2D Image Processing Library for Cortex-M Processors
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7 Helper Services

Data Structures

union  __arm_2d_helper_scene_switch_t
 an internal data structure for scene switching More...
struct  arm_2d_scene_switch_mode_t
 scene switching mode descriptor More...
struct  arm_2d_scene_t
 a class for describing scenes which are the combination of a background and a foreground with a dirty-region-list support More...
struct  arm_2d_scene_before_scene_switching_evt_t
 on low level render event More...
struct  arm_2d_scene_player_t
 a class to manage scenes More...
struct  arm_2d_pfb_t
 the header of a PFB block More...
struct  arm_2d_region_list_item_t
 the node of a region list More...
struct  arm_2d_helper_render_evt_t
 on low level render event More...
struct  arm_2d_helper_pfb_dependency_t
 The PFB Helper Service Dependency. More...
struct  arm_2d_helper_pfb_cfg_t
 PFB Helper configuration. More...
struct  arm_2d_helper_pfb_t
 the PFB helper control block More...
struct  arm_2d_helper_transform_t
 the Transform helper control block More...
struct  __arm_2d_helper_scene_switch_t.Feature
struct  arm_2d_scene_t.__unnamed121__
struct  arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__
 < before-scene-switch-out event handler More...
struct  arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.SceneFIFO
struct  arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Runtime
struct  arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Switch
union  arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Switch.__unnamed129__
struct  arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Switch.__unnamed129__.Fade
struct  arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Switch.__unnamed129__.Erase
struct  arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Switch.__unnamed129__.Slide
struct  arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Events
struct  arm_2d_helper_pfb_dependency_t.Navigation
 event handler for drawing GUI More...
struct  arm_2d_helper_pfb_cfg_t.FrameBuffer
struct  arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.__unnamed137__
 < user configuration More...
struct  arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.__unnamed137__.Adapter
struct  arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.__unnamed137__.Adapter.__unnamed141__
struct  arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.__unnamed137__.Adapter.FlushFIFO
struct  arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.Statistics
struct  arm_2d_helper_transform_t.__unnamed144__
struct  arm_2d_helper_transform_t.__unnamed144__.Angle
struct  arm_2d_helper_transform_t.__unnamed144__.Scale


#define arm_2d_scene_player_register_on_draw_navigation_event_handler( __SCENE_PLAYER_PTR, __DRAW_HANDLER, __USER_TARGET_PTR, ...)
 register / update the evtOnDrawNavigation event handler. You can use this event to draw an ALWAY-TOP navigation bar or title during switching period. More...
#define arm_2d_scene_player_set_switching_mode(__SCENE_PLAYER_PTR, __SWITCH_MODE, ...)
 configure the scene switching mode More...
#define arm_2d_scene_player_register_before_switching_event_handler( __SCENE_PLAYER_PTR, __HANDLER, ...)
 register / update the evtBeforeSwitching event handler. You can use this event to prepare next scenes. More...
#define ARM_2D_FPS_MODE_REAL   1
 a macro wrapper in uppercase to help initialising PFB service More...
 a macro wrapper to update the evtOnDrawring event handler More...
#define __IMPL_ARM_2D_REGION_LIST(__NAME, ...)
#define END_IMPL_ARM_2D_REGION_LIST(...)    };
#define __ADD_REGION_TO_LIST(__NAME, ...)
#define __ADD_LAST_REGION_TO_LIST(__NAME, ...)
#define IMPL_PFB_ON_FRAME_SYNC_UP(__NAME)    bool __NAME(void *pTarget)
#define init_arm_2d_helper_pfb(__CB_ADDR, __SCREEN_WIDTH, __SCREEN_HEIGHT, __PIXEL_TYPE, __WIDTH, __HEIGHT, __PFB_NUM, ...)
 a macro wrapper in lowercase to help initialising PFB service More...
#define update_arm_2d_helper_pfb_on_draw_handler( __CB_ADDR, __HANDLER, ...)
 a macro wrapper to update the evtOnDrawring event handler More...
#define arm_2d_helper_pfb_report_rendering_complete(__PFB_HELPER_PTR, ...)
 tell PFB helper that a low level LCD flushing work is complete More...
#define impl_arm_2d_region_list(__NAME, ...)    IMPL_ARM_2D_REGION_LIST(__NAME,##__VA_ARGS__)
#define add_region_to_list(__NAME, ...)    ADD_REGION_TO_LIST(__NAME, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define add_last_region_to_list(__NAME, ...)    ADD_LAST_REGION_TO_LIST(__NAME, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define end_impl_arm_2d_region_list(...)    END_IMPL_ARM_2D_REGION_LIST(__VA_ARGS__)
#define impl_pfb_on_draw(__NAME)   IMPL_PFB_ON_DRAW(__NAME)
#define impl_pfb_on_low_lv_rendering(__NAME)    IMPL_PFB_ON_LOW_LV_RENDERING(__NAME)
#define arm_2d_helper_is_time_out(__ms, ...)
 set an alarm with given period and check the status More...
#define arm_2d_helper_time_liner_slider(__from, __to, __ms, __stroke_ptr, ...)
 calculate the stroke of a liner slider based on time More...
#define arm_2d_helper_time_cos_slider(__from, __to, __ms, __phase, __stroke_ptr, ...)
 calculate the stroke of a cosine slider based on time More...
#define arm_2d_helper_time_half_cos_slider(__from, __to, __ms, __stroke_ptr, ...)
 calculate the stroke of a cosine slider(0~pi) based on time More...


typedef void arm_2d_scene_before_scene_switching_handler_t(void *pTarget, arm_2d_scene_player_t *ptPlayer, arm_2d_scene_t *ptScene)
 the scene player event handler More...
typedef void arm_2d_helper_render_handler_t(void *pTarget, const arm_2d_pfb_t *ptPFB, bool bIsNewFrame)
 the On Low Level Rendering event handler for the low level (LCD Driver) More...


enum  arm_2d_scene_player_switch_mode_t {
  __ARM_2D_SCENE_SWTICH_CFG_IGNORE_msk = 0x0F << 8 ,
  __ARM_2D_SCENE_SWTICH_CFG_DEFAULT_BG_msk = 3 << 12 ,
 scene switching mode More...
enum  {
 the enumeration for events More...


