Network Component   Version 8.0.0
MDK Middleware for IPv4 and IPv6 Networking
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rl_net.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "cmsis_compiler.h"
#include "RTE_Components.h"

Data Structures

struct  NET_ADDR
 Network Address IPv4/IPv6 capable. More...
struct  NET_ADDR4
 Network Address IPv4 only. More...
struct  SOCKADDR
 Generic Socket Address structure. More...
 IPv4 Socket Address structure. More...
struct  SOCKADDR_IN6
 IPv6 Socket Address structure. More...
 Socket Address storage structure. More...
struct  HOSTENT
 BSD Host Entry structure. More...
struct  fd_set
 BSD fd_set structure. More...
struct  timeval
 BSD timeval structure. More...
struct  IOVEC
 BSD scatter/gather array of items. More...
struct  MSGHDR
 BSD message header structure. More...
struct  CMSGHDR
 BSD cmsg header structure. More...
 WiFi Configuration. More...
 WiFi Network information. More...
 WiFi Scan information. More...
 DHCP Option Item. More...
 SMTP Email Descriptor. More...
struct  NET_SMTP_MTA
 SMTP Mail Transfer Agent Descriptor. More...
 SNMP-MIB Entry information. More...
 SNMP-MIB byte-string. More...
struct  NET_FS_TIME
 FS Interface Time info. More...


 Network component version.
#define ntohl(v)   (uint32_t)__REV(v)
 Network to host byte order conversion.
#define ntohs(v)   (uint16_t)__REV16(v)
#define htons(v)   ntohs(v)
 Host to network byte order conversion.
#define htonl(v)   ntohl(v)
#define NET_ADDR_ETH_LEN   6
 General definitions.
#define NET_ADDR_IP4_LEN   4
 IPv4 Address Length in bytes.
#define NET_ADDR_IP6_LEN   16
 IPv6 Address Length in bytes.
#define NET_HOSTNAME_LEN   16
 Hostname Buffer Length in bytes.
#define NET_ROOT_DIR_LEN   80
 Service Root Folder Length in bytes.
#define NET_ADDR_ANY   (-1)
 Network Address types.
#define NET_ADDR_IP4   0
 IPv4 Address.
#define NET_ADDR_IP6   1
 IPv6 Address.
#define NET_USERNAME_LEN   16
 Service Authentication definitions.
#define NET_PASSWORD_LEN   16
 Password Buffer Length in bytes.
#define NET_ACCESS_FILE_READ   0x01
 Network Access definitions.
#define NET_ACCESS_FILE_WRITE   0x02
 File Write is allowed.
 Directory Create is allowed.
 Directory Remove is allowed.
 Directory List is allowed.
#define NET_UDP_CHECKSUM_SEND   0x01
 UDP Checksum Options.
 Verify Checksum for received UDP frames (default)
#define AF_UNSPEC   0
 BSD Socket Address Family.
#define AF_INET   1
 Internet Address Family.
#define AF_NETBIOS   2
 NetBios-style addresses.
#define AF_INET6   3
 Internet Address Family version 6.
#define PF_UNSPEC   0
 BSD Protocol families (same as address families).
#define PF_INET   1
 Internet Address Family.
#define PF_NETBIOS   2
 NetBios-style addresses.
#define PF_INET6   3
 Internet Address Family version 6.
#define SOCK_STREAM   1
 BSD Socket Type.
#define SOCK_DGRAM   2
 Datagram Socket (Connectionless)
#define IPPROTO_TCP   1
 BSD Socket Protocol.
#define IPPROTO_UDP   2
 UDP Protocol.
#define INADDR_ANY   0x00000000
 BSD Internet Addresses IPv4.
#define INADDR_NONE   0xffffffff
 No IP address accepted.
#define INADDR_LOOPBACK   0x7f000001
 Localhost IP address.
#define MSG_DONTWAIT   0x01
 BSD Socket flags parameter.
#define MSG_PEEK   0x02
 Peeks at the incoming data.
#define MSG_TRUNC   0x04
 Normal data was truncated.
#define MSG_CTRUNC   0x08
 Control data was truncated.
#define FIONBIO   1
 BSD Socket ioctl commands.
#define SOL_SOCKET   1
 BSD Socket level.
#define IPPROTO_IP   2
 IPv4 Level.
#define IPPROTO_IPV6   3
 IPv6 Level.
#define SO_KEEPALIVE   1
 BSD Socket options.
#define SO_RCVTIMEO   2
 Timeout for blocking receive (in milliseconds)
#define SO_SNDTIMEO   3
 Timeout for blocking send (in milliseconds)
#define SO_TYPE   4
 Socket type (read only)
 Bind to network interface.
#define IP_TOS   1
 BSD Socket IPv4 options.
#define IP_TTL   2
 Time to Live (TTL)
#define IP_RECVDSTADDR   3
 Receive destination IPv4 address.
#define IPV6_TCLASS   1
 BSD Socket IPv6 options.
 Multi-cast Hop Limit.
#define IPV6_RECVDSTADDR   3
 Receive destination IPv6 address.
#define IPV6_V6ONLY   4
 Restrict to IPv6 communications only (default on)
#define BSD_ERROR   (-1)
 BSD Socket Error codes.
#define BSD_ESOCK   (-2)
 Invalid socket descriptor.
#define BSD_EINVAL   (-3)
 Invalid parameter.
#define BSD_ENOTSUP   (-11)
 Operation or feature not supported.
#define BSD_ENOMEM   (-5)
 Not enough memory.
#define BSD_ELOCKED   (-7)
 Socket locked by another thread.
#define BSD_EWOULDBLOCK   (-4)
 Operation would block.
#define BSD_ETIMEDOUT   (-8)
 Operation timed out.
#define BSD_EINPROGRESS   (-9)
 Operation in progress.
#define BSD_ENOTCONN   (-6)
 Socket not connected.
#define BSD_EISCONN   (-12)
 Socket is connected.
#define BSD_ECONNREFUSED   (-13)
 Connection rejected by the peer.
#define BSD_ECONNRESET   (-14)
 Connection reset by the peer.
#define BSD_ECONNABORTED   (-15)
 Connection aborted locally.
#define BSD_EALREADY   (-16)
 Connection already in progress.
#define BSD_EADDRINUSE   (-17)
 Address already in use.
#define BSD_EDESTADDRREQ   (-18)
 Destination address required.
#define BSD_EHOSTNOTFOUND   (-10)
 Host not found.
#define BSD_EMSGSIZE   (-19)
 Message too large.
#define INET_ADDRSTRLEN   16
 BSD address string length.
#define INET6_ADDRSTRLEN   46
 IP6 address string length.
#define FD_SETSIZE   64
 BSD fd_set size.
#define FD_WR(fd, code)   if ((fd > 0) && (fd <= FD_SETSIZE)) { code; }
 BSD safe read/write fd_set macros.
#define FD_RD(fd, code)   (((fd > 0) && (fd <= FD_SETSIZE)) ? (code) : 0)
#define FD_SET(fd, set)   FD_WR(fd, (set)->fd_bits[(fd-1)>>5] |= (1U << ((fd-1)&0x1F)))
 BSD initialize and test fd_set macros.
#define FD_CLR(fd, set)   FD_WR(fd, (set)->fd_bits[(fd-1)>>5] &= ~(1U << ((fd-1)&0x1F)))
#define FD_ISSET(fd, set)   FD_RD(fd, (set)->fd_bits[(fd-1)>>5] & (1U << ((fd-1)&0x1F)))
#define FD_ZERO(set)   memset(set, 0, sizeof(*set))
#define CMSG_FIRSTHDR(mhdr)
 BSD access ancillary data macros (RFC 2292).
#define CMSG_NXTHDR(mhdr, cmsg)
#define CMSG_DATA(cmsg)   ((uint8_t *)(cmsg) + sizeof(CMSGHDR))
#define CMSG_ALIGN(len)   (((len) + 3) & ~3U)
#define CMSG_LEN(len)   ((len) + sizeof(CMSGHDR))
#define CMSG_SPACE(len)   CMSG_ALIGN((len) + sizeof(CMSGHDR))
#define NET_IF_CLASS_ETH   (1U << 8)
 Interface Class.
#define NET_IF_CLASS_WIFI   (2U << 8)
 WiFi interface.
#define NET_IF_CLASS_PPP   (3U << 8)
 PPP interface.
#define NET_IF_CLASS_SLIP   (4U << 8)
 SLIP interface.
#define NET_ETH_SPEED_10M   0
 Ethernet link speed.
#define NET_ETH_SPEED_100M   1
 100 Mbps link speed
#define NET_ETH_SPEED_1G   2
 1 Gpbs link speed
 Ethernet duplex mode.
 Full duplex link.
 DHCP Option Codes.
 NTP Servers option.
 Client-identifier option.
 Bootfile name option.
 DHCPv6 Option Codes.
#define NET_PING_IP4_ONLY   0x01
 Ping Control Flags.
#define NET_PING_IP6_ONLY   0x02
 Force using IPv6 only.
#define NET_SMTP_MTA_USETLS   0x01
 SMTP Mail Transfer Agent Flags.
#define NET_SNMP_MIB_INTEGER   0x02
 SNMP-MIB definitions.
#define NET_SNMP_MIB_OCTET_STR   0x04
 MIB entry type OCTET_STRING (null-terminated)
#define NET_SNMP_MIB_OBJECT_ID   0x06
#define NET_SNMP_MIB_BYTE_STR   0x07
 MIB entry type BYTE_STRING (length encoded)
#define NET_SNMP_MIB_IP_ADDR   0x40
 MIB entry type IP ADDRESS (uint8_t[4])
#define NET_SNMP_MIB_COUNTER   0x41
 MIB entry type COUNTER (uint32_t)
#define NET_SNMP_MIB_GAUGE   0x42
 MIB entry type GAUGE (uint32_t)
#define NET_SNMP_MIB_TIME_TICKS   0x43
 MIB entry type TIME_TICKS.
#define NET_SNMP_MIB_ATR_RO   0x80
 MIB entry attribute READ_ONLY.
#define NET_SNMP_MIB_OID_SIZE   17
 Max.size of Object ID value.
#define NET_SNMP_MIB_STR_SIZE   110
 Max.size of Octet String variable.
#define NET_SNMP_MIB_READ   0
 MIB entry Read access.
#define NET_SNMP_MIB_WRITE   1
 MIB entry Write access.
#define NET_SNMP_MIB_STR(s)   sizeof(s)-1, s
 SNMP-MIB macros.
#define NET_SNMP_MIB_INT(o)   sizeof(o), (void *)&o
#define NET_SNMP_MIB_IP(ip)   4, (void *)&ip
#define NET_SNMP_MIB_OID0(f, s)   (f*40 + s)
#define NET_FS_ATTR_FILE   1
 FS Interface Attributes.
 Directory entry.


