Record program events, display status information, and analyze execution faults
Fault example (Cortex-M7)

This project is a simple Fault component example running on Arm Cortex-M7 microcontroller simulated by Arm Virtual Hardware with the VHT_MPS2_Cortex-M7 model simulator.

The application allows triggering of specific faults upon which the fault information is saved and system is reset. When system restarts the fault information is output via the Event Recorder.

The fault information can also be inspected with Component Viewer in a debug session.

Note: This example runs on the Arm Virtual Hardware simulator and does not require any hardware.



CMSIS Packs:

  • Required packs:

    • ARM::CMSIS-View v1.0.0 or newer
    • ARM::CMSIS-Compiler v1.0.0 or newer
    • ARM::CMSIS v5.9.0
    • Keil::V2M-MPS2_CMx_BSP v1.8.0

    Missing packs can be installed by executing the following csolution and cpackget commands:

    csolution list packs -s Fault.csolution.yml -m >missing_packs_list.txt
    cpackget add -f missing_packs_list.txt


  1. Use the csolution command to create .cprj project files (for Arm Compiler 6 toolchain):
    csolution convert -s Fault.csolution.yml
    or, for GCC toolchain use the following command:
    csolution convert -s Fault.csolution.yml -t GCC
  2. Use the cbuild command to create executable files:
    cbuild Fault.Debug+VHT_MPS2_Cortex-M7.cprj


AVH Target

Execute the following steps:

  • run the AVH model (with example built with Arm Compiler 6 toolchain) from the command line by executing the following command:
    VHT_MPS2_Cortex-M7 -f vht_config.txt out/Fault/VHT_MPS2_Cortex-M7/Debug/Fault.axf
    or, run the AVH model (with example built with GCC toolchain) from the command line by executing the following command:
    VHT_MPS2_Cortex-M7 -f vht_config.txt out/Fault/VHT_MPS2_Cortex-M7/Debug/Fault.elf

    Note: The Arm Virtual Hardware executables have to be in the environment path, otherwise absolute path to the VHT_MPS2_Cortex-M7.exe (e.g. c:\Keil\ARM\VHT\VHT_MPS2_Cortex-M7) has to be provided instead of VHT_MPS2_Cortex-M7.

    The generated file EventRecorder.log contains the events that were generated during the example execution. This file is the input for the eventlist utility which can be used for further analysis.
  • follow the instructions in the simulator console

The fault triggering is done by entering a number via simulator console (see possible values below).

  • 0: terminate the example
  • 1: trigger the data access (precise) Memory Management fault
  • 2: trigger the data access (precise) Bus fault
  • 3: trigger the data access (imprecise) Bus fault
  • 4: trigger the instruction execution Bus fault
  • 5: trigger the undefined instruction Usage fault
  • 6: trigger the divide by 0 Usage fault

Running the example in the uVision

  • open Fault.Debug+VHT_MPS2_Cortex-M7.cprj with the uVision
  • open Options for Target
  • select Debug tab
  • under Use select Models Cortex-M Debugger and click on Settings button end enter the following:
    • Command: $K\ARM\VHT\VHT_MPS2_Cortex-M7.exe
    • Target: armcortexm7ct
    • Configuration File: .\vht_config.txt
  • under Initialization File: enter the following: .\debug.ini
  • start the Debug Session
  • Run the code
  • you can see the events recorded by opening View - Analysis Windows - Event Recorder
  • you can see the state of the recorded fault by opening View - Watch Windows - Fault


To analyze the result eventlist utility is needed, copy the executable eventlist file to the same folder where EventRecorder.log is located.

To process EventRecorder.log file with the eventlist utility in Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe) execute the following command:

eventlist -I %CMSIS_PACK_ROOT%\ARM\CMSIS-View\1.0.0\Fault\ARM_Fault.scvd -I %CMSIS_PACK_ROOT%\ARM\CMSIS-View\1.0.0\EventRecorder\EventRecorder.scvd -I %CMSIS_PACK_ROOT%\ARM\CMSIS\5.9.0\CMSIS\RTOS2\RTX\RTX5.scvd EventRecorder.log