CMSIS NN Software Library
arm_nnsupportfunctions.h File Reference

Data Structures

union  arm_nnword
 Union for SIMD access of q31/s16/s8 types. More...
struct  arm_nn_double
 Union for data type long long. More...
union  arm_nn_long_long


#define LEFT_SHIFT(_shift)   (_shift > 0 ? _shift : 0)
#define RIGHT_SHIFT(_shift)   (_shift > 0 ? 0 : -_shift)
#define MASK_IF_ZERO(x)   (x) == 0 ? ~0 : 0
#define MASK_IF_NON_ZERO(x)   (x) != 0 ? ~0 : 0
#define SELECT_USING_MASK(mask, a, b)   ((mask) & (a)) ^ (~(mask) & (b))
#define MAX(A, B)   ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
#define MIN(A, B)   ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))
#define CLAMP(x, h, l)   MAX(MIN((x), (h)), (l))
#define REDUCE_MULTIPLIER(_mult)   ((_mult < 0x7FFF0000) ? ((_mult + (1 << 15)) >> 16) : 0x7FFF)
#define CH_IN_BLOCK_MVE   (124)
#define PACK_S8x4_32x1(v0, v1, v2, v3)
 definition to pack four 8 bit values. More...
#define PACK_Q15x2_32x1(v0, v1)   (((int32_t)v0 & (int32_t)0xFFFF) | ((int32_t)v1 << 16))
 definition to pack two 16 bit values. More...
#define NN_ROUND(out_shift)   ((0x1 << out_shift) >> 1)
 macro for adding rounding offset More...
#define MUL_SAT(a, b)   arm_nn_doubling_high_mult((a), (b))
#define MUL_SAT_MVE(a, b)   arm_doubling_high_mult_mve_32x4((a), (b))
#define MUL_POW2(a, b)   arm_nn_mult_by_power_of_two((a), (b))
#define DIV_POW2(a, b)   arm_nn_divide_by_power_of_two((a), (b))
#define DIV_POW2_MVE(a, b)   arm_divide_by_power_of_two_mve((a), (b))
#define EXP_ON_NEG(x)   arm_nn_exp_on_negative_values((x))
#define ONE_OVER1(x)   arm_nn_one_over_one_plus_x_for_x_in_0_1((x))