typedef uint32_t(* netUDP_cb_t) (int32_t socket, const NET_ADDR *addr, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 UDP Event callback function.
typedef void(* netPing_cb_t) (netPing_Event event)
 Ping Event callback function.
typedef void(* netARP_cb_t) (netARP_Event event)
 ARP Probe Event callback function.
typedef void(* netNDP_cb_t) (netNDP_Event event)
 NDP Probe Event callback function.
typedef void(* netDNSc_cb_t) (netDNSc_Event event, const NET_ADDR *addr)
 DNS Client Event callback function.
typedef void(* netSNTPc_cb_t) (uint32_t seconds, uint32_t seconds_fraction)
 SNTP Client callback function.
typedef uint32_t(* netTCP_cb_t) (int32_t socket, netTCP_Event event, const NET_ADDR *addr, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 TCP Event callback function.


enum  netStatus {
  netOK = 0 ,
  netBusy ,
  netError ,
  netInvalidParameter ,
  netWrongState ,
  netDriverError ,
  netServerError ,
  netAuthenticationFailed ,
  netDnsResolverError ,
  netFileError ,
 Status code values returned by Network library functions. More...
enum  netUDP_Option {
  netUDP_OptionTOS = 0 ,
  netUDP_OptionTTL ,
  netUDP_OptionTrafficClass ,
  netUDP_OptionHopLimit ,
  netUDP_OptionInterface ,
 UDP Socket Options. More...
enum  netTCP_Event {
  netTCP_EventConnect = 0 ,
  netTCP_EventEstablished ,
  netTCP_EventClosed ,
  netTCP_EventAborted ,
  netTCP_EventACK ,
 TCP Socket Events. More...
enum  netTCP_State {
  netTCP_StateINVALID =-1 ,
  netTCP_StateUNUSED = 0 ,
  netTCP_StateCLOSED ,
  netTCP_StateLISTEN ,
  netTCP_StateSYN_SENT ,
  netTCP_StateFIN_WAIT_1 ,
  netTCP_StateFIN_WAIT_2 ,
  netTCP_StateCLOSING ,
  netTCP_StateLAST_ACK ,
  netTCP_StateTIME_WAIT ,
 TCP Socket States. More...
enum  netTCP_Option {
  netTCP_OptionTOS = 0 ,
  netTCP_OptionTrafficClass ,
  netTCP_OptionTimeout ,
  netTCP_OptionKeepAlive ,
  netTCP_OptionFlowControl ,
 TCP Socket Options. More...
enum  netIF_Option {
  netIF_OptionMAC_Address ,
  netIF_OptionVLAN_Identifier ,
  netIF_OptionIP4_MTU ,
  netIF_OptionIP4_Address ,
  netIF_OptionIP4_SubnetMask ,
  netIF_OptionIP4_DefaultGateway ,
  netIF_OptionIP4_PrimaryDNS ,
  netIF_OptionIP4_SecondaryDNS ,
  netIF_OptionIP6_MTU ,
  netIF_OptionIP6_LinkLocalAddress ,
  netIF_OptionIP6_StaticAddress ,
  netIF_OptionIP6_DynamicAddress ,
  netIF_OptionIP6_SubnetPrefixLength ,
  netIF_OptionIP6_DefaultGateway ,
  netIF_OptionIP6_PrimaryDNS ,
 Interface Option codes. More...
enum  netIF_Version {
  netIF_VersionIP4 ,
 Interface IP Versions. More...
enum  netETH_Event {
  netETH_LinkDown = 0 ,
  netETH_LinkUp ,
  netETH_Wakeup ,
 Ethernet Callback Events. More...
enum  netWiFi_Security {
  netWiFi_SecurityOpen = 0 ,
  netWiFi_SecurityWEP ,
  netWiFi_SecurityWPA ,
  netWiFi_SecurityWPA2 ,
  netWiFi_SecurityUnknown = 255
 WiFi Security Types. More...
enum  netWiFi_Option {
  netWiFi_OptionBSSID = 1 ,
  netWiFi_OptionTxPower ,
  netWiFi_OptionLpTimer ,
  netWiFi_OptionDTIM ,
 WiFi Driver Options. More...
enum  netWiFi_WPS {
  netWiFi_WPS_None = 0 ,
  netWiFi_WPS_PBC ,
 WiFi WPS Methods. More...
enum  netARP_CacheType {
  netARP_CacheFixedIP ,
 ARP Cache Entry types. More...
enum  netDHCP6_Mode {
  netDHCP6_ModeStateless = 0 ,
 DHCPv6 Modes. More...
enum  netPing_Event {
  netPing_EventSuccess = 0 ,
 Ping Callback Events. More...
enum  netARP_Event {
  netARP_EventSuccess = 0 ,
 ARP Probe Callback Events. More...
enum  netNDP_Event {
  netNDP_EventSuccess = 0 ,
 NDP Probe Callback Events. More...
enum  netDNSc_Event {
  netDNSc_EventSuccess = 0 ,
  netDNSc_EventTimeout ,
  netDNSc_EventNotResolved ,
 DNS Client Callback Events. More...
enum  netFTP_Command {
  netFTP_CommandPUT ,
  netFTP_CommandGET ,
  netFTP_CommandAPPEND ,
  netFTP_CommandDELETE ,
  netFTP_CommandLIST ,
  netFTP_CommandRENAME ,
  netFTP_CommandMKDIR ,
  netFTP_CommandRMDIR ,
 FTP Commands. More...
enum  netFTPs_Event {
  netFTPs_EventLogin ,
  netFTPs_EventLogout ,
  netFTPs_EventLoginFailed ,
  netFTPs_EventDownload ,
  netFTPs_EventUpload ,
  netFTPs_EventDelete ,
  netFTPs_EventRename ,
  netFTPs_EventMakeDirectory ,
  netFTPs_EventRemoveDirectory ,
  netFTPs_EventOperationDenied ,
  netFTPs_EventLocalFileError ,
  netFTPs_EventFileError ,
 FTP Server Events. More...
enum  netFTPc_Request {
  netFTPc_RequestUsername ,
  netFTPc_RequestPassword ,
  netFTPc_RequestDirectory ,
  netFTPc_RequestName ,
  netFTPc_RequestNewName ,
  netFTPc_RequestListMask ,
  netFTPc_RequestList ,
 FTP Client Requests. More...
enum  netFTPc_Event {
  netFTPc_EventSuccess = 0 ,
  netFTPc_EventTimeout ,
  netFTPc_EventLoginFailed ,
  netFTPc_EventAccessDenied ,
  netFTPc_EventFileNotFound ,
  netFTPc_EventInvalidDirectory ,
  netFTPc_EventLocalFileError ,
 FTP Client Events. More...
enum  netTFTPc_Event {
  netTFTPc_EventSuccess = 0 ,
  netTFTPc_EventTimeout ,
  netTFTPc_EventAccessDenied ,
  netTFTPc_EventFileNotFound ,
  netTFTPc_EventDiskFull ,
  netTFTPc_EventLocalFileError ,
 TFTP Client Events. More...
enum  netTELNETs_Message {
  netTELNETs_MessageWelcome ,
  netTELNETs_MessageLogin ,
  netTELNETs_MessageUsername ,
  netTELNETs_MessagePassword ,
  netTELNETs_MessageLoginFailed ,
  netTELNETs_MessageLoginTimeout ,
  netTELNETs_MessagePrompt ,
 Telnet Server Messages. More...
enum  netSMTPc_Request {
  netSMTPc_RequestUsername ,
  netSMTPc_RequestPassword ,
  netSMTPc_RequestSender ,
  netSMTPc_RequestRecipient ,
  netSMTPc_RequestSubject ,
 SMTP Client Request. More...
enum  netSMTPc_Event {
  netSMTPc_EventSuccess = 0 ,
  netSMTPc_EventTimeout ,
  netSMTPc_EventAuthenticationFailed ,
 SMTP Client Events. More...
enum  netSNTPc_Mode {
  netSNTPc_ModeUnicast = 0 ,
 SNTP Client Mode. More...


