CMSIS-Build  Version 0.10.0 (beta)
Tools, software frameworks, and work flows for productivity with CMSIS based projects
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cbuildgen: Build Process Manager

cbuildgen is the core tool for the build process. It uses information from the CMSIS project file *.cprj, software packs, and environment variables.

  • The *.cprj file lists all software packs (optionally with version), configuration files, and user files along with toolchain specific options.
  • Software packs are used to get source and include files of software components. The location of software packs is defined with the environment variable $CMSIS_PACK_ROOT.
  • The version of configuration files is specified in project file *.cprj and related software packs are used to update it.
  • Device information is read from the device family pack (DFP) that defines the device.
  • Command line options for a toolchain is used from the <name>.<version>.mak file, if not present in the project file directory, the $CMSIS_COMPILER_ROOT is used.

The <ProjectFile>.mak file includes two additional makefiles:

  • include ${CMSIS_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/Whitespace.mak for handling of white space characters in filenames.
  • include ${CMSIS_COMPILER_ROOT}/<name>.<version>.mak that specifies default options for the toolchain.


cbuildgen is called from the Bash command line with the following syntax:

cbuildgen <ProjectFile>.cprj <command> [<args>]


cbuildgen is the name of tool.

<ProjectFile> is the name of the project file. The file extension (.cprj) is mandatory.

<command> specifies the operation of cbuildgen (see table below). Only one command is permitted per invocation.

[<args>] are additional arguments that control the operation of a command.


<command> <arguments> Description Details
packlist List missing packs. Check the current list of installed packs in the directory $CMSIS_PACK_ROOT. The URLs of missing packs are written to <ProjectFile>.cpinstall file.
--toolchain=<Toolchain> Select the toolchain. For projects that can be built with multiple toolchains, it defines the toolchain for the build.
--intdir=<IntDir> Intermediate files output directory. Output directory for the list of missing packs (cpinstall).
--quiet Suppress messages. Suppresses all tool messages except build progress and result information.
make Generate makefile(s). Generates <ProjectFile>.mak for Make required to build the project. This command also generates a ASCII log file <ProjectFile>.clog recording location and version of the selected toolchain, packs, components and config files.
--toolchain=<Toolchain> Select the toolchain. For projects that can be built with multiple toolchains, it defines the toolchain for the build.
--merge=<MergeTool> Update configuration files. When used with the command make, it generates also <ProjectFile>_cfg.mak for Make to update configuration files using ccmerge: Config File Updater.
--update=<CprjFile> Create fixed version CPRJ file. Generate <CprjFile> with fixed versions for reproducing the current build.
--outdir=<OutDir> Build output directory. Set output directory for binary executables, as well as log and map files.
--intdir=<IntDir> Intermediate files output directory. Output directory for generated make files, list of missing packs (cpinstall), command files, object files, and dependency files.
--quiet Suppress messages. Suppresses all tool messages except build progress and result information.
cmake Generate CMakeLists.txt file. Generates CMakeLists.txt file for CMake required to build the project. This command also generates a ASCII log file <ProjectFile>.clog recording location and version of the selected toolchain, packs, components and config files.
--toolchain=<Toolchain> Select the toolchain. For projects that can be built with multiple toolchains, it defines the toolchain for the build.
--update=<CprjFile> Create fixed version CPRJ file. Generate <CprjFile> with fixed versions for reproducing the current build.
--outdir=<OutDir> Build output directory. Set output directory for binary executables, as well as log and map files.
--intdir=<IntDir> Intermediate files output directory. Output directory for generated make files, list of missing packs (cpinstall), command files, object files, and dependency files.
--quiet Suppress messages. Suppresses all tool messages except build progress and result information.
extract Extract layer from project Creates a sub directory named ./Layer/<layername>/ for each layer described in <ProjectFile>.cprj. These folders contain a layer description file <layername>.clayer and the project and configuration files belonging to the layer.
--layer=<Layer1..N> Optional layer ID. Specifies the layer name (ID) to be extracted. This option can be specified multiple times to select multiple layers.
--outdir=<OutDir> Output directory. Set the output directory for the extracted layers.
--quiet Suppress messages. Suppresses all tool messages except build progress and result information.
remove Remove layer from project Updates the <ProjectFile>.cprj removing the layer description as well as all associated files and components for the layers specified at the command line. The command deletes the associated files from the respective project directory.
--layer=<Layer1..N> Optional layer ID. Specifies the layer name (ID) to be removed. This option can be specified multiple times to remove multiple layers.
--quiet Suppress messages. Suppresses all tool messages except build progress and result information.
compose Create new project Create new <ProjectFile>.cprj from layer files ([...]/<layername>.clayer) as well as copying associated files. One or more clayer files are required.
<1.clayer> .. <N.clayer> Layer description file(s). Specifies the layer description file(s) that are used to create the project. Please specify with full path.
--quiet Suppress messages. Suppresses all tool messages except build progress and result information.
add Add layer to project Updates the <ProjectFile>.cprj adding the layer description as well as all associated files and components for the clayer files specified at the command line. The command copies the associated files from the layer directory into the project directory. One or more clayer files are required.
<1.clayer> .. <N.clayer> Layer description file(s). Specifies the layer description file(s) that are added to the project. Please specify with full path.
--quiet Suppress messages. Suppresses all tool messages except build progress and result information.

