Future changes

We appreciate feedback from the technical community on this document. Feedback can be sent by e-mail to the following address arm.psa-feedback@arm.com.

There are a number of anticipated changes that may affect future versions of this document. Feedback or preference on the open issues below would be appreciated.

Rename psa_fwu_abort

The function psa_fwu_abort aborts any ongoing installation for the specified staging area and erases it. This may not be descriptive enough to applications that expect erase functions.

It may be more intuitive to either:

Init function

The current version of the API assumes that RAM has been allocated to the implementation. This may not be ideal in a simple library implementation, particularly if there is no SPE and the caller expects to manage all RAM usage.

There are at least a couple of potential options:

  • psa_fwu_init(void) could be introduced to initialize the library, where applications must call before using any other function.

  • psa_fwu_init(psa_fwu_ctx_t * context) could be introduced to initialize the library, where applications must call before using any other function. This option allows the caller to specify where the library’s working RAM is allocated. The structure is an opauque one, allowing for different implementations. This option is the most intrusive change because the context variable would need to be added to the parameters of all the other API functions.