netStatus netInitialize (void)
 Initialize Network Component and interfaces. [not_thread-safe].
netStatus netUninitialize (void)
 De-initialize Network Component and interfaces. [not_thread-safe].
const char * netSYS_GetHostName (void)
 Retrieve localhost name. [thread-safe].
netStatus netSYS_SetHostName (const char *hostname)
 Set localhost name. [thread-safe].
int32_t netUDP_GetSocket (netUDP_cb_t cb_func)
 Allocate a free UDP socket. [thread-safe].
netStatus netUDP_ReleaseSocket (int32_t socket)
 Release UDP socket and free resources. [thread-safe].
netStatus netUDP_Open (int32_t socket, uint16_t port)
 Open UDP socket for communication. [thread-safe].
netStatus netUDP_Close (int32_t socket)
 Stop UDP communication and close socket. [thread-safe].
uint8_t * netUDP_GetBuffer (uint32_t size)
 Allocate memory for UDP send buffer. [thread-safe].
netStatus netUDP_Send (int32_t socket, const NET_ADDR *addr, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 Send data to a remote node. [thread-safe].
netStatus netUDP_SetOption (int32_t socket, netUDP_Option option, uint32_t val)
 Set UDP socket IP option. [thread-safe].
uint16_t netUDP_GetLocalPort (int32_t socket)
 Retrieve local port number of UDP socket. [thread-safe].
int32_t socket (int32_t family, int32_t type, int32_t protocol)
 Create a communication endpoint called socket. [thread-safe].
int32_t bind (int32_t sock, const SOCKADDR *addr, int32_t addrlen)
 Assign a local address and port to a socket. [thread-safe].
int32_t listen (int32_t sock, int32_t backlog)
 Set a socket in a listening mode. [thread-safe].
int32_t accept (int32_t sock, SOCKADDR *addr, int32_t *addrlen)
 Accept connect request for a listening socket. [thread-safe].
int32_t connect (int32_t sock, const SOCKADDR *addr, int32_t addrlen)
 Connect a socket to a remote host. [thread-safe].
int32_t send (int32_t sock, const char *buf, int32_t len, int32_t flags)
 Send data on already connected socket. [thread-safe].
int32_t sendto (int32_t sock, const char *buf, int32_t len, int32_t flags, const SOCKADDR *to, int32_t tolen)
 Send data to endpoint node. [thread-safe].
int32_t sendmsg (int32_t sock, const MSGHDR *msg, int32_t flags)
 Send a message to endpoint node. [thread-safe].
int32_t recv (int32_t sock, char *buf, int32_t len, int32_t flags)
 Receive data on already connected socket. [thread-safe].
int32_t recvfrom (int32_t sock, char *buf, int32_t len, int32_t flags, SOCKADDR *from, int32_t *fromlen)
 Receive data from endpoint node. [thread-safe].
int32_t recvmsg (int32_t sock, MSGHDR *msg, int32_t flags)
 Receive a message from a socket. [thread-safe].
int32_t closesocket (int32_t sock)
 Close socket and release socket descriptor. [thread-safe].
int32_t getpeername (int32_t sock, SOCKADDR *name, int32_t *namelen)
 Retrieve IP address and port number of the endpoint node. [thread-safe].
int32_t getsockname (int32_t sock, SOCKADDR *name, int32_t *namelen)
 Retrieve local IP address and port number. [thread-safe].
int32_t getsockopt (int32_t sock, int32_t level, int32_t optname, char *optval, int32_t *optlen)
 Retrieve options for the socket. [thread-safe].
int32_t setsockopt (int32_t sock, int32_t level, int32_t optname, const char *optval, int32_t optlen)
 Manipulate options for the socket. [thread-safe].
int32_t ioctlsocket (int32_t sock, long cmd, unsigned long *argp)
 Control IO mode of a socket. [thread-safe].
int32_t select (int32_t nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *errorfds, struct timeval *timeout)
 Check the status of one or more sockets. [thread-safe].
HOSTENTgethostbyname (const char *name, int32_t *err)
 Retrieve host IP address from host name. [thread-safe].
IN_ADDR inet_addr (const char *cp)
 Convert from text address to a network address. [thread-safe].
int32_t inet_aton (const char *cp, IN_ADDR *addr)
 Convert from text address to a network address. [thread-safe].
const char * inet_ntoa (IN_ADDR in)
 Convert from network address to a text string. [not_thread-safe].
int32_t inet_pton (int32_t af, const char *src, void *dst)
 Convert from text address to a binary network address. [thread-safe].
const char * inet_ntop (int32_t af, const void *src, char *dst, int32_t size)
 Convert from binary network address to a text string. [thread-safe].
netStatus netIF_GetOption (uint32_t if_id, netIF_Option option, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t buf_len)
 Get the current value of an Interface option. [thread-safe].
netStatus netIF_SetOption (uint32_t if_id, netIF_Option option, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t buf_len)
 Set the value of an Interface option. [thread-safe].
netStatus netIF_SetDefault (uint32_t if_id, netIF_Version ip_version)
 Set default network interface for Internet access. [thread-safe].
netStatus netICMP_SetNoEcho (uint32_t if_id, bool no_echo)
 Enable or disable ICMP Echo response. [thread-safe].
netStatus netICMP6_SetNoEcho (uint32_t if_id, bool no_echo)
 Enable or disable ICMPv6 Echo response. [thread-safe].
netStatus netETH_SendRaw (uint32_t if_num, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 Send raw Ethernet data. [thread-safe].
netStatus netARP_CacheIP (uint32_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr, netARP_CacheType type)
 Determine whether the ARP table has MAC address resolved for requested IP address. [thread-safe].
netStatus netARP_CacheMAC (uint32_t if_id, const uint8_t *mac_addr)
 Determine whether the ARP table has IP address resolved for requested MAC address. [thread-safe].
netStatus netARP_GetIP (uint32_t if_id, const uint8_t *mac_addr, uint8_t *ip4_addr)
 Get IP address from the ARP cache. [thread-safe].
netStatus netARP_GetMAC (uint32_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr, uint8_t *mac_addr)
 Get MAC address from the ARP cache. [thread-safe].
netStatus netARP_Probe (uint32_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr, netARP_cb_t cb_func)
 Determine whether the IP address is already in use. [thread-safe].
netStatus netARP_ProbeX (uint32_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr)
 Determine whether the IP address is already in use in blocking mode. [thread-safe].
netStatus netARP_AddCache (uint32_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr, const uint8_t *mac_addr)
 Add the host as a static entry in the local ARP cache table. [thread-safe].
netStatus netARP_ClearCache (uint32_t if_id)
 Flush or clear the local ARP cache. [thread-safe].
netStatus netNDP_CacheIP (uint32_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr)
 Determine whether neighbor cache has MAC address resolved for requested IP address. [thread-safe].
netStatus netNDP_GetIP (uint32_t if_id, const uint8_t *mac_addr, uint8_t *ip6_addr)
 Get IP address from neighbor discovery cache. [thread-safe].
netStatus netNDP_GetMAC (uint32_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr, uint8_t *mac_addr)
 Get MAC address from neighbor discovery cache. [thread-safe].
netStatus netNDP_Probe (uint32_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr, netNDP_cb_t cb_func)
 Determine whether the IP address is already in use. [thread-safe].
netStatus netNDP_ProbeX (uint32_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr)
 Determine whether the IP address is already in use in blocking mode. [thread-safe].
netStatus netNDP_ClearCache (uint32_t if_id)
 Flush or clear the local NDP cache. [thread-safe].
netStatus netIGMP_Join (uint32_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr)
