CMSIS-Driver Validation  
Driver Validation
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After running the CMSIS-Driver Validation output report is used to see if the driver is compliant to the CMSIS-Driver specification.

If the result of the driver testing under Test Summary contains any Failed tests then the driver needs to be corrected.

Example of report in the Plain Text format of a non-compliant SPI driver:

CMSIS-Driver SPI Test Report   May  6 2020   10:47:11 

TEST 01: SPI_GetVersion                   
  DV_SPI.c (1023): [INFO] Driver API version 2.3, Driver version 2.15
TEST 02: SPI_GetCapabilities              PASSED
TEST 03: SPI_Initialize_Uninitialize      
  DV_SPI.c (1106): [FAILED]
  DV_SPI.c (1109): [FAILED]
  DV_SPI.c (1112): [FAILED]
TEST 04: SPI_PowerControl                 
  DV_SPI.c (1314): [WARNING] PowerControl (ARM_POWER_LOW) is not supported

Test Summary: 56 Tests, 24 Passed, 1 Failed.
Test Result: FAILED

From previous report it is clear that one test function has failed.
By Inspecting the details in previous report it is clear that TEST 03: SPI_Initialize_Uninitialize has failed on multiple assertions.
Each failed assertion is recorded as a single line in the test report.
The failed assert information in the output report contains additional information about the source module and line in that module where the assertion is located with additional debugging info if available.

The documentation can be consulted regarding the failed function, for example in previous case documentation on the SPI_Initialize_Uninitialize can be consulted.

Main way of fixing the driver consists of opening reported file mentioned as failed and inspecting the line in which failure was reported.

If there are many failures, it is recommended to deselect all tests except first failing one so it is easier to focus on just that failure. Also, selecting only first failing test removes potential clutter from following failing tests that are all failing due to same cause.

In the previous report, opening DV_SPI.c module (available in the project) and inspecting the 1106 line which states:

  // Driver is uninitialized and peripheral is powered-off:
  // Call PowerControl(ARM_POWER_FULL) function and assert that it returned ARM_DRIVER_ERROR status

informs us that call to PowerControl (ARM_POWER_FULL), when driver is not initialized, is expected to return ARM_DRIVER_ERROR status code but it has returned a different status code instead.

We should put a breakpoint to this line and start the debug session.
When the breakpoint is hit we can see that a call to PowerControl (ARM_POWER_FULL) has returned ARM_DRIVER_OK instead of expected ARM_DRIVER_ERROR status code.

We can now go into source code of the driver and fix this.

After we have fixed the driver, the report now looks like below:

CMSIS-Driver SPI Test Report   May  6 2020   11:15:30 

TEST 01: SPI_GetVersion                   
  DV_SPI.c (1023): [INFO] Driver API version 2.3, Driver version 2.15
TEST 02: SPI_GetCapabilities              PASSED
TEST 03: SPI_Initialize_Uninitialize      PASSED
TEST 04: SPI_PowerControl                 
  DV_SPI.c (1314): [WARNING] PowerControl (ARM_POWER_LOW) is not supported

Test Summary: 56 Tests, 25 Passed, 0 Failed.
Test Result: PASSED

The fix for the assertion failing in line 1106 has also fixed subsequent assertions in lines 1109 and 1112 thus the driver now reports no failed tests and reports that all of the 25 executed tests have passed.

This report could be used as an insurance that the SPI Driver on this device is compliant to the CMSIS-Driver specification.

The TestReport.xml report created instead of Plain Text opened in a Web browser looks similar to the the picture below:

XML test report