CMSIS-RTOS2 compliant FreeRTOS Implementation

Events generated by timer functions. More...


void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_TimerCreate (Timer_t pxNewTimer)
 Event on successful timer object create (Op) More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_TimerCreateFailed (void)
 Event on unsuccessful timer object create (Error) More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_TimerCommandSend (Timer_t pxTimer, uint32_t xCommandID, uint32_t xOptionalValue, uint32_t xReturn)
 Event on timer queue command send (Op) More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_TimerCommandReceived (Timer_t pxTimer, uint32_t xCommandID, uint32_t xOptionalValue)
 Event on timer queue command receive (Op) More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_TimerExpired (Timer_t pxTimer)
 Event on timer expire (Op) More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_PendFuncCall (PendedFunction_t pxFunctionToPend, void *pvParameter1, uint32_t ulParameter2, uint32_t xReturn)
 Event on pass of the function execution to the timer service task (Op) More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_PendFuncCallFromIsr (PendedFunction_t pxFunctionToPend, void *pvParameter1, uint32_t ulParameter2, uint32_t xReturn)
 Event on pass of the function execution to the timer service task from the ISR (Op) More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerCreateTimerTask (void)
 Event sent when function xTimerCreateTimerTask is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerCreateTimerTask_Return (BaseType_t xReturn)
 Event sent before function xTimerCreateTimerTask returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerCreate (const char *pcTimerName, const TickType_t xTimerPeriodInTicks, const BaseType_t xAutoReload, void *pvTimerID, TimerCallbackFunction_t pxCallbackFunction)
 Event sent when function xTimerCreate is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerCreate_Return (TimerHandle_t pxNewTimer)
 Event sent before function xTimerCreate returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerCreateStatic (const char *pcTimerName, const TickType_t xTimerPeriodInTicks, const BaseType_t xAutoReload, void *pvTimerID, TimerCallbackFunction_t pxCallbackFunction, StaticTimer_t *pxTimerBuffer)
 Event sent when function xTimerCreateStatic is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerCreateStatic_Return (TimerHandle_t pxNewTimer)
 Event sent before function xTimerCreateStatic returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGenericCommandFromTask (TimerHandle_t xTimer, const BaseType_t xCommandID, const TickType_t xOptionalValue, BaseType_t *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken, const TickType_t xTicksToWait)
 Event sent when function xTimerGenericCommandFromTask is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGenericCommandFromTask_Return (BaseType_t xReturn)
 Event sent before function xTimerGenericCommandFromTask returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGenericCommandFromISR (TimerHandle_t xTimer, const BaseType_t xCommandID, const TickType_t xOptionalValue, BaseType_t *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken, const TickType_t xTicksToWait)
 Event sent when function xTimerGenericCommandFromISR is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGenericCommandFromISR_Return (BaseType_t xReturn)
 Event sent before function xTimerGenericCommandFromISR returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle (void)
 Event sent when function xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle_Return (TaskHandle_t xTimerTaskHandle)
 Event sent before function xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetPeriod (TimerHandle_t xTimer)
 Event sent when function xTimerGetPeriod is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetPeriod_Return (uint32_t xReturn)
 Event sent before function xTimerGetPeriod returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_vTimerSetReloadMode (TimerHandle_t xTimer, const BaseType_t xAutoReload)
 Event sent when function vTimerSetReloadMode is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_vTimerSetReloadMode_Return (void)
 Event sent before function vTimerSetReloadMode returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetReloadMode (TimerHandle_t xTimer)
 Event sent when function xTimerGetReloadMode is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetReloadMode_Return (BaseType_t xReturn)
 Event sent before function xTimerGetReloadMode returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_uxTimerGetReloadMode (TimerHandle_t xTimer)
 Event sent when function is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_uxTimerGetReloadMode_Return (UBaseType_t uxReturn)
 Event sent before function returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetExpiryTime (TimerHandle_t xTimer)
 Event sent when function xTimerGetExpiryTime is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetExpiryTime_Return (TickType_t xReturn)
 Event sent before function xTimerGetExpiryTime returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetStaticBuffer (TimerHandle_t xTimer, uint32_t ppxTimerBuffer)
 Event sent when function xTimerGetStaticBuffer is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetStaticBuffer_Return (BaseType_t xReturn)
 Event sent before function xTimerGetStaticBuffer returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_pcTimerGetName (TimerHandle_t xTimer)
 Event sent when function pcTimerGetName is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_pcTimerGetName_Return (const char *pcTimerName)
 Event sent before function pcTimerGetName returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerIsTimerActive (TimerHandle_t xTimer)
 Event sent when function xTimerIsTimerActive is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerIsTimerActive_Return (BaseType_t xReturn)
 Event sent before function xTimerIsTimerActive returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_pvTimerGetTimerID (const TimerHandle_t xTimer)
 Event sent when function pvTimerGetTimerID is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_pvTimerGetTimerID_Return (void *pvReturn)
 Event sent before function pvTimerGetTimerID returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_vTimerSetTimerID (TimerHandle_t xTimer, void *pvNewID)
 Event sent when function vTimerSetTimerID is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_vTimerSetTimerID_Return (void)
 Event sent before function vTimerSetTimerID returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR (PendedFunction_t xFunctionToPend, void *pvParameter1, uint32_t ulParameter2, BaseType_t *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken)
 Event sent when function xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR_Return (BaseType_t xReturn)
 Event sent before function xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerPendFunctionCall (PendedFunction_t xFunctionToPend, void *pvParameter1, uint32_t ulParameter2, TickType_t xTicksToWait)
 Event sent when function is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerPendFunctionCall_Return (BaseType_t xReturn)
 Event sent before function returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_uxTimerGetTimerNumber (TimerHandle_t xTimer)
 Event sent when function uxTimerGetTimerNumber is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_uxTimerGetTimerNumber_Return (UBaseType_t uxReturn)
 Event sent before function uxTimerGetTimerNumber returns (Op). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_vTimerSetTimerNumber (TimerHandle_t xTimer, UBaseType_t uxTimerNumber)
 Event sent when function vTimerSetTimerNumber is called (API). More...
void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_vTimerSetTimerNumber_Return (void)
 Event sent before function vTimerSetTimerNumber returns (Op). More...