 Join this host to a host group specified with IP address. [thread-safe].
netStatus netIGMP_Leave (uint32_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr)
 Leave a host group specified with IP address. [thread-safe].
netStatus netMLD_Join (uint32_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr)
 Join this node to a multicast group specified with IP address. [thread-safe].
netStatus netMLD_Leave (uint32_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr)
 Leave a multicast group specified with IP address. [thread-safe].
netStatus netNBNS_Resolve (uint32_t if_id, const char *name, uint8_t *ip4_addr)
 Resolve IP address of a host from a NetBIOS hostname. [thread-safe].
netStatus netNBNS_ClearCache (uint32_t if_id)
 Flush or clear the local NBNS cache. [thread-safe].
netStatus netDHCP_Enable (uint32_t if_id)
 Enable Dynamic Host Configuration at runtime. [thread-safe].
netStatus netDHCP_Disable (uint32_t if_id)
 Disable Dynamic Host Configuration at runtime. [thread-safe].
netStatus netDHCP_SetOption (uint32_t if_id, uint8_t option, const uint8_t *val, uint32_t len)
 Set DHCP Option value at runtime. [thread-safe].
netStatus netDHCP6_Enable (uint32_t if_id, netDHCP6_Mode mode)
 Enable Dynamic Host Configuration version 6 at runtime. [thread-safe].
netStatus netDHCP6_Disable (uint32_t if_id)
 Disable Dynamic Host Configuration version 6 at runtime. [thread-safe].
void netETH_Notify (uint32_t if_num, netETH_Event event, uint32_t val)
 Notify the user of Ethernet link state change event. [user-provided].
void netETH_ReceiveRaw (uint32_t if_num, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 Receive raw Ethernet data. [user-provided].
void netDHCP_Notify (uint32_t if_id, uint8_t option, const uint8_t *val, uint32_t len)
 Notify the user of DHCP event or extended DHCP option. [user-provided].
void netDHCP6_Notify (uint32_t if_id, uint8_t option, const uint8_t *val, uint32_t len)
 Notify the user of DHCPv6 event or extended DHCPv6 option. [user-provided].
netStatus netWiFi_Scan (uint32_t if_num, NET_WIFI_SCAN_INFO scan_info[], uint32_t *scan_num)
 Search for available WiFi networks. [thread-safe].
netStatus netWiFi_GetOption (uint32_t if_num, netWiFi_Option option, void *buf, uint32_t buf_len)
 Get the value of the WiFi driver option. [thread-safe].
netStatus netWiFi_SetOption (uint32_t if_num, netWiFi_Option option, const void *buf, uint32_t buf_len)
 Set the value of the WiFi driver option. [thread-safe].
netStatus netWiFi_Activate (uint32_t if_num, const NET_WIFI_CONFIG *config)
 Activate the WiFi interface. [thread-safe].
netStatus netWiFi_Deactivate (uint32_t if_num)
 Deactivate the WiFi interface. [thread-safe].
bool netWiFi_IsConnected (uint32_t if_num)
 Get the connection state of the WiFi interface. [thread-safe].
netStatus netWiFi_GetNetInfo (uint32_t if_num, NET_WIFI_NET_INFO *net_info)
 Get the network information of the WiFi interface. [thread-safe].
netStatus netPPP_Listen (const char *username, const char *password)
 Start PPP interface to accept incoming PPP connection. [thread-safe].
netStatus netPPP_Connect (const char *dial_num, const char *username, const char *password)
 Start a dial-up connection to remote PPP server. [thread-safe].
netStatus netPPP_Close (void)
 Disconnect PPP link between two modems. [thread-safe].
bool netPPP_LinkUp (void)
 Determine the state of PPP link. [thread-safe].
netStatus netSLIP_Listen (void)
 Start SLIP interface to accept incoming SLIP connections. [thread-safe].
netStatus netSLIP_Connect (const char *dial_num)
 Start a dial-up connection to remote SLIP server. [thread-safe].
netStatus netSLIP_Close (void)
 Disconnect SLIP link between two modems. [thread-safe].
bool netSLIP_LinkUp (void)
 Determine the state of SLIP link. [thread-safe].
netStatus netPing_Echo (const NET_ADDR *addr, netPing_cb_t cb_func)
 Start ICMP ping process. [thread-safe].
netStatus netPing_EchoX (const char *target, uint32_t flags)
 Start ICMP ping process in blocking mode. [thread-safe].
netStatus netDNSc_GetHostByName (const char *name, int16_t addr_type, netDNSc_cb_t cb_func)
 Resolve IP address of a host from a hostname. [thread-safe].
netStatus netDNSc_GetHostByNameX (const char *name, int16_t addr_type, NET_ADDR *addr)
 Resolve IP address of a host from a hostname in blocking mode. [thread-safe].
netStatus netDNSc_ClearCache (void)
 Flush or clear the local DNS cache. [thread-safe].
netStatus netFTPs_Start (void)
 Start FTP server. [thread-safe].
netStatus netFTPs_Stop (void)
 Stop FTP server. [thread-safe].
bool netFTPs_Running (void)
 Check if FTP server is running. [thread-safe].
uint16_t netFTPs_GetPort (void)
 Get port number of FTP server. [thread-safe].
netStatus netFTPs_SetPort (uint16_t port)
 Set port number of FTP server. [thread-safe].
const char * netFTPs_GetRootPath (void)
 Retrieve path to the root directory on FTP server. [thread-safe].
netStatus netFTPs_SetRootPath (const char *path)
 Set path to the root directory on FTP server. [thread-safe].
const char * netFTPs_GetUsername (void)
 Retrieve username of the built-in user account. [thread-safe].
netStatus netFTPs_SetUsername (const char *username)
 Set username of the built-in user account. [thread-safe].
const char * netFTPs_GetPassword (void)
 Retrieve password of the built-in user account. [thread-safe].
netStatus netFTPs_SetPassword (const char *password)
 Reset password of the built-in user account. [thread-safe].
bool netFTPs_LoginActive (void)
 Determine if FTP server authentication is enabled. [thread-safe].
netStatus netFTPs_LoginOnOff (bool login)
 Enable or disable FTP server authentication. [thread-safe].
bool netFTPs_AcceptClient (const NET_ADDR *addr)
 Accept or deny connection from remote FTP client. [user-provided].
uint8_t netFTPs_CheckUsername (const char *username)
 Check if an user account exists in the user database. [user-provided].
bool netFTPs_CheckPassword (uint8_t user_id, const char *password)
 Check user account password in the user database. [user-provided].
bool netFTPs_FileAccess (uint8_t user_id, const char *fname, uint32_t access)
 Check if remote user is allowed to access a file on FTP server. [user-provided].
uint8_t netFTPs_GetUserId (void)
 Retrieve the user identification number. [thread-safe].
void netFTPs_Notify (netFTPs_Event event)
 Notify the user application about events in FTP server service. [user-provided].
void * netFTPs_fopen (const char *fname, const char *mode)
 Open a file for reading or writing on FTP server. [interface].
void netFTPs_fclose (void *file)
 Close a file previously open on FTP server. [interface].
uint32_t netFTPs_fread (void *file, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 Read block of data from a file on FTP server. [interface].
uint32_t netFTPs_fwrite (void *file, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 Write block of data to a file on FTP server. [interface].
bool netFTPs_fdelete (const char *fname)
 Delete a file on FTP server. [interface].
bool netFTPs_frename (const char *fname, const char *newname)
 Rename a file or directory on FTP server. [interface].
bool netFTPs_mkdir (const char *path)
 Make a new directory on FTP server. [interface].
bool netFTPs_rmdir (const char *path)
 Remove an empty directory on FTP server. [interface].
bool netFTPs_chdir (const char *path)
 Check that the directory exists on FTP server. [interface].
int32_t netFTPs_ffind (const char *mask, char *fname, uint32_t *fsize, NET_FS_TIME *ftime, bool first)
 Search the file system directory for matching files. [interface].