void arm_2d_scene_player_flush_fifo (arm_2d_scene_player_t *ptThis)
 flush the scene FIFO More...
void arm_2d_scene_player_append_scenes (arm_2d_scene_player_t *ptThis, arm_2d_scene_t *ptScenes, int_fast16_t hwCount)
 append a set of scenes to a scene player More...
void arm_2d_scene_player_update_scene_background (arm_2d_scene_player_t *ptThis)
 request updating the background of the current scene More...
void arm_2d_scene_player_switch_to_next_scene (arm_2d_scene_player_t *ptThis)
 request switching to the next scene safely More...
void __arm_2d_scene_player_set_switching_mode (arm_2d_scene_player_t *ptThis, arm_2d_scene_switch_mode_t *ptMode, uint16_t hwSettings)
 configure the scene switching mode More...
uint16_t arm_2d_scene_player_get_switching_cfg (arm_2d_scene_player_t *ptThis)
 read the current scene switching mode More...
void arm_2d_scene_player_set_switching_period (arm_2d_scene_player_t *ptThis, uint_fast16_t hwMS)
 configure the scene switching period More...
arm_2d_err_t __arm_2d_scene_player_register_on_draw_navigation_event_handler (arm_2d_scene_player_t *ptThis, arm_2d_helper_draw_handler_t *fnHandler, void *pTarget, arm_2d_region_list_item_t *ptDirtyRegions)
 register / update the evtOnDrawNavigation event handler. You can use this event to draw an ALWAY-TOP navigation bar or title during switching period. More...
arm_2d_err_t __arm_2d_scene_player_register_before_switching_event_handler (arm_2d_scene_player_t *ptThis, arm_2d_scene_before_scene_switching_handler_t *fnHandler, void *pTarget)
 register / update the evtBeforeSwitching event handler. You can use this event to prepare next scenes. More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2d_scene_player_task (arm_2d_scene_player_t *ptThis)
 the scene player task function More...
arm_2d_err_t arm_2d_helper_pfb_init (arm_2d_helper_pfb_t *ptThis, arm_2d_helper_pfb_cfg_t *ptCFG)
 initialize pfb helper service More...
arm_2d_region_t arm_2d_helper_pfb_get_display_area (arm_2d_helper_pfb_t *ptThis)
 get the display (screen) region More...
arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2d_helper_pfb_task (arm_2d_helper_pfb_t *ptThis, arm_2d_region_list_item_t *ptDirtyRegions)
 the task function for pfb helper More...
void arm_2d_helper_pfb_flush (arm_2d_helper_pfb_t *ptThis)
 flush the FPB FIFO More...
arm_2d_err_t arm_2d_helper_pfb_update_dependency (arm_2d_helper_pfb_t *ptThis, uint_fast8_t chMask, const arm_2d_helper_pfb_dependency_t *ptDependency)
 update PFB dependency (event handlers) More...
void __arm_2d_helper_pfb_report_rendering_complete (arm_2d_helper_pfb_t *ptThis, arm_2d_pfb_t *ptPFB)
 tell PFB helper that a low level LCD flushing work is complete More...
void arm_2d_helper_swap_rgb16 (uint16_t *phwBuffer, uint32_t wCount)
 swap the high and low bytes for each rgb16 pixel More...
arm_2d_pfb_t__arm_2d_helper_pfb_new (arm_2d_helper_pfb_t *ptThis)
 try to get a PFB block from the pool More...
void __arm_2d_helper_pfb_free (arm_2d_helper_pfb_t *ptThis, arm_2d_pfb_t *ptPFB)
 free a PFB block to the pool More...
void arm_2d_helper_transform_init (arm_2d_helper_transform_t *ptThis, arm_2d_op_t *ptTransformOP, float fAngleStep, float fScaleStep, arm_2d_region_list_item_t **ppDirtyRegionList)
 initialize a given transform helper More...
void arm_2d_helper_transform_on_frame_begin (arm_2d_helper_transform_t *ptThis)
 the on-frame-begin event handler for a given transform helper More...
void arm_2d_helper_transform_update_value (arm_2d_helper_transform_t *ptThis, float fAngle, float fScale)
 update a given transform helper with new values More...
void arm_2d_helper_transform_update_dirty_regions (arm_2d_helper_transform_t *ptThis, bool bIsNewFrame)
 update the dirty region after a transform operation More...
void arm_2d_helper_init (void)
 initialize helper services More...
void arm_2d_helper_backend_task (void)
 backend task for asynchronose mode More...
int64_t arm_2d_helper_convert_ticks_to_ms (int64_t lTick)
 convert ticks of a reference timer to millisecond More...
int64_t arm_2d_helper_convert_ms_to_ticks (uint32_t wMS)
 convert millisecond into ticks of the reference timer More...
uint32_t arm_2d_helper_get_reference_clock_frequency (void)
 get the reference clock frequency More...
int64_t arm_2d_helper_get_system_timestamp (void)
 get the current system stamp from the reference clock More...
bool __arm_2d_helper_is_time_out (int64_t lPeriod, int64_t *plTimestamp)
 set an alarm with given period and check the status More...
bool __arm_2d_helper_time_liner_slider (int32_t nFrom, int32_t nTo, int64_t lPeriod, int32_t *pnStroke, int64_t *plTimestamp)
 calculate the stroke of a liner slider based on time More...
bool __arm_2d_helper_time_half_cos_slider (int32_t nFrom, int32_t nTo, int64_t lPeriod, int32_t *pnStroke, int64_t *plTimestamp)
 calculate the stroke of a cosine slider (0~pi) based on time More...
bool __arm_2d_helper_time_cos_slider (int32_t nFrom, int32_t nTo, int64_t lPeriod, float fPhase, int32_t *pnStroke, int64_t *plTimestamp)
 calculate the stroke of a consine slider (0~2pi) based on time More...
uint32_t __arm_2d_helper_colour_slider (uint32_t wFrom, uint32_t wTo, int32_t nDistance, int32_t nOffset)
void arm_2d_helper_draw_box (const arm_2d_tile_t *ptTarget, const arm_2d_region_t *ptRegion, int16_t iBorderWidth, COLOUR_INT tColour, uint8_t chOpacity)


arm_2d_scene_switch_mode_t ARM_2D_SCENE_SWITCH_MODE_NONE
arm_2d_scene_switch_mode_t ARM_2D_SCENE_SWITCH_MODE_USER
arm_2d_scene_switch_mode_t ARM_2D_SCENE_SWITCH_MODE_FADE_WHITE
arm_2d_scene_switch_mode_t ARM_2D_SCENE_SWITCH_MODE_FADE_BLACK
arm_2d_scene_switch_mode_t ARM_2D_SCENE_SWITCH_MODE_SLIDE_LEFT
arm_2d_scene_switch_mode_t ARM_2D_SCENE_SWITCH_MODE_SLIDE_RIGHT
arm_2d_scene_switch_mode_t ARM_2D_SCENE_SWITCH_MODE_SLIDE_UP
arm_2d_scene_switch_mode_t ARM_2D_SCENE_SWITCH_MODE_SLIDE_DOWN
arm_2d_scene_switch_mode_t ARM_2D_SCENE_SWITCH_MODE_ERASE_LEFT
arm_2d_scene_switch_mode_t ARM_2D_SCENE_SWITCH_MODE_ERASE_RIGHT
arm_2d_scene_switch_mode_t ARM_2D_SCENE_SWITCH_MODE_ERASE_UP
arm_2d_scene_switch_mode_t ARM_2D_SCENE_SWITCH_MODE_ERASE_DOWN


