Network Component   Version 8.0.0
MDK Middleware for IPv4 and IPv6 Networking
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Secure Communication

In today's world, secure communication is crucial for many applications to protect data transmission between two network nodes. The Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol is a standardized technology for establishing a secure, encrypted and authenticated link between two parties over an insecure network. TLS is an industry standard and is used in millions of devices and websites.

The Network component offers two ways to secure communication in an application:

  1. Using Mbed TLS
  2. Using Secure Services

Using Mbed TLS

Although the Network component does not offer encryption and secure communication on its own, you can use Arm's mbed TLS software component to achieve this.

Software stack for secure network communication

From the bottom up:

  • The Cortex-M-based microcontroller provides the processor core, storage, memory and network interface.
  • The CMSIS-RTOS compliant operating system provides standard services such as scheduling and thread-safety.
  • The Network Component provides services, sockets (TCP/IP) and the interface for network communication.
  • Building on top of the Network Component, mbed TLS provides an abstraction layer for secure communication.
  • The application code uses Mbed TLS to abstract the secure communication from itself.

Why Mbed TLS?

The Mbed TLS library is designed for ease-of-use. The library is documented and has examples so you can easily understand how to use it. In the Network Component, Mbed TLS is used under the Apache 2.0 license, enabling you to use it in both open source and closed source projects. Mbed TLS is a fully featured and standards compliant SSL library offering server and client functionality in one single package.

Difference between SSL/TLS

The TLS protocol is the successor of the SSL protocol. Just like its predecessor, the TLS protocol provides communication security for connections over possibly untrusted networks, like the Internet. The main difference between TLS and SSL is the increased standardization of the workings of the protocol. SSL itself was designed and developed by Netscape. The newer TLS standard is defined in a number of public RFCs and is extended periodically to counter possible weaknesses or add much needed functionality.

Parts of an SSL/TLS Library

In order to perform the SSL or TLS protocol, a number of supporting functionality is required. The SSL/TLS library:

  • needs to perform symmetric cryptographic operations, such as AES, to encrypt the data over the connection.
  • uses asymmetric cryptographic operations, such as RSA, for identifying and authenticating the parties of the connection.
  • uses message digest operations, such as the SHA-256 hash algorithm, to protect the integrity of the information sent over the wire.
  • needs to be able to parse, understand and use X.509 certificates.
  • has to perform network operations to send and receive the protocol packets.

All of this is hidden from most users and wrapped inside an SSL library, such as Mbed TLS, which developers can use to implement SSL or TLS in their applications.

For more information on Mbed TLS and how it works, visit the high-level design overview page.

Add the mbed TLS library to a project

The Examples section carries two examples for secure communication over the IP network: SSL Server and SSL Client. To use the Mbed TLS library in your own projects, follow these steps:

  1. Download the ARM:mbedTLS library from Software Packs or use Pack Installer
  2. Open or create a project using the Network Component.
  3. Configure the Network Component as required by your application (Ethernet settings, TCP/IP communication, etc.).
  4. In the Manage Run-Time Environment window expand Security and enable mbed TLS:
  5. Configure Mbed TLS using the mbedTLS_config.h file.
  6. Use the mbed TLS API to secure your communication.
You can use the Mbed TLS API in parallel to any of the secure services that are part of the Network Component.

Using Secure Services

The Network Component offers secure software components that are using Mbed TLS. The user of the Network Component does not see the Mbed TLS API as it is hidden by the standard API of the secure component.

The following components are currently available in a secure variant:

To be able to communicate securely, you will need to generate appropriate certificates for the server. The section Creating your own certificates and keys explains how to achieve this for the secure components by using additional tools that are part of the Network Component.

HTTPS Server

The web server and the compact web server have secure variants available. The example HTTPS Server implements the secure Web server.


  • The first connection might take a while (a few seconds up to 10s) and depends on the browser and how many sockets/sessions it initially opens (differs in Edge, Chrome, Firefox, etc.). This delay is normal and due to the time required for asymmetric cryptography calculations on the target. After the initial delay, the HTTPS server works almost as fast the HTTP server.
  • Your browser will complain during the connection that the certificate has a problem or is not trusted. You will need to add the certificate to your browser's trusted certificate storage manually.
  • Do not use the test certificate in productive environments as it is not secret. Before shipping your product, make sure that you have added your own certificates and keys.

Creating your own certificates and keys

The Network Component's HTTPS service adds the file Net_Security.c to the project. This file contains generic test keys/certificates which enable the application to run out of the box. If you want to adapt the keys/certificates to your needs, you need utilities gen_key and cert_write which are available as part of the Arm MDK-toolbox.

The certificates and keys are generated using bash shell commands:

  • Generate random CA and Server Private Keys

    gen_key \
    type=rsa \
    rsa_keysize=2048 \
    format=pem \
    gen_key \
    type=rsa \
    rsa_keysize=2048 \
    format=pem \
  • Generate Self-signed CA Certificate

    cert_write \
    selfsign=1 \
    issuer_key=ca.key \
    issuer_name="CN=Test CA,O=MyOrganization,C=US" \
    not_before=20200101000000 \
    not_after=20301231235959 \
    is_ca=1 \
    output_file=ca.crt \
  • Generate Server Certificate

    cert_write \
    subject_key=server.key \
    subject_name="CN=my_host,O=MyOrganization,C=US" \
    issuer_key=ca.key \
    issuer_crt=ca.crt \
    serial=2 \
    not_before=20200101000000 \
    not_after=20301231235959 \
    output_file=server.crt \

The certificates and crypto keys are created and their contents must be copied to the file Net_Security.c:

  • ca.crt into the array NetSecurity_ServerCA[], with a leading " and a trailing \n" inserted for each line.
  • server.crt into the array NetSecurity_ServerCert[], with a leading " and a trailing \n" inserted for each line.
  • server.key into the array NetSecurity_ServerKey[], with a leading " and a trailing \n" inserted for each line.

Code Example




const uint8_t NetSecurity_ServerCA[] =
"-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"

Note for Windows users

  • You must add the test CA certificate ca.crt to the Trusted Root Certificate store on your computer to avoid the Your connection is not private error in the Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser.
  • You need administrator rights for adding a certificate.
  • To install a ca.crt certificate on your computer, double-click on it and select Install Certificate..., then select Local Machine for the store location.
  • Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities as the location for the certificate.

SMTPS Client

The e-mail client is available in a secure variant. The SMTPS Client example implements the secure email client.

Adding server root CA certificate

The SMTPS service of the Network Component adds the Net_Security.c file to the project. This file contains an empty section for the e-mail server root CA certificate, so you cannot initially build the application. You must provide a valid root CA certificate for the server that you use to send e-mail. The certificate must be provided in PEM-encoding. Copy the contents of the certificate into the NetSecurity_EmailServerCA structure in Net_Security.c and add a leading " and a trailing \n" to each line.

// Email Server root CA certificate
const uint8_t NetSecurity_EmailServerCA[] =
"... base64 data ...\n"
"-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";

Verifying the e-mail server is required by default to increase e-mail security. If you do not want to verify the server, you can disable server verification by defining the SMTPS_SERVER_VERIFY_NONE in your project (C/C++ define).

Note It is not necessary to create your own certificates or keys to send secure e-mail using SMTPS.