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Is the enclosing element for data type definitions.

Parent Element Element Chain
component_viewer /component_viewer
Child Element Description Type Occurrence
typedef Define complex data types. TypedefType 1..*



Define complex data types that may be used in read and readlist elements. This data type definition is used to read information from the target memory of the application. Optionally it may include also var elements that create temporary helper variables for calculations at the debugger level.

Parent Element Element Chain
typedefs /component_viewer/typedefs
Attributes Description Type Use
name Define the name of a data type. This name is used in read and readlist elements. xs:anySimpleType required
size Expression that specifies the size (in [Bytes]) to read from target memory. xs:anySimpleType optional
info Descriptive text with additional information (comment). xs:anySimpleType optional

Name of a symbol in the user application which is loaded into the debugger. The underlaying data type of this symbol is used to:

  • recalculate the value of the attribute size of this typedef element.
  • for member elements with no explicit attribute offset, the offset value of matching member is set. If the member is not part of the symbol in the user application the attribute offset value is set to -1. __Offset_of can be used to check this value.

Example: Use the data type information of symbol tcb in source module main.c

<typedef name="tcb_type" size="12" import="main.c/tcb"> // size is recalculated from symbol tcb
<member name="type" type="uint8_t" offset="0"/> // offset not updated, because specified
<member name="name" type="uint8_t" size="16" /> // offset updated, because not specified
xs:string optional
Child Element Description Type Occurrence
member Name of a member variable in target memory. MemberType 0..*
var Temporary variables for local calculations in component viewer. VarType 0..*


Example: Using var

<!-- Structure reflecting an array -->
<typedef name="TypeArray1" size="8">
<member name="type_ref" type="uint32_t" offset="0" info="Pointer to array"/>
<member name="id1" type="uint8_t" offset="4" info="Type ID"/>
<member name="attr" type="uint8_t" offset="5" info="Type Attribute"/>
<var name="idx" type="uint32_t" info="Index in array"/>
<!-- Helper variables for Stack-usage calculation -->
<typedef name="TypeArray2" size="8">
<var name="XcurSP" type="uint32_t" value="0"/>
<var name="bSimpleStk" type="int32_t"/>

Example: Using read

main.c file

struct MyComp_info_t {
int version; // component version
int channels; // number of communication channels available
int buffersize; // size of the communication buffer
struct MyComp_info_t MyComp_info;
void MyComp_initialize (void) {
MyComp_info.version = 3; // Set information
MyComp_info.channels = 1;
MyComp_info.buffersize = sizeof(MyComp_data.buf);

*.SCVD file

<object name="MyComponent">
<read name="MyComp_info" type="MyComp_info" symbol="MyComp_info"/>
<out name="MyComponent Overview">
<item property="Generic">
<item property="Version" value="%d[MyComp_info.version]"/>
<item property="Channels" value="%d[MyComp_info.channels]"/>
<item property="Max. Transmit Size" value="%d[MyComp_info.buffersize] Bytes"/>

Example: Using import

main.c File

// Configuration defines
#define CONDITION_0 (0)
#define CONFIG_NAME_SZ (8)
#define CONDITION_1 (0)
// Example structure
typedef struct {
uint32_t Member_0;
uint32_t Member_1;
} StructA_t;
// Structure of variable size
typedef struct {
uint32_t Var_0;
#if (CONDITION_0 == 1)
StructA_t Sample0; // Conditionally included
StructA_t Sample1;
char Name[CONFIG_NAME_SZ]; // Variable size: size defined by CONFIG_NAME_SZ (default: CONFIG_NAME_SZ=4)
#if (CONDITION_1 == 1)
uint32_t Var_1; // Conditionally included
uint32_t Var_2;
} StructOfVarSz;
StructofVarSz MyVarStruct;


<component_viewer schemaVersion="0.1" xmlns:xs="" xs:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Component_Viewer.xsd">
<component name="MyView2" version="0.0.1"/> <!-- name and version of the component -->
<typedef name="StructOfVarSz" size="32" import="MyVarStruct" info="Structure Of Variable Size">
<member name="Var_0" type="uint32_t" offset="0" info="Variable 0 (always present)"/>
<!-- StructA_t inlined -->
<member name="Sample0_Member0" type="uint32_t" info="Structure Sample0, member Member0 (included conditionally)"/>
<member name="Sample0_Member1" type="uint32_t" info="Structure Sample0, member Member1 (included conditionally)"/>
<!-- StructA_t inlined -->
<member name="Sample1_Member0" type="uint16_t" info="Structure Sample1, member Member0 (always included)"/>
<member name="Sample1_Member1" type="uint16_t" info="Structure Sample1, member Member1 (always included)"/>
<member name="Name" type="uint8_t" size="4" info="Array Name, actual size=CONFIG_NAME_SZ"/>
<member name="Var_1" type="uint32_t" info="Variable 1 (conditionally included)"/>
<member name="Var_2" type="uint32_t" info="Variable 2 (always present)"/>
// After import (taking "Configuration defines" into account) the typedef above would have the following properties:
<typedef name="StructOfVarSz" size="28" import="MyVarStruct" info="Size is updated">
<member name="Var_0" type="uint32_t" offset="0" info=""/>
<!-- StructA_t inlined -->
<member name="Sample0_Member0" type="uint32_t" offset="-1" info=""/>
<member name="Sample0_Member1" type="uint32_t" offset="-1" info=""/>
<!-- StructA_t inlined -->
<member name="Sample1_Member0" type="uint16_t" offset="4" info=""/>
<member name="Sample1_Member1" type="uint16_t" offset="8" info=""/>
<member name="Name" type="uint8_t" size="8" offset="12" info="Size is updated (if possible)"/>
<member name="Var_1" type="uint32_t" offset="-1" info=""/>
<member name="Var_2" type="uint32_t" offset="20" info=""/>