netStatus netFTPc_Connect (const NET_ADDR *addr, netFTP_Command command)
 Start FTP client file operation session. [thread-safe].
uint32_t netFTPc_Process (netFTPc_Request request, char *buf, uint32_t buf_len)
 Request parameters for FTP client session. [user-provided].
void netFTPc_Notify (netFTPc_Event event)
 Notify the user application when FTP client operation ends. [user-provided].
void * netFTPc_fopen (const char *fname, const char *mode)
 Open local file for reading or writing in FTP client. [interface].
void netFTPc_fclose (void *file)
 Close local file previously open in FTP client. [interface].
uint32_t netFTPc_fread (void *file, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 Read block of data from local file in FTP client. [interface].
uint32_t netFTPc_fwrite (void *file, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 Write block of data to local file in FTP client. [interface].
netStatus netTFTPs_Start (void)
 Start the TFTP server. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTFTPs_Stop (void)
 Stop the TFTP server. [thread-safe].
bool netTFTPs_Running (void)
 Check if the TFTP server is running. [thread-safe].
uint16_t netTFTPs_GetPort (void)
 Get port number of the TFTP server. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTFTPs_SetPort (uint16_t port)
 Set port number of the TFTP server. [thread-safe].
const char * netTFTPs_GetRootPath (void)
 Retrieve path to the root directory on TFTP server. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTFTPs_SetRootPath (const char *path)
 Set path to the root directory on TFTP server. [thread-safe].
bool netTFTPs_AcceptClient (const NET_ADDR *addr)
 Accept or deny connection from a remote TFTP client. [user-provided].
void * netTFTPs_fopen (const char *fname, const char *mode)
 Open a file for reading or writing on the TFTP server. [interface].
void netTFTPs_fclose (void *file)
 Close a file previously open on the TFTP server. [interface].
uint32_t netTFTPs_fread (void *file, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 Read block of data from a file on the TFTP server. [interface].
uint32_t netTFTPs_fwrite (void *file, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 Write block of data to a file on the TFTP server. [interface].
netStatus netTFTPc_Put (const NET_ADDR *addr, const char *fname, const char *local_fname)
 Put a file to a remote TFTP server. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTFTPc_Get (const NET_ADDR *addr, const char *fname, const char *local_fname)
 Retrieve a file from a remote TFTP server. [thread-safe].
void netTFTPc_Notify (netTFTPc_Event event)
 Notify the user application when TFTP client operation ends. [user-provided].
void * netTFTPc_fopen (const char *fname, const char *mode)
 Open local file for reading or writing in the TFTP client. [interface].
void netTFTPc_fclose (void *file)
 Close local file previously open in the TFTP client. [interface].
uint32_t netTFTPc_fread (void *file, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 Read block of data from local file in the TFTP client. [interface].
uint32_t netTFTPc_fwrite (void *file, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 Write block of data to local file in the TFTP client. [interface].
netStatus netTELNETs_Start (void)
 Start the Telnet server. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTELNETs_Stop (void)
 Stop the Telnet server. [thread-safe].
bool netTELNETs_Running (void)
 Check if the Telnet server is running. [thread-safe].
uint16_t netTELNETs_GetPort (void)
 Get port number of the Telnet server. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTELNETs_SetPort (uint16_t port)
 Set port number of the Telnet server. [thread-safe].
const char * netTELNETs_GetUsername (void)
 Retrieve username of the built-in user account. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTELNETs_SetUsername (const char *username)
 Set username of the built-in user account. [thread-safe].
const char * netTELNETs_GetPassword (void)
 Retrieve password of the built-in user account. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTELNETs_SetPassword (const char *password)
 Reset password of the built-in user account. [thread-safe].
bool netTELNETs_LoginActive (void)
 Determine if Telnet server authentication is enabled. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTELNETs_LoginOnOff (bool login)
 Enable or disable Telnet server authentication. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTELNETs_GetClient (NET_ADDR *addr, uint32_t addr_len)
 Get IP address and port number of a connected Telnet client. [thread-safe].
int32_t netTELNETs_GetSession (void)
 Get current session number of the Telnet server. [thread-safe].
bool netTELNETs_CheckCommand (const char *cmd, const char *user_cmd)
 Check command string for a command. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTELNETs_RepeatCommand (uint32_t delay)
 Request a repeated call to netTELNETs_ProcessCommand function. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTELNETs_RequestMessage (int32_t session)
 Request unsolicited message processing in netTELNETs_ProcessMessage function. [thread-safe].
uint32_t netTELNETs_ProcessCommand (const char *cmd, char *buf, uint32_t buf_len, uint32_t *pvar)
 Process and execute a command requested by the Telnet client. [user-provided].
uint32_t netTELNETs_ProcessMessage (netTELNETs_Message msg, char *buf, uint32_t buf_len)
 Request a message for a Telnet server session. [user-provided].
bool netTELNETs_AcceptClient (const NET_ADDR *addr)
 Accept or deny a connection from a remote Telnet client. [user-provided].
uint8_t netTELNETs_CheckUsername (const char *username)
 Check if an user account exist in the user database. [user-provided].
bool netTELNETs_CheckPassword (uint8_t user_id, const char *password)
 Check user account password in the user database. [user-provided].
uint8_t netTELNETs_GetUserId (void)
 Retrieve the user identification number. [thread-safe].
netStatus netHTTPs_Start (void)
 Start the HTTP server. [thread-safe].
netStatus netHTTPs_Stop (void)
 Stop the HTTP server. [thread-safe].
bool netHTTPs_Running (void)
 Check if the HTTP server is running. [thread-safe].
uint16_t netHTTPs_GetPort (void)
 Get port number of the HTTP server. [thread-safe].
netStatus netHTTPs_SetPort (uint16_t port)
 Set port number of the HTTP server. [thread-safe].
const char * netHTTPs_GetRootPath (void)
 Retrieve path to the root directory on HTTP server. [thread-safe].
netStatus netHTTPs_SetRootPath (const char *path)
 Set path to the root directory on HTTP server. [thread-safe].
const char * netHTTPs_GetUsername (void)
 Retrieve username of the built-in user account. [thread-safe].
netStatus netHTTPs_SetUsername (const char *username)
 Set username of the built-in user account. [thread-safe].
const char * netHTTPs_GetPassword (void)
 Retrieve password of the built-in user account. [thread-safe].
netStatus netHTTPs_SetPassword (const char *password)
 Reset password of the built-in user account. [thread-safe].
bool netHTTPs_LoginActive (void)
 Determine if the HTTP server authentication is enabled. [thread-safe].
netStatus netHTTPs_LoginOnOff (bool login)
 Enable or disable HTTP server authentication. [thread-safe].
netStatus netHTTPs_GetClient (NET_ADDR *addr, uint32_t addr_len)
 Get IP address and port number of a connected remote HTTP client. [thread-safe].
int32_t netHTTPs_GetSession (void)
 Get current session number of the HTTP server. [thread-safe].
const char * netHTTPs_GetLanguage (void)
