2. Status codes

2.1. Overview

The PSA Certified APIs are often implemented together in a larger framework. For example, the Trusted Firmware-M [TF-M] project implements all of the PSA functional APIs as Root of Trust Services within the Secure Processing Environment that it provides. Using a common definition for status and error codes enables easier integration and inter-operation of these APIs.

The PSA Certified APIs use the convention that status codes that are negative indicate an error, and zero or positive values indicate success. These are identified in the API by the psa_status_t type.

Status codes -129 to -248 are for use by PSA Certified API specifications. These codes are defined in the current PSA specifications, or are reserved for future PSA specifications. Status codes in this range are used in the following ways:

  • A set of standard error codes that cover failure conditions that are common to more than one PSA Certified API.

  • Error codes that are specific to an individual PSA Certified API.

Status codes in this range must only be used as defined in a PSA specification.

In the context of an implementation of Arm® Platform Security Architecture Firmware Framework [PSA-FFM]:

  • The Secure Partition Manager (SPM) implementation can define error codes in the range -249 to -256 for IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED purposes.

  • A Root of Trust Service (RoT Service) can define additional error codes in the ranges -1 to -128 and -257 to MIN_INT32 for RoT Service-specific error conditions.

Table 4 defines the common error codes and reserved ranges for the PSA Certified APIs. See the error code macros and function definitions in API Reference for details on their usage.

Table 4 Standard error codes

Status code name




>= 1

API-specific status code.



General success status code.

API-specific error

-1 to -128

API-specific error code.



Connection dropped due to PROGRAMMER ERROR.



Connection to the service is not permitted.



Connection to the service is not possible.



An error not related to a specific failure cause.



The operation is denied by a policy.



The operation or a parameter is not supported.



One or more parameters are invalid.



A handle parameter is not valid.



The operation is not valid in the current state.



An output buffer parameter is too small.



An identifier or index is already in use.



An identified resource does not exist.



There is not enough runtime memory.



There is not enough persistent storage.



A data source has insufficient capacity left.



Failure within the service.



Communication failure with another component.



Storage failure that may have led to data loss.



General hardware failure.



Reserved for PSA Certified APIs.



A signature, MAC or hash is incorrect.



Reserved for PSA Certified APIs.



Internal data has been tampered with.



Stored data has been corrupted.



Data read from storage is not valid.


-154 to -247

Reserved for PSA Certified APIs.



The requested operation is not finished.

SPM Implementation error

-249 to -256

Reserved for the SPM implementation.

API-specific error

<= -257

API-specific error code.

2.2. API Reference

These are common status and error codes for all PSA Certified APIs, and for SPM and RoT Service APIs. See Overview for a summary of the status codes.

The API elements described in the following sections §2.2.1 to §2.2.4, must be defined in a header file psa/error.h. See Reference header file for a reference version of this header file.

It is permitted for these API elements to also be defined in header files that are part of an implementation of another PSA Certified API, for example, in psa/crypto.h.

Implementation note

In an implementation of any PSA Certified API, it essential that the status code macros are defined precisely as shown in the API specifications and reference header files. In particular, there is no white-space in the definition.

The C language only permits a macro definition to be repeated within a compilation, if every definition is identical, including the white-space separation.

2.2.1. Status type

psa_status_t (typedef)

A status code type used for all PSA Certified APIs.

/* Prevent multiple definitions of psa_status_t, if PSA_SUCCESS is already
   defined in an external header
typedef int32_t psa_status_t;

A zero or positive value indicates success, the interpretation of the value depends on the specific operation.

A negative integer value indicates an error.

Implementation note

This definition is permitted to be present in multiple header files that are included in a single compilation.

To prevent a compilation error from duplicate definitions of psa_status_t, the definition of psa_status_t must be guarded, by testing for an exiting definition of PSA_SUCCESS, in any header file that defines psa_status_t.

The definition of psa_status_t above shows the recommended form of the guard.

2.2.2. Success code


A status code to indicate general success.

#define PSA_SUCCESS ((psa_status_t)0)

This is a general return value to indicate success of the operation.