Data Structure Documentation

◆ __arm_2d_helper_scene_switch_t

union __arm_2d_helper_scene_switch_t

an internal data structure for scene switching

Please do not use it.
Data Fields
struct __arm_2d_helper_scene_switch_t.Feature Feature
uint16_t hwSetting the setting value

◆ arm_2d_scene_switch_mode_t

struct arm_2d_scene_switch_mode_t

scene switching mode descriptor

Data Fields
uint8_t chEffects switching effects
arm_2d_helper_draw_handler_t * fnSwitchDrawer switching algorithm

◆ arm_2d_scene_t

struct arm_2d_scene_t

a class for describing scenes which are the combination of a background and a foreground with a dirty-region-list support

Data Fields

 next scene More...
 points to the host scene player More...
 dirty region list for the foreground More...
arm_2d_helper_draw_handler_t * fnBackground
 the function pointer for the background More...
arm_2d_helper_draw_handler_t * fnScene
 the function pointer for the foreground More...
void(* fnOnBGStart )(arm_2d_scene_t *ptThis)
 on-start-drawing-background event handler More...
void(* fnOnBGComplete )(arm_2d_scene_t *ptThis)
 on-complete-drawing-background event handler More...
void(* fnOnFrameStart )(arm_2d_scene_t *ptThis)
 on-frame-start event handler More...
void(* fnOnFrameCPL )(arm_2d_scene_t *ptThis)
 on-frame-complete event handler More...
void(* fnBeforeSwitchOut )(arm_2d_scene_t *ptThis)
 before-scene-switch-out event handler More...
void(* fnDepose )(arm_2d_scene_t *ptThis)
 on-scene-depose event handler More...
struct {
uint8_t bOnSwitchingIgnoreBG: 1
 ignore background during switching period More...
uint8_t bOnSwitchingIgnoreScene: 1
 ignore forground during switching period More...

Field Documentation

◆ ptNext

arm_2d_scene_t* arm_2d_scene_t::ptNext

next scene

◆ ptPlayer

arm_2d_scene_player_t* arm_2d_scene_t::ptPlayer

points to the host scene player

◆ ptDirtyRegion

arm_2d_region_list_item_t* arm_2d_scene_t::ptDirtyRegion

dirty region list for the foreground

◆ fnBackground

arm_2d_helper_draw_handler_t* arm_2d_scene_t::fnBackground

the function pointer for the background

◆ fnScene

arm_2d_helper_draw_handler_t* arm_2d_scene_t::fnScene

the function pointer for the foreground

◆ fnOnBGStart

void(* arm_2d_scene_t::fnOnBGStart) (arm_2d_scene_t *ptThis)

on-start-drawing-background event handler

◆ fnOnBGComplete

void(* arm_2d_scene_t::fnOnBGComplete) (arm_2d_scene_t *ptThis)

on-complete-drawing-background event handler

◆ fnOnFrameStart

void(* arm_2d_scene_t::fnOnFrameStart) (arm_2d_scene_t *ptThis)

on-frame-start event handler

◆ fnOnFrameCPL

void(* arm_2d_scene_t::fnOnFrameCPL) (arm_2d_scene_t *ptThis)

on-frame-complete event handler

◆ fnBeforeSwitchOut

void(* arm_2d_scene_t::fnBeforeSwitchOut) (arm_2d_scene_t *ptThis)

before-scene-switch-out event handler

We can use this event to initialize/generate the new(next) scene

◆ fnDepose

void(* arm_2d_scene_t::fnDepose) (arm_2d_scene_t *ptThis)

on-scene-depose event handler

We use fnDepose to free the resources

◆ arm_2d_scene_before_scene_switching_evt_t

struct arm_2d_scene_before_scene_switching_evt_t

on low level render event

Data Fields
arm_2d_scene_before_scene_switching_handler_t * fnHandler event handler function
void * pTarget user attached target

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_t

struct arm_2d_scene_player_t

a class to manage scenes

Data Fields
arm_2d_helper_pfb_t inherit from arm_2d_helper_pfb_t

points to the head of the FIFO points to the tail of the FIFO Scene FIFO a flag to request switching-to-the next-scene indication of scene switching completion update the background of the current scene the state of the FSM used by runtime. scene player runtime the switching mode FSM state FSM state opacity of the cover the colour of the cover FSM state scene window a temp tile erase offset FSM state scene window slide offset the switching configuration the switching should finish in specified millisecond

struct arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__ __unnamed__ < before-scene-switch-out event handler
We can use this event to initialize/generate the new(next) scene

◆ arm_2d_pfb_t

struct arm_2d_pfb_t

the header of a PFB block

Data Fields
struct arm_2d_pfb_t * ptNext next pfb block
arm_2d_helper_pfb_t * ptPFBHelper the pfb helper service current PFB block comes from
arm_2d_tile_t tTile descriptor
uint32_t u24Size: 24
uint32_t bIsNewFrame: 1 a flag to indicate the starting of a frame

◆ arm_2d_region_list_item_t

struct arm_2d_region_list_item_t

the node of a region list

Data Fields
struct arm_2d_region_list_item_t * ptNext the next node
arm_2d_region_t tRegion the region
bool bIgnore ignore this region

◆ arm_2d_helper_render_evt_t

struct arm_2d_helper_render_evt_t

on low level render event

Data Fields
arm_2d_helper_render_handler_t * fnHandler event handler function
void * pTarget user attached target

◆ arm_2d_helper_pfb_dependency_t

struct arm_2d_helper_pfb_dependency_t

The PFB Helper Service Dependency.

Data Fields
arm_2d_helper_render_evt_t evtOnLowLevelRendering event handler for low level rendering
arm_2d_helper_draw_evt_t evtOnDrawing event handler for drawing GUI
arm_2d_evt_t evtOnLowLevelSyncUp low level rendering handler wants to sync-up (return arm_fsm_rt_wait_for_obj)
arm_2d_evt_t evtOnEachFrameCPL event handler for each frame complete
struct arm_2d_helper_pfb_dependency_t.Navigation Navigation event handler for drawing GUI

◆ arm_2d_helper_pfb_cfg_t

struct arm_2d_helper_pfb_cfg_t

PFB Helper configuration.

