File System Component   Version 8.0.2
MDK Middleware for Devices with Flash File System
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FsFAT: FAT File System

Events generated by FileSystem - FAT File System functions. More...


__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InitDrive (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT drive initialization (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InitDriveSuccess (uint32_t drive)
 Event on successful FAT drive initialization (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InitDriverCfgError (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT driver configuration error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InitDriverError (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT driver initialization error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_UninitDrive (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT drive uninitialization (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_MountDrive (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT drive mount operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InitMediaError (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT media initialization error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_MediaInsertStatError (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT media not present status error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_MediaInitStatError (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT media init status error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_VolumeReadyStatError (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT volume ready status error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_VolumeWriteStatError (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT volume write protection active status error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_VolumeNotMounted (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT when using unmounted volume (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_ReadMBR (uint32_t drive, uint32_t sector)
 Event on Master Boot Record read operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InvalidMBR (uint32_t drive)
 Event on invalid Master Boot Record (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_NonexistentMBR (uint32_t drive)
 Event on nonexistent Master Boot Record (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_ReadBootSector (uint32_t drive, uint32_t sector)
 Event on Boot Sector read operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InvalidBootSector (uint32_t drive)
 Event on invalid Boot Sector (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InvalidFAT (uint32_t drive)
 Event on invalid FAT volume description (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_ReadFSInfo (uint32_t drive, uint32_t sector)
 Event on FAT FSInfo read operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InvalidFSInfo (uint32_t drive)
 Event on invalid FAT FSInfo signature (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InvalidFreeClusFSInfo (uint32_t drive)
 Event on invalid number of free clusters in FAT FSInfo signature (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InvalidNextClusFSInfo (uint32_t drive)
 Event on invalid next free cluster in FAT FSInfo signature (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_WriteFSInfo (uint32_t drive, uint32_t sector)
 Event on FAT FSInfo write operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_CountFreeClus (uint32_t drive)
 Event on count number of free clusters operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_MountDriveSuccess (uint32_t drive)
 Event on successful mount of a FAT drive (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_UnmountDrive (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT drive unmount operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_UnmountDriveSuccess (uint32_t drive)
 Event on successful unmount of a FAT drive (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FormatDrive (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT drive format operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FormatDriveSuccess (uint32_t drive)
 Event on successful formating of a FAT drive (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_ResetHandles (uint32_t drive)
 Event on reset of all FAT file handles (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FormatOptionDetected (uint32_t drive, uint32_t option)
 Event on FAT drive format option detection (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FormatMediaCapacity (uint32_t drive, uint32_t sectors)
 Event on FAT media capacity read (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FormatLowLevel (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT media low level format operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FormatNoSpace (uint32_t drive)
 Event on not enough free space for FAT12/16 format (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FormatNoSpaceFAT32 (uint32_t drive)
 Event on not enough free space for FAT32 format (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_WriteMBR (uint32_t drive, uint32_t sector)
 Event on Master Boot Record write operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_WriteBootSector (uint32_t drive, uint32_t sector)
 Event on Boot Sector write operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_ClearHiddenSectors (uint32_t drive, uint32_t sector, uint32_t count)
 Event on FAT hidden sectors clear operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_ClearReservedSectors (uint32_t drive, uint32_t sector, uint32_t count)
 Event on FAT reserved sectors clear operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_ClearRootSectors (uint32_t drive, uint32_t sector, uint32_t count)
 Event on FAT root sectors clear operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_CreateFAT (uint32_t drive, uint32_t sector, uint32_t count)
 Event on FAT File Allocation Table create operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FormatProperties (uint32_t drive, uint32_t type, uint32_t clus_size, uint32_t data_clus)
 Event on setting FAT format properties (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_PathInvalidChar (const char ch)
 Event on invalid FAT path character (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_PathIsTooLong (uint32_t max_len)
 Event on too long FAT path (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_PathIsDirNotFile (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT directory found instead of file (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileIsInUse (uint32_t drive)
