Record program events, display status information, and analyze execution faults

Is the enclosing element for objects that define the output for the Component Viewer.

Parent Element Element Chain
component_viewer /component_viewer
Child Element Description Type Occurrence
object Define the output object for the Component Viewer. ObjectType 1



Define variables, calculations, and the viewer output for a software component.

Parent Element Element Chain
objects /component_viewer/objects
Attributes Description Type Use
name Name of the object (this name is used to open the view) xs:string required
Child Element Description Type Occurrence
var Define temporary variables. VarType 0..*
calc Calculate temporary variables. CalcType 0..*
list Iterate a loop (for or while construct). ListTypeO 0..*
read Read scalar variables or arrays from application program. ReadType 0..*
readlist Read a list of structured variables (arrays or linked list) from application program. ReadlistType 0..*
out Generate output for this object. OutType 0..*