void arm_q7_to_q15_with_offset (const int8_t *src, int16_t *dst, uint32_t block_size, int16_t offset)
 Converts the elements from a s8 vector to a s16 vector with an added offset. More...
int8_t * arm_nn_depthwise_conv_s8_core (const int8_t *row, const int16_t *col, const uint16_t num_ch, const int32_t *out_shift, const int32_t *out_mult, const int32_t out_offset, const int32_t activation_min, const int32_t activation_max, const uint16_t kernel_size, const int32_t *const output_bias, int8_t *out)
 Depthwise conv on an im2col buffer where the input channel equals output channel. More...
int8_t * arm_nn_mat_mult_s8 (const int8_t *input_row, const int8_t *input_col, const uint16_t output_ch, const uint16_t col_batches, const int32_t *output_shift, const int32_t *output_mult, const int32_t out_offset, const int32_t col_offset, const int32_t row_offset, const int16_t out_activation_min, const int16_t out_activation_max, const uint16_t row_len, const int32_t *const bias, int8_t *out)
 General Matrix-multiplication function with per-channel requantization. More...
int16_t * arm_nn_mat_mult_kernel_s16 (const int8_t *input_a, const int16_t *input_b, const int32_t output_ch, const int32_t *out_shift, const int32_t *out_mult, const int16_t activation_min, const int16_t activation_max, const int32_t num_col_a, const int64_t *const output_bias, int16_t *out_0)
 Matrix-multiplication function for convolution with per-channel requantization for 16 bits convolution. More...
arm_cmsis_nn_status arm_nn_mat_mul_core_1x_s8 (int32_t row_elements, const int32_t skipped_row_elements, const int8_t *row_base_ref, const int8_t *col_base_ref, const int32_t out_ch, const cmsis_nn_conv_params *conv_params, const cmsis_nn_per_channel_quant_params *quant_params, const int32_t *bias, int8_t *output)
 General Vector by Matrix multiplication with requantization and storage of result. More...
int8_t * arm_nn_mat_mul_core_4x_s8 (const int32_t row_elements, const int32_t offset, const int8_t *row_base, const int8_t *col_base, const int32_t out_ch, const cmsis_nn_conv_params *conv_params, const cmsis_nn_per_channel_quant_params *quant_params, const int32_t *bias, int8_t *output)
 Matrix-multiplication with requantization & activation function for four rows and one column. More...
arm_cmsis_nn_status arm_nn_mat_mult_nt_t_s8 (const int8_t *lhs, const int8_t *rhs, const int32_t *bias, int8_t *dst, const int32_t *dst_multipliers, const int32_t *dst_shifts, const int32_t lhs_rows, const int32_t rhs_rows, const int32_t rhs_cols, const int32_t lhs_offset, const int32_t dst_offset, const int32_t activation_min, const int32_t activation_max, const int32_t rhs_cols_offset)
 General Matrix-multiplication function with per-channel requantization. This function assumes: More...
arm_cmsis_nn_status arm_nn_vec_mat_mult_t_s8 (const int8_t *lhs, const int8_t *rhs, const int32_t *bias, int8_t *dst, const int32_t lhs_offset, const int32_t dst_offset, const int32_t dst_multiplier, const int32_t dst_shift, const int32_t rhs_cols, const int32_t rhs_rows, const int32_t activation_min, const int32_t activation_max, const int32_t address_offset)
 s8 Vector by Matrix (transposed) multiplication More...
arm_cmsis_nn_status arm_nn_vec_mat_mult_t_s16 (const int16_t *lhs, const int8_t *rhs, const int64_t *bias, int16_t *dst, const int32_t dst_multiplier, const int32_t dst_shift, const int32_t rhs_cols, const int32_t rhs_rows, const int32_t activation_min, const int32_t activation_max)
 s16 Vector by Matrix (transposed) multiplication More...
arm_cmsis_nn_status arm_nn_vec_mat_mult_t_svdf_s8 (const int8_t *lhs, const int8_t *rhs, int16_t *dst, const int32_t lhs_offset, const int32_t scatter_offset, const int32_t dst_multiplier, const int32_t dst_shift, const int32_t rhs_cols, const int32_t rhs_rows, const int32_t activation_min, const int32_t activation_max)
 s8 Vector by Matrix (transposed) multiplication with s16 output More...
arm_cmsis_nn_status arm_nn_depthwise_conv_nt_t_padded_s8 (const int8_t *lhs, const int8_t *rhs, const int32_t lhs_offset, const int32_t active_ch, const int32_t total_ch, const int32_t *out_shift, const int32_t *out_mult, const int32_t out_offset, const int32_t activation_min, const int32_t activation_max, const uint16_t row_x_col, const int32_t *const output_bias, int8_t *out)
 Depthwise convolution of transposed rhs matrix with 4 lhs matrices. To be used in padded cases where the padding is -lhs_offset(Range: int8). Dimensions are the same for lhs and rhs. More...
arm_cmsis_nn_status arm_nn_depthwise_conv_nt_t_s8 (const int8_t *lhs, const int8_t *rhs, const int32_t lhs_offset, const int32_t active_ch, const int32_t total_ch, const int32_t *out_shift, const int32_t *out_mult, const int32_t out_offset, const int32_t activation_min, const int32_t activation_max, const uint16_t row_x_col, const int32_t *const output_bias, int8_t *out)
 Depthwise convolution of transposed rhs matrix with 4 lhs matrices. To be used in non-padded cases. Dimensions are the same for lhs and rhs. More...
int16_t * arm_nn_depthwise_conv_nt_t_s16 (const int16_t *lhs, const int8_t *rhs, const uint16_t num_ch, const int32_t *out_shift, const int32_t *out_mult, const int32_t activation_min, const int32_t activation_max, const uint16_t row_x_col, const int64_t *const output_bias, int16_t *out)
 Depthwise convolution of transposed rhs matrix with 4 lhs matrices. To be used in non-padded cases. Dimensions are the same for lhs and rhs. More...
