2D Image Processing Library for Cortex-M Processors
No Matches
4 Alpha Blending Operations

Data Structures

struct  arm_2d_op_alpha_t
 control block for alpha-blending operations More...
struct  arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t
 control block for alpha-blending-with-colour-keying operations More...
struct  arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t
 control block for colour-filling-with-mask operations More...
struct  arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t
 control block for colour-filling-with-mask-and-opacity operations More...
struct  arm_2d_op_fill_cl_opc_t
 control block for colour-filling-with-opacity operations More...
struct  arm_2d_op_alpha_t.Target
struct  arm_2d_op_alpha_t.Source
struct  arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t.Target
struct  arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t.Source
union  arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t.__unnamed107__
struct  arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t.Target
struct  arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t.Mask
union  arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t.__unnamed111__
struct  arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t.Target
struct  arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t.Mask
union  arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t.__unnamed115__
struct  arm_2d_op_fill_cl_opc_t.Target
union  arm_2d_op_fill_cl_opc_t.__unnamed118__


#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_opacity( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_opacity( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_opacity( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA)
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_opacity( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA)
#define arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_opacity( __DES_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __COLOUR, __ALPHA)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_opacity( __DES_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __COLOUR, __ALPHA)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_opacity( __DES_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __COLOUR, __ALPHA)
#define arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_opacity( __DES_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __COLOUR, __ALPHA)
#define arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_a2_mask( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a2_mask( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_a4_mask( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a4_mask( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_mask( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_mask( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_mask( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_mask( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_a8_mask    arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_mask
#define arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a8_mask    arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_mask
#define arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_a8_mask    arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_mask
#define arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a8_mask    arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_mask
#define arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR, __OPACITY)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR, __OPACITY)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR, __OPACITY)
#define arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR, __OPACITY)
#define arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR, __OPACITY)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR, __OPACITY)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR, __OPACITY)
#define arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR, __OPACITY)
#define arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR, __OPACITY)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR, __OPACITY)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR, __OPACITY)
#define arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity( __TARGET_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA_ADDR, __COLOUR, __OPACITY)
#define arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_a8_mask_and_opacity    arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity
#define arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a8_mask_and_opacity    arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity
#define arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_a8_mask_and_opacity    arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity
#define arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a8_mask_and_opacity    arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION_ADDR, __ALPHA, __COLOUR)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION, __MODE)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION, __MODE)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_masks    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION, __MODE)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION, __MODE)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION, __MODE)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_src_mask    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION, __MODE)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_only( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_only( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_masks_only    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_only
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_only( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_only( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_only( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_fill_with_masks_only    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_only
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_only( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __SRC_MSK_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION, __MODE)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION, __MODE)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_des_mask    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION, __MODE)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)
#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror    arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror
#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror( __SRC_ADDR, __DES_ADDR, __DES_MSK_ADDR, __REGION)


typedef arm_2d_op_src_msk_t arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t
 control block for copy with masks operations More...


arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_opacity (arm_2d_op_alpha_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, uint_fast8_t chRatio)
 blend a source tile to a target tile with a specified opacity More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_opacity (arm_2d_op_alpha_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, uint_fast8_t chRatio)
 blend a source tile to a target tile with a specified opacity More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_opacity (arm_2d_op_alpha_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, uint_fast8_t chRatio)
 blend a source tile to a target tile with a specified opacity More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_opacity (arm_2d_op_fill_cl_opc_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, arm_2d_color_gray8_t tColour, uint_fast8_t chRatio)
 fill a target tile with a given gray8 colour and a specified opacity More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_opacity (arm_2d_op_fill_cl_opc_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, arm_2d_color_rgb565_t tColour, uint_fast8_t chRatio)
 fill a target tile with a given rgb565 colour and a specified opacity More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_opacity (arm_2d_op_fill_cl_opc_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, arm_2d_color_cccn888_t tColour, uint_fast8_t chRatio)
 fill a target tile with a given cccn888 colour and a specified opacity More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_a2_mask (arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptAlpha, arm_2d_color_gray8_t tColour)
 fill a target tile with a given gray8 colour and an a2 mask on target side More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a2_mask (arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptAlpha, arm_2d_color_rgb565_t tColour)
 fill a target tile with a given rgb565 colour and an a2 mask on target side More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask (arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptAlpha, arm_2d_color_cccn888_t tColour)
 fill a target tile with a given cccn888 colour and an a2 mask on target side More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_a4_mask (arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptAlpha, arm_2d_color_gray8_t tColour)
 fill a target tile with a given gray8 colour and an a4 mask on target side More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a4_mask (arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptAlpha, arm_2d_color_rgb565_t tColour)
 fill a target tile with a given rgb565 colour and an a4 mask on target side More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask (arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptAlpha, arm_2d_color_cccn888_t tColour)
 fill a target tile with a given cccn888 colour and an a4 mask on target side More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_mask (arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptAlpha, arm_2d_color_gray8_t tColour)
 fill a target tile with a given gray8 colour and a mask on target side More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_mask (arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptAlpha, arm_2d_color_rgb565_t tColour)
 fill a target tile with a given rgb565 colour and a mask on target side More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_mask (arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptAlpha, arm_2d_color_cccn888_t tColour)
 fill a target tile with a given cccn888 colour and a mask on target side More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity (arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptAlpha, arm_2d_color_gray8_t tColour, uint8_t chOpacity)
 fill a target tile with a given gray8 colour, an a2 mask on target side and an opacity More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity (arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptAlpha, arm_2d_color_rgb565_t tColour, uint8_t chOpacity)
 fill a target tile with a given rgb565 colour, an a2 mask on target side and an opacity More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity (arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptAlpha, arm_2d_color_cccn888_t tColour, uint8_t chOpacity)
 fill a target tile with a given cccn888 colour, an a2 mask on target side and an opacity More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity (arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptAlpha, arm_2d_color_gray8_t tColour, uint8_t chOpacity)
 fill a target tile with a given gray8 colour, an a4 mask on target side and an opacity More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity (arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptAlpha, arm_2d_color_rgb565_t tColour, uint8_t chOpacity)
 fill a target tile with a given rgb565 colour, an a4 mask on target side and an opacity More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity (arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptAlpha, arm_2d_color_cccn888_t tColour, uint8_t chOpacity)
 fill a target tile with a given cccn888 colour, an a4 mask on target side and an opacity More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity (arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptAlpha, arm_2d_color_gray8_t tColour, uint8_t chOpacity)
 fill a target tile with a given gray8 colour, a mask on target side and an opacity More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity (arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptAlpha, arm_2d_color_rgb565_t tColour, uint8_t chOpacity)
 fill a target tile with a given rgb565 colour, a mask on target side and an opacity More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity (arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptAlpha, arm_2d_color_cccn888_t tColour, uint8_t chOpacity)
 fill a target tile with a given cccn888 colour, a mask on target side and an opacity More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity (arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, uint_fast8_t chRatio, arm_2d_color_gray8_t tColour)
 blend a source tile to a target tile with a opacity and colour keying More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity (arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, uint_fast8_t chRatio, arm_2d_color_rgb565_t tColour)
 blend a source tile to a target tile with a opacity and colour keying More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity (arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, uint_fast8_t chRatio, arm_2d_color_cccn888_t tColour)
 blend a source tile to a target tile with a opacity and colour keying More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, uint32_t wMode)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with masks in a given mode More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, uint32_t wMode)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with masks in a given mode More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, uint32_t wMode)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with masks in a given mode More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_only (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with masks More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_only (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with masks More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_only (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with masks More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with masks and x-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with masks and x-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with masks and x-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with masks and y-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with masks and y-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with masks and y-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with masks and xy-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with masks and xy-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with masks and xy-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_only (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with masks More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_only (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with masks More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_only (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with masks More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with masks and x-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with masks and x-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with masks and x-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with masks and y-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with masks and y-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with masks and y-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with masks and xy-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with masks and xy-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with masks and xy-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, uint32_t wMode)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask in a given mode More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, uint32_t wMode)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask in a given mode More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, uint32_t wMode)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask in a given mode More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and x-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and x-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and x-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and y-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and y-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and y-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and xy-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and xy-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and xy-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and x-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and x-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and x-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and y-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and y-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and y-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and xy-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and xy-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSrcMask, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and xy-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, uint32_t wMode)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask in a given mode More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, uint32_t wMode)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask in a given mode More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, uint32_t wMode)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask in a given mode More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and x-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and x-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and x-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and y-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and y-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and y-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and xy-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and xy-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and xy-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and x-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and x-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and x-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and y-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and y-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and y-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and xy-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with target mask and xy-mirroring More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror (arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t *ptOP, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptSource, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_tile_t *ptDesMask, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion)
 fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and xy-mirroring More...