Data Fields
arm_2d_region_t tDisplayArea screen description
struct arm_2d_helper_pfb_cfg_t.FrameBuffer FrameBuffer frame buffer context
arm_2d_helper_pfb_dependency_t Dependency user registered dependency

◆ arm_2d_helper_pfb_t

struct arm_2d_helper_pfb_t

the PFB helper control block

Data Fields
struct arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.__unnamed137__ __unnamed__ < user configuration
struct arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.Statistics Statistics performance statistics

◆ arm_2d_helper_transform_t

struct arm_2d_helper_transform_t

the Transform helper control block

Data Fields
float fAngle
float fScale
struct arm_2d_helper_transform_t.__unnamed144__ __unnamed__

◆ __arm_2d_helper_scene_switch_t.Feature

struct __arm_2d_helper_scene_switch_t.Feature
Data Fields
uint8_t chMode the switch visual effect
uint8_t bIgnoreOldSceneBG: 1 when set, ignore the background of the old scene
uint8_t bIgnoreOldScene: 1 when set, ignore the old scene
uint8_t bIgnoreNewSceneBG: 1 when set, ignore the background of the new scene
uint8_t bIgnoreNewScene: 1 when set, ignore the new scene
uint8_t u2DefaultBG: 2 the default background

◆ arm_2d_scene_t.__unnamed121__

struct arm_2d_scene_t.__unnamed121__
Data Fields
uint8_t bOnSwitchingIgnoreBG: 1 ignore background during switching period
uint8_t bOnSwitchingIgnoreScene: 1 ignore forground during switching period

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__

struct arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__

< before-scene-switch-out event handler

We can use this event to initialize/generate the new(next) scene
Data Fields
struct arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.SceneFIFO SceneFIFO
struct arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Runtime Runtime
struct arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Switch Switch
struct arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Events Events

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.SceneFIFO

struct arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.SceneFIFO
Data Fields
arm_2d_scene_t * ptHead
arm_2d_scene_t * ptTail

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Runtime

struct arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Runtime
Data Fields
uint8_t bNextSceneReq: 1
uint8_t bSwitchCPL: 1
uint8_t bUpdateBG: 1
uint8_t chState

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Switch

struct arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Switch
Data Fields
arm_2d_scene_switch_mode_t * ptMode
union arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Switch.__unnamed129__ __unnamed__
__arm_2d_helper_scene_switch_t tConfig
uint16_t hwPeriod
int64_t lTimeStamp

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Switch.__unnamed129__

union arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Switch.__unnamed129__

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Switch.__unnamed129__.Fade

struct arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Switch.__unnamed129__.Fade
Data Fields
uint8_t chState
uint8_t chOpacity
bool bIsFadeBlack

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Switch.__unnamed129__.Erase

struct arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Switch.__unnamed129__.Erase
Data Fields
uint8_t chState
arm_2d_tile_t tSceneWindow
arm_2d_tile_t tTemp
int16_t iOffset

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Switch.__unnamed129__.Slide

struct arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Switch.__unnamed129__.Slide
Data Fields
uint8_t chState
arm_2d_tile_t tSceneWindow
int16_t iOffset

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Events

struct arm_2d_scene_player_t.__unnamed123__.Events
Data Fields
arm_2d_scene_before_scene_switching_evt_t evtBeforeSwitching

◆ arm_2d_helper_pfb_dependency_t.Navigation

struct arm_2d_helper_pfb_dependency_t.Navigation

event handler for drawing GUI

Data Fields
arm_2d_helper_draw_evt_t evtOnDrawing
arm_2d_region_list_item_t * ptDirtyRegion

◆ arm_2d_helper_pfb_cfg_t.FrameBuffer

struct arm_2d_helper_pfb_cfg_t.FrameBuffer
Data Fields
arm_2d_pfb_t * ptPFBs current PFB block
arm_2d_size_t tFrameSize the size of the frame
uint32_t wBufferSize the buffer size
uint16_t hwPFBNum the number of PFB
uint16_t bDoNOTUpdateDefaultFrameBuffer: 1 A flag to disable automatically default-framebuffer-registration.
uint16_t bDisableDynamicFPBSize: 1 A flag to disable resize of the PFB block.
uint16_t bSwapRGB16: 1 A flag to enable swapping high and low bytes of an RGB16 pixel.
uint16_t bDebugDirtyRegions: 1 A flag to show dirty regions on screen for debug.
uint16_t u3PixelWidthAlign: 3 Pixel alignment in Width for dirty region (2^n)
uint16_t u3PixelHeightAlign: 3 Pixel alignment in Height for dirty region (2^n)
uint16_t u4PoolReserve: 4 reserve specific number of PFB for other helper services

◆ arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.__unnamed137__

struct arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.__unnamed137__

< user configuration

Data Fields
arm_2d_helper_pfb_cfg_t tCFG
struct arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.__unnamed137__.Adapter Adapter

◆ arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.__unnamed137__.Adapter

struct arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.__unnamed137__.Adapter
Data Fields
arm_2d_region_t tDrawRegion
arm_2d_region_t tTargetRegion
arm_2d_region_list_item_t * ptDirtyRegion
arm_2d_tile_t tPFBTile
arm_2d_size_t tFrameSize
uint32_t wPFBPixelCount
bool bFirstIteration
bool bIsRegionChanged
uint8_t chPT
struct arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.__unnamed137__.Adapter.__unnamed141__ __unnamed__
uint16_t hwFreePFBCount
arm_2d_pfb_t * ptCurrent
arm_2d_pfb_t * ptFreeList
arm_2d_pfb_t * ptFlushing
struct arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.__unnamed137__.Adapter.FlushFIFO FlushFIFO
arm_2d_tile_t * ptFrameBuffer

◆ arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.__unnamed137__.Adapter.__unnamed141__

struct arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.__unnamed137__.Adapter.__unnamed141__
Data Fields
uint8_t bIsNewFrame: 1
uint8_t bIsFlushRequested:1
uint8_t bNoAdditionalDirtyRegionList

◆ arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.__unnamed137__.Adapter.FlushFIFO

struct arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.__unnamed137__.Adapter.FlushFIFO
Data Fields
arm_2d_pfb_t * ptHead
arm_2d_pfb_t * ptTail

◆ arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.Statistics

struct arm_2d_helper_pfb_t.Statistics
Data Fields
int64_t lTimestamp PLEASE DO NOT USE.
int32_t nTotalCycle cycles used by drawing
int32_t nRenderingCycle cycles used in LCD flushing