int32_t arm_nn_read_q15x2_ia (const int16_t **in_q15)
 Read 2 s16 elements and post increment pointer. More...
int32_t arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia (const int8_t **in_s8)
 Read 4 s8 from s8 pointer and post increment pointer. More...
int32_t arm_nn_read_s16x2 (const int16_t *in)
 Read 2 int16 values from int16 pointer. More...
int32_t arm_nn_read_s8x4 (const int8_t *in_s8)
 Read 4 s8 values. More...
void arm_nn_write_s8x4_ia (int8_t **in, int32_t value)
 Write four s8 to s8 pointer and increment pointer afterwards. More...
void arm_memset_s8 (int8_t *dst, const int8_t val, uint32_t block_size)
 memset optimized for MVE More...
int8_t * arm_nn_mat_mult_kernel_s8_s16 (const int8_t *input_a, const int16_t *input_b, const uint16_t output_ch, const int32_t *out_shift, const int32_t *out_mult, const int32_t out_offset, const int16_t activation_min, const int16_t activation_max, const uint16_t num_col_a, const int32_t *const output_bias, int8_t *out_0)
 Matrix-multiplication function for convolution with per-channel requantization. More...
void arm_nn_softmax_common_s8 (const int8_t *input, const int32_t num_rows, const int32_t row_size, const int32_t mult, const int32_t shift, const int32_t diff_min, const bool int16_output, void *output)
 Common softmax function for s8 input and s8 or s16 output. More...
int32_t arm_nn_doubling_high_mult (const int32_t m1, const int32_t m2)
 Saturating doubling high multiply. Result matches NEON instruction VQRDMULH. More...
int32_t arm_nn_doubling_high_mult_no_sat (const int32_t m1, const int32_t m2)
 Doubling high multiply without saturation. This is intended for requantization where the scale is a positive integer. More...
int32_t arm_nn_divide_by_power_of_two (const int32_t dividend, const int32_t exponent)
 Rounding divide by power of two. More...
int32_t arm_nn_requantize (const int32_t val, const int32_t multiplier, const int32_t shift)
 Requantize a given value. More...
int32_t arm_nn_requantize_s64 (const int64_t val, const int32_t reduced_multiplier, const int32_t shift)
 Requantize a given 64 bit value. More...
void arm_memcpy_s8 (int8_t *__RESTRICT dst, const int8_t *__RESTRICT src, uint32_t block_size)
 memcpy optimized for MVE More...
void arm_memcpy_q15 (int16_t *__RESTRICT dst, const int16_t *__RESTRICT src, uint32_t block_size)
 memcpy wrapper for int16 More...
int32_t arm_nn_exp_on_negative_values (int32_t val)
int32_t arm_nn_mult_by_power_of_two (const int32_t val, const int32_t exp)
int32_t arm_nn_one_over_one_plus_x_for_x_in_0_1 (int32_t val)
void arm_nn_write_q15x2_ia (int16_t **dest_q15, int32_t src_q31)
 Write 2 s16 elements and post increment pointer. More...
arm_cmsis_nn_status arm_nn_lstm_step_s8_s16 (const int8_t *input, const int8_t *input_to_input_weight, const int8_t *input_to_forget_weight, const int8_t *input_to_cell_weight, const int8_t *input_to_output_weight, const int8_t *recurrent_to_input_weight, const int8_t *recurrent_to_forget_weight, const int8_t *recurrent_to_cell_weight, const int8_t *recurrent_to_output_weight, const cmsis_nn_lstm_params *lstm, const int n_batch, const int n_cell, const int n_input, const int n_output, int8_t *output_state, int16_t *cell_state, int8_t *output, cmsis_nn_lstm_context *scratch_buffers)
 Update LSTM function for an iteration step. More...
void arm_nn_lstm_calculate_gate_s8_s16 (const int8_t *input, const int8_t *input_to_gate_weights, const int32_t *input_to_gate_bias, const cmsis_nn_scaling input_to_gate_scaling, const int8_t *output_state, const int8_t *recurrent_to_gate_weights, const int32_t *recurrent_to_gate_bias, const cmsis_nn_scaling recurrent_to_gate_scaling, const int32_t n_batch, const int32_t n_input, const int32_t n_output, const int32_t n_cell, const arm_nn_activation_type activation_type, int16_t *gate)
 Updates a LSTM gate for an iteration step of LSTM function, int8x8_16 version. More...
void arm_nn_lstm_update_cell_state_s16 (const int32_t n_block, const int32_t cell_state_scale, int16_t *cell_state, const int16_t *input_gate, const int16_t *forget_gate, const int16_t *cell_gate)
 Update cell state for a single LSTM iteration step, int8x8_16 version. More...
void arm_nn_lstm_update_output_s8_s16 (const int n_batch, const int n_cell, const int n_output, int16_t *cell_state, const int32_t cell_state_scale, const int16_t *output_gate, const cmsis_nn_scaling hidden_scale, const int32_t hidden_offset, int8_t *output_state, int16_t *scratch0, int8_t *scratch1)
 Calculate the output state tensor of an LSTM step, s8 input/output and s16 weight version. More...
void arm_nn_vec_mat_mul_result_acc_s8 (const int8_t *lhs, const int8_t *rhs, const int32_t *bias, int16_t *dst, const int32_t dst_offset, const int32_t multiplier, const int32_t shift, const int32_t rhs_cols, const int32_t rhs_rows, const int32_t batch)
 The result of the multiplication is accumulated to the passed result buffer. Multiplies a matrix by a "batched" vector (i.e. a matrix with a batch dimension composed by input vectors independent from each other). More...
arm_cmsis_nn_status arm_elementwise_mul_s16_s8 (const int16_t *input_1_vect, const int16_t *input_2_vect, int8_t *output, const int32_t out_offset, const int32_t out_mult, const int32_t out_shift, const int32_t block_size)
 s16 elementwise multiplication with s8 output More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CH_IN_BLOCK_MVE   (124)


