CMSIS-Driver Validation  
Driver Validation
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The CMSIS-Driver Validation can output the test report in a Plain Text format or as an XML formatted file.
Selection of the output report type is done in the DV_Config.h configuration file.

Configuration file DV_Config.h in Configuration Wizard view mode

The Plain Text selection instructs the CMSIS-Driver Validation framework to generate a plain text report which can be seen in the Debug (printf) Viewer window and is mostly used for driver debugging purposes but can also be used as a final report.

The XML selection instructs the CMSIS-Driver Validation framework to generate an XML formatted report which is meant to be used as a final report and can be viewed nicely in any Web browser.

The report file can be written into a TestReport.xml file directly by the uVision with an additional debugger script called SaveXML.ini which needs to be specified as Initialization File: for the Debugger in the Options for target dialog, or it can be copy-pasted manually from the Debug (printf) Viewer window to the TestReport.xml file.
The SaveXML.ini script can be found in <pack root directory>\Scripts directory.

To view TestReport.xml file in a Web browser an additional style sheet TR_Style.xsl file needs to be in the same directory as the TestReport.xml file.
The TR_Style.xsl file contains the description of formatting for the Web browser to display the TestReport.xml report and can be found in <pack root directory>\Scripts directory.

The XML file uses coloring to differentiate the results in the following way:

  • Passed status means that test function has passed successfully.
  • Passed status means that test function has passed but there were some warnings (More details can be used to see the details about warnings).
  • Not executed status means that test function did not check any assertions.
  • Failed status means that test function has failed (More details can be used to see the details on reasons of failure).