 Event on specified FAT file already in use (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileIsReadOnly (uint32_t drive)
 Event on encounter of read only FAT file (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileIsNonExistent (uint32_t drive)
 Event on specification of nonexistent FAT file (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_PathProcessing (uint32_t drive, const char *path)
 Event on FAT path processing (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileHandleUnavailable (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT file handle not available (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_LabelInvalid (uint32_t drive)
 Event on invalid character found in FAT label (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_LabelNotSet (uint32_t drive)
 Event on nonexisting FAT volume label (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_SectorReadFailed (uint32_t drive, uint32_t sector, uint32_t count)
 Event on sector read error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_SectorWriteFailed (uint32_t drive, uint32_t sector, uint32_t count)
 Event on sector write error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_DiskFull (uint32_t drive)
 Event on out of free space error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_DirEntryAllocFailed (uint32_t drive, uint32_t dir_clus)
 Event on directory entry allocation error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_PathBufferToSmall (uint32_t drive)
 Event on directory/file path buffer size error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InitJournal (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT journal initialization start (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InitJournalSuccess (uint32_t drive)
 Event on successful FAT journal initialization (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InitJournalFATError (uint32_t drive)
 Event on invalid FAT formatting to complete journal initialization (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileHandleError (int32_t h, uint32_t flags)
 Event on FAT file handle error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileSeekIncrease (int32_t h, uint32_t csize, uint32_t nsize)
 Event on FAT file increase using fseek (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileDelete (uint32_t drive, const char *path)
 Event on FAT file delete (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileDeleteSuccess (uint32_t drive, const char *path)
 Event on successful FAT file delete operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileRename (uint32_t drive, const char *path, const char *newname)
 Event on FAT file rename (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileRenameSuccess (uint32_t drive, const char *path, const char *newname)
 Event on successful FAT file rename operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_DirCreate (uint32_t drive, const char *path)
 Event on FAT directory create (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_DirCreateSuccess (uint32_t drive, const char *path)
 Event on successful FAT directory create operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_DirRemove (uint32_t drive, const char *path, const char *options)
 Event on FAT directory remove (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_DirRemoveSuccess (uint32_t drive, const char *path, const char *options)
 Event on successful FAT directory remove operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_ChDir (uint32_t drive, const char *path)
 Event on FAT current directory change (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_ChDirSuccess (uint32_t drive, const char *path)
 Event on successful FAT directory remove operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_Pwd (uint32_t drive, const char *path, uint32_t len)
 Event on FAT current directory print (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_PwdSuccess (uint32_t drive, const char *path, uint32_t len)
 Event on successful FAT current directory print (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_AttribSet (uint32_t drive, const char *path, uint32_t attrib)
 Event on FAT attribute setting (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_AttribSetSuccess (uint32_t drive, const char *path, uint32_t attrib)
 Event on successful FAT attribute setting (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_GetFreeSpace (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT free space retrieve request (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FreeAmount (uint32_t drive, uint32_t clus, uint32_t size)
 Event on FAT free space retrieval (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileModeRead (int32_t h)
 Event on write to FAT file opened for read (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileFind (int32_t h)
 Event on FAT file find operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InvalidParameter (uint32_t drive)
 Event on FAT invalid function parameter error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_DriverNotInitialized (uint32_t drive)
 Event on EFS when media driver is not initialized (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_PathName (const char *buf, uint32_t len)
 Event on FAT path specification (Detail)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_OptionsString (const char *buf, uint32_t len)
 Event on FAT options specification (Detail)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_LabelString (const char *buf, uint32_t len)
 Event on FAT volume label string output (Detail)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_NameCacheHit (uint32_t drive, const char *name, uint32_t len)
 Event on FAT name cache hit (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_NameCacheMiss (uint32_t drive, const char *name, uint32_t len)
 Event on FAT name cache miss (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_NameCacheEntryFound (uint32_t drive, uint32_t clus, uint32_t offs, uint32_t cnt)
 Event on found file name entry in FAT name cache (Detail)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_NameCacheEntryInsert (uint32_t drive, uint32_t clus, uint32_t offs, uint32_t cnt)
 Event on FAT name cache entry insert (Detail)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_NameCacheEntryDelete (uint32_t drive, uint32_t clus, uint32_t offs, uint32_t cnt)
 Event on FAT name cache entry delete (Detail)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_TimeSet (uint32_t drive, const char *path)
 Event on FAT timestamp set (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_TimeGet (uint32_t drive, const char *path)
 Event on FAT timestamp get (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_TimeData (fsTime *create, fsTime *access, fsTime *write)
 Event on FAT timestamp data set/get (Detail)