Events generated by timer functions.

Function Documentation

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_pcTimerGetName()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_pcTimerGetName ( TimerHandle_t  xTimer)

Event sent when function pcTimerGetName is called (API).

[in]xTimerTimer object handle.

The event pcTimerGetName is generated when function pcTimerGetName is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xTimer : Timer object handle.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_pcTimerGetName_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_pcTimerGetName_Return ( const char *  pcTimerName)

Event sent before function pcTimerGetName returns (Op).

[in]pcTimerNamethe name assigned to the Timer object.

The event pcTimerGetName_Return is generated before the function pcTimerGetName returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • pcTimerName : the name assigned to the Timer object.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_PendFuncCall()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_PendFuncCall ( PendedFunction_t  pxFunctionToPend,
void *  pvParameter1,
uint32_t  ulParameter2,
uint32_t  xReturn 

Event on pass of the function execution to the timer service task (Op)

[in]pxFunctionToPendpointer to callback function
[in]pvParameter1function parameter 1.
[in]ulParameter2function parameter 2.
[in]xReturnreturn value.

The event PendFuncCall is generated before the function xTimerPendFunctionCall returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • pxFunctionToPend : callback function to execute from the timer service/deamon task.
  • pvParameter1 : the value passed into the callback function as the first parameter.
  • ulParameter2 : the value passed into the callback function as the second parameter.
  • xReturn : execution status (1=callback passed to the timer sevice task, any other value: queue full, failed to register the callback execution)

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_PendFuncCallFromIsr()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_PendFuncCallFromIsr ( PendedFunction_t  pxFunctionToPend,
void *  pvParameter1,
uint32_t  ulParameter2,
uint32_t  xReturn 

Event on pass of the function execution to the timer service task from the ISR (Op)

[in]pxFunctionToPendpointer to callback function
[in]pvParameter1function parameter 1.
[in]ulParameter2function parameter 2.
[in]xReturnreturn value.

The event PendFuncCallFromIsr is generated before the function xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • pxFunctionToPend : callback function to execute from the timer service/deamon task.
  • pvParameter1 : the value passed into the callback function as the first parameter.
  • ulParameter2 : the value passed into the callback function as the second parameter.
  • xReturn : execution status (1=callback passed to the timer sevice task, any other value: queue full, failed to register the callback execution)

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_pvTimerGetTimerID()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_pvTimerGetTimerID ( const TimerHandle_t  xTimer)

Event sent when function pvTimerGetTimerID is called (API).

