CMSIS-Core (Cortex-A)  
CMSIS-Core support for Cortex-A processor-based devices
No Matches

Bit field declaration for SCTLR layout. More...

#include <core_ca.h>

Data Fields

struct {
   uint32_t   M:1
 bit: 0 MMU enable More...
   uint32_t   A:1
 bit: 1 Alignment check enable More...
   uint32_t   C:1
 bit: 2 Cache enable More...
   uint32_t   CP15BEN:1
 bit: 5 CP15 barrier enable More...
   uint32_t   B:1
 bit: 7 Endianness model More...
   uint32_t   SW:1
 bit: 10 SWP and SWPB enable More...
   uint32_t   Z:1
 bit: 11 Branch prediction enable More...
   uint32_t   I:1
 bit: 12 Instruction cache enable More...
   uint32_t   V:1
 bit: 13 Vectors bit More...
   uint32_t   RR:1
 bit: 14 Round Robin select More...
   uint32_t   HA:1
 bit: 17 Hardware Access flag enable More...
   uint32_t   WXN:1
 bit: 19 Write permission implies XN More...
   uint32_t   UWXN:1
 bit: 20 Unprivileged write permission implies PL1 XN More...
   uint32_t   FI:1
 bit: 21 Fast interrupts configuration enable More...
   uint32_t   U:1
 bit: 22 Alignment model More...
   uint32_t   VE:1
 bit: 24 Interrupt Vectors Enable More...
   uint32_t   EE:1
 bit: 25 Exception Endianness More...
   uint32_t   NMFI:1
 bit: 27 Non-maskable FIQ (NMFI) support More...
   uint32_t   TRE:1
 bit: 28 TEX remap enable. More...
   uint32_t   AFE:1
 bit: 29 Access flag enable More...
   uint32_t   TE:1
 bit: 30 Thumb Exception enable More...
 Structure used for bit access.
uint32_t w
 Type used for word access.


Bit field declaration for SCTLR layout.

Field Documentation

◆ A

uint32_t SCTLR_Type::A

bit: 1 Alignment check enable


uint32_t SCTLR_Type::AFE

bit: 29 Access flag enable

◆ B

uint32_t SCTLR_Type::B

bit: 7 Endianness model


struct { ... } SCTLR_Type::b

Structure used for bit access.

◆ C

uint32_t SCTLR_Type::C

bit: 2 Cache enable


uint32_t SCTLR_Type::CP15BEN

bit: 5 CP15 barrier enable

◆ EE

uint32_t SCTLR_Type::EE

bit: 25 Exception Endianness

◆ FI

uint32_t SCTLR_Type::FI

bit: 21 Fast interrupts configuration enable

◆ HA

uint32_t SCTLR_Type::HA

bit: 17 Hardware Access flag enable

◆ I

uint32_t SCTLR_Type::I

bit: 12 Instruction cache enable

◆ M

uint32_t SCTLR_Type::M

bit: 0 MMU enable


uint32_t SCTLR_Type::NMFI

bit: 27 Non-maskable FIQ (NMFI) support

◆ RR

uint32_t SCTLR_Type::RR

bit: 14 Round Robin select

◆ SW

uint32_t SCTLR_Type::SW

bit: 10 SWP and SWPB enable

◆ TE

uint32_t SCTLR_Type::TE

bit: 30 Thumb Exception enable


uint32_t SCTLR_Type::TRE

bit: 28 TEX remap enable.

◆ U

uint32_t SCTLR_Type::U

bit: 22 Alignment model


uint32_t SCTLR_Type::UWXN

bit: 20 Unprivileged write permission implies PL1 XN

◆ V

uint32_t SCTLR_Type::V

bit: 13 Vectors bit

◆ VE

uint32_t SCTLR_Type::VE

bit: 24 Interrupt Vectors Enable

◆ w

uint32_t SCTLR_Type::w

Type used for word access.


uint32_t SCTLR_Type::WXN

bit: 19 Write permission implies XN

◆ Z

uint32_t SCTLR_Type::Z

bit: 11 Branch prediction enable