Events generated by FileSystem - FAT File System functions.

The File System - FAT File System functions generate events when a FAT drive is accessed.

FileSystem - FAT File System

Function Documentation

◆ EvrFsFAT_AttribSet()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_AttribSet ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  path,
uint32_t  attrib 

Event on FAT attribute setting (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]pathpath buffer address
[in]attribattribute bitmask

The event AttribSet is generated when the function fattrib executes.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • path : string specifying the file or directory.
  • attrib : string specifying file or directory attributes.

◆ EvrFsFAT_AttribSetSuccess()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_AttribSetSuccess ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  path,
uint32_t  attrib 

Event on successful FAT attribute setting (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]pathpath buffer address
[in]attribattribute bitmask

The event AttribSetSuccess is generated when the function fattrib executed successfully.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • path : string specifying the file or directory.
  • attrib : string specifying file or directory attributes.

◆ EvrFsFAT_ChDir()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_ChDir ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  path 

Event on FAT current directory change (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]pathdirectory path buffer address

The event ChDir is generated when the function fchdir executes.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • path : string specifying the directory.

◆ EvrFsFAT_ChDirSuccess()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_ChDirSuccess ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  path 

Event on successful FAT directory remove operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]pathfile path buffer address

The event ChDirSuccess is generated when the function fchdir executed successfully.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • path : string specifying the directory.

◆ EvrFsFAT_ClearHiddenSectors()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_ClearHiddenSectors ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  sector,
uint32_t  count 

Event on FAT hidden sectors clear operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]sectorsector number
[in]countnumber of sectors

The event ClearHiddenSectors is generated when the function fformat attempts to clear hidden sectors.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • sector : number of first sector.
  • count : number of sectors to clear.

◆ EvrFsFAT_ClearReservedSectors()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_ClearReservedSectors ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  sector,
uint32_t  count 

Event on FAT reserved sectors clear operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]sectorsector number
[in]countnumber of sectors

The event ClearReservedSectors is generated when the function fformat attempts to clear reserved sectors.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • sector : number of first sector.
  • count : number of sectors to clear.

◆ EvrFsFAT_ClearRootSectors()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_ClearRootSectors ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  sector,
uint32_t  count 

Event on FAT root sectors clear operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]sectorsector number
[in]countnumber of sectors

The event ClearRootSectors is generated when the function fformat attempts to clear the root sectors.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • sector : number of first sector.
  • count : number of sectors to clear.

◆ EvrFsFAT_CountFreeClus()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_CountFreeClus ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on count number of free clusters operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event CountFreeClus is generated on attempt to count the number of free clusters.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_CreateFAT()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_CreateFAT ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  sector,
uint32_t  count 

Event on FAT File Allocation Table create operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]sectorsector number
[in]countnumber of sectors

The event CreateFAT is generated when the function fformat attempts to create the File Allocation Table.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • sector : number of first sector.
  • count : number of sectors to write.

◆ EvrFsFAT_DirCreate()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_DirCreate ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  path 

Event on FAT directory create (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]pathdirectory path buffer address

The event DirCreate is generated when the function fmkdir executes.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • path : HEX value specifying the memory location of the directory.

◆ EvrFsFAT_DirCreateSuccess()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_DirCreateSuccess ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  path 

Event on successful FAT directory create operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]pathfile path buffer address

The event DirCreateSuccess is generated when the function fmkdir executed successfully.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • path : HEX value specifying the memory location of the directory.