 Retrieve the preferred language setting from the browser. [thread-safe].
const char * netHTTPs_GetContentType (void)
 Get Content-Type HTML header, received in XML post request. [thread-safe].
bool netHTTPs_AcceptClient (const NET_ADDR *addr)
 Accept or deny a connection from a remote HTTP client. [user-provided].
uint8_t netHTTPs_CheckAccount (const char *username, const char *password)
 Check if an user account exist in the user database. [user-provided].
void netHTTPs_GetUserSecret (uint8_t user_id, char *buf, uint32_t buf_len)
 Retrieve the secret word for the selected user. [user-provided].
bool netHTTPs_FileAccess (uint8_t user_id, const char *fname)
 Check if remote user is allowed to access a file on HTTP server. [user-provided].
uint8_t netHTTPs_GetUserId (void)
 Retrieve the user identification. [thread-safe].
netStatus netHTTPs_CalcHashHA1 (const char *username, const char *password, char *buf, uint32_t buf_len)
 Calculate HA1 hash value for the given credentials. [thread-safe].
void * netHTTPs_fopen (const char *fname)
 Open a file for reading on HTTP server. [interface].
void netHTTPs_fclose (void *file)
 Close a file previously open on HTTP server. [interface].
uint32_t netHTTPs_fread (void *file, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 Read block of data from a file on HTTP server. [interface].
char * netHTTPs_fgets (void *file, char *buf, uint32_t size)
 Read a string from a file on HTTP server. [interface].
void netHTTPs_fstat (const char *fname, uint32_t *fsize, uint32_t *ftime)
 Retrieve file size and last modification time. [interface].
void netCGI_ProcessQuery (const char *qstr)
 Process query string received by GET or POST request. [user-provided].
void netCGI_ProcessData (uint8_t code, const char *data, uint32_t len)
 Process data received by POST request. [user-provided].
uint32_t netCGI_Script (const char *env, char *buf, uint32_t buf_len, uint32_t *pcgi)
 Generate dynamic web data based on a CGI script. [user-provided].
const char * netCGI_GetEnvVar (const char *env, char *ansi, uint32_t max_len)
 Process environment variables and convert to ANSI format. [thread-safe].
const char * netCGI_Charset (void)
 Override default character encoding in HTML documents. [user-provided].
const char * netCGI_ContentType (const char *file_ext)
 Add custom MIME type for unsupported file types. [user-provided].
const char * netCGI_Redirect (const char *file_name)
 Redirect resource URL address to a new location. [user-provided].
const char * netCGX_ContentType (void)
 Override default Content-Type for CGX script files. [user-provided].
const char * netCGI_CustomHeader (void)
 Add custom HTTP response header. [user-provided].
netStatus netCGI_SetCookie (const char *cookie)
 Set HTTP cookie to send to the client. [thread-safe].
void netCGI_ProcessRequest (const char *method, const char *uri, const char *header, uint32_t header_len)
 Process HTTP request. [user-provided].
void netCGI_ProcessCookie (const char *method, const char *uri, const char *cookie, uint32_t cookie_len)
 Process HTTP cookie. [user-provided].
netStatus netSMTPc_Connect (const NET_ADDR *addr)
 Start SMTP client to send an email in legacy mode. [thread-safe].
netStatus netSMTPc_SendMail (const NET_SMTP_MAIL *mail, const NET_SMTP_MTA *mta)
 Send an email in blocking mode. [thread-safe].
uint32_t netSMTPc_Process (netSMTPc_Request request, char *buf, uint32_t buf_len, uint32_t *pvar)
 Request parameters for SMTP client session. [user-provided].
void netSMTPc_Notify (netSMTPc_Event event)
 Notify the user application when SMTP client operation ends. [user-provided].
bool netSMTPc_AcceptAuthentication (const NET_ADDR *addr)
 Accept or deny authentication requested by SMTP server. [user-provided].
void * netSMTPc_fopen (const char *fname)
 Open a file for reading in SMTP client. [interface].
void netSMTPc_fclose (void *file)
 Close a file previously open in SMTP client. [interface].
uint32_t netSMTPc_fread (void *file, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 Read block of data from a file in SMTP client. [interface].
netStatus netSNTPc_SetMode (netSNTPc_Mode mode)
 Set mode of operation for SNTP client. [thread-safe].
netStatus netSNTPc_GetTime (const NET_ADDR *addr, netSNTPc_cb_t cb_func)
 Determine current time from NTP or SNTP time server. [thread-safe].
netStatus netSNTPc_GetTimeX (const char *server, uint32_t *seconds, uint32_t *seconds_fraction)
 Determine current time from NTP or SNTP time server in blocking mode. [thread-safe].
netStatus netSNMP_Trap (const NET_ADDR *addr, uint8_t generic, uint8_t specific, const uint16_t *obj_list)
 Send a trap message to the Trap Manager. [thread-safe].
netStatus netSNMP_SetCommunity (const char *community)
 Change SNMP community to a new community. [thread-safe].
netStatus netSNMP_SetMIB_Table (const NET_SNMP_MIB_INFO *info, uint32_t size)
 Register MIB table to SNMP Agent. [thread-safe].
const char * netIP_ntoa (int16_t addr_type, const uint8_t *ip_addr, char *string_buf, uint32_t buf_len)
 Convert IP address from binary to text form. [thread-safe].
bool netIP_aton (const char *addr_string, int16_t addr_type, uint8_t *ip_addr)
 Convert IP address from text to binary form. [thread-safe].
const char * netMAC_ntoa (const uint8_t *mac_addr, char *string_buf, uint32_t buf_len)
 Convert MAC address from binary to text form. [thread-safe].
bool netMAC_aton (const char *mac_string, uint8_t *mac_addr)
 Convert MAC address from text to binary form. [thread-safe].
int32_t netTCP_GetSocket (netTCP_cb_t cb_func)
 Allocate a free TCP socket. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTCP_ReleaseSocket (int32_t socket)
 Release TCP socket and free resources. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTCP_Listen (int32_t socket, uint16_t port)
 Open TCP socket for incoming connection. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTCP_Connect (int32_t socket, const NET_ADDR *addr, uint16_t local_port)
 Initiate a TCP connection to a remote node. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTCP_Close (int32_t socket)
 Stop TCP communication and start closing procedure. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTCP_Abort (int32_t socket)
 Instantly stop TCP communication. [thread-safe].
uint32_t netTCP_GetMaxSegmentSize (int32_t socket)
 Determine maximum number of data bytes that can be sent in TCP packet. [thread-safe].
uint8_t * netTCP_GetBuffer (uint32_t size)
 Allocate memory for TCP send buffer. [thread-safe].
bool netTCP_SendReady (int32_t socket)
 Check if TCP socket can send data. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTCP_Send (int32_t socket, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 Send a data packet to remote node. [thread-safe].
netTCP_State netTCP_GetState (int32_t socket)
 Determine current state of a TCP socket. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTCP_ResetReceiveWindow (int32_t socket)
 Reset TCP window size to a default value from the configuration. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTCP_SetOption (int32_t socket, netTCP_Option option, uint32_t val)
 Set TCP socket IP option. [thread-safe].
uint16_t netTCP_GetLocalPort (int32_t socket)
 Retrieve local port number of TCP socket. [thread-safe].
netStatus netTCP_GetPeer (int32_t socket, NET_ADDR *addr, uint32_t addr_len)
 Retrieve IP address and port number of remote peer. [thread-safe].
uint32_t netTCP_GetTimer (int32_t socket)
 Determine TCP socket connection timeout. [thread-safe].