#define CLAMP (   x,
)    MAX(MIN((x), (h)), (l))


#define DIV_POW2 (   a,
)    arm_nn_divide_by_power_of_two((a), (b))


#define DIV_POW2_MVE (   a,
)    arm_divide_by_power_of_two_mve((a), (b))


#define EXP_ON_NEG (   x)    arm_nn_exp_on_negative_values((x))


#define LEFT_SHIFT (   _shift)    (_shift > 0 ? _shift : 0)


#define MASK_IF_NON_ZERO (   x)    (x) != 0 ? ~0 : 0


#define MASK_IF_ZERO (   x)    (x) == 0 ? ~0 : 0


#define MAX (   A,
)    ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))


#define MIN (   A,
)    ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))


#define MUL_POW2 (   a,
)    arm_nn_mult_by_power_of_two((a), (b))


#define MUL_SAT (   a,
)    arm_nn_doubling_high_mult((a), (b))


#define MUL_SAT_MVE (   a,
)    arm_doubling_high_mult_mve_32x4((a), (b))


#define NN_ROUND (   out_shift)    ((0x1 << out_shift) >> 1)


#define ONE_OVER1 (   x)    arm_nn_one_over_one_plus_x_for_x_in_0_1((x))

◆ PACK_Q15x2_32x1

#define PACK_Q15x2_32x1 (   v0,
)    (((int32_t)v0 & (int32_t)0xFFFF) | ((int32_t)v1 << 16))

◆ PACK_S8x4_32x1

#define PACK_S8x4_32x1 (   v0,
((((int32_t)(v0) << 0) & (int32_t)0x000000FF) | (((int32_t)(v1) << 8) & (int32_t)0x0000FF00) | \
(((int32_t)(v2) << 16) & (int32_t)0x00FF0000) | (((int32_t)(v3) << 24) & (int32_t)0xFF000000))


#define REDUCE_MULTIPLIER (   _mult)    ((_mult < 0x7FFF0000) ? ((_mult + (1 << 15)) >> 16) : 0x7FFF)


#define RIGHT_SHIFT (   _shift)    (_shift > 0 ? 0 : -_shift)


#define SELECT_IF_NON_ZERO (   x)
{ \
mask = MASK_IF_NON_ZERO(remainder & (1 << shift++)); \
result = SELECT_USING_MASK(mask, MUL_SAT(result, x), result); \


#define SELECT_USING_MASK (   mask,
)    ((mask) & (a)) ^ (~(mask) & (b))

Function Documentation

◆ arm_memcpy_q15()

void arm_memcpy_q15 ( int16_t *__RESTRICT  dst,
const int16_t *__RESTRICT  src,
uint32_t  block_size 
[in,out]dstDestination pointer
[in]srcSource pointer.
[in]block_sizeNumber of bytes to copy.