◆ EvrFsFAT_DirEntryAllocFailed()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_DirEntryAllocFailed ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  dir_clus 

Event on directory entry allocation error (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]dir_clusfirst cluster of directory

The event DirEntryAllocFailed is generated when the file name entry allocation failed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • dir_clus : first cluster of the directory where entry should be created.

◆ EvrFsFAT_DirRemove()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_DirRemove ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  path,
const char *  options 

Event on FAT directory remove (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]pathdirectory path buffer address
[in]optionsremove options buffer address

The event DirRemove is generated when the function frmdir executes.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • path : HEX value specifying the memory location of the directory.
  • options: string specifying function options.

◆ EvrFsFAT_DirRemoveSuccess()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_DirRemoveSuccess ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  path,
const char *  options 

Event on successful FAT directory remove operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]pathfile path buffer address
[in]optionsremove options buffer address

The event DirRemoveSuccess is generated when the function frmdir executed successfully.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • path : string specifying the file or directory.
  • options: string specifying function options.

◆ EvrFsFAT_DiskFull()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_DiskFull ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on out of free space error (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event DiskFull is generated when there is no more free space on the volume.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_DriverNotInitialized()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_DriverNotInitialized ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on EFS when media driver is not initialized (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event InvalidParameter is generated when functions detect an uninitialized media driver.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_FileDelete()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileDelete ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  path 

Event on FAT file delete (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]pathfile path buffer address

The event FileDelete is generated when the function fdelete executes.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • path : string specifying the file or directory.

◆ EvrFsFAT_FileDeleteSuccess()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileDeleteSuccess ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  path 

Event on successful FAT file delete operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]pathfile path buffer address

The event FileDeleteSuccess is generated when the function fdelete executed successfully.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • path : string specifying the file or directory.

◆ EvrFsFAT_FileFind()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileFind ( int32_t  h)

Event on FAT file find operation (Op)

[in]hFAT file handle index

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

◆ EvrFsFAT_FileHandleError()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileHandleError ( int32_t  h,
uint32_t  flags 

Event on FAT file handle error (Error)

[in]hFAT file handle index
[in]flagsfile handle flags

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

◆ EvrFsFAT_FileHandleUnavailable()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileHandleUnavailable ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT file handle not available (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event FileHandleUnavailable is generated when there is no free FAT file handle available.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_FileIsInUse()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileIsInUse ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on specified FAT file already in use (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event FileIsInUse is generated when File Maintenance Routines or Standard I/O Routines try to access a FAT file that is in use.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_FileIsNonExistent()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileIsNonExistent ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on specification of nonexistent FAT file (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event FileIsNonExistent is generated when File Maintenance Routines or Standard I/O Routines try to access a non-existing file.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_FileIsReadOnly()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileIsReadOnly ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on encounter of read only FAT file (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event FileIsReadOnly is generated when File Maintenance Routines or Standard I/O Routines try to write to a file that is protected from writing.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_FileModeRead()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileModeRead ( int32_t  h)

Event on write to FAT file opened for read (Error)

[in]hFAT file handle index

The event FileModeRead is generated on write attempt to a file opened in read only mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

◆ EvrFsFAT_FileRename()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileRename ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  path,
const char *  newname 

Event on FAT file rename (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]pathfile path buffer address
[in]newnamenew file name buffer address

The event FileRename is generated when the function frename executes.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • path : HEX value specifying the memory location of the initial file name.
  • newname : HEX value specifying the memory location of the new file name.

◆ EvrFsFAT_FileRenameSuccess()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileRenameSuccess ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  path,
const char *  newname 

Event on successful FAT file rename operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]pathfile path buffer address
[in]newnamenew file name buffer address

The event FileRenameSuccess is generated when the function frename executed successfully.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • path : HEX value specifying the memory location of the initial file name.
  • newname : HEX value specifying the memory location of the new file name.

