RFC9383], and matches the specification of this process in [MATTER].

For the Crypto API:

  • The derivation of SPAKE2+ keys extracts log2(p)/8+8 bytes from the PBKDF for each of w0s and w1s, where p is the prime factor of the order of the elliptic curve group. The following sizes are used for extracting w0s and w1s, depending on the elliptic curve:

    Elliptic curve

    Size of w0s and w1s, in bytes











  • The calculation of w0, w1, and L then proceeds as described in the RFC.

    Implementation note

    The values of w0 and w1 are required as part of the SPAKE2+ key pair.

    It is implementation defined whether L is computed during key derivation, and stored as part of the key pair; or only computed when required from the key pair.

Key-pair format

A SPAKE2+ key pair can be exported and imported.


To create a new SPAKE2+ key pair, use psa_key_derivation_output_key() as described in SPAKE2+ registration. This follows the recommended process described in [RFC9383].

Do not call psa_import_key() with data extracted from a key derivation operation using psa_key_derivation_output_bytes(). If the data is not considered invalid by psa_import_key(), this will result in a different, insecure key pair.

The key consists of the two values w0 and w1, which result from the SPAKE2+ registration phase. w0 and w1 are scalars in the same range as an Elliptic curve private key from the group used as the SPAKE2+ primitive group.

For the Crypto API, the default format for a SPAKE2+ key pair is the concatenation of the formatted values for w0 and w1, using the standard formats for Elliptic curve keys used by the Crypto API. For example, for SPAKE2+ over P-256 (secp256r1), the output from psa_export_key() would be the concatenation of:

  • The P-256 private key w0. This is a 32-byte big-endian encoding of the integer w0.

  • The P-256 private key w1. This is a 32-byte big-endian encoding of the integer w1.

Compatible algorithms


SPAKE2+ public key: the verifier key.

    /* specification-defined value */



A value of type psa_ecc_family_t that identifies the Elliptic curve family to be used.


The size of an SPAKE2+ public key is the same as the corresponding private key. See PSA_KEY_TYPE_SPAKE2P_KEY_PAIR() and the documentation of each Elliptic curve family for details.

To construct a SPAKE2+ public key, it must be imported.

Public key format

A SPAKE2+ public key can be exported and imported, to enable use cases that require offline registration.

The public key consists of the two values w0 and L, which result from the SPAKE2+ registration phase. w0 is a scalar in the same range as a Elliptic curve private key from the group used as the SPAKE2+ primitive group. L is a point on the curve, similar to a public key from the same group, corresponding to the w1 value in the key pair.

For the Crypto API, the default format for a SPAKE2+ public key is the concatenation of the formatted values for w0 and L, using the standard formats for Elliptic curve keys used by the Crypto API. For example, for SPAKE2+ over P-256 (secp256r1), the output from psa_export_public_key() would be the concatenation of:

  • The P-256 private key w0. This is a 32-byte big-endian encoding of the integer w0.

  • The P-256 public key L. This is a 65-byte concatenation of:

    • The byte 0x04.

    • The 32-byte big-endian encoding of the x-coordinate of L.

    • The 32-byte big-endian encoding of the y-coordinate of L.

Compatible algorithms

PSA_ALG_SPAKE2P_HMAC (verification only)
PSA_ALG_SPAKE2P_CMAC (verification only)
PSA_ALG_SPAKE2P_MATTER (verification only)


Whether a key type is a SPAKE2+ key, either a key pair or a public key.

#define PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_SPAKE2P(type) /* specification-defined value */



A key type: a value of type psa_key_type_t.


Whether a key type is a SPAKE2+ key pair.

    /* specification-defined value */



A key type: a value of type psa_key_type_t.


Whether a key type is a SPAKE2+ public key.

    /* specification-defined value */



A key type: a value of type psa_key_type_t.


Extract the curve family from a SPAKE2+ key type.

#define PSA_KEY_TYPE_SPAKE2P_GET_FAMILY(type) /* specification-defined value */



A SPAKE2+ key type: a value of type psa_key_type_t such that PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_SPAKE2P(type) is true.

Returns: psa_ecc_family_t

The elliptic curve family id, if type is a supported SPAKE2+ key. Unspecified if type is not a supported SPAKE2+ key.

2.3.5. SPAKE2+ algorithms


Macro to build the SPAKE2+ algorithm, using HMAC-based key confirmation.

#define PSA_ALG_SPAKE2P_HMAC(hash_alg) /* specification-defined value */



A hash algorithm: a value of type psa_algorithm_t such that PSA_ALG_IS_HASH(hash_alg) is true.


A SPAKE2+ algorithm, using HMAC for key confirmation, parameterized by a specific hash.