[in]xTimerTimer object handle.

The event pvTimerGetTimerID is generated when function pvTimerGetTimerID is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xTimer : Timer object handle.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_pvTimerGetTimerID_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_pvTimerGetTimerID_Return ( void *  pvReturn)

Event sent before function pvTimerGetTimerID returns (Op).

[in]pvReturnID assigned to the timer being queried.

The event pvTimerGetTimerID_Return is generated before the function pvTimerGetTimerID returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • pvReturn : ID assigned to the timer being queried.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_TimerCommandReceived()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_TimerCommandReceived ( Timer_t  pxTimer,
uint32_t  xCommandID,
uint32_t  xOptionalValue 

Event on timer queue command receive (Op)

[in]pxTimerpointer to timer object handle.
[in]xCommandIDtimer command ID.
[in]xOptionalValueoptional command value.

The event TimerCommandReceived is generated when the timer service task receives a command and before the command is actually processed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • pxTimer : pointer to timer object handle (control block address).
  • xCommandID : timer command ID.
  • xOptionalValue : optional command value.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_TimerCommandSend()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_TimerCommandSend ( Timer_t  pxTimer,
uint32_t  xCommandID,
uint32_t  xOptionalValue,
uint32_t  xReturn 

Event on timer queue command send (Op)

[in]pxTimerpointer to timer object handle.
[in]xCommandIDtimer command ID.
[in]xOptionalValueoptional command value.
[in]xReturnreturn value.

The event TimerCommandSend is generated when a command is sent to the timer service task,

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • pxTimer : pointer to timer object handle (control block address).
  • xCommandID : timer command ID.
  • xOptionalValue : optional command value.
  • xReturn : execution status (0: failed, command was not sent to the timer command queue, 1: passed, command sent)

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_TimerCreate()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_TimerCreate ( Timer_t  pxNewTimer)

Event on successful timer object create (Op)

[in]pxNewTimerpointer to timer object handle.

The event TimerCreate is generated when timer object is successfully created.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • pxNewTimer : pointer to timer object handle (control block address).

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_TimerCreateFailed()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_TimerCreateFailed ( void  )

Event on unsuccessful timer object create (Error)

The event TimerCreateFailed is generated when timer object create fails due to insufficient heap memory.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_TimerExpired()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_TimerExpired ( Timer_t  pxTimer)

Event on timer expire (Op)

[in]pxTimerpointer to timer object handle.

The event TimerExpired is generated when a software timer expires and before the timer callback is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • pxTimer : pointer to timer object handle (control block address).

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_uxTimerGetReloadMode()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_uxTimerGetReloadMode ( TimerHandle_t  xTimer)

Event sent when function is called (API).

[in]xTimerTimer object handle.

The event uxTimerGetReloadMode is generated when function uxTimerGetReloadMode is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xTimer : Timer object handle.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_uxTimerGetReloadMode_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_uxTimerGetReloadMode_Return ( UBaseType_t  uxReturn)

Event sent before function returns (Op).

[in]uxReturntimer auto-reload mode.

The event uxTimerGetReloadMode_Return is generated before the function uxTimerGetReloadMode returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • uxReturn : timer auto-reload mode.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_uxTimerGetTimerNumber()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_uxTimerGetTimerNumber ( TimerHandle_t  xTimer)

Event sent when function uxTimerGetTimerNumber is called (API).

[in]xTimerTimer object handle.

The event uxTimerGetTimerNumber is generated when function uxTimerGetTimerNumber is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xTimer : Timer object handle.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_uxTimerGetTimerNumber_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_uxTimerGetTimerNumber_Return ( UBaseType_t  uxReturn)

Event sent before function uxTimerGetTimerNumber returns (Op).

[in]uxReturnthe number assigned to the Timer object.

The event uxTimerGetTimerNumber_Return is generated before the function uxTimerGetTimerNumber returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • uxReturn : the number assigned to the Timer object.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_vTimerSetReloadMode()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_vTimerSetReloadMode ( TimerHandle_t  xTimer,
const BaseType_t  xAutoReload 

Event sent when function vTimerSetReloadMode is called (API).

[in]xTimerTimer object handle.
[in]xAutoReloadauto reload mode.