◆ EvrFsFAT_FileSeekIncrease()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FileSeekIncrease ( int32_t  h,
uint32_t  csize,
uint32_t  nsize 

Event on FAT file increase using fseek (Op)

[in]hFAT file handle index
[in]csizecurrent file size
[in]nsizenew file size

The event FileSeekIncrease is generated when function fseek attempts to increase the file size by setting file cursor position beyond EOF.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • csize : current file size.
  • nsize : new file size and new cursor location.

◆ EvrFsFAT_FormatDrive()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FormatDrive ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT drive format operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event FormatDrive is generated when the function fformat is called and a valid FAT drive is specified.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_FormatDriveSuccess()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FormatDriveSuccess ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on successful formating of a FAT drive (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event FormatDriveSuccess is generated when FAT drive is successfully formatted.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_FormatLowLevel()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FormatLowLevel ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT media low level format operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event FormatLowLevel is generated when the function fformat is called on a FAT drive with the option /LL or /LLEB.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_FormatMediaCapacity()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FormatMediaCapacity ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  sectors 

Event on FAT media capacity read (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]sectorsnumber of available sectors

The event FormatMediaCapacity is generated during FAT drive formatting when media capacity is determined.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • sectors : capacity in amount of sectors.

◆ EvrFsFAT_FormatNoSpace()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FormatNoSpace ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on not enough free space for FAT12/16 format (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event FormatNoSpace is generated when the function fformat detects not enough space to complete format.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_FormatNoSpaceFAT32()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FormatNoSpaceFAT32 ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on not enough free space for FAT32 format (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event FormatNoSpaceFAT32 is generated when the function fformat detects that the volume is too small for FAT32.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_FormatOptionDetected()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FormatOptionDetected ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  option 

Event on FAT drive format option detection (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]optionoption identifier

The event FormatOptionDetected is generated when the function fformat executes on a FAT drive and format options were detected.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • option : fformat formatting options.

◆ EvrFsFAT_FormatProperties()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FormatProperties ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  type,
uint32_t  clus_size,
uint32_t  data_clus 

Event on setting FAT format properties (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]typeFAT file system type
[in]clus_sizecluster size
[in]data_clusnumber of data clusters

The event FormatProperties is generated when the function fformat determines the volume formatting parameters.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • type : FAT type.
  • clus_size : cluster size.
  • data_clus : number of data clusters.

◆ EvrFsFAT_FreeAmount()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_FreeAmount ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  clus,
uint32_t  size 

Event on FAT free space retrieval (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]clusnumber of free clusters
[in]sizecluster size

The event FreeAmount is generated when the function ffree executed successfully.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • free : free space or execution status
    • value >= 0: free space on drive in bytes.
    • value < 0: error occurred, -value is execution status as defined with fsStatus