const IN6_ADDR in6addr_any
 BSD Internet Addresses IPv6.
const IN6_ADDR in6addr_loopback
 Localhost IPv6 address.
NET_DHCP_OPTION_ITEM netDHCP_PrivateOptionsTableN []
 DHCP Private Options.
uint8_t netDHCP_PrivateOptionsCountN
 Number of DHCP Private Options.

Data Structure Documentation



SNMP-MIB byte-string.

Data Fields
uint8_t data[] String content.
uint8_t len Length of a string.


struct NET_FS_TIME

FS Interface Time info.

Data Fields
uint8_t day Day [1..31].
uint8_t hr Hours [0..23].
uint8_t min Minutes [0..59].
uint8_t mon Month [1..12].
uint8_t sec Seconds [0..59].
uint16_t year Year [1980..2107].

Macro Definition Documentation


#define AF_INET   1

Internet Address Family.


#define AF_INET6   3

Internet Address Family version 6.


#define AF_NETBIOS   2

NetBios-style addresses.


#define AF_UNSPEC   0

BSD Socket Address Family.



#define CMSG_ALIGN (   len)    (((len) + 3) & ~3U)


#define CMSG_DATA (   cmsg)    ((uint8_t *)(cmsg) + sizeof(CMSGHDR))


#define CMSG_FIRSTHDR (   mhdr)
((mhdr)->msg_controllen >= sizeof(CMSGHDR)) ? \
(CMSGHDR *)(mhdr)->msg_control : \

BSD access ancillary data macros (RFC 2292).


#define CMSG_LEN (   len)    ((len) + sizeof(CMSGHDR))


#define CMSG_NXTHDR (   mhdr,
(CMSG_ALIGN((uint32_t)(cmsg) + (cmsg)->cmsg_len) + sizeof(CMSGHDR) > \
(uint32_t)(mhdr)->msg_control + (mhdr)->msg_controllen) ? \
(CMSGHDR *)CMSG_ALIGN((uint32_t)(cmsg) + (cmsg)->cmsg_len)


#define CMSG_SPACE (   len)    CMSG_ALIGN((len) + sizeof(CMSGHDR))


#define FD_CLR (   fd,
)    FD_WR(fd, (set)->fd_bits[(fd-1)>>5] &= ~(1U << ((fd-1)&0x1F)))


#define FD_ISSET (   fd,
)    FD_RD(fd, (set)->fd_bits[(fd-1)>>5] & (1U << ((fd-1)&0x1F)))


#define FD_RD (   fd,
)    (((fd > 0) && (fd <= FD_SETSIZE)) ? (code) : 0)


#define FD_SET (   fd,
)    FD_WR(fd, (set)->fd_bits[(fd-1)>>5] |= (1U << ((fd-1)&0x1F)))

BSD initialize and test fd_set macros.


#define FD_SETSIZE   64

BSD fd_set size.

Maximum number of sockets in fd_set structure


#define FD_WR (   fd,
)    if ((fd > 0) && (fd <= FD_SETSIZE)) { code; }

BSD safe read/write fd_set macros.


#define FD_ZERO (   set)    memset(set, 0, sizeof(*set))


#define FIONBIO   1

BSD Socket ioctl commands.