The event vTimerSetReloadMode is generated when function vTimerSetReloadMode is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xTimer : Timer object handle.
  • xAutoReload : auto reload mode.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_vTimerSetReloadMode_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_vTimerSetReloadMode_Return ( void  )

Event sent before function vTimerSetReloadMode returns (Op).

The event vTimerSetReloadMode_Return is generated before the function vTimerSetReloadMode returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • no value shown

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_vTimerSetTimerID()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_vTimerSetTimerID ( TimerHandle_t  xTimer,
void *  pvNewID 

Event sent when function vTimerSetTimerID is called (API).

[in]xTimerTimer object handle.
[in]pvNewIDID to assign to the timer.

The event vTimerSetTimerID is generated when function vTimerSetTimerID is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xTimer : Timer object handle.
  • pvNewID : ID to assign to the timer.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_vTimerSetTimerID_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_vTimerSetTimerID_Return ( void  )

Event sent before function vTimerSetTimerID returns (Op).

The event vTimerSetTimerID_Return is generated before the function vTimerSetTimerID returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • no value shown

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_vTimerSetTimerNumber()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_vTimerSetTimerNumber ( TimerHandle_t  xTimer,
UBaseType_t  uxTimerNumber 

Event sent when function vTimerSetTimerNumber is called (API).

[in]xTimerTimer object handle.
[in]uxTimerNumberthe number to assign to the Timer object.

The event vTimerSetTimerNumber is generated when function vTimerSetTimerNumber is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xTimer : Timer object handle.
  • uxTimerNumber : the number to assign to the Timer object.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_vTimerSetTimerNumber_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_vTimerSetTimerNumber_Return ( void  )

Event sent before function vTimerSetTimerNumber returns (Op).

The event vTimerSetTimerNumber_Return is generated before the function vTimerSetTimerNumber returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • no value shown

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerCreate()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerCreate ( const char *  pcTimerName,
const TickType_t  xTimerPeriodInTicks,
const BaseType_t  xAutoReload,
void *  pvTimerID,
TimerCallbackFunction_t  pxCallbackFunction 

Event sent when function xTimerCreate is called (API).

[in]pcTimerNamehuman readable timer name.
[in]xTimerPeriodInTicksthe period of the timer in ticks.
[in]xAutoReloadauto reload flag.
[in]pvTimerIDidentifier assigned to the timer being created.
[in]pxCallbackFunctionfunction to call when the timer expired.

The event xTimerCreate is generated when function xTimerCreate is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • pcTimerName : human readable timer name.
  • xTimerPeriodInTicks : the period of the timer in ticks.
  • xAutoReload : auto reload flag.
  • pvTimerID : identifier assigned to the timer being created.
  • pxCallbackFunction : function to call when the timer expired.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerCreate_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerCreate_Return ( TimerHandle_t  pxNewTimer)

Event sent before function xTimerCreate returns (Op).

[in]pxNewTimerTimer object handle.

The event xTimerCreate_Return is generated before the function xTimerCreate returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • pxNewTimer : Timer object handle.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerCreateStatic()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerCreateStatic ( const char *  pcTimerName,
const TickType_t  xTimerPeriodInTicks,
const BaseType_t  xAutoReload,
void *  pvTimerID,
TimerCallbackFunction_t  pxCallbackFunction,
StaticTimer_t *  pxTimerBuffer 

Event sent when function xTimerCreateStatic is called (API).

[in]pcTimerNamehuman readable timer name.
[in]xTimerPeriodInTicksthe period of the timer in ticks.
[in]xAutoReloadauto reload flag.
[in]pvTimerIDidentifier assigned to the timer being created.
[in]pxCallbackFunctionfunction to call when the timer expired.
[in]pxTimerBufferpointer to Timer object memory buffer.

The event xTimerCreateStatic is generated when function xTimerCreateStatic is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • pcTimerName : human readable timer name.
  • xTimerPeriodInTicks : the period of the timer in ticks.
  • xAutoReload : auto reload flag.
  • pvTimerID : identifier assigned to the timer being created.
  • pxCallbackFunction : function to call when the timer expired.
  • pxTimerBuffer : pointer to Timer object memory buffer.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerCreateStatic_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerCreateStatic_Return ( TimerHandle_t  pxNewTimer)

Event sent before function xTimerCreateStatic returns (Op).

[in]pxNewTimerTimer object handle.