◆ arm_memcpy_s8()

void arm_memcpy_s8 ( int8_t *__RESTRICT  dst,
const int8_t *__RESTRICT  src,
uint32_t  block_size 
[in,out]dstDestination pointer
[in]srcSource pointer.
[in]block_sizeNumber of bytes to copy.

◆ arm_memset_s8()

void arm_memset_s8 ( int8_t *  dst,
const int8_t  val,
uint32_t  block_size 
[in,out]dstDestination pointer
[in]valValue to set
[in]block_sizeNumber of bytes to copy.

◆ arm_nn_depthwise_conv_s8_core()

int8_t * arm_nn_depthwise_conv_s8_core ( const int8_t *  row,
const int16_t *  col,
const uint16_t  num_ch,
const int32_t *  out_shift,
const int32_t *  out_mult,
const int32_t  out_offset,
const int32_t  activation_min,
const int32_t  activation_max,
const uint16_t  kernel_size,
const int32_t *const  output_bias,
int8_t *  out 
[in]rowpointer to row
[in]colpointer to im2col buffer, always consists of 2 columns.
[in]num_chnumber of channels
[in]out_shiftpointer to per output channel requantization shift parameter.
[in]out_multpointer to per output channel requantization multiplier parameter.
[in]out_offsetoutput tensor offset.
[in]activation_minminimum value to clamp the output to. Range : int8
[in]activation_maxmaximum value to clamp the output to. Range : int8
[in]kernel_sizenumber of elements in one column.
[in]output_biasper output channel bias. Range : int32
[out]outpointer to output
The function returns one of the two
  1. The incremented output pointer for a successful operation or
  2. NULL if implementation is not available.

    Supported framework: TensorFlow Lite micro.

◆ arm_nn_divide_by_power_of_two()

int32_t arm_nn_divide_by_power_of_two ( const int32_t  dividend,
const int32_t  exponent 
[in]dividend- Dividend
[in]exponent- Divisor = power(2, exponent) Range: [0, 31]
Rounded result of division. Midpoint is rounded away from zero.

◆ arm_nn_doubling_high_mult()

int32_t arm_nn_doubling_high_mult ( const int32_t  m1,
const int32_t  m2 
[in]m1Multiplicand. Range: {NN_Q31_MIN, NN_Q31_MAX}
[in]m2Multiplier. Range: {NN_Q31_MIN, NN_Q31_MAX}
Result of multiplication.

◆ arm_nn_doubling_high_mult_no_sat()

int32_t arm_nn_doubling_high_mult_no_sat ( const int32_t  m1,
const int32_t  m2 
[in]m1Multiplicand. Range: {NN_Q31_MIN, NN_Q31_MAX}
[in]m2Multiplier Range: {NN_Q31_MIN, NN_Q31_MAX}
Result of multiplication.
The result of this matches that of neon instruction VQRDMULH for m1 in range {NN_Q31_MIN, NN_Q31_MAX} and m2 in range {NN_Q31_MIN + 1, NN_Q31_MAX}. Saturation occurs when m1 equals m2 equals NN_Q31_MIN and that is not handled by this function.

◆ arm_nn_exp_on_negative_values()

int32_t arm_nn_exp_on_negative_values ( int32_t  val)

◆ arm_nn_mat_mult_kernel_s8_s16()

int8_t * arm_nn_mat_mult_kernel_s8_s16 ( const int8_t *  input_a,
const int16_t *  input_b,
const uint16_t  output_ch,
const int32_t *  out_shift,
const int32_t *  out_mult,
const int32_t  out_offset,
const int16_t  activation_min,
const int16_t  activation_max,
const uint16_t  num_col_a,
const int32_t *const  output_bias,
int8_t *  out_0 
[in]input_apointer to operand A
[in]input_bpointer to operand B, always consists of 2 vectors.
[in]output_chnumber of rows of A
[in]out_shiftpointer to per output channel requantization shift parameter.
[in]out_multpointer to per output channel requantization multiplier parameter.
[in]out_offsetoutput tensor offset.
[in]activation_minminimum value to clamp the output to. Range : int8
[in]activation_maxmaximum value to clamp the output to. Range : int8
[in]num_col_anumber of columns of A
[in]output_biasper output channel bias. Range : int32
[in,out]out_0pointer to output
The function returns one of the two
  1. The incremented output pointer for a successful operation or
  2. NULL if implementation is not available.