Data Structure Documentation

◆ arm_2d_op_alpha_t

struct arm_2d_op_alpha_t

control block for alpha-blending operations

arm_2d_op_alpha_t inherits from arm_2d_op_src_t explicitly
Data Fields
arm_2d_op_core_t base
struct arm_2d_op_alpha_t.Target Target target
struct arm_2d_op_alpha_t.Source Source source
uint32_t wMode copy mode
uint8_t chRatio opacity

◆ arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t

struct arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t

control block for alpha-blending-with-colour-keying operations

arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t inherits from arm_2d_op_src_t explicitly
Data Fields
arm_2d_op_core_t base
struct arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t.Target Target target
struct arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t.Source Source source
uint32_t wMode copy mode
uint8_t chRatio opacity
union arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t.__unnamed107__ __unnamed__

◆ arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t

struct arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t

control block for colour-filling-with-mask operations

arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t inherits from arm_2d_op_src_t explicitly
Data Fields
arm_2d_op_core_t base
struct arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t.Target Target target
struct arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t.Mask Mask mask
uint32_t wMode copy mode
union arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t.__unnamed111__ __unnamed__

◆ arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t

struct arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t

control block for colour-filling-with-mask-and-opacity operations

arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t inherits from arm_2d_op_src_t explicitly
Data Fields
arm_2d_op_core_t core
struct arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t.Target Target target
struct arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t.Mask Mask mask
uint32_t wMode copy mode
union arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t.__unnamed115__ __unnamed__
uint8_t chRatio opacity

◆ arm_2d_op_fill_cl_opc_t

struct arm_2d_op_fill_cl_opc_t

control block for colour-filling-with-opacity operations

arm_2d_op_fill_cl_t inherits from arm_2d_op_t explicitly
Data Fields
arm_2d_op_core_t base
struct arm_2d_op_fill_cl_opc_t.Target Target target
union arm_2d_op_fill_cl_opc_t.__unnamed118__ __unnamed__
uint8_t chRatio opacity

◆ arm_2d_op_alpha_t.Target

struct arm_2d_op_alpha_t.Target
Data Fields
const arm_2d_tile_t * ptTile target tile
const arm_2d_region_t * ptRegion target region

◆ arm_2d_op_alpha_t.Source

struct arm_2d_op_alpha_t.Source
Data Fields
const arm_2d_tile_t * ptTile source tile

◆ arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t.Target

struct arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t.Target
Data Fields
const arm_2d_tile_t * ptTile target tile
const arm_2d_region_t * ptRegion target region

◆ arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t.Source

struct arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t.Source
Data Fields
const arm_2d_tile_t * ptTile source tile

◆ arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t.__unnamed107__

union arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t.__unnamed107__
Data Fields
uint8_t chColour 8bit key colour
uint16_t hwColour 16bit key colour
uint32_t wColour 32bit key colour

◆ arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t.Target

struct arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t.Target
Data Fields
const arm_2d_tile_t * ptTile target tile
const arm_2d_region_t * ptRegion target region

◆ arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t.Mask

struct arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t.Mask
Data Fields
const arm_2d_tile_t * ptTile Alpha Mask tile.

