CMSIS-DAP  Version 2.1.2
Interface Firmware for CoreSight Debug Access Port
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Firmware configuration

CMSIS-DAP is designed for debug units with a Cortex-M microcontroller. More...


 Debug Unit Processor
 CMSIS-DAP firmware runs on debug units with a Cortex-M microcontroller.
 Configure I/O ports and debug unit
 DAP_config.h configures I/O ports and debug unit hardware parameters.
 Configure USB peripheral
 CMSIS-DAP firmware communicates via USB with the host computer.
 Flash program the firmware
 The CMSIS-DAP firmware is programmed into the Flash ROM of a debug unit.


CMSIS-DAP is designed for debug units with a Cortex-M microcontroller.

The CMSIS-DAP firmware can be deployed to a debug unit that is based on Cortex-M processor-based microcontroller.

CMSIS-DAP debug unit Hardware

The picture below shows the setup with an isolation adapter.

CMSIS-DAP debug unit with isolation adapter

Hardware requirements

The CMSIS-DAP firmware is designed for debug units that fulfil the following hardware requirements:

CMSIS-DAP firmware

The CMSIS-DAP firmware can be configured for a new debug unit using at least the Keil MDK-Plus or MDK-Professional Edition. Reference implementations are provided as source code with complete project files and may be used as starting point for the firmware deployment to a new debug unit.

The folder .\Firmware\Config contains a template of the DAP_config.h configuration file. Various adaptations for different target hardware are provided.

Folders and Files Description
.\Firmware\Examples\LPC-Link2 CMSIS-DAP firmware using USB bulk transfers adapted to the NXP LPC-Link2 debug unit.
.\Firmware\Examples\MCU-LINK CMSIS-DAP firmware using USB bulk transfers adapted to the NXP MCU-LINK debug unit.

The CMSIS-DAP firmware is designed to execute on a debug unit that is using a Cortex-M processor-based microcontroller. To deploy the firmware to a new debug unit copy an existing firmware adaptation to a new folder. For example, copy the folder .\Firmware\Examples\MCU-LINK to a folder called .\Firmware\MyDebugUnit.

To following steps describe the adaptation of the CMSIS-DAP firmware to a new debug unit:

  1. Debug Unit Processor : Select the microcontroller and replace the CMSIS-Core (Cortex-M) files.
  2. Configure I/O ports and debug unit : Adapt the I/O ports and specify other parameters for the debug unit.
  3. Configure USB peripheral : Adapt the USB peripheral to the microcontroller.
  4. Connect SWO trace : Optionally, you may add a CMSIS-Driver USART to interface to SWO.
  5. Connect UART communication port : Optionally, you may add a CMSIS-Driver USART to interface to UART communication port.
  6. CMSIS-DAP Vendor Commands : Optionally, you may add vendor specific commands to the debug unit.
  7. Flash program the firmware : Program the adapted firmware to the Flash ROM of the new debug unit.
  8. Validate the debug unit operation : Validate the CMSIS-DAP firmware of the new debug unit.