Set UART configuration.
DAP_UART_Configure (0x20):
Sets the UART configuration (only for transport via DAP).
DAP_UART_Configure Request:
> 0x20 | Control | Baudrate |
- Control: Parameter values are compatible with CMSIS-Driver USART Interface in asynchronous mode and without flow control:
- Bit 3..0: Data bits: 5 = 5 Data bits, 6 = 6 Data bits, 7 = 7 Data bits, 0 = 8 Data bits
- Bit 5..4: Parity: 0 = None, 1 = Even, 2 = Odd
- Bit 7..6: Stop bits: 0 = 1 Stop bit, 1 = 2 Stop bits
- Baudrate: Requested baudrate
- Note
- DAP_UART_Configure command can be used only if transport via DAP is enabled.
It is required to configure the UART each time transport via DAP is enabled (DAP_UART_Transport command).
It is recommended to configure the UART before receive and transmit are enabled (DAP_UART_Control command).
DAP_UART_Configure Response:
> 0x20 | Status | Baudrate |
- Status: 0x00 = OK else ERROR:
- Bit 0: 1 = Data bits configuration error.
- Bit 1: 1 = Parity configuration error.
- Bit 2: 1 = Stop bits configuration error.
- Bit 7..3: reserved (0)
- Baudrate: Actual baudrate or 0 (baudrate configuration error). When requested baudrate is not achievable the closest configured baudrate can be returned or 0 which indicates baudrate configuration error.