Record program events, display status information, and analyze execution faults
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Define groups of software components that are shown together.

Parent Element Element Chain
events /component_viewer/events
Attributes Description Type Use
name Define the name of a group. This name is used for filtering. xs:string required
Child Element Description Type Occurrence
component Component within the group. ComponentType 0..*



Define software components that are tied to an event number.

Parent Element Element Chain
group /component_viewer/events/group
Attributes Description Type Use
name Descriptive component name. xs:string required
brief Short component name for display purposes. xs:string required
no Event id component number (bits 8..15). See Theory of operation. xs:string required
prefix Added to hyperlink in context sensitive help system before the <event name>. xs:string required
info Descriptive text shown when hovering over the component brief. xs:string optional
Child Element Description Type Occurrence
state State information for a component ComponentType 0..*


<!-- event groups for Network Component -->
<group name="Network">
<group name="System Events">
<component name="Memory Management" brief="NetMM" no="0x80" prefix="EvrNetMM_" info="Network - System - Dynamic Memory Management"/>
<component name="ETH Interface" brief="NetETH" no="0x81" prefix="EvrNetETH_" info="Network - System - Ethernet Interface"/>
<component name="PPP Interface" brief="NetPPP" no="0x82" prefix="EvrNetPPP_" info="Network - System - Serial PPP Interface"/>
<component name="SLIP Interface" brief="NetSLIP" no="0x83" prefix="EvrNetSLIP_" info="Network - System - Serial SLIP Interface"/>
<component name="Loopback Interface" brief="NetLB" no="0x84" prefix="EvrNetLB_" info="Network - System - Local Loopback Interface"/>
<group name="IPv4 Core Events">
<component name="IP4 Core" brief="NetIP4C" no="0x85" prefix="EvrNetIP4C_" info="Network - IPv4 - Core/localhost"/>
<component name="ICMP Control" brief="NetICMP" no="0x86" prefix="EvrNetICMP_" info="Network - IPv4 - Internet Control Message"/>
<component name="IGMP Management" brief="NetIGMP" no="0x87" prefix="EvrNetIGMP_" info="Network - IPv4 - Internet Group Message (multicast)"/>
<component name="NBNS Client" brief="NetNBNS" no="0x88" prefix="EvrNetNBNS_" info="Network - IPv4 - NetBIOS Name Service Client"/>
<component name="DHCP Client" brief="NetDHCP" no="0x89" prefix="EvrNetDHCP_" info="Network - IPv4 - Dynamic Host Client"/>
<component name="ARP Address Resolution" brief="NetARP" no="0x8A" prefix="EvrNetARP_" info="Network - IPv4 - Ethernet Address Resolution"/>
<group name="IPv6 Core Events">
<component name="IP6 Core" brief="NetIP6C" no="0x8B" prefix="EvrNetIP6C_" info="Network - IPv6 - Core/localhost"/>
<component name="ICMP6 Control" brief="NetICMP6" no="0x8C" prefix="EvrNetICMP6_" info="Network - IPv6 - Internet Control Message"/>
<component name="DHCP6 Client" brief="NetDHCP6" no="0x8D" prefix="EvrNetDHCP6_" info="Network - IPv6 - Dynamic Host Client"/>
<component name="NDP Neighbor Discovery" brief="NetNDP" no="0x8E" prefix="EvrNetNDP_" info="Network - IPv4 - Neighbor Discovery"/>



Define state information for an event group. This state information is used for:

  • graphic display of a time-line (for example in the System Analyzer of uVision).
  • collecting statistical information about an event group.

The state information is referenced by the element event and associated with an handle and a handle name. State information is for example used to display the activity of RTOS threads. But this implementation is generic and allows it to use also for any type of software component.

Parent Element Element Chain
group /component_viewer/component
Attributes Description Type Use
name State name that is displayed and used for reference in event xs:string required
plot Output in graphic time-line display (System Analyzer) with values:
  "off" for empty display [no line or box] (default).
  "line" for display a line.
  "box" for display a box.
xs:string optional
color Color for the line or box in graphic time-line display (System Analyzer) with values: "blue" (default), "red", "green", "black". xs:string optional
unique "1" indicates that only handle from this group can have this state. Event handles that had this state previously are set to state that is marked with dormant="1". (default "0") xs:string optional
dormant "1" indicates the state to fall back from the state that is marked with unique="1". (default "0") xs:string optional
ssel "1" indicates the state is selected for top-level view of events and statistics. (default "0") xs:string optional


<component name="MyEventComponent1" brief="MyC1" no="0x0B" prefix="EvrMyC1_" info="My Component - Demo example">
<state name="Clear" plot="box" color="red" />
<state name="Create" plot="box" />
<state name="Delete" plot="off" />
<state name="Waiting" plot="box" color="green" />
<state name="Active" plot="box" bold="1" />
<state name="Idle" plot="line" />
<state name="Stalled" plot="line" color="black" />
<component name="MyEventComponent2" brief="MyC2" no="0x0C" prefix="EvrMyC2_" info="My Component - Demo example"/>
<event id="0xB00" level="API" property="Clear" state="Clear" handle="val1" value="h=%x[val1]" info="Event on Clear"/>
<event id="0xB01" level="API" property="Create" state="Create" handle="val1" hname="%N[val2]" tracking="Start" value="h=%x[val1] n=%N[val2]" info="Event on Create"/>
<event id="0xB02" level="API" property="Delete" state="Delete" handle="val1" tracking="Stop" value="h=%x[val1]" info="Event on Delete"/>
<event id="0xB03" level="API" property="Active" state="Active" handle="val1" value="h=%x[val1]" info="Event on Active"/>
<event id="0xB04" level="API" property="Waiting" state="Waiting" handle="val1" value="h=%x[val1]" info="Event on Waiting"/>
<event id="0xB05" level="API" property="Idle" state="Idle" handle="val1" value="h=%x[val1]" info="Event on Idle"/>
<event id="0xB06" level="API" property="Stalled" state="Stalled" handle="val1"