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Read a list of structured elements from application program memory in the target system. This list can be used in expressions or out elements. The structured element is based on a data type that is defined with typedef. This typedef may contain temporary variables defined with var that are used for calculations (temporary variables are not read from the target system).

The individual data type elements of the <readlist> are referenced using name[index].member.
<readlist> manages two predefined member variables with the following names:

  • name._count — number of list items. Used as index limit, valid index values are: (0 .. number-1).
  • name[index]._addr — start address of the list item that was read from target memory.

The attribute attribute symbol together with attribute offset specifies the start address in target memory of the list. When attribute attribute based:

  • is not specified or false (based="1") the target memory content is interpreted as a structured element.
  • is true (based="1") the target memory content is interpreted as pointer to a structured element.

<readlist> is able to read:

  • an array where the attribute count specifies the number of items read from the array.
  • linked list elements where the attribute next specifies the link pointer.

<readlist> can be used multiple times to add list items. The attribute init="1" clears the list and any list items collected on previous <readlist> calls is discarded.

The maximum number of list items is limited to 1024.
Parent Element Element Chain
object /component_viewer/objects/object
list /component_viewer/objects/object/.../list
Attributes Description Type Use
name Name of the list variable for usage in Expressions. xs:string required
type A scalar data type or complex data type defined with typedef. xs:string required
count Number of list items to read from an array. Default value is 1. xs:string optional
next Name of a member element in the list that is used as next pointer. This is used to read a linked list. <readlist> stops reading on a NULL pointer. The maximum number of list items is limited to 1024. xs:string optional
symbol Symbol name used to calculate the memory address in the target system. xs:string optional
offset Offset to the memory address specified with attribute symbol address. If attribute symbol is not specified it is the memory address. Default value is 0. xs:string optional
const When const="1" the memory is read when the object is created the first time. Default value is 0. xs:int optional
info Descriptive text with additional information (comment). xs:string optional
cond Conditional execution: element is executed when expression result is not 0. Default value is 1. xs:string optional
init When init="1" previous read items in the list are discarded. Default value is 0. xs:boolean optional
based When based="1" the attribute symbol and attribute offset specifies a pointer (or pointer array). Default value is 0. xs:boolean optional


C source file:

typedef struct _MyList {
struct _MyList *nextL;
uint32_t valueL;
char *nameL;
} MyList;
__USED MyList ValueC = { NULL, 50, "List Value C" };
__USED MyList ValueB = { &ValueC, 12, "List Value B" };
__USED MyList ValueA = { &ValueB, 4, "List Value A" };
__USED MyList *ListStart = &ValueA;
__USED MyList ValueArray[3] = { { NULL, 10, "Value[0]" },
{ NULL, 20, "Value[1]" },
{ NULL, 30, "Value[2]" }, };
__USED MyList *pArray[5] = { &ValueA, &ValueB, &ValueC, &ValueArray[0], &ValueArray[1] };

The data type of the list is defined with typedef. The var element is a variable used to store a string.

<typedef name="MyList" size="12" >
<member name="nextL" type="*MyList" offset="0" />
<member name="valueL" type="uint32_t" offset="4" />
<member name="nameL" type="uint32_t" offset="8" />
<var name="nameS" type="int8_t" size="20" />

Read the linked list starting with ValueA:

<readlist name="MyListA" type="MyList" symbol="ValueA" next="nextL" />

Read the linked list starting with head pointer ListStart:

<readlist name="MyListB" type="MyList" symbol="ListStart" based="1" next="nextL" />

Clear a previous list and read ValueA, ValueB, and ValueArray.

<readlist name="MyListC" type="MyList" symbol="ValueA" init="1" />
<readlist name="MyListC" type="MyList" symbol="ValueB" />
<readlist name="MyListC" type="MyList" symbol="ValueArray" count="__size_of(ValueArray)" />

Read the list based on the pointers stored in pArray:

<readlist name="MyListD" type="MyList" symbol="pArray" based="1" count="__size_of(pArray)" />

Read the pArray using read and read the list items addressed with pArray[1] and pArray[2].

<read name="pArray" type="*MyList" symbol="pArray" count="__size_of(pArray)" />
<readlist name="MyListE" type="MyList" offset="pArray[1]" />
<readlist name="MyListE" type="MyList" offset="pArray[2]" />