CMSIS-RTOS2 Validation  Version 0.9.0-dev77
Validates RTOS2 API Implementation
Semaphore Functions

Semaphore Functions Test Cases. More...


void TC_osSemaphoreNew_1 (void)
 Test case: TC_osSemaphoreNew_1. More...
void TC_osSemaphoreNew_2 (void)
 Test case: TC_osSemaphoreNew_2. More...
void TC_osSemaphoreNew_3 (void)
 Test case: TC_osSemaphoreNew_3. More...
void TC_osSemaphoreGetName_1 (void)
 Test case: TC_osSemaphoreGetName_1. More...
void TC_osSemaphoreAcquire_1 (void)
 Test case: TC_osSemaphoreAcquire_1. More...
void TC_osSemaphoreRelease_1 (void)
 Test case: TC_osSemaphoreRelease_1. More...
void TC_osSemaphoreGetCount_1 (void)
 Test case: TC_osSemaphoreGetCount_1. More...
void TC_osSemaphoreDelete_1 (void)
 Test case: TC_osSemaphoreDelete_1. More...
void TC_SemaphoreCreateAndDelete (void)
 Test case: TC_SemaphoreCreateAndDelete. More...
void TC_SemaphoreObtainCounting (void)
 Test case: TC_SemaphoreObtainCounting. More...
void TC_SemaphoreObtainBinary (void)
 Test case: TC_SemaphoreObtainBinary. More...
void TC_SemaphoreWaitForBinary (void)
 Test case: TC_SemaphoreWaitForBinary. More...
void TC_SemaphoreWaitForCounting (void)
 Test case: TC_SemaphoreWaitForCounting. More...
void TC_SemaphoreZeroCount (void)
 Test case: TC_SemaphoreZeroCount. More...
void TC_SemaphoreWaitTimeout (void)
 Test case: TC_SemaphoreWaitTimeout. More...
void TC_SemaphoreCheckTimeout (void)
 Test case: TC_SemaphoreCheckTimeout. More...
void TC_SemaphoreAllocation (void)
 Test case: TC_SemaphoreAllocation. More...


The test cases check the osSemaphore* functions.

Function Documentation

◆ TC_osSemaphoreAcquire_1()

void TC_osSemaphoreAcquire_1 ( void  )
  • Call osSemaphoreAcquire to acquire binary semaphore
  • Call osSemaphoreAcquire to acquire counting semaphore
  • Call osSemaphoreAcquire from ISR (non-zero timeout)
  • Call osSemaphoreAcquire with null semaphore object

◆ TC_osSemaphoreDelete_1()

void TC_osSemaphoreDelete_1 ( void  )
  • Call osSemaphoreDelete to delete a semaphore
  • Call osSemaphoreDelete from ISR
  • Call osSemaphoreDelete with null object

◆ TC_osSemaphoreGetCount_1()

void TC_osSemaphoreGetCount_1 ( void  )
  • Call osSemaphoreGetCount to get token count of an initialized semaphore
  • Call osSemaphoreGetCount to get token count of an acquired semaphore
  • Call osSemaphoreGetCount from ISR
  • Call osSemaphoreGetCount with a null object id

◆ TC_osSemaphoreGetName_1()

void TC_osSemaphoreGetName_1 ( void  )
  • Call osSemaphoreGetName to retrieve a name of an unnamed semaphore
  • Call osSemaphoreGetName to retrieve a name of a semaphore with assigned name
  • Call osSemaphoreGetName from ISR
  • Call osSemaphoreGetName with null object

◆ TC_osSemaphoreNew_1()

void TC_osSemaphoreNew_1 ( void  )
  • Call osSemaphoreNew to create a binary semaphore object with initial token cleared
  • Call osSemaphoreNew to create a binary semaphore object with initial token set
  • Call osSemaphoreNew to create a counting semaphore object with initial token count cleared
  • Call osSemaphoreNew to create a counting semaphore object with initial token count set to max count={UINT8_MAX, UINT16_MAX, UINT32_MAX}
  • Call osSemaphoreNew from ISR

◆ TC_osSemaphoreNew_2()

void TC_osSemaphoreNew_2 ( void  )
  • Call osSemaphoreNew to create semaphore object and assign a name to it

◆ TC_osSemaphoreNew_3()

void TC_osSemaphoreNew_3 ( void  )
  • Call osSemaphoreNew to create semaphore object by specifying memory for control block in attributes

◆ TC_osSemaphoreRelease_1()

void TC_osSemaphoreRelease_1 ( void  )
  • Call osSemaphoreRelease to release acquired binary semaphore
  • Call osSemaphoreRelease to release acquired counting semaphore
  • Call osSemaphoreRelease to release binary semaphore that was not acquired
  • Call osSemaphoreRelease to release counting semaphore that was not acquired
  • Call osSemaphoreRelease from ISR
  • Call osSemaphoreRelease with null semaphore object

◆ TC_SemaphoreAllocation()

void TC_SemaphoreAllocation ( void  )
  • Test semaphore object allocation

◆ TC_SemaphoreCheckTimeout()

void TC_SemaphoreCheckTimeout ( void  )
  • Set time thresholds
  • Create wakeup thread to release a semaphore after 10 ticks
  • Wait for a semaphore with a defined timeout
  • Check if the semaphore is acquired between the minimum and maximum thresholds
  • Wait for a semaphore with an infinite timeout
  • Check if the semaphore is acquired between the minimum and maximum thresholds

◆ TC_SemaphoreCreateAndDelete()

void TC_SemaphoreCreateAndDelete ( void  )
  • Create a semaphore with initial count parameter equal to zero
  • Delete created semaphore object
  • Create a semaphore with initial count parameter equal to MAX_SEMAPHORE_TOKEN_CNT
  • Delete created semaphore object

◆ TC_SemaphoreObtainBinary()

void TC_SemaphoreObtainBinary ( void  )
  • Create a binary semaphore object
  • Obtain available token
  • Verify that there is no available tokens left
  • Release obtained token
  • Verify that no more tokens can be released
  • Delete a binary semaphore object

◆ TC_SemaphoreObtainCounting()

void TC_SemaphoreObtainCounting ( void  )
  • Create a counting semaphore object
  • Obtain all available tokens
  • Verify that all available tokens are obtained
  • Release all tokens
  • Delete a counting semaphore object

◆ TC_SemaphoreWaitForBinary()

void TC_SemaphoreWaitForBinary ( void  )
  • Create a binary semaphore
  • Create multiple instances of a test thread that obtains semaphore
  • Wait until thread instances finish
  • Check if semaphore was acquired
  • Check if only one thread got semaphore object
  • Release and delete a semaphore
  • Only one thread instance must acquire semaphore object

◆ TC_SemaphoreWaitForCounting()

void TC_SemaphoreWaitForCounting ( void  )
  • Create semaphore with index count parameter equal to 3
  • Create multiple instances of a test thread that acquires semaphore
  • Wait until thread instances finish
  • Check if only available resources were acquired
  • Release and delete a semaphore object
  • Only one thread instance must acquire semaphore object

◆ TC_SemaphoreWaitTimeout()

void TC_SemaphoreWaitTimeout ( void  )
  • Obtain a semaphore object
  • Create a thread that waits for a semaphore
  • Delay parent thread to allow child thread wait for semaphore
  • Check if child thread was able to obtain a semaphore or not

◆ TC_SemaphoreZeroCount()

void TC_SemaphoreZeroCount ( void  )
  • Create a semaphore with initial count zero
  • Try to obtain a semaphore token
  • Try to release a semaphore token
  • Delete a semaphore object