◆ arm_2d_helper_transform_t.__unnamed144__

struct arm_2d_helper_transform_t.__unnamed144__
Data Fields
arm_2d_region_list_item_t tDirtyRegions[2]
arm_2d_op_t * ptTransformOP
struct arm_2d_helper_transform_t.__unnamed144__.Angle Angle
struct arm_2d_helper_transform_t.__unnamed144__.Scale Scale
bool bNeedUpdate

◆ arm_2d_helper_transform_t.__unnamed144__.Angle

struct arm_2d_helper_transform_t.__unnamed144__.Angle
Data Fields
float fValue
float fStep

◆ arm_2d_helper_transform_t.__unnamed144__.Scale

struct arm_2d_helper_transform_t.__unnamed144__.Scale
Data Fields
float fValue
float fStep

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_register_on_draw_navigation_event_handler

#define arm_2d_scene_player_register_on_draw_navigation_event_handler (   __SCENE_PLAYER_PTR,

register / update the evtOnDrawNavigation event handler. You can use this event to draw an ALWAY-TOP navigation bar or title during switching period.

[in]__DISP_ADAPTER_PTRthe target scene player
[in]__DRAW_HANDLERthe event handler to draw the navigation bar and/or titles
[in]__USER_TARGET_PTRthe address of an user specified object. If it is NULL, ptThis will be used instead.
[in]...an optional dirty region list for the navigation layer. If ommited, NULL is used.
if the optional dirty region list is omitted and the normal scene doesn't cover the region of the content in the navigation layer, you won't see the content.
arm_2d_err_t the operation result

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_set_switching_mode

#define arm_2d_scene_player_set_switching_mode (   __SCENE_PLAYER_PTR,

configure the scene switching mode

[in]__DISP_ADAPTER_PTRthe target scene player
[in]__SWITCH_MODEa switching mode object
[in]...an optional configurations for the switching

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_register_before_switching_event_handler

#define arm_2d_scene_player_register_before_switching_event_handler (   __SCENE_PLAYER_PTR,
(__HANDLER), \

register / update the evtBeforeSwitching event handler. You can use this event to prepare next scenes.

[in]ptThisthe target scene player
[in]fnHandlerthe event handler
[in]...optional, the address of an user specified object.
arm_2d_err_t the operation result


({ \
__attribute__((section(".bss.noinit.arm_2d_pfb_pool"))) \
static struct { \
arm_2d_pfb_t tFPB; \
__ALIGNED(4) \
__PIXEL_TYPE tBuffer[(__WIDTH) * (__HEIGHT)]; \
} s_tPFBs[__PFB_NUM]; \
arm_2d_helper_pfb_cfg_t tCFG = { \
.tDisplayArea.tSize = { \
.iWidth = (__SCREEN_WIDTH), \
.iHeight = (__SCREEN_HEIGHT), \
}, \
.FrameBuffer.ptPFBs = (arm_2d_pfb_t *)s_tPFBs, \
.FrameBuffer.tFrameSize = { \
.iWidth = (__WIDTH), \
.iHeight = (__HEIGHT), \
}, \
.FrameBuffer.wBufferSize = sizeof(s_tPFBs[0].tBuffer), \
.FrameBuffer.hwPFBNum = dimof(s_tPFBs), \
.Dependency = \
__VA_ARGS__ \
}; \
arm_2d_helper_pfb_init((__CB_ADDR), &tCFG); \

a macro wrapper in uppercase to help initialising PFB service

[in]__CB_ADDRthe address of the arm_2d_helper_pfb_t object
[in]__SCREEN_WIDTHthe width of the screen
[in]__SCREEN_HEIGHTthe hight of the screen
[in]__PIXEL_TYPEthe integer type of the pixel, i.e. uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t
[in]__WIDTHthe width of the PFB block
[in]__HEIGHTthe height of the PFB block
For the same number of pixels in a PFB block, please priority the width over height, for example, 240 * 1 is better than 30 * 8
[in]__PFB_NUMthe number of PFB blocks in the built-in PFB pool.
[in]...a code block to add additional initializer, see example below:
arm_2d_err_t the result of the initialisation process
static ARM_NOINIT arm_2d_helper_pfb_t s_tExamplePFB;
// initialise FPB helper
&s_tExamplePFB, // FPB Helper object
__GLCD_CFG_SCEEN_WIDTH__, // screen width
__GLCD_CFG_SCEEN_HEIGHT__, // screen height
uint16_t, // colour date type
240, // PFB block width
1, // PFB block height
1, // number of PFB in the PFB pool
.evtOnLowLevelRendering = {
// callback for low level rendering
.fnHandler = &__pfb_render_handler,
.evtOnDrawing = {
// callback for drawing GUI
.fnHandler = &__pfb_draw_background_handler,
//.FrameBuffer.bSwapRGB16 = true,
) < 0) {
//! error detected


/* An optional target address */ \
arm_2d_helper_pfb_update_dependency((__CB_ADDR), \
.evtOnDrawing = { \
.fnHandler = (__HANDLER), \
.pTarget = (NULL,##__VA_ARGS__),\
}, \

a macro wrapper to update the evtOnDrawring event handler

[in]__CB_ADDRthe address of the arm_2d_helper_pfb_t object
[in]__HANDLERthe new handler
[in]...[Optional] an address (of user defined structure) passed to the event handler.
arm_2d_err_t the process result


#define __IMPL_ARM_2D_REGION_LIST (   __NAME,
enum { \
__NAME##_offset = __COUNTER__, \
}; \
__VA_ARGS__ \
arm_2d_region_list_item_t __NAME[] = {


#define __ADD_REGION_TO_LIST (   __NAME,
{ \
.ptNext = (arm_2d_region_list_item_t *) \
&(__NAME[__COUNTER__ - __NAME##_offset]), \
.tRegion = { \
__VA_ARGS__ \
}, \


{ \
.ptNext = NULL, \
.tRegion = { \
__VA_ARGS__ \
}, \


void __NAME(void *pTarget, \
const arm_2d_pfb_t *ptPFB, \
bool bIsNewFrame)

