To build
First time:
cbuild -O cprj test.csolution.yml --toolchain AC6 -c example.Release+VHT-Corstone-300 -p -r --update-rte
Other times:
cbuild -O cprj test.csolution.yml --toolchain AC6 -c example.Release+VHT-Corstone-300
If you want to select another test, edit the file example.cproject.yml
and uncomment the test.
To run
If the tools have been installed with vcpkg
FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55.exe -f fvp_configs/VHT-Corstone-300.txt -a cpu0=cprj\out\example\VHT-Corstone-300\Release\example.axf
Otherwise, you'll need to use the path to your FVP installation.