Unspecified if hash_alg is not a supported hash algorithm.


This is SPAKE2+, as defined by SPAKE2+, an Augmented Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) Protocol [RFC9383], for cipher suites that use HMAC for key confirmation. SPAKE2+ cipher suites are specified in [RFC9383] §4. The cipher suite’s hash algorithm is used as input to PSA_ALG_SPAKE2P_HMAC().

The shared secret that is produced by SPAKE2+ is pseudorandom. Although it can be used directly as an encryption key, it is recommended to use the shared secret as an input to a key derivation operation to produce additional cryptographic keys.

See The SPAKE2+ protocol for the SPAKE2+ protocol flow and how to implement it with the Crypto API.

Compatible key types


Macro to build the SPAKE2+ algorithm, using CMAC-based key confirmation.

#define PSA_ALG_SPAKE2P_CMAC(hash_alg) /* specification-defined value */



A hash algorithm: a value of type psa_algorithm_t such that PSA_ALG_IS_HASH(hash_alg) is true.


A SPAKE2+ algorithm, using CMAC for key confirmation, parameterized by a specific hash.

Unspecified if hash_alg is not a supported hash algorithm.


This is SPAKE2+, as defined by SPAKE2+, an Augmented Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) Protocol [RFC9383], for cipher suites that use CMAC-AES-128 for key confirmation. SPAKE2+ cipher suites are specified in [RFC9383] §4. The cipher suite’s hash algorithm is used as input to PSA_ALG_SPAKE2P_CMAC().

The shared secret that is produced by SPAKE2+ is pseudorandom. Although it can be used directly as an encryption key, it is recommended to use the shared secret as an input to a key derivation operation to produce additional cryptographic keys.

See The SPAKE2+ protocol for the SPAKE2+ protocol flow and how to implement it with the Crypto API.

Compatible key types


The SPAKE2+ algorithm, as used by the Matter v1 specification.

#define PSA_ALG_SPAKE2P_MATTER ((psa_algoirithm_t)0x0A000609)

This is the PAKE algorithm specified as MATTER_PAKE in Matter Specification, Version 1.2 [MATTER]. This is based on draft-02 of the SPAKE2+ protocol, SPAKE2+, an Augmented PAKE (Draft 02) [SPAKE2P-2]. [MATTER] specifies a single SPAKE2+ cipher suite, P256-SHA256-HKDF-HMAC-SHA256.

The shared secret that is produced by this operation must be processed as directed by the [MATTER] specification.

This algorithm uses the same SPAKE2+ key types, key derivation, protocol flow, and the API usage described in The SPAKE2+ protocol. However, the following aspects are different:

  • The key schedule is different. This affects the computation of the shared secret and key confirmation values.

  • The protocol inputs and outputs have been renamed between draft-02 and the final RFC, as follows:

    RFC 9383












Compatible key types


Whether the specified algorithm is a SPAKE2+ algorithm.

#define PSA_ALG_IS_SPAKE2P(alg) /* specification-defined value */



An algorithm identifier: a value of type psa_algorithm_t.


1 if alg is a SPAKE2+ algorithm, 0 otherwise. This macro can return either 0 or 1 if alg is not a supported PAKE algorithm identifier.


SPAKE2+ algorithms are constructed using PSA_ALG_SPAKE2P_HMAC(hash_alg), PSA_ALG_SPAKE2P_CMAC(hash_alg), or PSA_ALG_SPAKE2P_MATTER.


Whether the specified algorithm is a SPAKE2+ algorithm that uses a HMAC-based key confirmation.

#define PSA_ALG_IS_SPAKE2P_HMAC(alg) /* specification-defined value */



An algorithm identifier: a value of type psa_algorithm_t.


1 if alg is a SPAKE2+ algorithm that uses a HMAC-based key confirmation, 0 otherwise. This macro can return either 0 or 1 if alg is not a supported PAKE algorithm identifier.


SPAKE2+ algorithms, using HMAC-based key confirmation, are constructed using PSA_ALG_SPAKE2P_HMAC(hash_alg).


Whether the specified algorithm is a SPAKE2+ algorithm that uses a CMAC-based key confirmation.

#define PSA_ALG_IS_SPAKE2P_CMAC(alg) /* specification-defined value */



An algorithm identifier: a value of type psa_algorithm_t.


1 if alg is a SPAKE2+ algorithm that uses a CMAC-based key confirmation, 0 otherwise. This macro can return either 0 or 1 if alg is not a supported PAKE algorithm identifier.


SPAKE2+ algorithms, using CMAC-based key confirmation, are constructed using PSA_ALG_SPAKE2P_CMAC(hash_alg).