◆ init_arm_2d_helper_pfb

#define init_arm_2d_helper_pfb (   __CB_ADDR,
__CB_ADDR, \
__WIDTH, \
__PFB_NUM, \
##__VA_ARGS__ \

a macro wrapper in lowercase to help initialising PFB service

[in]__CB_ADDRthe address of the arm_2d_helper_pfb_t object
[in]__SCREEN_WIDTHthe width of the screen
[in]__SCREEN_HEIGHTthe hight of the screen
[in]__PIXEL_TYPEthe integer type of the pixel, i.e. uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t
[in]__WIDTHthe width of the PFB block
[in]__HEIGHTthe height of the PFB block
For the same number of pixels in a PFB block, please priority the width over height, for example, 240 * 1 is better than 30 * 8
[in]__PFB_NUMthe number of PFB blocks in the built-in PFB pool.
[in]...a code block to add additional initializer, see example below:
arm_2d_err_t the result of the initialisation process
static ARM_NOINIT arm_2d_helper_pfb_t s_tExamplePFB;
// initialise FPB helper
&s_tExamplePFB, // FPB Helper object
__GLCD_CFG_SCEEN_WIDTH__, // screen width
__GLCD_CFG_SCEEN_HEIGHT__, // screen height
uint16_t, // colour date type
240, // PFB block width
1, // PFB block height
1, // number of PFB in the PFB pool
.evtOnLowLevelRendering = {
// callback for low level rendering
.fnHandler = &__pfb_render_handler,
.evtOnDrawing = {
// callback for drawing GUI
.fnHandler = &__pfb_draw_background_handler,
//.FrameBuffer.bSwapRGB16 = true,
) < 0) {
//! error detected

◆ update_arm_2d_helper_pfb_on_draw_handler

#define update_arm_2d_helper_pfb_on_draw_handler (   __CB_ADDR,
/* An optional target address */ \
(__CB_ADDR), \

a macro wrapper to update the evtOnDrawring event handler

[in]__CB_ADDRthe address of the arm_2d_helper_pfb_t object
[in]__HANDLERthe new handler
[in]...[Optional] an address (of user defined structure) passed to the event handler.
arm_2d_err_t the process result

◆ arm_2d_helper_pfb_report_rendering_complete

#define arm_2d_helper_pfb_report_rendering_complete (   __PFB_HELPER_PTR,

tell PFB helper that a low level LCD flushing work is complete

This function is THREAD-SAFE, You can call this function asynchronously, e.g.
  • A ISR to indicate DMA-transfer complete event or
  • A different Thread
[in]ptThisthe PFB control block
[in]...the used PFB block.
please do not use this parameter, it is only kept for backward compatability.

◆ arm_2d_helper_is_time_out

#define arm_2d_helper_is_time_out (   __ms,
({ static int64_t arm_2d_safe_name(s_lTimestamp); \
__arm_2d_helper_is_time_out(arm_2d_helper_convert_ms_to_ticks(__ms), \

set an alarm with given period and check the status

[in]__msa time period in millisecond
[in]...an optional timestamp holder
bool whether it is timeout

◆ arm_2d_helper_time_liner_slider

#define arm_2d_helper_time_liner_slider (   __from,
({static int64_t arm_2d_safe_name(s_lTimestamp); \
__arm_2d_helper_time_liner_slider((__from), \
(__to), \
(__stroke_ptr), \

calculate the stroke of a liner slider based on time

[in]__fromthe start of the slider
[in]__tothe end of the slider
[in]__msa given period (ms) in which the slider should finish the whole stroke
[out]__stroke_ptrthe address of an int32_t stroke variable
[in]...an optional address of a timestamp variable, if you omit it, NULL will be passed, and the code that call this funtion will not be reentrant.
Return values
truethe slider has finished the whole stroke
falsethe slider hasn't reach the target end

◆ arm_2d_helper_time_cos_slider

#define arm_2d_helper_time_cos_slider (   __from,
({static int64_t arm_2d_safe_name(s_lTimestamp); \
__arm_2d_helper_time_cos_slider((__from), \
(__to), \
(__phase), \
(__stroke_ptr), \

calculate the stroke of a cosine slider based on time

[in]__fromthe start of the slider
[in]__tothe end of the slider
[in]__msa given period (ms) in which the slider should finish the whole stroke
[in]__phasethe phase offset
[out]__stroke_ptrthe address of an int32_t stroke variable
[in]...an optional address of a timestamp variable, if you omit it, NULL will be passed, and the code that call this funtion will not be reentrant.
Return values
truethe slider has finished the whole stroke
falsethe slider hasn't reach the target end

◆ arm_2d_helper_time_half_cos_slider

#define arm_2d_helper_time_half_cos_slider (   __from,
({static int64_t arm_2d_safe_name(s_lTimestamp); \
__arm_2d_helper_time_half_cos_slider((__from), \
(__to), \
(__stroke_ptr), \

calculate the stroke of a cosine slider(0~pi) based on time

[in]__fromthe start of the slider
[in]__tothe end of the slider
[in]__msa given period (ms) in which the slider should finish the whole stroke
[out]__stroke_ptrthe address of an int32_t stroke variable
[in]...an optional address of a timestamp variable, if you omit it, NULL will be passed, and the code that call this funtion will not be reentrant.
Return values
truethe slider has finished the whole stroke
falsethe slider hasn't reach the target end

Typedef Documentation

◆ arm_2d_scene_before_scene_switching_handler_t

typedef void arm_2d_scene_before_scene_switching_handler_t(void *pTarget, arm_2d_scene_player_t *ptPlayer, arm_2d_scene_t *ptScene)

the scene player event handler

[in]pTargeta user attached target address
[in]ptPlayerthe scene player
[in]ptScenethe old scene that is to be switched out

◆ arm_2d_helper_render_handler_t

typedef void arm_2d_helper_render_handler_t(void *pTarget, const arm_2d_pfb_t *ptPFB, bool bIsNewFrame)

the On Low Level Rendering event handler for the low level (LCD Driver)

[in]pTargeta user attached target address
[in]ptPFBthe PFB block
[in]bIsNewFramea flag indicate the starting of a new frame

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_switch_mode_t

scene switching mode


no switching visual effect


user defined switching visual effect


fade in fade out (white)


fade in fade out (black)


slide left


slide right


slide up


slide down


erase to the right


erase to the left


erase to the top


erase to the bottom


For internal user only.


ignore the background of the old scene


ignore the old scene


ignore the background of the new scene


ignore the new scene


use white as default background


use black as default background


use user defined default background


For internal user only.


For internal user only.


For internal user only.


For internal user only.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

the enumeration for events


On Low Level Rendering Event.


On Drawing Event.


On Low Level Sync-up Event.


On Frame Sync-up Event.


On Each Frame Complete Event.


On Drawing Navigation Event.

Function Documentation

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_flush_fifo()

void arm_2d_scene_player_flush_fifo ( arm_2d_scene_player_t ptThis)

flush the scene FIFO

[in]ptThisthe target scene player

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_append_scenes()

void arm_2d_scene_player_append_scenes ( arm_2d_scene_player_t ptThis,
arm_2d_scene_t ptScenes,
int_fast16_t  hwCount 

append a set of scenes to a scene player

[in]ptThisthe target scene player
[in]ptScenesa scene array
[in]hwCountthe number of scenes in the array

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_update_scene_background()

void arm_2d_scene_player_update_scene_background ( arm_2d_scene_player_t ptThis)

request updating the background of the current scene

[in]ptThisthe target scene player

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_switch_to_next_scene()

void arm_2d_scene_player_switch_to_next_scene ( arm_2d_scene_player_t ptThis)

request switching to the next scene safely

[in]ptThisthe target scene player
Once received a request, the scene player will only switch to the next scene at the end of a frame.