The event xTimerCreateStatic_Return is generated before the function xTimerCreateStatic returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • pxNewTimer : Timer object handle.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerCreateTimerTask()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerCreateTimerTask ( void  )

Event sent when function xTimerCreateTimerTask is called (API).

The event xTimerCreateTimerTask is generated when function xTimerCreateTimerTask is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • no value shown

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerCreateTimerTask_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerCreateTimerTask_Return ( BaseType_t  xReturn)

Event sent before function xTimerCreateTimerTask returns (Op).

[in]xReturnexecution status.

The event xTimerCreateTimerTask_Return is generated before the function xTimerCreateTimerTask returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xReturn : execution status.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGenericCommandFromISR()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGenericCommandFromISR ( TimerHandle_t  xTimer,
const BaseType_t  xCommandID,
const TickType_t  xOptionalValue,
BaseType_t *  pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken,
const TickType_t  xTicksToWait 

Event sent when function xTimerGenericCommandFromISR is called (API).

[in]xTimerTimer object handle.
[in]xCommandIDtimer command identification.
[in]xOptionalValueoptional command value.
[in]pxHigherPriorityTaskWokenpointer to variable where information if any task was woken will be stored.
[in]xTicksToWaitnumber of ticks to wait.

The event xTimerGenericCommandFromISR is generated when function xTimerGenericCommandFromISR is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xTimer : Timer object handle.
  • xCommandID : timer command identification.
  • xOptionalValue : optional command value.
  • pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken : pointer to variable where information if any task was woken will be stored.
  • xTicksToWait : number of ticks to wait.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGenericCommandFromISR_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGenericCommandFromISR_Return ( BaseType_t  xReturn)

Event sent before function xTimerGenericCommandFromISR returns (Op).

[in]xReturnexecution status.

The event xTimerGenericCommandFromISR_Return is generated before the function xTimerGenericCommandFromISR returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xReturn : execution status.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGenericCommandFromTask()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGenericCommandFromTask ( TimerHandle_t  xTimer,
const BaseType_t  xCommandID,
const TickType_t  xOptionalValue,
BaseType_t *  pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken,
const TickType_t  xTicksToWait 

Event sent when function xTimerGenericCommandFromTask is called (API).

[in]xTimerTimer object handle.
[in]xCommandIDtimer command identification.
[in]xOptionalValueoptional command value.
[in]pxHigherPriorityTaskWokenpointer to variable where information if any task was woken will be stored.
[in]xTicksToWaitnumber of ticks to wait.

The event xTimerGenericCommandFromTask is generated when function xTimerGenericCommandFromTask is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xTimer : Timer object handle.
  • xCommandID : timer command identification.
  • xOptionalValue : optional command value.
  • pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken : pointer to variable where information if any task was woken will be stored.
  • xTicksToWait : number of ticks to wait.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGenericCommandFromTask_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGenericCommandFromTask_Return ( BaseType_t  xReturn)

Event sent before function xTimerGenericCommandFromTask returns (Op).

[in]xReturnexecution status.

The event xTimerGenericCommandFromTask_Return is generated before the function xTimerGenericCommandFromTask returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xReturn : execution status.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetExpiryTime()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetExpiryTime ( TimerHandle_t  xTimer)

Event sent when function xTimerGetExpiryTime is called (API).

[in]xTimerTimer object handle.

The event xTimerGetExpiryTime is generated when function xTimerGetExpiryTime is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xTimer : Timer object handle.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetExpiryTime_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetExpiryTime_Return ( TickType_t  xReturn)

Event sent before function xTimerGetExpiryTime returns (Op).

[in]xReturnthe time at which the timer will expire.

The event xTimerGetExpiryTime_Return is generated before the function xTimerGetExpiryTime returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xReturn : the time at which the timer will expire.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetPeriod()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetPeriod ( TimerHandle_t  xTimer)

Event sent when function xTimerGetPeriod is called (API).

[in]xTimerTimer object handle.

The event xTimerGetPeriod is generated when function xTimerGetPeriod is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xTimer : Timer object handle.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetPeriod_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetPeriod_Return ( uint32_t  xReturn)

Event sent before function xTimerGetPeriod returns (Op).

[in]xReturntimer period in ticks.

The event xTimerGetPeriod_Return is generated before the function xTimerGetPeriod returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xReturn : timer period in ticks.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetReloadMode()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetReloadMode ( TimerHandle_t  xTimer)

Event sent when function xTimerGetReloadMode is called (API).