2.2.3. Error codes


A status code that indicates a PROGRAMMER ERROR in the client.

#define PSA_ERROR_PROGRAMMER_ERROR ((psa_status_t)-129)

This error indicates that the function has detected an abnormal call, which typically indicates a programming error in the caller, or an abuse of the API.

This error has a specific meaning in an implementation of Arm® Platform Security Architecture Firmware Framework [PSA-FFM].


A status code that indicates that the caller is not permitted to connect to a Service.

#define PSA_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED ((psa_status_t)-130)

This message has a specific meaning in an implementation of Arm® Platform Security Architecture Firmware Framework [PSA-FFM].


A status code that indicates that the caller cannot connect to a service.

#define PSA_ERROR_CONNECTION_BUSY ((psa_status_t)-131)

This message has a specific meaning in an implementation of Arm® Platform Security Architecture Firmware Framework [PSA-FFM].


A status code that indicates an error that does not correspond to any defined failure cause.

#define PSA_ERROR_GENERIC_ERROR ((psa_status_t)-132)

Functions can return this error code if none of the other standard error codes are applicable.


For new APIs, it is recommended that additional error codes are defined by the API for important error conditions which do not correspond to an existing status code.


A status code that indicates that the requested action is denied by a policy.

#define PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED ((psa_status_t)-133)

It is recommended that a function returns this error code when the parameters are recognized as valid and supported, and a policy explicitly denies the requested operation.

If a subset of the parameters of a function call identify a forbidden operation, and another subset of the parameters are not valid or not supported, it is unspecified whether the function returns with PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED, PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, or PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT.


A status code that indicates that the requested operation or a parameter is not supported.

#define PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ((psa_status_t)-134)

This error code is recommended for indicating that optional functionality in an API specification is not provided by the implementation.

If a combination of parameters is recognized and identified as not valid, prefer to return PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT instead.


A status code that indicates that the parameters passed to the function are invalid.

#define PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT ((psa_status_t)-135)

Functions can return this error any time a parameter or combination of parameters are recognized as invalid.

It is recommended that a function returns a more specific error code where applicable, for example PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, or PSA_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS.


A status code that indicates that a handle parameter is not valid.

#define PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE ((psa_status_t)-136)

A function can return this error any time it expects a parameter to be a handle to an existing resource, but the handle is invalid.

This status code is not recommended when a caller is requesting a specific handle value to be used for a new handle. In such cases, it is recommended that a function returns PSA_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS if value is valid but already in use, and PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT or a more specific status code if the value is otherwise invalid.


A status code that indicates that the requested action cannot be performed in the current state.

#define PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE ((psa_status_t)-137)

It is recommended that a function returns this error when an operation is requested out of sequence.


A status code that indicates that an output buffer parameter is too small.

#define PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ((psa_status_t)-138)

A function can return this error if an output parameter is too small for the requested output data.

It is recommended that a function only returns this error code in cases where performing the operation with a larger output buffer would succeed. However, a function can also return this error if a function has invalid or unsupported parameters in addition to an insufficient output buffer size.


A status code that indicates that an identifier or index is already in use.

#define PSA_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ((psa_status_t)-139)

A function can return this error if the call is attempting to reuse an identifier or a resource index that is already allocated or in use.

It is recommended that this error code is not used for a handle or index that is invalid. For these situations, return PSA_ERROR_PROGRAMMER_ERROR, PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, or PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT.


A status code that indicates that an identified resource does not exist.

#define PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST ((psa_status_t)-140)

A function can return this error if a request identifies a resource that has not been created or is not present.

It is recommended that this error code is not used for a handle or index that is invalid. For these situations, return PSA_ERROR_PROGRAMMER_ERROR, PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, or PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT.


A status code that indicates that there is not enough runtime memory.

#define PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ((psa_status_t)-141)

A function can return this error if runtime memory required for the requested operation cannot be allocated.

If the operation involves multiple components, this error can refer to available memory in any of the components.


A status code that indicates that there is not enough persistent storage.

#define PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE ((psa_status_t)-142)

A function can return this error if the operation involves storing data in non-volatile memory, and when there is insufficient space on the host media.