◆ __arm_2d_scene_player_set_switching_mode()

void __arm_2d_scene_player_set_switching_mode ( arm_2d_scene_player_t ptThis,
arm_2d_scene_switch_mode_t ptMode,
uint16_t  hwSettings 

configure the scene switching mode

[in]ptThisthe target scene player
[in]ptModea switching mode object
[in]hwSettingsconfigurations for the switching

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_get_switching_cfg()

uint16_t arm_2d_scene_player_get_switching_cfg ( arm_2d_scene_player_t ptThis)

read the current scene switching mode

[in]ptThisthe target scene player
uint16_t the current setting value for the scene switching mode

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_set_switching_period()

void arm_2d_scene_player_set_switching_period ( arm_2d_scene_player_t ptThis,
uint_fast16_t  hwMS 

configure the scene switching period

[in]ptThisthe target scene player
[in]hwMSperiod in millisecond

◆ __arm_2d_scene_player_register_on_draw_navigation_event_handler()

arm_2d_err_t __arm_2d_scene_player_register_on_draw_navigation_event_handler ( arm_2d_scene_player_t ptThis,
arm_2d_helper_draw_handler_t *  fnHandler,
void *  pTarget,
arm_2d_region_list_item_t ptDirtyRegions 

register / update the evtOnDrawNavigation event handler. You can use this event to draw an ALWAY-TOP navigation bar or title during switching period.

[in]ptThisthe target scene player
[in]fnHandlerthe event handler to draw the navigation bar and/or titles
[in]pTargetthe address of an user specified object. If it is NULL, ptThis will be used instead.
[in]ptDirtyRegionsa dirty region list for the navigation layer.
if ptDirtyRegions is NULL and the normal scene doesn't cover the region of the content in the navigation layer, you won't see the content.
arm_2d_err_t the operation result

◆ __arm_2d_scene_player_register_before_switching_event_handler()

arm_2d_err_t __arm_2d_scene_player_register_before_switching_event_handler ( arm_2d_scene_player_t ptThis,
arm_2d_scene_before_scene_switching_handler_t fnHandler,
void *  pTarget 

register / update the evtBeforeSwitching event handler. You can use this event to prepare next scenes.

[in]ptThisthe target scene player
[in]fnHandlerthe event handler
[in]pTargetthe address of an user specified object.
arm_2d_err_t the operation result

◆ arm_2d_scene_player_task()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2d_scene_player_task ( arm_2d_scene_player_t ptThis)

the scene player task function

[in]ptThisthe target scene player
the event sequence of a scene:
  1. when fnBackground is valid
    • invoke fnOnBGStart when it is valid
    • invoke fnBackground
    • invoke fnOnBGComplete when it is valid
  2. invoke fnOnFrameStart when it is valid
  3. invoke fnScene
  4. invoke fnOnFrameCPL when it is valid
  5. Check bNextSceneReq
    • false (0), go back to step 2
    • true, invoke fnDepose when it is valid and switch to the next scene

◆ arm_2d_helper_pfb_init()

arm_2d_err_t arm_2d_helper_pfb_init ( arm_2d_helper_pfb_t ptThis,
arm_2d_helper_pfb_cfg_t ptCFG 

initialize pfb helper service

[in]ptThisthe pfb helper control block
[in]ptCFGthe configuration
arm_2d_err_t the process result

◆ arm_2d_helper_pfb_get_display_area()

arm_2d_region_t arm_2d_helper_pfb_get_display_area ( arm_2d_helper_pfb_t ptThis)

get the display (screen) region

[in]ptThisthe pfb helper control block
arm_2d_region_t the screen region

◆ arm_2d_helper_pfb_task()

arm_fsm_rt_t arm_2d_helper_pfb_task ( arm_2d_helper_pfb_t ptThis,
arm_2d_region_list_item_t ptDirtyRegions 

the task function for pfb helper

[in]ptThisan initialised PFB control block
[in]ptDirtyRegionsa region list pending for refresh, NULL means refreshing the whole screen
Return values
arm_fsm_rt_cplcomplete refreshing one frame
arm_fsm_rt_on_goingthe refreshing work is on-going
arm_fsm_rt_wait_for_objuser's OnDrawing event handler wants to wait for some objects, e.g. semaphore etc.
<0An error is detected

◆ arm_2d_helper_pfb_flush()

void arm_2d_helper_pfb_flush ( arm_2d_helper_pfb_t ptThis)

flush the FPB FIFO

This function is THREAD-SAFE
For normal usage, please DO NOT use this function unless you know what you are doing.
[in]ptThisan initialised PFB control block

◆ arm_2d_helper_pfb_update_dependency()

arm_2d_err_t arm_2d_helper_pfb_update_dependency ( arm_2d_helper_pfb_t ptThis,
uint_fast8_t  chMask,
const arm_2d_helper_pfb_dependency_t ptDependency 

update PFB dependency (event handlers)

[in]ptThisthe PFB control block
[in]chMaskthe bit mask for event handlers
[in]ptDependencythe new dependency description
arm_2d_err_t the process result

◆ __arm_2d_helper_pfb_report_rendering_complete()

void __arm_2d_helper_pfb_report_rendering_complete ( arm_2d_helper_pfb_t ptThis,
arm_2d_pfb_t ptPFB 

tell PFB helper that a low level LCD flushing work is complete

This function is THREAD-SAFE, You can call this function asynchronously, e.g.
  • A ISR to indicate DMA-transfer complete event or
  • A different Thread
[in]ptThisthe PFB control block
[in]ptPFBthe used PFB block

◆ arm_2d_helper_swap_rgb16()

void arm_2d_helper_swap_rgb16 ( uint16_t *  phwBuffer,
uint32_t  wCount 

swap the high and low bytes for each rgb16 pixel

[in]phwBufferthe pixel buffer
the phwBuffer MUST aligned to half-word addresses
[in]wSizethe number of pixels

◆ __arm_2d_helper_pfb_new()

arm_2d_pfb_t * __arm_2d_helper_pfb_new ( arm_2d_helper_pfb_t ptThis)

try to get a PFB block from the pool

[in]ptThisthe PFB control block
Return values
NULLthe pool is empty
!NULLa valid pfb block

