Record program events, display status information, and analyze execution faults
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CMSIS-View equips software developers with software components, utilities and methodologies that provide visibility into internal operation of embedded applications and software components.

With the software components of CMSIS-View, developers can collect time-accurate event-based information, display program execution status, and analyze fault exceptions. It allows to analyze execution flows, debug potential issues, and measure execution times. The data can be observed in real-time in an IDE or can be saved as a log file during program execution.

A Software Component Viewer Description (*.SCVD) file in SCVD file format (XML) defines the content that is displayed in the Component Viewer and Event Recorder.

In addition, using the Event Recorder API, you can annotate your code so that you can get statistical data on the time spent in a loop or on the energy consumption (ULINKplus required).

Key elements of CMSIS-View are:

  • Event Recorder - an embedded software component that provides Event Recorder API for event annotations in the code.
  • eventlist utility - a command line tool for processing Event Recorder log files.
  • Fault - an embedded software component with infrastructure and Fault API to store, record, and analyze exception fault information.


Access to CMSIS-View

CMSIS-View is actively maintained in CMSIS-View GitHub repository and is released as a standalone CMSIS-View pack in the CMSIS-Pack format.

The table below explains the content of ARM::CMSIS-View pack.

Directory Description
📂 Documentation Folder with this CMSIS-View documenation
📂 EventRecorder Event Recorder implementation
📂 Examples Examples projects using CMSIS-View
📂 Fault Implementation of the Fault component
📄 ARM.CMSIS-View.pdsc Pack description file in CMSIS-Pack format
📄 LICENSE License Agreement (Apache 2.0)

See CMSIS Documentation for an overview of CMSIS software components, tools and specifications.

Documentation Structure

This user's guide contains the following chapters:

  • Revision History : lists CMSIS-View releases
  • Event Recorder : explores the features and operation of the Event Recorder including configuration, technical data, and theory of operation.
  • Event Statistics : describes how to use Event Statistics to create statistical data on code execution and power consumption.
  • eventlist Utility : shows the usage of eventlist, a command line tool for processing Event Recorder records stored to a log file.
  • Component Viewer : explains the use of Component Viewer.
  • SCVD file format : describes the format of the Software Component View Description (*.SCVD) files that define the content that is displayed.
  • Fault Analysis : infrastructure and functions to store, record, and analyze the Cortex-M Exception Fault information.
  • Examples are available demonstrating standard use cases.
  • API References describes the API and the functions of the Event Recorder and Fault components in details.


CMSIS-View is provided free of charge by Arm under the Apache 2.0 License.