[in]xTimerTimer object handle.

The event xTimerGetReloadMode is generated when function xTimerGetReloadMode is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xTimer : Timer object handle.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetReloadMode_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetReloadMode_Return ( BaseType_t  xReturn)

Event sent before function xTimerGetReloadMode returns (Op).

[in]xReturntimer auto-reload mode.

The event xTimerGetReloadMode_Return is generated before the function xTimerGetReloadMode returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xReturn : timer auto-reload mode.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetStaticBuffer()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetStaticBuffer ( TimerHandle_t  xTimer,
uint32_t  ppxTimerBuffer 

Event sent when function xTimerGetStaticBuffer is called (API).

[in]xTimerTimer object handle.
[in]ppxTimerBufferpointer to memory where object buffer location is stored.

The event xTimerGetStaticBuffer is generated when function xTimerGetStaticBuffer is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xTimer : Timer object handle.
  • ppxTimerBuffer : pointer to memory where object buffer location is stored.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetStaticBuffer_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetStaticBuffer_Return ( BaseType_t  xReturn)

Event sent before function xTimerGetStaticBuffer returns (Op).

[in]xReturnexecution status.

The event xTimerGetStaticBuffer_Return is generated before the function xTimerGetStaticBuffer returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xReturn : execution status.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle ( void  )

Event sent when function xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle is called (API).

The event xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle is generated when function xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • no value shown

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle_Return ( TaskHandle_t  xTimerTaskHandle)

Event sent before function xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle returns (Op).

[in]xTimerTaskHandleTimer task handle.

The event _Return is generated before the function xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xTimerTaskHandle : Timer task handle.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerIsTimerActive()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerIsTimerActive ( TimerHandle_t  xTimer)

Event sent when function xTimerIsTimerActive is called (API).

[in]xTimerTimer object handle.

The event xTimerIsTimerActive is generated when function xTimerIsTimerActive is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xTimer : Timer object handle.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerIsTimerActive_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerIsTimerActive_Return ( BaseType_t  xReturn)

Event sent before function xTimerIsTimerActive returns (Op).

[in]xReturnindication whether the timer is active or dormant.

The event xTimerIsTimerActive_Return is generated before the function xTimerIsTimerActive returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xReturn : indication whether the timer is active or dormant.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerPendFunctionCall()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerPendFunctionCall ( PendedFunction_t  xFunctionToPend,
void *  pvParameter1,
uint32_t  ulParameter2,
TickType_t  xTicksToWait 

Event sent when function is called (API).

[in]xFunctionToPendthe callback function to execute from the timer daemon task.
[in]pvParameter1the callback function first argument.
[in]ulParameter2the callback function second argument.
[in]xTicksToWaitthe amount of time to wait until timer queue is free.

The event xTimerPendFunctionCall is generated when function xTimerPendFunctionCall is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xFunctionToPend : the callback function to execute from the timer daemon task.
  • pvParameter1 : the callback function first argument.
  • ulParameter2 : the callback function second argument.
  • xTicksToWait : the amount of time to wait until timer queue is free.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerPendFunctionCall_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerPendFunctionCall_Return ( BaseType_t  xReturn)

Event sent before function returns (Op).

[in]xReturnexecution status.

The event xTimerPendFunctionCall_Return is generated before the function xTimerPendFunctionCall returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xReturn : execution status.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR ( PendedFunction_t  xFunctionToPend,
void *  pvParameter1,
uint32_t  ulParameter2,
BaseType_t *  pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken 

Event sent when function xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR is called (API).

[in]xFunctionToPendthe callback function to execute from the timer daemon task.
[in]pvParameter1the callback function first argument.
[in]ulParameter2the callback function second argument.
[in]pxHigherPriorityTaskWokenpointer to variable where information if any task was woken will be stored.

The event xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR is generated when function xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR is called.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xFunctionToPend : the callback function to execute from the timer daemon task.
  • pvParameter1 : the callback function first argument.
  • ulParameter2 : the callback function second argument.
  • pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken : pointer to variable where information if any task was woken will be stored.

◆ EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR_Return()

void EvrFreeRTOSTimers_xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR_Return ( BaseType_t  xReturn)

Event sent before function xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR returns (Op).

[in]xReturnexecution status.

The event xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR_Return is generated before the function xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR returns.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • xReturn : execution status.