CMSIS DSP Software Library
No Matches

Matrixes can be used similarly to vectors:

Matrix<float32_t,ROWS,COLS> a;
Matrix<float32_t,ROWS,COLS> b;

If the dimensions of the matrixes are not known at build time, you would instead write:

Matrix<float32_t> a(rows,cols);
Matrix<float32_t> b(rows,cols);

Once you have matrixes, you need to initialize them. A matrix is also a vector, so you can initialize it by indexing into the vector:

for(std::size_t i=0;i<ROWS*COLS;i++)
a[i] = float32_t(i);

You can also use a bidimensional indexing:

for(std::size_t row=0; row<ROWS; row++)
for(std::size_t col=0; col<COLS; col++)
b(row,col) = float32_t(row*col);

Once you have initialized matrixes, you can operate on them:

Matrix<float32_t,ROWS,COLS> result = a * a + b;

The operators + and * are merged into the loop. * is the element-wise multiply. For the vector / matrix products you should use the operator dot.

Note that fusion of operators will not work with dot(Matrix, Matrix). It is only supported with vectors : dot(Vector,Vector) or dot(Matrix,Vector).


We can create virtual vectors which are view of some slices of the matrix.

Row vector

To set the second row to 0.0f, you can do:

result.row(1) = 0.0f;

To set the odd elements of the 3rd row to 0.0f we can do:

result.row<2>(2,1) = 0.0f;

The first argument 2 is the row number (starting from 0).

The second argument 1 is where is the row we start the view : element 1.

<2> is the stride known at built time.

The row API is:

template<int S=1>
VectorView<P,S> row(const index_t i,const index_t start=0,const index_t stop=C)

stop is the index of the first element after the end of the view.

i is the row index

Column vector

There is a similar API for columns.

Let's set the odd elements of columns 3 to 5.0f:

result.col<2>(2,1) = 5.0f;


It is also possible to create a virtual matrix : a view onto a subset of the matrix.

Let's add the bottom right corner of the matrix to itself:

result.sub(4,8,4,8) = result.sub(4,8,4,8) + result.sub(4,8,4,8)

The API is:

MatrixView<P,C> sub(const index_t rs,
const index_t re,
const index_t cs,
const index_t ce)

You specify the row start and row end, then column start and column end.

Note that the end is the first index after the end of your rows or columns.

No stride is supported for matrix view in this version of the library.

Matrix operations

In addition to the vector operations +,- and *, matrixes are supporting more operations:

  • dot for vector / matrix products
  • diagonal to create a diagonal matrix from a vector.
  • identity to create an identity matrix
  • tranpose to create the transposed matrix
  • outer for the outer product of two vectors


result = dot(a,b);

The compiler may use the move semantic to copy the temporary result of the dot function to result.

In this case, no copy would occur and result after the assignment would be a vector allocated by dot so using the TMP_ALLOC .


result = Matrix<float32_t,ROWS,COLS>::diagonal(c);


result = Matrix<float32_t,ROWS,COLS>::identity();


result = a.transpose();



outer product

result = outer(c,c);