◆ EvrFsFAT_GetFreeSpace()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_GetFreeSpace ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT free space retrieve request (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event FreeSpaceRetrieve is generated when the function ffree executes.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_InitDrive()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InitDrive ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT drive initialization (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event InitDrive is generated when the function finit is called and a valid FAT drive is specified.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_InitDriverCfgError()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InitDriverCfgError ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT driver configuration error (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event InitDriverCfgError is generated when I/O driver configuration is invalid.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_InitDriverError()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InitDriverError ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT driver initialization error (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event InitDriverError is generated when the system failed to initialize the I/O driver.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_InitDriveSuccess()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InitDriveSuccess ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on successful FAT drive initialization (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event InitDriveSuccess is generated when FAT drive is successfully initialized.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_InitJournal()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InitJournal ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT journal initialization start (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event InitJournal is generated when functions fmount or fformat attempt to initialize the FAT journal.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_InitJournalFATError()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InitJournalFATError ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on invalid FAT formatting to complete journal initialization (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event InitJournalFATError is generated when FAT journal initialization fails.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_InitJournalSuccess()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InitJournalSuccess ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on successful FAT journal initialization (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event InitJournalSuccess is generated when FAT journal in successfully initialized.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_InitMediaError()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InitMediaError ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT media initialization error (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event InitMediaError is generated during drive mount procedure when media initialization fails.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_InvalidBootSector()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InvalidBootSector ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on invalid Boot Sector (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event InvalidBootSector is generated when the Boot Sector signature is invalid.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_InvalidFAT()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InvalidFAT ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on invalid FAT volume description (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event InvalidFAT is generated when invalid FAT file system properties are detected.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_InvalidFreeClusFSInfo()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InvalidFreeClusFSInfo ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on invalid number of free clusters in FAT FSInfo signature (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event InvalidFreeClusFSInfo is generated when FSInfo structure contains invalid number of free clusters.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_InvalidFSInfo()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InvalidFSInfo ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on invalid FAT FSInfo signature (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event InvalidFSInfo is generated when at least one FSInfo sector signature is invalid.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_InvalidMBR()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InvalidMBR ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on invalid Master Boot Record (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event InvalidMBR is generated when the Master Boot Record signature is invalid.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_InvalidNextClusFSInfo()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InvalidNextClusFSInfo ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on invalid next free cluster in FAT FSInfo signature (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event InvalidNextClusFSInfo is generated when FSInfo structure contains invalid next free cluster information.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_InvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_InvalidParameter ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT invalid function parameter error (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event InvalidParameter is generated when functions detect invalid parameter.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_LabelInvalid()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_LabelInvalid ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on invalid character found in FAT label (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event LabelInvalid is generated when function fformat detects invalid label character in specified label.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_LabelNotSet()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_LabelNotSet ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on nonexisting FAT volume label (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event LabelNotSet is generated when function fvol attempts to read nonexistent volume label.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_LabelString()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_LabelString ( const char *  buf,
uint32_t  len 

Event on FAT volume label string output (Detail)

[in]buflabel string buffer
[in]lenlabel string length

The event LabelString is generated when volume label is specified in a function call.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • ASCII string representation of the label specified.

◆ EvrFsFAT_MediaInitStatError()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_MediaInitStatError ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT media init status error (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event MediaInitStatError is generated when functions attempt to access media but media initialization status is invalid.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_MediaInsertStatError()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_MediaInsertStatError ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT media not present status error (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event MediaInsertStatError is generated when functions attempt to access media but media insertion status is invalid.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_MountDrive()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_MountDrive ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT drive mount operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event MountDrive is generated when the function fmount is called and a valid FAT drive is specified.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_MountDriveSuccess()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_MountDriveSuccess ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on successful mount of a FAT drive (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event MountDriveSuccess is generated when FAT drive is successfully mounted.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_NameCacheEntryDelete()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_NameCacheEntryDelete ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  clus,
uint32_t  offs,
uint32_t  cnt 

Event on FAT name cache entry delete (Detail)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]clusname entry cluster number
[in]offsname entry offset
[in]cntnumber of name entries

The event NameCacheEntryDelete is generated when location of the FAT directory entry was deleted from the FAT name cache.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • clus : FAT directory entry cluster number.
  • offs : FAT directory entry offset number.
  • cnt : number of FAT directory entries correlated with current file or directory name.

◆ EvrFsFAT_NameCacheEntryFound()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_NameCacheEntryFound ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  clus,
uint32_t  offs,
uint32_t  cnt 

Event on found file name entry in FAT name cache (Detail)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]clusname entry cluster number
[in]offsname entry offset
[in]cntnumber of name entries

The event NameCacheEntryFound is generated when location of the FAT directory entry was found in the FAT name cache.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • clus : FAT directory entry cluster number.
  • offs : FAT directory entry offset number.
  • cnt : number of FAT directory entries correlated with current file or directory name.

◆ EvrFsFAT_NameCacheEntryInsert()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_NameCacheEntryInsert ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  clus,
uint32_t  offs,
uint32_t  cnt 

Event on FAT name cache entry insert (Detail)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]clusname entry cluster number
[in]offsname entry offset
[in]cntnumber of name entries

The event NameCacheEntryInsert is generated when location of the FAT directory entry was inserted into the FAT name cache.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • clus : FAT directory entry cluster number.
  • offs : FAT directory entry offset number.
  • cnt : number of FAT directory entries correlated with current file or directory name.