◆ __arm_2d_helper_pfb_free()

void __arm_2d_helper_pfb_free ( arm_2d_helper_pfb_t ptThis,
arm_2d_pfb_t ptPFB 

free a PFB block to the pool

[in]ptThisthe PFB control block
[in]ptPFBthe target PFB block

◆ arm_2d_helper_transform_init()

void arm_2d_helper_transform_init ( arm_2d_helper_transform_t ptThis,
arm_2d_op_t ptTransformOP,
float  fAngleStep,
float  fScaleStep,
arm_2d_region_list_item_t **  ppDirtyRegionList 

initialize a given transform helper

[in]ptThisthe target helper
[in]ptTransformOPthe target transform OP, NULL is not accepted.
[in]fAngleStepthe minimal acceptable angle change.
[in]fScaleStepthe minimal acceptable scale ratio change.
[in]ppDirtyRegionListthe address of the dirty region list

◆ arm_2d_helper_transform_on_frame_begin()

void arm_2d_helper_transform_on_frame_begin ( arm_2d_helper_transform_t ptThis)

the on-frame-begin event handler for a given transform helper

[in]ptThisthe target helper
Usually this event handler should be insert the frame start event handler of a target scene.

◆ arm_2d_helper_transform_update_value()

void arm_2d_helper_transform_update_value ( arm_2d_helper_transform_t ptThis,
float  fAngle,
float  fScale 

update a given transform helper with new values

[in]ptThisthe target helper
[in]fAnglethe new angle value
[in]fScalethe new scale ratio
The new value is only accepted when the change between the old value and the new value is larger than the minimal acceptable mount.

◆ arm_2d_helper_transform_update_dirty_regions()

void arm_2d_helper_transform_update_dirty_regions ( arm_2d_helper_transform_t ptThis,
bool  bIsNewFrame 

update the dirty region after a transform operation

[in]ptThisthe target helper
[in]bIsNewFramewhether this is a new frame

◆ arm_2d_helper_init()

void arm_2d_helper_init ( void  )

initialize helper services

◆ arm_2d_helper_backend_task()

void arm_2d_helper_backend_task ( void  )

backend task for asynchronose mode

◆ arm_2d_helper_convert_ticks_to_ms()

int64_t arm_2d_helper_convert_ticks_to_ms ( int64_t  lTick)

convert ticks of a reference timer to millisecond

[in]lTickthe tick count
int64_t the millisecond

◆ arm_2d_helper_convert_ms_to_ticks()

int64_t arm_2d_helper_convert_ms_to_ticks ( uint32_t  wMS)

convert millisecond into ticks of the reference timer

[in]wMSthe target time in millisecond
int64_t the ticks

◆ arm_2d_helper_get_reference_clock_frequency()

uint32_t arm_2d_helper_get_reference_clock_frequency ( void  )

get the reference clock frequency

uint32_t the frequency

◆ arm_2d_helper_get_system_timestamp()

int64_t arm_2d_helper_get_system_timestamp ( void  )

get the current system stamp from the reference clock

int64_t the timestamp in ticks (no overflow issue)
you have to call arm_2d_helper_convert_ticks_to_ms() to convert the the timestamp into milliseconds when required.

◆ __arm_2d_helper_is_time_out()

bool __arm_2d_helper_is_time_out ( int64_t  lPeriod,
int64_t *  plTimestamp 

set an alarm with given period and check the status

[in]lPerioda time period in ticks
[in]plTimestampa pointer points to an int64_t integer, if NULL is passed, an static local variable inside the function will be used
bool whether it is timeout or not

◆ __arm_2d_helper_time_liner_slider()

bool __arm_2d_helper_time_liner_slider ( int32_t  nFrom,
int32_t  nTo,
int64_t  lPeriod,
int32_t *  pnStroke,
int64_t *  plTimestamp 

calculate the stroke of a liner slider based on time

[in]nFromthe start of the slider
[in]nTothe end of the slider
[in]lPerioda given period in which the slider should finish the whole stroke
[out]pnStrokethe address of an int32_t stroke variable
[in]plTimestampthe address of a timestamp variable, if you pass NULL the code that call this funtion will not be reentrant.
Return values
truethe slider has finished the whole stroke
falsethe slider hasn't reach the target end

◆ __arm_2d_helper_time_half_cos_slider()

bool __arm_2d_helper_time_half_cos_slider ( int32_t  nFrom,
int32_t  nTo,
int64_t  lPeriod,
int32_t *  pnStroke,
int64_t *  plTimestamp 

calculate the stroke of a cosine slider (0~pi) based on time

[in]nFromthe start of the slider
[in]nTothe end of the slider
[in]lPerioda given period in which the slider should finish the whole stroke
[out]pnStrokethe address of an int32_t stroke variable
[in]plTimestampthe address of a timestamp variable, if you pass NULL the code that call this funtion will not be reentrant.
Return values
truethe slider has finished the whole stroke
falsethe slider hasn't reach the target end

◆ __arm_2d_helper_time_cos_slider()

bool __arm_2d_helper_time_cos_slider ( int32_t  nFrom,
int32_t  nTo,
int64_t  lPeriod,
float  fPhase,
int32_t *  pnStroke,
int64_t *  plTimestamp 

calculate the stroke of a consine slider (0~2pi) based on time

[in]nFromthe start of the slider
[in]nTothe end of the slider
[in]lPerioda given period in which the slider should finish the whole stroke
[in]lPhasethe phase offset
[out]pnStrokethe address of an int32_t stroke variable
[in]plTimestampthe address of a timestamp variable, if you pass NULL the code that call this funtion will not be reentrant.
Return values
truethe slider has finished the whole stroke
falsethe slider hasn't reach the target end

◆ __arm_2d_helper_colour_slider()

uint32_t __arm_2d_helper_colour_slider ( uint32_t  wFrom,
uint32_t  wTo,
int32_t  nDistance,
int32_t  nOffset 

\brier colour intrapolation

[in]wFroma 32bit colour (4 8bit colour channels) on the start
[in]wToa 32bit colour (4 8bit colour channels) on the end
[in]nDistancethe reference full distance between two end points
[in]nOffsetthe offset from the start
uint32_t 32bit colour

◆ arm_2d_helper_draw_box()

void arm_2d_helper_draw_box ( const arm_2d_tile_t ptTarget,
const arm_2d_region_t ptRegion,
int16_t  iBorderWidth,
COLOUR_INT  tColour,
uint8_t  chOpacity 

\brier draw a box with specified colour, border width and opacity

[in]ptTargetthe target tile
[in]ptRegionthe target region
[in]iBorderWidththe border width
[in]tColourthe target colour
[in]chOpacitythe opacity