Note: cbuildgen does not update the *.cprj for commands packlist, make and extract. The merge tool updates the outdated configuration files with new merged data, keeping a copy of the original file.

Usage Examples

Create a list of missing packs

$ cbuildgen Simulation.cprj packlist
(cbuildgen): Build Process Manager 0.9.1 (C) 2020 ARM
M654: URL '' was added to the list of missing packages.
M654: URL '' was added to the list of missing packages.
M650: Command completed successfully.

Generate make file for building the project

$ cbuildgen Simulation.cprj make
(cbuildgen): Build Process Manager 0.9.1 (C) 2020 ARM
M651: Generated makefile for merging config files: 'Simulation_cfg.mak'
M652: Generated makefile for project build:'Simulation.mak'

Extract a specific layer from the CPRJ file

$ cbuildgen Simulation.cprj extract --layer=Board --outdir=Layer
(cbuildgen): Build Process Manager 0.9.1 (C) 2020 ARM
M650: Command completed successfully.

The layer information is stored in ./Layer/Board/Board.clayer.

Create a new CPRJ file from a specific list of layers

$ cbuildgen NewProject.cprj compose Layer/App/App.clayer Layer/Board/Board.clayer
(cbuildgen): Build Process Manager 0.9.1 (C) 2020 ARM
M650: Command completed successfully.

Error Messages

Message Number Type Description Action
M200 ERROR Invalid arguments! At least one argument is wrong. See usage and correct the argument.
M201 ERROR Too many arguments! There is more arguments passed than allowed. See usage and correct the command line.
M202 ERROR No CPRJ input file was specified A *.cprj file is not provided as an argument.
M203 ERROR Error reading file(s) ...! The listed file could not be read. Check file content.
M204 ERROR File not found: ...! The listed file was not found.
M205 ERROR $CMSIS_PACK_ROOT environment variable is not defined! The tool requires the environment variable $CMSIS_PACK_ROOT to locate the CMSIS Packs.
M206 ERROR No command was specified! The tool requires a command. See usage information for available commands (e.g. config, make)
M207 ERROR Multiple commands were specified! More than one command was provided in arguments. A single command is required.
M208 ERROR Error copying file ...! The specified file could not be copied and will be missing during build.
M500 ERROR RTE Model reports: MSG Error while preparing data. See message for more details.
M502 ERROR RTE Model reports: #error NUM: NAME : MSG Additional software components required.
M504 ERROR RTE Model reports: MISSING: – SPACE NAME Add the missing component.
M600 ERROR Package index was not found in 'PATH/.Web Check the package repository.
M601 ERROR Package 'VENDOR.NAME' was not found in package index! Check the package repository.
M602 ERROR Package 'VENDOR.NAME.VER' was not found! Check the package repository.
M603 ERROR No version of package 'VENDOR.NAME' was found! Check the package repository.
M604 ERROR Unresolved package component: 'CMP' Check project description file.
M605 ERROR Wrong CPRJ specification! Check project description file.
M606 ERROR Device 'DEV (VENDOR)' was not found! Check project description file.
M607 ERROR RTE Model construction failed! The CMSIS-Pack engine reports an error message.
M608 ERROR No toolchain configuration file for 'NAME' version 'VER" was found! Check CMSIS_COMPILER_ROOT or add the required toolchain configuration file to the project directory.
M609 ERROR Missing 'NAME' element in CPRJ file! Check project description file.
M610 ERROR Project supports multiple toolchains. Select one with the option –toolchain See usage and correct the argument.
M611 ERROR Selected toolchain is not supported by the project Check project description file or command line arguments.
M630 WARNING Device ... is substituted by device variant ... . Instead of the device specified by the project a variant found for this device is used.
M650 INFO Setup run successfully For information only.
M651 INFO Generated makefile for merging config files: ... For information only.
M652 INFO Generated makefile for project build:'NAME%.mak' For information only.
M653 INFO Local config file ... was not found. Copying default file from package. Please validate whether the config file is intentionally missing. The default config file may be missing project specific settings.
M654 INFO URL ... was added to the list of missing packages. For information only.
M655 INFO CMSIS_COMPILER_ROOT environment variable was not set! For information only.
M656 INFO Package 'VENDOR.NAME.VER' was found in local repository 'PATH'! For information only.