◆ EvrFsFAT_NameCacheHit()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_NameCacheHit ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  name,
uint32_t  len 

Event on FAT name cache hit (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]namename buffer pointer
[in]lenname length

The event NameCacheHit is generated when specified file or directory name was found in the FAT name cache.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • name : pointer to memory location where name string is stored
  • len : name string length

◆ EvrFsFAT_NameCacheMiss()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_NameCacheMiss ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  name,
uint32_t  len 

Event on FAT name cache miss (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]namename buffer pointer
[in]lenname length

The event NameCacheMiss is generated when specified file or directory name was not found in the FAT name cache.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • name : pointer to memory location where name string is stored.
  • len : name string length.

◆ EvrFsFAT_NonexistentMBR()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_NonexistentMBR ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on nonexistent Master Boot Record (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event NonexistentMBR is generated when the Master Boot Record does not exists.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_OptionsString()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_OptionsString ( const char *  buf,
uint32_t  len 

Event on FAT options specification (Detail)

[in]bufoptions string buffer
[in]lenoptions string length

The event OptionsString is generated when options string is specified in a function call.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • ASCII string representation of the specified options.

◆ EvrFsFAT_PathBufferToSmall()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_PathBufferToSmall ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on directory/file path buffer size error (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event PathBufferToSmall is generated when specified file path storing buffer is to small.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_PathInvalidChar()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_PathInvalidChar ( const char  ch)

Event on invalid FAT path character (Error)

[in]chinvalid character found

The event PathInvalidChar is generated when File Maintenance Routines or Directory Maintenance Routines detect a wrong character in the path parameter.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • ch : invalid character detected.

◆ EvrFsFAT_PathIsDirNotFile()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_PathIsDirNotFile ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT directory found instead of file (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event PathIsDirNotFile is generated when the expected parameter of File Maintenance Routines is a directory instead of a file.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_PathIsTooLong()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_PathIsTooLong ( uint32_t  max_len)

Event on too long FAT path (Error)

[in]max_lenmaximum path length

The event PathIsTooLong is generated when File Maintenance Routines or Directory Maintenance Routines detect a path name that is too long.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • max_len : maximum allowed path length.

◆ EvrFsFAT_PathName()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_PathName ( const char *  buf,
uint32_t  len 

Event on FAT path specification (Detail)

[in]bufpath string buffer
[in]lenpath string length

The event PathName is generated when file or directory path is specified in a function call.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • ASCII string representation of a file or directory path.

◆ EvrFsFAT_PathProcessing()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_PathProcessing ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  path 

Event on FAT path processing (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]pathcurrent path address

The event PathProcessing is generated on attempt to traverse the specified path.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • path : hex value specifying the memory location of the path specification string.

◆ EvrFsFAT_Pwd()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_Pwd ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  path,
uint32_t  len 

Event on FAT current directory print (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]pathdirectory path buffer address
[in]lenbuffer length

The event Pwd is generated when the function fpwd executes.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : string specifying the memory or storage device.
  • path : string specifying the directory.
  • len : string buffer length.

◆ EvrFsFAT_PwdSuccess()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_PwdSuccess ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  path,
uint32_t  len 

Event on successful FAT current directory print (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]pathdirectory path buffer address
[in]lenbuffer length

The event PwdSuccess is generated when the function fpwd executed successfully.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : string specifying the memory or storage device.
  • path : string specifying the directory.
  • len : string buffer length.

◆ EvrFsFAT_ReadBootSector()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_ReadBootSector ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  sector 

Event on Boot Sector read operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]sectorBoot Sector sector number

The event ReadBootSector is generated when the function fmount reads the Boot Sector.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • sector : number of the sector.

◆ EvrFsFAT_ReadFSInfo()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_ReadFSInfo ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  sector 

Event on FAT FSInfo read operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]sectorFS Info sector number

The event ReadFSInfo is generated when functions attempt to read the FSInfo (FAT32) sector.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • sector : sector number read from the media.

