2D Image Processing Library for Cortex-M Processors
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How to Deploy the Arm-2D Library

This document is part of the Arm-2D help documents and introduces how to deploy the Arm-2D software library to your existing project(s). If you are not familiar with Arm-2D, we recommend that you first read the README file located in the repository's root directory.


  1. This library is a research project used to explore and demonstrate the possibilities of delivering smart-phone modern graphic user interface using low-cost and resource constraint micro-controllers. It is not a committed product from Arm, and the quality of the service is not validated with sophisticated tests but some functional tests.
  2. The library name, i.e. Arm-2D, is a temporary term and might be subject to change in the future. The term "the Library" used in this document refers to the Arm-2D library unless otherwise.

1 How to Get the Latest Arm-2D Library

Regardless of whether there are other methods of release later, you can always get the latest content by cloning the Arm-2D software repository on Github using the following command line:

git clone https://github.com/ARM-software/EndpointAI.git

As you can see, the Arm-2D is part of the EndpointAI software package. Considering that EndpointAI will become bigger and bigger, if you only care about the Arm-2D, you can extract the " ***./Kernels/Research/Arm-2D*** " folder out, as it is a standalone library.

2 How to Deploy the Library

2.1 Deploy to an MDK project

  1. Copy the Arm-2D folder to your target project directory.
  2. Open the MDK project, add a group in the project browser and give it a name, for example, "Arm-2D".
  3. Add all the C source code in the "./library/Source" directory to the Arm-2d group of the project.
  4. For ease of use, it is recommended that all header files in the "Library/Include" directory that are not prefixed with double underscores should also be added to the Arm-2d group of the project.

    Figure 2-1 A typical project view after Arm-2D Is added

  1. Add a search path to MDK project configuration for the Arm-2D header files as shown in Figure 2-2:

    Figure 2-2 Add search path to the project configuration for Arm-2D header files

  1. Enable C11 and GNU extension support in C/C++(AC6) configurations:

    Figure 2-3 Enable "gnu11" in Arm Compiler 6

  1. As the Arm-2D relies on CMSIS 5.7.0 and above (If you want to use Arm-2D with Cortex-M55, you need CMSIS 5.8.0 which you can get from Github), we should check the RTE configuration and ensure proper CMSIS support has been added to the project (as shown in Figure 2-4 the CORE should be selected).

    Figure 2-4 Check the CMSIS support in the RTE configuration window

  1. Some features of the Arm-2D can be enabled/disabled manually according to the platform and applications. A series of macros start with "***\_\_ARM\_2D\_HAS\_\_***" are introduces to control those features. Users have to define them in the project configuration to enable corresponding features. Table 2-1 list all available macros.

    Table 2-1 A summary of feature control macros

Macro Description Default
__ARM_2D_HAS_ASYNC__ A macro to enable/disable asynchronous mode in the Programmers' mode of the Arm-2D. If you don't have any hardware accelerator and only want to use the library in classic synchronous mode (writing blocking code), set this macro to "0" can bring additional performance uplift. Enabled(1)
__ARM_2D_HAS_HELIUM__ A macro used to enable/disable Helium support. Please note that this macro is defined and maintained by the Arm-2D library, and users should not define it. In some version of CMSIS, if you want to enable Helium support for your Cortex-M55 processor, please define a macro called ARM_MATH_HELIUM manually, which in the long run will be defined by CMSIS automatically, and users should not define it manually. Depends on other Compiler Options
__ARM_2D_HAS_HW_ACC__ Do NOT define it in this version. Disabled(0)
__ARM_2D_HAS_CDE__ Do NOT define it in this version. Disabled(0)
  1. Include the header file "***arm_2d.h***" in your source code where you want to use the library:
#include "arm_2d.h"
  1. Initialise the Arm-2D library before using any services by calling a function-like macro, arm_2d_init() . Its actual content varies depending on the feature control macros mentioned in Table 2-1.
static void system_init(void)
  1. There are other configurations helpful when using the library list in Table 2-2.

    Table 2-2 Useful Configurations

Configuration Option Compiler(s) Description
Microsoft Extensions -fms-extensions Arm Compiler 6, GCC, LLVM Enable enhanced support for Unnamed Structure and Union Fields introduce by Microsoft Extensions. In Arm Compiler 6, when "-fms-extensions" added, you should also add an option " ***-Wno-microsoft-anon-tag*** " to suppress the corresponding warning. IAR supports this by default.

Figure 2-5 A Typical Configuration for A MDK project


  1. This picture shows that the highest level of optimisation (" ***-Omax*** ") is enabled while the link-time-optimisation is disabled (" ***-fno-lto*** "). This is NOT a requirement of the Arm-2D library.
  2. The ".\perf_counter\lib" list in the Include Paths is NOT required by the Arm-2D library. It is merely part of the application.
  3. The option "Short enums/wchar" is NOT required by Arm-2D library. This option is enabled by default if you create a new MDK project using Arm Compiler 6.

3 Other Useful information

3.1 Examples

Table 3-1 Examples List

Example Description Folder Note
Alpha-Blending It is an ALL-IN-ONE example that demonstrates almost all the features provided by the library. examples/alpha_blending Used as benchmark.
Partial-Frame-buffer It delivers the same visual effects as Alpha-blending example but using Partial-Frame-buffer. It can be used as a template or reference code for programmers who want to implement a graphical user interface on an MCU with small RAM. In this example, 16*16 FPB (512Bytes) is used, and the total system RAM usage is less than 2.5KByte (including stack, heap and FPB). examples/partial_frame_buffer.
watch_panel It is a dedicated example for smart-watch like panel. For current version, it is only used to demonstrate rotation algorithms with two spinning gears. Each gear rotates at a different angular velocity and both Colour-masking and alpha-masking schemes are applied. examples/watch_panel Used as benchmark

3.2 How To Read the Library In Users' View

  • For library users, ALL useful information, i.e. type definitions, macros, prototypes of functions etc., are stored in header files which have NO double under-scope as their prefixes. We call those header files the PUBLIC HEADER FILES.
  • Please ONLY use APIs, macros and types that are defined in the public header files.

Figure 3-1 Private and Public Files

  • Any symbol, e.g. file name, function name, macro name, type name etc., having a double under-scope as the prefix is considered as PRIVATE to the library. You should save your time from touching them.
  • The library is designed with the philosophy that Users are free to use anything in public header files and should not touch anything marked implicitly or explicitly as private.
  • Despite which processor you use, during the compilation, all C source files are safe to be added to the compilation (and we highly recommend you to do this for simplicity reason). For example, when you use Cortex-M4, which doesn't support Helium extension (introduced by Armv8.1-M architecture and first implemented by the Cortex-M55 processor), it is OK to include "***arm_2d_helium.c***" in the compilation process, as the C source files are constructed with environment detection pre-processing mechanisms.
  • In your application, only including "arm_2d.h" is sufficient to get all the services and APIs ready for you.
  • Make sure that the library is initialised by calling arm_2d_init() before using any of the services.