◆ arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t.__unnamed111__

union arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t.__unnamed111__
Data Fields
uint8_t chColour 8bit key colour
uint16_t hwColour 16bit key colour
uint32_t wColour 32bit key colour

◆ arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t.Target

struct arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t.Target
Data Fields
const arm_2d_tile_t * ptTile target tile
const arm_2d_region_t * ptRegion target region

◆ arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t.Mask

struct arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t.Mask
Data Fields
const arm_2d_tile_t * ptTile Alpha Mask tile.

◆ arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t.__unnamed115__

union arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t.__unnamed115__
Data Fields
uint8_t chColour 8bit key colour
uint16_t hwColour 16bit key colour
uint32_t wColour 32bit key colour

◆ arm_2d_op_fill_cl_opc_t.Target

struct arm_2d_op_fill_cl_opc_t.Target
Data Fields
const arm_2d_tile_t * ptTile target tile
const arm_2d_region_t * ptRegion target region

◆ arm_2d_op_fill_cl_opc_t.__unnamed118__

union arm_2d_op_fill_cl_opc_t.__unnamed118__
Data Fields
uint8_t chColour 8bit key colour
uint16_t hwColour 16bit key colour
uint32_t wColour 32bit key colour

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_opacity

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_opacity (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* alpha */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_opacity( NULL, \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_opacity

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_opacity (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* alpha */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_opacity( NULL, \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_opacity

#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_opacity (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* alpha */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_opacity( NULL, \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_opacity

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_opacity (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* alpha */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_opacity( NULL, \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_opacity

#define arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_opacity (   __DES_ADDR,
/* alpha */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_opacity( NULL, \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__COLOUR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_opacity

#define arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_opacity (   __DES_ADDR,
/* alpha */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_opacity( NULL, \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__COLOUR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_opacity

#define arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_opacity (   __DES_ADDR,
/* alpha */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_opacity( NULL, \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(arm_2d_color_cccn888_t){(__COLOUR).tValue}, \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_opacity

#define arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_opacity (   __DES_ADDR,
/* alpha */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_opacity( NULL, \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__COLOUR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_a2_mask

#define arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_a2_mask (   __TARGET_ADDR,
/* colour */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_a2_mask( \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a2_mask

#define arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a2_mask (   __TARGET_ADDR,
/* colour */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a2_mask( \

◆ arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask

#define arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask (   __TARGET_ADDR,
/* colour */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask( \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask

#define arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask (   __TARGET_ADDR,
/* colour */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask( \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_a4_mask

#define arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_a4_mask (   __TARGET_ADDR,
/* colour */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_a4_mask( \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a4_mask

#define arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a4_mask (   __TARGET_ADDR,
/* colour */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a4_mask( \

◆ arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask

#define arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask (   __TARGET_ADDR,
/* colour */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask( \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask

#define arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask (   __TARGET_ADDR,
/* colour */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask( \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_mask

#define arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_mask (   __TARGET_ADDR,
/* colour */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_mask( \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_mask

#define arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_mask (   __TARGET_ADDR,
/* colour */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_mask( \

◆ arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_mask

#define arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_mask (   __TARGET_ADDR,
/* colour */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_mask( \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_mask

#define arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_mask (   __TARGET_ADDR,
/* colour */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_mask( \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity

#define arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity (   __TARGET_ADDR,
(__COLOUR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity

#define arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity (   __TARGET_ADDR,
(__COLOUR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity

#define arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity (   __TARGET_ADDR,
(arm_2d_color_cccn888_t){(__COLOUR).tValue}, \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity

#define arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity (   __TARGET_ADDR,
(__COLOUR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity

#define arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity (   __TARGET_ADDR,
(__COLOUR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity

#define arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity (   __TARGET_ADDR,
(__COLOUR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity

#define arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity (   __TARGET_ADDR,
(arm_2d_color_cccn888_t){(__COLOUR).tValue}, \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity

#define arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity (   __TARGET_ADDR,
(__COLOUR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity

#define arm_2d_gray8_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity (   __TARGET_ADDR,
(__COLOUR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity

#define arm_2d_rgb565_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity (   __TARGET_ADDR,
(__COLOUR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity

#define arm_2d_rgb888_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity (   __TARGET_ADDR,
(arm_2d_color_cccn888_t){(__COLOUR).tValue}, \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity

#define arm_2d_cccn888_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity (   __TARGET_ADDR,
(__COLOUR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity [1/2]

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* alpha */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__ALPHA), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity [2/2]

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* alpha */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__ALPHA), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity [1/2]

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* alpha */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__ALPHA), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity [2/2]

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* alpha */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__ALPHA), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity [1/2]

#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* alpha */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__ALPHA), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity [2/2]

#define arm_2d_rgb888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* alpha */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__ALPHA), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity [1/2]

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* alpha */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__ALPHA), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity [2/2]

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* alpha */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__ALPHA), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* copy mode */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__REGION), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* copy mode */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__REGION), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* copy mode */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__REGION), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* copy mode */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__REGION), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* copy mode */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__REGION), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* copy mode */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__REGION), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_only

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_only (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_only( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_only

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_only (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_only( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_only

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_only (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_only( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_only

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_only (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_only( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_only

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_only (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_only( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_only

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_only (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_only( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* copy mode */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__REGION), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* copy mode */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__REGION), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* copy mode */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \
(__REGION), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror

#define arm_2d_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror

#define arm_2d_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

◆ arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror

#define arm_2d_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror (   __SRC_ADDR,
/* region address */ \
arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror( \
(__SRC_ADDR), \
(__DES_ADDR), \

Typedef Documentation

◆ arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t

control block for copy with masks operations

Function Documentation

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_opacity()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_opacity ( arm_2d_op_alpha_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
uint_fast8_t  chRatio 

blend a source tile to a target tile with a specified opacity

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]chRatiothe opacity
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_opacity()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_opacity ( arm_2d_op_alpha_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
uint_fast8_t  chRatio 

blend a source tile to a target tile with a specified opacity

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]chRatiothe opacity
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_opacity()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_opacity ( arm_2d_op_alpha_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
uint_fast8_t  chRatio 

blend a source tile to a target tile with a specified opacity

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]chRatiothe opacity
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_opacity()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_opacity ( arm_2d_op_fill_cl_opc_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
arm_2d_color_gray8_t  tColour,
uint_fast8_t  chRatio 

fill a target tile with a given gray8 colour and a specified opacity

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]tColoura gray8 colour
[in]chRatiothe opacity
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_opacity()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_opacity ( arm_2d_op_fill_cl_opc_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
arm_2d_color_rgb565_t  tColour,
uint_fast8_t  chRatio 

fill a target tile with a given rgb565 colour and a specified opacity

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]tColoura rgb565 colour
[in]chRatiothe opacity
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_opacity()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_opacity ( arm_2d_op_fill_cl_opc_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
arm_2d_color_cccn888_t  tColour,
uint_fast8_t  chRatio 

fill a target tile with a given cccn888 colour and a specified opacity

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]tColoura cccn888 colour
[in]chRatiothe opacity
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_a2_mask()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_a2_mask ( arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptAlpha,
arm_2d_color_gray8_t  tColour 

fill a target tile with a given gray8 colour and an a2 mask on target side

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]ptAlphathe mask on the target side
[in]tColoura gray8 colour
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a2_mask()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a2_mask ( arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptAlpha,
arm_2d_color_rgb565_t  tColour 

fill a target tile with a given rgb565 colour and an a2 mask on target side

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]ptAlphathe mask on the target side
[in]tColoura rgb565 colour
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask ( arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptAlpha,
arm_2d_color_cccn888_t  tColour 