◆ EvrFsFAT_ReadMBR()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_ReadMBR ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  sector 

Event on Master Boot Record read operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]sectorMaster Boot Record sector number

The event ReadMBR is generated when the function fmount reads the Master Boot Record.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • sector : sector number.

◆ EvrFsFAT_ResetHandles()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_ResetHandles ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on reset of all FAT file handles (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event ResetHandles is generated when FAT file handles are being reset.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_SectorReadFailed()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_SectorReadFailed ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  sector,
uint32_t  count 

Event on sector read error (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]sectorsector number
[in]countnumber of sectors to read

The event SectorReadFailed is generated when sector read fails.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • sector : sector number.
  • count : number of sectors to read.

◆ EvrFsFAT_SectorWriteFailed()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_SectorWriteFailed ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  sector,
uint32_t  count 

Event on sector write error (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]sectorsector number
[in]countnumber of sectors to write

The event SectorWriteFailed is generated when sector write fails.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • sector : sector number.
  • count : number of sectors to read.

◆ EvrFsFAT_TimeData()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_TimeData ( fsTime create,
fsTime access,
fsTime write 

Event on FAT timestamp data set/get (Detail)

[in]createpointer to fsTime structure containing create timestamp data
[in]accesspointer to fsTime structure containing last access timestamp data
[in]writepointer to fsTime structure containing last write timestamp data

The event TimeData is generated when timestamp information is set or retrieved by the application.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • type of timestamp: "Create Time", "Last Access Time" or "Last Write Time"
  • time and date information: hour:minute:second, day.month.year

◆ EvrFsFAT_TimeGet()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_TimeGet ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  path 

Event on FAT timestamp get (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]pathfile path buffer address

The event TimeGet is generated when timestamp information is retrieved by the application.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • path : pointer to the filename.

◆ EvrFsFAT_TimeSet()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_TimeSet ( uint32_t  drive,
const char *  path 

Event on FAT timestamp set (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]pathfile path buffer address

The event TimeGet is generated when timestamp information is set by the application.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • path : pointer to the filename.

◆ EvrFsFAT_UninitDrive()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_UninitDrive ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT drive uninitialization (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event UninitDrive is generated when the function funinit is called and a valid FAT drive is specified.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_UnmountDrive()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_UnmountDrive ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT drive unmount operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event UnmountDrive is generated when the function funmount is called and a valid FAT drive is specified.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_UnmountDriveSuccess()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_UnmountDriveSuccess ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on successful unmount of a FAT drive (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event UnmountDriveSuccess is generated when FAT drive is successfully unmounted.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_VolumeNotMounted()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_VolumeNotMounted ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT when using unmounted volume (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event VolumeNotMounted is generated when the accessed volume is not mounted.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_VolumeReadyStatError()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_VolumeReadyStatError ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT volume ready status error (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event VolumeReadyStatError is generated when the volume is not ready for use.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_VolumeWriteStatError()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_VolumeWriteStatError ( uint32_t  drive)

Event on FAT volume write protection active status error (Error)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter

The event VolumeWriteStatError is generated when the volume write protection is active.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.

◆ EvrFsFAT_WriteBootSector()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_WriteBootSector ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  sector 

Event on Boot Sector write operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]sectorboot sector number

The event WriteBootSector is generated when the function fmount writes the Boot Sector.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • sector : number of first sector.

◆ EvrFsFAT_WriteFSInfo()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_WriteFSInfo ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  sector 

Event on FAT FSInfo write operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]sectorFS Info sector number

The event WriteFSInfo is generated when functions attempt to write the FSInfo (FAT32) sector.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • sector : number of sector.

◆ EvrFsFAT_WriteMBR()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrFsFAT_WriteMBR ( uint32_t  drive,
uint32_t  sector 

Event on Master Boot Record write operation (Op)

[in]drive4 byte encoded drive letter
[in]sectormaster boot record sector number

The event WriteMBR is generated when the function fformat creates the Master Boot Record.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • drive : identifier of the drive.
  • sector : number of first sector.