CMSIS-RTOS2 compliant FreeRTOS Implementation
Technical data and limitations

This lists the technical data of CMSIS-FreeRTOS.


The following list briefly describes the limitations and unsupported features of the CMSIS-RTOS2 wrapper for FreeRTOS:

  • Static memory allocation will only work if all memory (from attributes structure) is provided statically. In order to allocate object memory statically, you need to:
    • provide the memory for control blocks and stack in the osThreadAttr_t structure for threads.
    • provide the memory for control blocks and message data in the osMessageQueueAttr_t structure for memory queues.
    • provide the memory for control blocks for other objects in the object's attributes structure.
  • Each timer object requires additional 8 bytes of memory:
    • to allocate all memory statically, provide the memory for control block of size (sizeof(StaticTimer_t) + 8 bytes)
    • otherwise, additional 8 bytes of dynamic memory will be used
  • osKernelSuspend and osKernelResume are not supported.
  • osThreadDetach, osThreadJoin() and attribute osThreadJoinable are not supported (osThreadNew returns NULL when osThreadJoinable attribute is specified).
  • osThreadGetStackSize is not implemented.
  • Event flags are limited to 24 bits.
  • osEventFlagsGetName is not implemented.
  • osEventFlagsWait cannot be called from an ISR.
  • Priority inherit protocol is used as default mutex behavior (osMutexNew creates priority inherit mutex object by default and ignores osMutexPrioInherit attribute when specified).
  • Robust mutex objects are not supported (osMutexNew returns NULL when osMutexRobust attribute is specified).
  • osMutexGetName is not implemented and always returns NULL.
  • osSemaphoreGetName is not implemented and always returns NULL.
  • osMessageQueueGetName is not implemented and always returns NULL.
  • osMessageQueuePut and osMessageQueueGet always ignore message priority.
  • Process Isolation (Functional Safety) functions are not implemented.

Validation suite results

CMSIS provides a CMSIS-RTOS2 validation suite that can be used to test a real-time operating system for compliance to the standard. The test suite has been executed successfully on the CMSIS-FreeRTOS implementation (see results).

The following table explains the exceptions:

Test Case Result Reason Summary
TC_osKernelGetState_2 not executed unsupported feature Test attempts to call osKernelGetState after a osKernelSuspend call. osKernelSuspend is not implemented.
TC_osKernelLock_2 not executed unsupported feature Test attempts to call osKernelLock after a osKernelSuspend call. osKernelSuspend is not implemented.
TC_osKernelUnlock_2 not executed unsupported feature Test attempts to call osKernelUnlock after a osKernelSuspend call. osKernelSuspend is not implemented.
TC_osKernelSuspend_1 not executed unsupported feature Test validates osKernelSuspend which is not implemented.
TC_osKernelResume_1 not executed unsupported feature Test validates osKernelResume which is not implemented.
TC_osThreadNew_3 not executed unsupported feature Test attempts to create joinable thread using osThreadJoinable attribute. FreeRTOS does not support joinable threads.
TC_osThreadGetName_1 failed deviation Test attempt to retrieve a name on an unnamed thread. An empty string is returned instead of NULL pointer.
TC_osThreadGetState_3 not executed unsupported feature Test attempts to retrieve a state of a terminated joinable thread. FreeRTOS does not support joinable threads.
TC_osThreadDetach_1 not executed unsupported feature Test validates osThreadDetach which is not implemented.
TC_osThreadDetach_2 not executed unsupported feature Test validates osThreadDetach which is not implemented.
TC_osThreadJoin_1 not executed unsupported feature Test validates osThreadJoin which is not implemented.
TC_osThreadJoin_2 not executed unsupported feature Test validates osThreadJoin which is not implemented.
TC_osThreadJoin_3 not executed unsupported feature Test validates osThreadJoin which is not implemented.
TC_osThreadGetStackSize_1 not executed unsupported feature Test validates osThreadGetStackSize which is not implemented.
TC_ThreadReturn not executed unsupported feature Test attempts to terminate a thread by just returning from a thread. FreeRTOS threads may not return.
TC_osEventFlagsSet_1 failed deviation Test attempts to set event flags by calling osEventFlagsSet multiple times without leaving ISR handler.
To process ISR requests, FreeRTOS uses timer deamon which wakes-up after ISR execution.
TC_osEventFlagsClear_1 failed deviation Test attempts to clear event flags by calling osEventFlagsClear multiple times without leaving ISR handler.
To process ISR requests, FreeRTOS uses timer deamon which wakes-up after ISR execution.
TC_osEventFlagsWait_1 failed unsupported feature Test attempts to wait for flags from ISR with zero timeout (try-semantic). FreeRTOS does not support such operation.
TC_osEventFlagsGetName_1 not executed unsupported feature Test validates osEventFlagsGetName which is not implemented.
TC_osMutexNew_4 not executed unsupported feature Test attempts to create a robust mutex. FreeRTOS implementation does not support robust mutexes.
TC_osMutexGetName_1 not executed unsupported feature Test validates osMutexGetName which is not implemented.
TC_MutexRobust not executed unsupported feature Test attempts to validate robust mutex behavior. FreeRTOS implementation does not support robust mutexes.
TC_MutexOwnership not executed unsupported feature Test attempts to release a mutex from a thread which is not the mutex owner.
FreeRTOS implementation does not verify ownership on mutex release.
TC_osSemaphoreGetName_1 not executed unsupported feature Test validates osSemaphoreGetName which is not implemented.
TC_osMessageQueueGetName_1 not executed unsupported feature Test validates osMessageQueueGetName which is not implemented.


Users looking for help shall check subsection of the full FreeRTOS FAQ. It contains many useful information that also apply when using FreeRTOS in context of CMSIS-FreeRTOS.

Additionally, please take a look at the following:

  1. Interrupts are disabled when main is called or before the kernel is started
    Before the FreeRTOS kernel is started, threads (i.e. tasks) may be created together with other objects like mutexes, semaphores, message queues etc. When functions like xTaskCreate, xSemaphoreCreateMutex, xQueueCreate and others get called, they prevent interrupt handlers from calling FreeRTOS API functions in order to keep FreeRTOS kernel variables and state machine consistent (see also here Interrupts are not executing).
    In cases when interrupts may be executed after object creation and before the FreeRTOS kernel is started they can be re-enabled:
    Make sure that the interrupts you execute in such case do not call FreeRTOS API.