Set mode (blocking/non-blocking)

◆ htonl

#define htonl (   v)    ntohl(v)

◆ htons

#define htons (   v)    ntohs(v)

Host to network byte order conversion.


#define INADDR_ANY   0x00000000

BSD Internet Addresses IPv4.

All IP addresses accepted


#define INADDR_LOOPBACK   0x7f000001

Localhost IP address.


#define INADDR_NONE   0xffffffff

No IP address accepted.


#define INET6_ADDRSTRLEN   46

IP6 address string length.


#define INET_ADDRSTRLEN   16

BSD address string length.

IP address string length


#define IP_RECVDSTADDR   3

Receive destination IPv4 address.


#define IP_TOS   1

BSD Socket IPv4 options.

Type of Service (TOS)


#define IP_TTL   2

Time to Live (TTL)


#define IPPROTO_IP   2

IPv4 Level.


#define IPPROTO_IPV6   3

IPv6 Level.


#define IPPROTO_TCP   1

BSD Socket Protocol.

TCP Protocol


#define IPPROTO_UDP   2

UDP Protocol.



Multi-cast Hop Limit.


#define IPV6_RECVDSTADDR   3

Receive destination IPv6 address.


#define IPV6_TCLASS   1

BSD Socket IPv6 options.

Traffic Class


#define IPV6_V6ONLY   4

Restrict to IPv6 communications only (default on)


#define MSG_CTRUNC   0x08

Control data was truncated.


#define MSG_DONTWAIT   0x01

BSD Socket flags parameter.

Enables non-blocking operation


#define MSG_PEEK   0x02

Peeks at the incoming data.


#define MSG_TRUNC   0x04

Normal data was truncated.



Network component version.







Directory Create is allowed.



Directory List is allowed.



Directory Remove is allowed.


#define NET_ACCESS_FILE_READ   0x01

Network Access definitions.

File Read is allowed


#define NET_ACCESS_FILE_WRITE   0x02

File Write is allowed.


#define NET_ADDR_ANY   (-1)

Network Address types.

IP address any


#define NET_ADDR_ETH_LEN   6

General definitions.

Ethernet MAC Address Length in bytes


#define NET_ADDR_IP4   0

IPv4 Address.


#define NET_ADDR_IP4_LEN   4

IPv4 Address Length in bytes.


#define NET_ADDR_IP6   1

IPv6 Address.


#define NET_ADDR_IP6_LEN   16

IPv6 Address Length in bytes.



DHCPv6 Option Codes.

IPv6 address change event



Bootfile name option.



Client-identifier option.



DHCP Option Codes.

IP address change event



NTP Servers option.



Full duplex link.



Ethernet duplex mode.

Half duplex link


#define NET_ETH_SPEED_100M   1

100 Mbps link speed


#define NET_ETH_SPEED_10M   0

Ethernet link speed.

10 Mbps link speed


#define NET_ETH_SPEED_1G   2

1 Gpbs link speed



Directory entry.


#define NET_FS_ATTR_FILE   1

FS Interface Attributes.

File entry


#define NET_HOSTNAME_LEN   16

Hostname Buffer Length in bytes.


#define NET_IF_CLASS_ETH   (1U << 8)

Interface Class.

Ethernet interface


#define NET_IF_CLASS_PPP   (3U << 8)

PPP interface.


#define NET_IF_CLASS_SLIP   (4U << 8)

SLIP interface.


#define NET_IF_CLASS_WIFI   (2U << 8)

WiFi interface.


#define NET_PASSWORD_LEN   16

Password Buffer Length in bytes.


#define NET_PING_IP4_ONLY   0x01

Ping Control Flags.

Force using IPv4 only


#define NET_PING_IP6_ONLY   0x02

Force using IPv6 only.


#define NET_ROOT_DIR_LEN   80

Service Root Folder Length in bytes.


#define NET_SMTP_MTA_USETLS   0x01

SMTP Mail Transfer Agent Flags.

Use secure TLS mode (Implicit TLS)


#define NET_SNMP_MIB_ATR_RO   0x80

MIB entry attribute READ_ONLY.


#define NET_SNMP_MIB_BYTE_STR   0x07

MIB entry type BYTE_STRING (length encoded)


#define NET_SNMP_MIB_COUNTER   0x41

MIB entry type COUNTER (uint32_t)


#define NET_SNMP_MIB_GAUGE   0x42

MIB entry type GAUGE (uint32_t)


#define NET_SNMP_MIB_INT (   o)    sizeof(o), (void *)&o


#define NET_SNMP_MIB_INTEGER   0x02

SNMP-MIB definitions.

MIB entry type INTEGER


#define NET_SNMP_MIB_IP (   ip)    4, (void *)&ip


#define NET_SNMP_MIB_IP_ADDR   0x40

MIB entry type IP ADDRESS (uint8_t[4])


#define NET_SNMP_MIB_OBJECT_ID   0x06



#define NET_SNMP_MIB_OCTET_STR   0x04

MIB entry type OCTET_STRING (null-terminated)


#define NET_SNMP_MIB_OID0 (   f,
)    (f*40 + s)


#define NET_SNMP_MIB_OID_SIZE   17

Max.size of Object ID value.


#define NET_SNMP_MIB_READ   0

MIB entry Read access.


#define NET_SNMP_MIB_STR (   s)    sizeof(s)-1, s

SNMP-MIB macros.


#define NET_SNMP_MIB_STR_SIZE   110

Max.size of Octet String variable.


#define NET_SNMP_MIB_TIME_TICKS   0x43

MIB entry type TIME_TICKS.


#define NET_SNMP_MIB_WRITE   1

MIB entry Write access.


#define NET_UDP_CHECKSUM_SEND   0x01

UDP Checksum Options.

Calculate Checksum for UDP send frames (default)



Verify Checksum for received UDP frames (default)


#define NET_USERNAME_LEN   16

Service Authentication definitions.

Username Buffer Length in bytes

◆ ntohl

#define ntohl (   v)    (uint32_t)__REV(v)

Network to host byte order conversion.

◆ ntohs

#define ntohs (   v)    (uint16_t)__REV16(v)


#define PF_INET   1

Internet Address Family.


#define PF_INET6   3

Internet Address Family version 6.


#define PF_NETBIOS   2

NetBios-style addresses.


#define PF_UNSPEC   0

BSD Protocol families (same as address families).




Bind to network interface.


#define SO_KEEPALIVE   1

BSD Socket options.

Keep Alive


#define SO_RCVTIMEO   2

Timeout for blocking receive (in milliseconds)


#define SO_SNDTIMEO   3

Timeout for blocking send (in milliseconds)


#define SO_TYPE   4

Socket type (read only)


#define SOCK_DGRAM   2

Datagram Socket (Connectionless)


#define SOCK_STREAM   1

BSD Socket Type.

Stream Socket (Connection oriented)


#define SOL_SOCKET   1

BSD Socket level.

Socket Level

Variable Documentation

◆ in6addr_any

const IN6_ADDR in6addr_any

BSD Internet Addresses IPv6.

All IPv6 addresses accepted

◆ in6addr_loopback

const IN6_ADDR in6addr_loopback

Localhost IPv6 address.

◆ netDHCP_PrivateOptionsCountN

uint8_t netDHCP_PrivateOptionsCountN

Number of DHCP Private Options.

◆ netDHCP_PrivateOptionsTableN

NET_DHCP_OPTION_ITEM netDHCP_PrivateOptionsTableN[]

DHCP Private Options.

DHCP Private Options Table