fill a target tile with a given cccn888 colour and an a2 mask on target side

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]ptAlphathe mask on the target side
[in]tColoura cccn888 colour
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_a4_mask()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_a4_mask ( arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptAlpha,
arm_2d_color_gray8_t  tColour 

fill a target tile with a given gray8 colour and an a4 mask on target side

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]ptAlphathe mask on the target side
[in]tColoura gray8 colour
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a4_mask()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a4_mask ( arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptAlpha,
arm_2d_color_rgb565_t  tColour 

fill a target tile with a given rgb565 colour and an a4 mask on target side

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]ptAlphathe mask on the target side
[in]tColoura rgb565 colour
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask ( arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptAlpha,
arm_2d_color_cccn888_t  tColour 

fill a target tile with a given cccn888 colour and an a4 mask on target side

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]ptAlphathe mask on the target side
[in]tColoura cccn888 colour
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_mask()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_mask ( arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptAlpha,
arm_2d_color_gray8_t  tColour 

fill a target tile with a given gray8 colour and a mask on target side

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]ptAlphathe mask on the target side
[in]tColoura gray8 colour
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_mask()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_mask ( arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptAlpha,
arm_2d_color_rgb565_t  tColour 

fill a target tile with a given rgb565 colour and a mask on target side

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]ptAlphathe mask on the target side
[in]tColoura rgb565 colour
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_mask()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_mask ( arm_2d_op_fill_cl_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptAlpha,
arm_2d_color_cccn888_t  tColour 

fill a target tile with a given cccn888 colour and a mask on target side

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]ptAlphathe mask on the target side
[in]tColoura cccn888 colour
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity ( arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptAlpha,
arm_2d_color_gray8_t  tColour,
uint8_t  chOpacity 

fill a target tile with a given gray8 colour, an a2 mask on target side and an opacity

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]ptAlphathe mask on the target side
[in]tColoura gray8 colour
[in]chOpacitythe opacity
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity ( arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptAlpha,
arm_2d_color_rgb565_t  tColour,
uint8_t  chOpacity 

fill a target tile with a given rgb565 colour, an a2 mask on target side and an opacity

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]ptAlphathe mask on the target side
[in]tColoura rgb565 colour
[in]chOpacitythe opacity
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a2_mask_and_opacity ( arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptAlpha,
arm_2d_color_cccn888_t  tColour,
uint8_t  chOpacity 

fill a target tile with a given cccn888 colour, an a2 mask on target side and an opacity

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]ptAlphathe mask on the target side
[in]tColoura cccn888 colour
[in]chOpacitythe opacity
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity ( arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptAlpha,
arm_2d_color_gray8_t  tColour,
uint8_t  chOpacity 

fill a target tile with a given gray8 colour, an a4 mask on target side and an opacity

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]ptAlphathe mask on the target side
[in]tColoura gray8 colour
[in]chOpacitythe opacity
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity ( arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptAlpha,
arm_2d_color_rgb565_t  tColour,
uint8_t  chOpacity 

fill a target tile with a given rgb565 colour, an a4 mask on target side and an opacity

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]ptAlphathe mask on the target side
[in]tColoura rgb565 colour
[in]chOpacitythe opacity
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_a4_mask_and_opacity ( arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptAlpha,
arm_2d_color_cccn888_t  tColour,
uint8_t  chOpacity 

fill a target tile with a given cccn888 colour, an a4 mask on target side and an opacity

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]ptAlphathe mask on the target side
[in]tColoura cccn888 colour
[in]chOpacitythe opacity
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity ( arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptAlpha,
arm_2d_color_gray8_t  tColour,
uint8_t  chOpacity 

fill a target tile with a given gray8 colour, a mask on target side and an opacity

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]ptAlphathe mask on the target side
[in]tColoura gray8 colour
[in]chOpacitythe opacity
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity ( arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptAlpha,
arm_2d_color_rgb565_t  tColour,
uint8_t  chOpacity 

fill a target tile with a given rgb565 colour, a mask on target side and an opacity

