2D Image Processing Library for Cortex-M Processors
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Getting Started as an Professional User

"I am interested in the implementation"

  • We apologise that at the current stage (it's the early stage, as you can see), there is no sufficient guidance or documents about:
    • How the library is implemented
    • How to contribute
    • How to add new features
    • What's the design principles behind the code
    • What's the structure of the design in details
  • Some design considerations:
    • The library supports Arm Compiler 5/6, GCC, LLVM and IAR.
    • The library supports ALL Cortex-M processors. There should be no problem for working with existing Cortex-M processors, i.e. Cortex-M0/M0+/M1/M3/M4/M7/M23/M33/Star-MC1/M35P/M55/M85. If you find any issue, please feel free to let us know.
    • The library is designed with some OOPC (Object-Oriented Programming with ANSI-C) methodologies. And the bottom line is that any methods and tricks adopted in this library should come with no or very little cost.
  • This library is compliant with C11 standard and uses some widely accepted GCC extensions:
  • Some of the definitions are written with the support of the Microsoft Extensions in mind ( -fms-extensions ), but the library never depends on it. This means that if programmers enable the support of the Microsoft Extensions in their project, they can benefit from it.
  • This library follows "Using Extensions to replace Modifications" principle
    • Keywords __WEAK and __OVERRIDE_WEAK are introduced for default functions and extensions; it is similar to the concept of "virtual functions" and "override functions" in C#.
      • arm_2d_async.c is used to override some infrastructure functions in arm_2d.c to support asynchronous mode in the programmers' mode.
      • arm_2d_helium.c is used to override some default software algorithm implementations across the library.
    • Supports for hardware accelerators (both from Arm and 3rd-parties) should be added in the same manner in the future.
      • Override the target low level IO defined with def_low_lv_io() macro that originally defined in arm_2d_op_table.c to add your own version of algorithms and hardware accelerations. For example, if you want to add alpha-blending support for RGB565 using your 2D hardware accelerator, you should do the following steps:

        1. In one of your own C source code, override the definition of __ARM_2D_IO_COPY_WITH_OPACITY_RGB565

          ```c //! PLEASE add following three lines in your hardware adapter source code #define ARM_2D_IMPL #include "arm_2d.h" #include "__arm_2d_impl.h"


          __OVERRIDE_WEAK def_low_lv_io(__ARM_2D_IO_COPY_WITH_OPACITY_RGB565, __arm_2d_rgb565_sw_tile_copy_with_opacity, __arm_2d_rgb565_my_hw_tile_copy_with_opacity); ```

        2. Copy the function body of __arm_2d_rgb565_sw_tile_copy_with_opacity() to your source code as a template of the hardware adaptor and rename it as __arm_2d_rgb565_my_hw_tile_copy_with_opacity()
        3. Modify __arm_2d_rgb565_my_hw_tile_copy_with_opacity to use your own hardware accelerator.
        4. Based on the arguments passed to the function and the capability of your 2D accelerator, you can:
          • return ARM_2D_ERR_NOT_SUPPORT if the hardware isn't capable to do what is requested.
          • return arm_fsm_rt_cpl if the task is done immediately and no need to wait.
          • return arm_fsm_rt_async if the task is done asynchronously and later report to arm-2d by calling function __arm_2d_notify_sub_task_cpl().

        NOTE: The Arm-2D pipeline will keep issuing tasks to your hardware adaptor, please quickly check whether the hardware is capable of doing the work or not, and then add the task (an __arm_2d_sub_task_t object) to a list in First-In-First-Out manner if your hardware adaptor decides to keep it. After that, your hardware accelerator can fetch tasks one by one.

typedef struct __arm_2d_sub_task_t __arm_2d_sub_task_t;
typedef arm_fsm_rt_t __arm_2d_io_func_t(__arm_2d_sub_task_t *ptTask);
typedef struct __arm_2d_low_level_io_t {
__arm_2d_io_func_t *SW;
__arm_2d_io_func_t *HW;
* Low Level IO Interfaces *
def_low_lv_io(__ARM_2D_IO_COPY_C8BIT, __arm_2d_c8bit_sw_tile_copy);
def_low_lv_io(__ARM_2D_IO_COPY_RGB16, __arm_2d_rgb16_sw_tile_copy);
def_low_lv_io(__ARM_2D_IO_COPY_RGB32, __arm_2d_rgb32_sw_tile_copy);
def_low_lv_io(__ARM_2D_IO_FILL_ONLY_C8BIT, __arm_2d_c8bit_sw_tile_fill_only);
def_low_lv_io(__ARM_2D_IO_FILL_ONLY_RGB16, __arm_2d_rgb16_sw_tile_fill_only);
def_low_lv_io(__ARM_2D_IO_FILL_ONLY_RGB32, __arm_2d_rgb32_sw_tile_fill_only);