CMSIS-RTOS2 Validation  Version 0.9.0-dev77
Validates RTOS2 API Implementation
Timer Functions

Timer Functions Test Cases. More...


void TC_osTimerNew_1 (void)
 Test case: TC_osTimerNew_1. More...
void TC_osTimerNew_2 (void)
 Test case: TC_osTimerNew_2. More...
void TC_osTimerNew_3 (void)
 Test case: TC_osTimerNew_3. More...
void TC_osTimerGetName_1 (void)
 Test case: TC_osTimerGetName_1. More...
void TC_osTimerStart_1 (void)
 Test case: TC_osTimerStart_1. More...
void TC_osTimerStart_2 (void)
 Test case: TC_osTimerStart_2. More...
void TC_osTimerStop_1 (void)
 Test case: TC_osTimerStop_1. More...
void TC_osTimerStop_2 (void)
 Test case: TC_osTimerStop_2. More...
void TC_osTimerIsRunning_1 (void)
 Test case: TC_osTimerIsRunning_1. More...
void TC_osTimerDelete_1 (void)
 Test case: TC_osTimerDelete_1. More...
void TC_TimerOneShot (void)
 Test case: TC_TimerOneShot. More...
void TC_TimerPeriodic (void)
 Test case: TC_TimerPeriodic. More...
void TC_TimerAllocation (void)
 Test case: TC_TimerAllocation. More...


The test cases check the osTimer* functions.

Function Documentation

◆ TC_osTimerDelete_1()

void TC_osTimerDelete_1 ( void  )
  • Call osTimerDelete to delete stopped one-shoot timer
  • Call osTimerDelete to delete running one-shoot timer
  • Call osTimerDelete to delete stopped periodic timer
  • Call osTimerDelete to delete running periodic timer
  • Call osTimerDelete from ISR
  • Call osTimerDelete with null object

◆ TC_osTimerGetName_1()

void TC_osTimerGetName_1 ( void  )
  • Call osTimerGetName to retrieve a name of an unnamed timer
  • Call osTimerGetName to retrieve a name of a timer with assigned name
  • Call osTimerGetName from ISR
  • Call osTimerGetName with null object

◆ TC_osTimerIsRunning_1()

void TC_osTimerIsRunning_1 ( void  )
  • Call osTimerIsRunning to check whether a one-shoot timer is running
  • Call osTimerIsRunning to check whether a one-shoot timer is stopped
  • Call osTimerIsRunning to check whether a periodic timer is running
  • Call osTimerIsRunning to check whether a periodic timer is stopped
  • Call osTimerIsRunning from ISR
  • Call osTimerIsRunning with null object

◆ TC_osTimerNew_1()

void TC_osTimerNew_1 ( void  )
  • Call osTimerNew to create a timer object of type osTimerOnce
  • Call osTimerNew to create a timer object of type osTimerPeriodic
  • Call osTimerNew from ISR
  • Call osTimerNew with null timer function

◆ TC_osTimerNew_2()

void TC_osTimerNew_2 ( void  )
  • Call osTimerNew to create timer object and assign a name to it

◆ TC_osTimerNew_3()

void TC_osTimerNew_3 ( void  )
  • Call osTimerNew to create timer object by specifying memory for control block in attributes

◆ TC_osTimerStart_1()

void TC_osTimerStart_1 ( void  )
  • Call osTimerStart to start the one-shot timer
  • Call osTimerStart to start the periodic timer
  • Call osTimerStart from ISR
  • Call osTimerStart with invalid ticks value
  • Call osTimerStart with null object

◆ TC_osTimerStart_2()

void TC_osTimerStart_2 ( void  )
  • Call osTimerStart from one-shot timer callback to re-start the timer

◆ TC_osTimerStop_1()

void TC_osTimerStop_1 ( void  )
  • Call osTimerStop to stop the one-shoot timer
  • Call osTimerStop to stop the periodic timer
  • Call osTimerStop from ISR
  • Call osTimerStop with null object

◆ TC_osTimerStop_2()

void TC_osTimerStop_2 ( void  )
  • Call osTimerStop to stop already stopped one-shoot timer
  • Call osTimerStop to stop already stopped periodic timer

◆ TC_TimerAllocation()

void TC_TimerAllocation ( void  )
  • Test timer object allocation

◆ TC_TimerOneShot()

void TC_TimerOneShot ( void  )
  • Create a one shot timer
  • Ensure timer is not running
  • Start timer and check that callback was called only once
  • Ensure correct status reporting
  • Delete the timer

◆ TC_TimerPeriodic()

void TC_TimerPeriodic ( void  )
  • Create a periodic timer
  • Ensure timer is not running
  • Start timer and check if callback function is called more than once
  • Stop the timer
  • Ensure correct status reporting
  • Delete the timer