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]ptAlphathe mask on the target side
[in]tColoura rgb565 colour
[in]chOpacitythe opacity
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_fill_colour_with_mask_and_opacity ( arm_2d_op_alpha_fill_cl_msk_opc_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptAlpha,
arm_2d_color_cccn888_t  tColour,
uint8_t  chOpacity 

fill a target tile with a given cccn888 colour, a mask on target side and an opacity

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]ptAlphathe mask on the target side
[in]tColoura cccn888 colour
[in]chOpacitythe opacity
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity ( arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
uint_fast8_t  chRatio,
arm_2d_color_gray8_t  tColour 

blend a source tile to a target tile with a opacity and colour keying

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]chRatiothe opacity
[in]tColourthe key colour
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity ( arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
uint_fast8_t  chRatio,
arm_2d_color_rgb565_t  tColour 

blend a source tile to a target tile with a opacity and colour keying

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]chRatiothe opacity
[in]tColourthe key colour
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_colour_keying_and_opacity ( arm_2d_op_alpha_cl_key_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
uint_fast8_t  chRatio,
arm_2d_color_cccn888_t  tColour 

blend a source tile to a target tile with a opacity and colour keying

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]chRatiothe opacity
[in]tColourthe key colour
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
uint32_t  wMode 

copy a source tile to a target tile with masks in a given mode

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]wModethe copy mode
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
uint32_t  wMode 

copy a source tile to a target tile with masks in a given mode

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]wModethe copy mode
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
uint32_t  wMode 

copy a source tile to a target tile with masks in a given mode

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]wModethe copy mode
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_only()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_only ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with masks

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_only()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_only ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with masks

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_only()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_only ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with masks

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with masks and x-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with masks and x-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_x_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with masks and x-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with masks and y-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with masks and y-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_y_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with masks and y-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with masks and xy-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with masks and xy-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_masks_and_xy_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with masks and xy-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_only()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_only ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with masks

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_only()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_only ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with masks

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_only()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_only ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with masks

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with masks and x-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with masks and x-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_x_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with masks and x-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with masks and y-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with masks and y-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_y_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with masks and y-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with masks and xy-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with masks and xy-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_masks_and_xy_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with masks and xy-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
uint32_t  wMode 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask in a given mode

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]wModethe copy mode
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
uint32_t  wMode 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask in a given mode

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]wModethe copy mode
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
uint32_t  wMode 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask in a given mode

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]wModethe copy mode
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_only ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]wModethe copy mode
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and x-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and x-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and x-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]wModethe copy mode
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and y-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and y-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and y-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]wModethe copy mode
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and xy-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and xy-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and xy-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]wModethe copy mode
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_only ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]wModethe fill mode
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and x-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and x-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_x_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and x-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]wModethe fill mode
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and y-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and y-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_y_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and y-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]wModethe fill mode
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and xy-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and xy-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_src_mask_and_xy_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSrcMask,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a source mask and xy-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptSrcMaskthe mask on the source side
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]wModethe fill mode
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
uint32_t  wMode 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask in a given mode

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]wModethe copy mode
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
uint32_t  wMode 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask in a given mode

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]wModethe copy mode
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
uint32_t  wMode 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask in a given mode

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]wModethe copy mode
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_only ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and x-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and x-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and x-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and y-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and y-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and y-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and xy-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and xy-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_copy_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

copy a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and xy-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_only ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and x-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and x-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_x_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and x-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and y-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and y-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_y_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and y-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_gray8_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and xy-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_rgb565_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with target mask and xy-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result

◆ arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2dp_cccn888_tile_fill_with_des_mask_and_xy_mirror ( arm_2d_op_cp_msk_t ptOP,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptSource,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_tile_t ptDesMask,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion 

fill a source tile to a target tile with a target mask and xy-mirroring

[in]ptOPthe control block, NULL means using the default control block
[in]ptSourcethe source tile
[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptDesMaskthe mask on the target side
[in]ptRegionthe target region
arm_fsm_rt_t the operation result