Here is a list of all functions, variables, defines, enums, and typedefs with links to the files they belong to:
- w -
- arm_weighted_sum_f16()
: support_functions_f16.h
, arm_weighted_sum_f16.c
- arm_weighted_sum_f32()
: arm_weighted_sum_f32.c
, support_functions.h
- Weights_128
: arm_common_tables.h
, arm_common_tables.c
- Weights_2048
: arm_common_tables.c
, arm_common_tables.h
- Weights_512
: arm_common_tables.h
, arm_common_tables.c
- Weights_8192
: arm_common_tables.h
, arm_common_tables.c
- WeightsQ15_128
: arm_common_tables.h
, arm_common_tables.c
- WeightsQ15_2048
: arm_common_tables.c
, arm_common_tables.h
- WeightsQ15_512
: arm_common_tables.h
, arm_common_tables.c
- WeightsQ15_8192
: arm_common_tables.h
, arm_common_tables.c
- WeightsQ31_128
: arm_common_tables.h
, arm_common_tables.c
- WeightsQ31_2048
: arm_common_tables.h
, arm_common_tables.c
- WeightsQ31_512
: arm_common_tables.h
, arm_common_tables.c
- WeightsQ31_8192
: arm_common_tables.c
, arm_common_tables.h
- wire1
: arm_signal_converge_example_f32.c
, arm_variance_example_f32.c
- wire2
: arm_variance_example_f32.c
, arm_signal_converge_example_f32.c
- wire3
: arm_variance_example_f32.c
, arm_signal_converge_example_f32.c
- write_q15x2()
: arm_math_memory.h
- write_q15x2_ia()
: arm_math_memory.h
- write_q7x4_ia()
: arm_math_memory.h