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NetSMTP: SMTP Client

Events generated by the Network - SMTP Client functions. More...


__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_InitClient (void)
 Event on SMTP client initialize (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_GetSocketFailed (void)
 Event on SMTP client failed to allocate TCP socket (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_Connect (const void *net_addr)
 Event on SMTP client netSMTPc_Connect to the server (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_ConnectInvalidParameter (void)
 Event on netSMTPc_Connect invalid parameter (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_ConnectClientBusy (void)
 Event on netSMTPc_Connect failed, client busy (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMail (uint8_t num_rcpt)
 Event on SMTP client netSMTPc_SendMail to mail server (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailInvalidParameter (void)
 Event on netSMTPc_SendMail invalid parameter (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailTlsNotEnabled (void)
 Event on netSMTPc_SendMail secure TLS not enabled (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailClientBusy (void)
 Event on netSMTPc_SendMail failed, client busy (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailNoRecipients (void)
 Event on netSMTPc_SendMail failed, mail recipient not specified (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailServerNotValid (void)
 Event on netSMTPc_SendMail failed, mail server not valid (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailDnsError (void)
 Event on netSMTPc_SendMail failed, DNS host resolver error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailAttachNotEnabled (void)
 Event on netSMTPc_SendMail failed, support for attachments not enabled (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailAttachFailed (const char *fname, uint32_t length)
 Event on netSMTPc_SendMail attach file failed, fopen failed (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailMultipart (uint8_t num_files)
 Event on SMTP client netSMTPc_SendMail multipart with attachments (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailAttachment (const char *fname, uint32_t length)
 Event on netSMTPc_SendMail attach file (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_InboundConnRejected (int32_t socket)
 Event on SMTP client inbound connection rejected (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SocketAborted (int32_t socket)
 Event on SMTP client socket aborted (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SocketConnected (int32_t socket)
 Event on SMTP client socket connected (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SocketClosed (int32_t socket)
 Event on SMTP client socket closed (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_ReceiveFrame (int32_t socket, uint32_t length)
 Event on SMTP client received frame (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_UnackedDataError (int32_t socket)
 Event on SMTP client unacked data error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_FrameTooShort (uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length)
 Event on SMTP receive frame is too short (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_ServerReady (void)
 Event on SMTP client server ready response (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_EsmtpModeNotSupported (void)
 Event on SMTP client Extended SMTP mode (ESMTP) not supported (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_EhloResponseFragmented (void)
 Event on SMTP client EHLO response divided into multiple frames (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_EsmtpModeActive (void)
 Event on SMTP client Extended SMTP mode (ESMTP) active (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_StartAuthentication (uint8_t auth_mode)
 Event on SMTP client start authentication (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_AuthenticationDenied (void)
 Event on SMTP client authentication denied by the user (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_AuthMethodNotSupported (uint8_t auth_mode)
 Event on SMTP client authentication method not supported (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SmtpModeActive (void)
 Event on SMTP client basic SMTP mode active (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_AuthenticationSuccessful (void)
 Event on SMTP client authentication completed successfully (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_AuthenticationFailed (void)
 Event on SMTP client authentication failed (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_ServerAcknowledge (void)
 Event on SMTP client received server acknowledgment (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_WrongResponse (const uint8_t *response, uint32_t length)
 Event on SMTP client received wrong response from server (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_ClientStopTimeoutExpired (void)
 Event on SMTP client stop operation, timeout expired (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMessageBody (void)
 Event on SMTP client send message body start (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMessageEnd (void)
 Event on SMTP client send end of message sequence (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendCommand (const uint8_t *command, uint32_t length)
 Event on SMTP client send command to server (Detail)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_ClientCloseSocket (int32_t socket)
 Event on SMTP client close socket (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_ClientDone (uint8_t cb_event)
 Event on SMTP client completed operation (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_TlsSupportIndicated (void)
 Event on SMTP client TLS support indicated by the server (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_StartTlsAccepted (void)
 Event on SMTP client STARTTLS command accepted by the server (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_TlsGetContextFailed (void)
 Event on SMTP client failed to allocate secure TLS context (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_TlsModeStarted (void)
 Event on SMTP client started secure TLS mode (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_TlsModeEstablished (uint8_t tls_id)
 Event on SMTP client established secure TLS session (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_UninitClient (void)
 Event on SMTP client de-initialize (Op)


Events generated by the Network - SMTP Client functions.

