CMSIS-Build  Version 0.10.0 (beta)
Tools, software frameworks, and work flows for productivity with CMSIS based projects
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Parents Element Chain
cprj /cprj
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
layer Defines a layer name and additional information. LayerType 0..*



Example layer element

<layer name="IO" hasTarget="1">
<description>Basic I/O layer for MCB4300 for Ethernet applications</description>
<category>Board IO, Wired Network</category>


Parents Element Chain
layers /cprj/layers
Attributes Description Type Use
name Layer ID RestrictedString required
title Display name for the layer. xs:string 0..*
hasTarget If 'true' then the target element has to be used. When constructing a project form multiple layers only one can have this flag set. Default is false xs:boolean required (if not default)
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
description Brief description of the layer. xs:string 0..*
doc Layer documentation points to detailed documentation local *.md file or URL. xs:string 0..*
category Comma separated list of predefined categories for this layer used by search tools. Predefined list TBD. xs:string 0..*
license License ruling for using files local to the layer using spdx license names from Note: components have their own licenses. xs:string 0..*
interfaces Provided and consumed layer interfaces. InterfacesType 0..*



Example layer element

<layer name="IO" hasTarget="1">
<description>Basic I/O layer for MCB4300 for Ethernet applications</description>
<category>Board IO, Wired Network</category>
<consumes id="SPI"/>
<provides id="WIFI"/>


Parents Element Chain
layer /cprj/layers/layer
Attributes Description Type Use
consumes Interfaces consumed by the layer. xs:string optional
provides Interfaces provided by the layer. xs:string