    This function does the matrix multiplication of weight matrix for all output channels with 2 columns from im2col and produces two elements/output_channel. The outputs are clamped in the range provided by activation min and max. Supported framework: TensorFlow Lite micro.

◆ arm_nn_mat_mult_s8()

int8_t * arm_nn_mat_mult_s8 ( const int8_t *  input_row,
const int8_t *  input_col,
const uint16_t  output_ch,
const uint16_t  col_batches,
const int32_t *  output_shift,
const int32_t *  output_mult,
const int32_t  out_offset,
const int32_t  col_offset,
const int32_t  row_offset,
const int16_t  out_activation_min,
const int16_t  out_activation_max,
const uint16_t  row_len,
const int32_t *const  bias,
int8_t *  out 
[in]input_rowpointer to row operand
[in]input_colpointer to col operand
[in]output_chnumber of rows of input_row
[in]col_batchesnumber of column batches. Range: 1 to 4
[in]output_shiftpointer to per output channel requantization shift parameter.
[in]output_multpointer to per output channel requantization multiplier parameter.
[in]out_offsetoutput tensor offset.
[in]col_offsetinput tensor(col) offset.
[in]row_offsetkernel offset(row). Not used.
[in]out_activation_minminimum value to clamp the output to. Range : int8
[in]out_activation_maxmaximum value to clamp the output to. Range : int8
[in]row_lennumber of elements in each row
[in]biasper output channel bias. Range : int32
[in,out]outpointer to output
The function returns one of the two
  1. The incremented output pointer for a successful operation or
  2. NULL if implementation is not available.

    Supported framework: TensorFlow Lite

◆ arm_nn_mult_by_power_of_two()

int32_t arm_nn_mult_by_power_of_two ( const int32_t  val,
const int32_t  exp 

◆ arm_nn_one_over_one_plus_x_for_x_in_0_1()

int32_t arm_nn_one_over_one_plus_x_for_x_in_0_1 ( int32_t  val)

◆ arm_nn_read_q15x2_ia()

int32_t arm_nn_read_q15x2_ia ( const int16_t **  in_q15)
[in]in_q15Pointer to pointer that holds address of input.
q31 value

◆ arm_nn_read_s16x2()

int32_t arm_nn_read_s16x2 ( const int16_t *  in)
[in]inpointer to address of input.
s32 value

◆ arm_nn_read_s8x4()

int32_t arm_nn_read_s8x4 ( const int8_t *  in_s8)
[in]in_s8pointer to address of input.
s32 value

◆ arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia()

int32_t arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia ( const int8_t **  in_s8)
[in]in_s8Pointer to pointer that holds address of input.
q31 value

◆ arm_nn_requantize()

int32_t arm_nn_requantize ( const int32_t  val,
const int32_t  multiplier,
const int32_t  shift 
[in]valValue to be requantized
[in]multipliermultiplier. Range {NN_Q31_MIN + 1, Q32_MAX}
[in]shiftleft or right shift for 'val * multiplier'
Returns (val * multiplier)/(2 ^ shift)

◆ arm_nn_requantize_s64()

int32_t arm_nn_requantize_s64 ( const int64_t  val,
const int32_t  reduced_multiplier,
const int32_t  shift 
[in]valValue to be requantized in the range {-(1<<47)} to {(1<<47) - 1}
[in]reduced_multiplierReduced multiplier in the range {NN_Q31_MIN + 1, Q32_MAX} to {Q16_MIN + 1, Q16_MAX}
[in]shiftLeft or right shift for 'val * multiplier' in the range {-31} to {7}
Returns (val * multiplier)/(2 ^ shift)

◆ arm_nn_write_q15x2_ia()

void arm_nn_write_q15x2_ia ( int16_t **  dest_q15,
int32_t  src_q31 
[in]dest_q15Pointer to pointer that holds address of destination.
[in]src_q31Input value to be written.

◆ arm_nn_write_s8x4_ia()

void arm_nn_write_s8x4_ia ( int8_t **  in,
int32_t  value 
[in]inDouble pointer to input value
[in]valueFour bytes to copy