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Define the member of a typedef; typically a struct, class member, or enumeration.

Parent Element Element Chain
typedef /component_viewer/typedefs/typedef
Attributes Description Type Use
name Name of member variable. Is shown as text in the Component Viewer. xs:string required
type Scalar Data Types or pointer to Complex Data Types to access chained lists. xs:string required
offset Offset to base address in [Bytes]. Use the uVision debug dialog Symbols to find the offset. You can use Expressions. For imported members, the offset is recalculated. Refer to the description of attribute import in typedef. xs:string required
size Size in target memory in [Bytes]. xs:string optional
info Descriptive text with additional information (comment). xs:string optional
Child Element Description Type Occurrence
enum Name of an enumeration that is displayed as text instead of a value. EnumType 0..*


<typedef name="Thread_CB" size="52" info="RTOS Task Control Block">
<member name="p_lnk" type="*Thread_CB" offset="4" info="Pointer to linked list"/>
<member name="Entry" type="uint32_t" offset="40 + 8" info="Calculated Entry Address"/>
<member name="Priority" type="int8_t" offset="2" info="Thread Priority">
<enum name="None" value="0" info="No Priority"/>
<enum name="Idle" value="1" info="osPriorityIdle (lowest)"/>
<enum name="Low" value="2" info="osPriorityLow"/>
<enum name="BelowNormal" value="3" info="osPriorityBelowNormal"/>
<enum name="Normal" value="4" info="osPriorityNormal (default)"/>
<enum name="AboveNormal" value="5" info="osPriorityAboveNormal"/>
<enum name="High" value="6" info="osPriorityHigh"/>
<enum name="Realtime" value="7" info="osPriorityRealtime (highest)"/>



Defines an enumeration name that is displayed as text instead of a value. A symbolic enumerator name represents a constant value that can be referenced using the syntax typedef_name:member_name:enum_name.

Parent Element Element Chain
member /component_viewer/typedefs/typedef/member
Attributes Description Type Use
name Name of enumeration. Is shown as text in the Component Viewer. xs:string required
value Expression that specifies the enum value. xs:string optional
info Descriptive text with additional information (comment). xs:string optional


<typedef name="Thread_CB" size="52" info="RTOS Task Control Block">
<member name="Priority" type="int8_t" offset="2" info="Thread Priority">
<enum name="None" value="0" info="No Priority"/>
<enum name="Idle" value="1" info="osPriorityIdle (lowest)"/>
<enum name="Low" value="2" info="osPriorityLow"/>
<enum name="BelowNormal" value="3" info="osPriorityBelowNormal"/>
<enum name="Normal" value="4" info="osPriorityNormal (default)"/>
<enum name="AboveNormal" value="5" info="osPriorityAboveNormal"/>
<enum name="High" value="6" info="osPriorityHigh"/>
<enum name="Realtime" value="7" info="osPriorityRealtime (highest)"/>