Record program events, display status information, and analyze execution faults
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Dynamic output formats are supported using the "<print>" element. It works as child element of event and allows conditional output.

Parent Element Element Chain
event /component_viewer/events/event
Attributes Description Type Use
cond Conditional execution: element is executed when expression result is not 0. If executed all consecutive "<print>" elements are skipped. Default value is 1. xs:string required
property Shown in the Property column of the Event Recorder window. Use specifiers to format the output. xs:string required
value Shown in the Value column of the Event Recorder window. Use specifiers to format the output. xs:string required
bold Output in the Value column is displayed in bold when expression result is not 0. Default value is 0. See also alert and bold output. xs:string optional
alert Output in the Value column is displayed in red when expression result is not 0. Default value is 0. See also alert and bold output. xs:string optional

Example: On "ShowNetAddress" event print IP address in different format depending whether it is IPv4 or IPv6 network.

<event id="15 + 0xD100" level="Op" property="ShowNetAddress" info="Display IP address and port number">
<print cond="!(val1 & 0x1)" property="ShowNetAddress" value="ip=%I[val1, NetAddr:addr], port=%d[val1, NetAddr:port]"/>
<print cond=" (val1 & 0x1)" property="ShowNetAddress" value="ip=%J[val1, NetAddr:addr], port=%d[val1, NetAddr:port]"/>