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The element list allows to create a:

  • for loop that increments in each iteration a loop variable by 1 until it reaches the limit.
  • while loop that stops executing when a while condition becomes 0.

The child elements of the list element are executed therefore multiple times.

It is not possible to combine limit and while in the same list element.
Parent Element Element Chain
object /component_viewer/objects/object
list /component_viewer/objects/object/.../list
Attributes Description Type Use
name The name of a loop variable that is defined previously defined with the element var. When limit is specified, this variable is incremented by 1 with every loop iteration. xs:string required
start Expression that specifies the initial value of the loop variable. xs:string required
limit Expression that specifies the limit value of the loop variable. The loop is terminated when limit >= loop variable. xs:string optional
while Expression that terminates loop execution when the result is 0. Default value is 1. xs:string optional
cond Conditional execution: element is executed when expression result is not 0. Default value is 1. xs:string optional
Child Element Description Type Occurrence
list Iterate a loop (for or while construct). ListTypeO 0..*
readlist Read a list of structured variables (arrays or linked list) from application program. ReadlistType 0..*
read Read scalar variables or arrays from application program. ReadType 0..*
var Define temporary variables. VarType 0..*
calc Calculate temporary variables. CalcType 0..*


for loop execution:

<object name="For_Loop">
<var name="i" type="uint32_t" />
<var name="j" type="uint8_t" value="5" />
<list name="i" start="0" limit="10" >
j = j + i;

while loop execution:

<object name="While_Loop">
<list cond="Threads:TCB[i].State==WaitingMutex" name="m" start="Threads:TCB[i].OS_MUCB" while="Threads:MCB(m).p_mlnk">
<item property="Mutex : %x[Threads:MCB(m).index]" value="Owner=%s[Threads:TCB_DEF(Threads:TCB(Threads:MCB(m).owner).Thread_Def).name"/>
<var name="i" type="uint32_t" />
<var name="j" type="uint8_t" value="5" />
<list name="i" start="0" limit="10" >
j = j + i;