The SMTP client functions generate events that make it easier to troubleshoot errors, and allow the user to understand how the SMTP client works.

Function Documentation

◆ EvrNetSMTP_AuthenticationDenied()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_AuthenticationDenied ( void  )

Event on SMTP client authentication denied by the user (Op)

The event AuthenticationDenied is created when the user application refused the authentication advertised by the SMTP server. The client then uses non-authentication mode to send emails.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_AuthenticationFailed()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_AuthenticationFailed ( void  )

Event on SMTP client authentication failed (Error)

The event AuthenticationFailed is created when the SMTP client fails to authenticate to the server. The client session is then closed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • error

◆ EvrNetSMTP_AuthenticationSuccessful()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_AuthenticationSuccessful ( void  )

Event on SMTP client authentication completed successfully (Op)

The event AuthenticationSuccessful is created when the SMTP client successfully authenticates to the server. The client then continues with sending email.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_AuthMethodNotSupported()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_AuthMethodNotSupported ( uint8_t  auth_mode)

Event on SMTP client authentication method not supported (Error)

auth_modeSMTP authentication mode
  • 0: not required
  • 1: PLAIN
  • 2: LOGIN
  • 3: DIGEST-MD5
  • 4: CRAM-MD5
  • 5: NTLM
  • 6: unknown

The event AuthMethodNotSupported is created when the SMTP client does not support the authentication mode advertised by the server. The client session is therefore closed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • auth_mode: authentication mode (NONE, PLAIN, LOGIN, DIGEST-MD5, CRAM-MD5, NTLM).

◆ EvrNetSMTP_ClientCloseSocket()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_ClientCloseSocket ( int32_t  socket)

Event on SMTP client close socket (Op)

socketassigned TCP socket

The event ClientCloseSocket is created when the SMTP client session ends and the control socket must disconnect from the server.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: SMTP client socket.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_ClientDone()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_ClientDone ( uint8_t  cb_event)

Event on SMTP client completed operation (Op)

cb_eventuser callback nofication event
  • 0: Email successfully sent
  • 1: Timeout on sending email
  • 2: Login failed, username/password invalid
  • 3: Generic SMTP client error

The event ClientDone is created when the SMTP client operation is complete and the client session ends. The user application is then notified of the completion event.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • cb_event: completion event to notify (Success, Timeout, LoginFailed, Error).

◆ EvrNetSMTP_ClientStopTimeoutExpired()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_ClientStopTimeoutExpired ( void  )

Event on SMTP client stop operation, timeout expired (Error)

The event ClientStopTimeoutExpired is created when the SMTP operation has expired but is not completed. The SMTP client session is then terminated.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • error

◆ EvrNetSMTP_Connect()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_Connect ( const void *  net_addr)

Event on SMTP client netSMTPc_Connect to the server (API)

net_addrpointer to NET_ADDR server address structure

The event Connect is created when the SMTP client wants to connect to a server. This happens when the function netSMTPc_Connect is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • server: IPv4 or IPv6 address of the server.
  • port: server port number.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_ConnectClientBusy()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_ConnectClientBusy ( void  )

Event on netSMTPc_Connect failed, client busy (Error)

The event ConnectClientBusy is created when the SMTP client can not connect to the server, because the SMTP client is already running.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • error

◆ EvrNetSMTP_ConnectInvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_ConnectInvalidParameter ( void  )

Event on netSMTPc_Connect invalid parameter (Error)

The event ConnectInvalidParameter is created when the SMTP client can not connect to the server, because the netSMTPc_Connect function is called with an invalid input parameter.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • error

◆ EvrNetSMTP_EhloResponseFragmented()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_EhloResponseFragmented ( void  )

Event on SMTP client EHLO response divided into multiple frames (Op)

The event EhloResponseFragmented is created when the SMTP client receives a milti-line response to EHLO command from the server, but the last line of the response has not yet been received. The SMTP client is thus waiting for more data.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_EsmtpModeActive()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_EsmtpModeActive ( void  )

Event on SMTP client Extended SMTP mode (ESMTP) active (Op)

The event EsmtpModeActive is created when the SMTP server acknowledges the extended SMTP mode (ESMTP) that the client is trying to use. The client then uses extended SMTP mode to send an email.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_EsmtpModeNotSupported()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_EsmtpModeNotSupported ( void  )