Operations that do not directly store persistent data can also return this error code if the implementation requires a mandatory log entry for the requested action and the log storage space is full.


A status code that indicates that a data source has insufficient capacity left.

#define PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_DATA ((psa_status_t)-143)

A function can return this error if the operation attempts to extract data from a source which has been exhausted.


A status code that indicates an error within the service.

#define PSA_ERROR_SERVICE_FAILURE ((psa_status_t)-144)

A function can return this error if it unable to operate correctly. For example, if an essential initialization operation failed.

For failures that are related to hardware peripheral errors, it is recommended that the function returns PSA_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE or PSA_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE.


A status code that indicates a communication failure between the function and another service or component.

#define PSA_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE ((psa_status_t)-145)

A function can return this error if there is a fault in the communication between the implementation and another service or peripheral used to provide the requested service. A communication failure may be transient or permanent depending on the cause.


If a function returns this error, it is undetermined whether the requested action has completed.

Returning PSA_SUCCESS is recommended on successful completion whenever possible. However, a function can return PSA_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE if the requested action was completed successfully in an external component, but there was a breakdown of communication before this was reported to the application.


A status code that indicates a storage failure that may have led to data loss.

#define PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE ((psa_status_t)-146)

A function can return this error to indicate that some persistent storage could not be read or written. It does not indicate the following situations, which have specific error codes:

A storage failure does not indicate that any data that was previously read is invalid. However, this previously read data may no longer be readable from storage.

It is recommended to only use this error code to report a permanent storage corruption. However, transient errors while reading the storage can also be reported using this error code.


A status code that indicates that a hardware failure was detected.

#define PSA_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE ((psa_status_t)-147)

A function can return this error to report a general hardware fault. A hardware failure may be transient or permanent depending on the cause.


A status code that indicates that a signature, MAC or hash is incorrect.

#define PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE ((psa_status_t)-149)

A function can return this error to report when a verification calculation completes successfully, and the value to be verified is incorrect.


A status code that indicates that internal data has been tampered with.

#define PSA_ERROR_CORRUPTION_DETECTED ((psa_status_t)-151)

A function can return this error if it detects an invalid state that cannot happen during normal operation and that indicates that the implementation’s security guarantees no longer hold. Depending on the implementation architecture and on its security and safety goals, the implementation might forcibly terminate the application.

This error should not be used to indicate a hardware failure that merely makes it impossible to perform the requested operation, instead use PSA_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE, PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE, PSA_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE, or other applicable error code.

This error should not be used to report modification of application state, or misuse of the API.

If an application receives this error code, there is no guarantee that previously accessed or computed data was correct and remains confidential. In this situation, it is recommended that applications perform no further security functions and enter a safe failure state.


A status code that indicates that stored data has been corrupted.

#define PSA_ERROR_DATA_CORRUPT ((psa_status_t)-152)

A function can return this error to indicate that some persistent storage has suffered corruption. It does not indicate the following situations, which have specific error codes:

Note that a storage corruption does not indicate that any data that was previously read is invalid. However this previously read data might no longer be readable from storage.

It is recommended to only use this error code to report when a storage component indicates that the stored data is corrupt, or fails an integrity check.


A status code that indicates that data read from storage is not valid for the implementation.

#define PSA_ERROR_DATA_INVALID ((psa_status_t)-153)

This error indicates that some data read from storage does not have a valid format. It does not indicate the following situations, which have specific error codes:

This error is typically a result of an integration failure, where the implementation reading the data is not compatible with the implementation that stored the data.

It is recommended to only use this error code to report when data that is successfully read from storage is invalid.

2.2.4. Unfinished operation code


A status code that indicates that the requested operation is interruptible, and still has work to do.

#define PSA_OPERATION_INCOMPLETE ((psa_status_t)-248)

This status code does not mean that the operation has failed or that it has succeeded. The operation must be repeated until it completes with either success or failure.


This is an example of how this status code can be used:

psa_status_t r = start_operation();

if (r == PSA_SUCCESS) {
   do {
      r = complete_operation();

if (r == PSA_SUCCESS) {
   /* Handle success */
} else {
   /* Handle errors */