Event on SMTP client Extended SMTP mode (ESMTP) not supported (Op)

The event EsmtpModeNotSupported is created when the SMTP server does not accept extended SMTP mode (ESMTP) that the client is trying to use. The client then switches to basic SMTP mode.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_FrameTooShort()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_FrameTooShort ( uint32_t  length,
uint32_t  min_length 

Event on SMTP receive frame is too short (Error)

lengthframe length in bytes
min_lengthminimum length of the frame

The event FrameTooShort is created when the SMTP client receives the frame that is too short. The frame is then discarded.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • len: length of the received frame in bytes.
  • min: minimum valid frame length in bytes.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_GetSocketFailed()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_GetSocketFailed ( void  )

Event on SMTP client failed to allocate TCP socket (Error)

The event GetSocketFailed is created when the SMTP client is initialized, that is, when the function netInitialize is executed, and the service could not assign the TCP socket. To resolve this error, you must increase the number of available TCP sockets in the TCP socket configuration.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • error

◆ EvrNetSMTP_InboundConnRejected()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_InboundConnRejected ( int32_t  socket)

Event on SMTP client inbound connection rejected (Error)

socketassigned TCP socket

The event InboundConnRejected is created when the SMTP server initiates a connection to the SMTP client. The connection request is therefore rejected. Only the SMTP client needs to establish a data connection.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: SMTP client socket.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_InitClient()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_InitClient ( void  )

Event on SMTP client initialize (Op)

The event InitClient is created when the SMTP client is initialized, that is, when the function netInitialize is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • smtp

◆ EvrNetSMTP_ReceiveFrame()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_ReceiveFrame ( int32_t  socket,
uint32_t  length 

Event on SMTP client received frame (Op)

socketassigned TCP socket
lengthframe length in bytes

The event ReceiveFrame is created when the SMTP client receives the frame.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: SMTP client socket.
  • len: length of the received frame in bytes.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_SendCommand()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendCommand ( const uint8_t *  command,
uint32_t  length 

Event on SMTP client send command to server (Detail)

commandserver command in text form
lengthlength of the command string

The event SendCommand is created when the SMTP client sends a SMTP command to the server.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • command: SMTP command to send.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_SendMail()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMail ( uint8_t  num_rcpt)

Event on SMTP client netSMTPc_SendMail to mail server (API)

num_rcptnumber of mail recipients (To, CC, BCC)

The event SendMail is created when a user wants to send an email in blocking mode and calls the function netSMTPc_SendMail.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • recipients: number of email recipients.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_SendMailAttachFailed()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailAttachFailed ( const char *  fname,
uint32_t  length 

Event on netSMTPc_SendMail attach file failed, fopen failed (Error)

fnamename of the requested file
lengthlength of the fname string

The event SendMailAttachFailed is created when the SMTP client could not send email because the attachment file could not be opened. The file does not exist or an internal file system error has occurred. To resolve this error, ensure that the attachment file exist on the storage drive.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • name: name of the file to attach.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_SendMailAttachment()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailAttachment ( const char *  fname,
uint32_t  length 

Event on netSMTPc_SendMail attach file (Op)

fnamename of the requested file
lengthlength of the fname string

The event SendMailAttachment is created when the SMTP client successfully opens the file to be attached to the email message.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • name: name of the file to be attached.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_SendMailAttachNotEnabled()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailAttachNotEnabled ( void  )

Event on netSMTPc_SendMail failed, support for attachments not enabled (Error)

The event SendMailAttachNotEnabled is created when the SMTP client can not send email because the attachment is required but is not enabled in SMTP client configuration. To resolve this error, enable the email attachments in SMTP client configuration.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • error

◆ EvrNetSMTP_SendMailClientBusy()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailClientBusy ( void  )

Event on netSMTPc_SendMail failed, client busy (Error)

The event SendMailClientBusy is created when the SMTP client can not send email because it is busy sending email from a previous request that is not yet complete. To resolve this error, call the function again after a short delay.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • error

◆ EvrNetSMTP_SendMailDnsError()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailDnsError ( void  )

Event on netSMTPc_SendMail failed, DNS host resolver error (Error)

The event SendMailDnsError is created when the SMTP client can not send email because the SMTP server can not be resolved due to an error in the DNS resolution process. If the error was caused by a DNS server unresponsiveness or a network error, then calling the function netSMTPc_SendMail again will correct the error.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • error

◆ EvrNetSMTP_SendMailInvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailInvalidParameter ( void  )

Event on netSMTPc_SendMail invalid parameter (Error)

The event SendMailInvalidParameter is created when the SMTP client can not send an email, because the netSMTPc_SendMail function is called with an invalid input parameter.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • error

◆ EvrNetSMTP_SendMailMultipart()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailMultipart ( uint8_t  num_files)

Event on SMTP client netSMTPc_SendMail multipart with attachments (Op)

num_filesnumber of files to attach

The event SendMailMultipart is created when an SMTP client sends an email with more than one attachment. Attachments are sent as multipart content.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • attachments: number of files to attach.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_SendMailNoRecipients()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailNoRecipients ( void  )

Event on netSMTPc_SendMail failed, mail recipient not specified (Error)

The event SendMailNoRecipients is created when the SMTP client can not send email because no email recipient is specified. To resolve this error, add at least one email recipient to the email descriptor parameter for the netSMTPc_SendMail function.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • error

◆ EvrNetSMTP_SendMailServerNotValid()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailServerNotValid ( void  )

Event on netSMTPc_SendMail failed, mail server not valid (Error)

The event SendMailServerNotValid is created when the SMTP client can not send email because the specified SMTP server name is invalid and its address can not be resolved. To resolve this error, specify a valid server name in the mail transfer agent parameter mta for the netSMTPc_SendMail function.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • error

◆ EvrNetSMTP_SendMailTlsNotEnabled()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMailTlsNotEnabled ( void  )

Event on netSMTPc_SendMail secure TLS not enabled (Error)

The event SendMailTlsNotEnabled is created when the SMTP client can not send email because the secure TLS (SMTPS) is required but is not enabled in SMTP client configuration. To resolve this error, enable the mbedTLS component in runtime environment.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • error

◆ EvrNetSMTP_SendMessageBody()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMessageBody ( void  )

Event on SMTP client send message body start (Op)

The event SendMessageBody is created when the SMTP clients starts sending the message body.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_SendMessageEnd()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SendMessageEnd ( void  )

Event on SMTP client send end of message sequence (Op)

The event SendMessageEnd is created when the SMTP client finishes sending the message and sends a sequence of characters indicating the end of the message.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:


◆ EvrNetSMTP_ServerAcknowledge()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_ServerAcknowledge ( void  )

Event on SMTP client received server acknowledgment (Op)

The event ServerAcknowledge is created when the SMTP server acknowledges a command received from the client.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_ServerReady()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_ServerReady ( void  )

Event on SMTP client server ready response (Op)

The event ServerReady is created when the SMTP client receives a response from the server that the server is ready to receive SMTP client commands. This means that user authentication can begin.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_SmtpModeActive()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SmtpModeActive ( void  )

Event on SMTP client basic SMTP mode active (Op)

The event SmtpModeActive is created when the SMTP server rejects the extended SMTP mode (ESMTP) that the client is trying to use. The client then uses basic SMTP mode to send an email.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_SocketAborted()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SocketAborted ( int32_t  socket)

Event on SMTP client socket aborted (Error)

socketassigned TCP socket

The event SocketAborted is created when the SMTP client connection is unexpectedly terminated from the server. The client session is then closed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: SMTP client socket.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_SocketClosed()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SocketClosed ( int32_t  socket)

Event on SMTP client socket closed (Op)

socketassigned TCP socket

The event SocketClosed is created when the SMTP client connection is unexpectedly closed from the server. The client session is then closed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: SMTP client socket.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_SocketConnected()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_SocketConnected ( int32_t  socket)

Event on SMTP client socket connected (Op)

socketassigned TCP socket

The event SocketConnected is created when the SMTP client is connected to the server. The connection is established and the client session is then active.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: SMTP client socket.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_StartAuthentication()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_StartAuthentication ( uint8_t  auth_mode)

Event on SMTP client start authentication (Op)

auth_modeSMTP authentication mode
  • 0: not required
  • 1: PLAIN
  • 2: LOGIN
  • 3: DIGEST-MD5
  • 4: CRAM-MD5
  • 5: NTLM
  • 6: unknown

The event StartAuthentication is created when the SMTP client starts the authentication process for logging in to the server.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • auth_mode: authentication mode (NONE, PLAIN, LOGIN, DIGEST-MD5, CRAM-MD5, NTLM).

◆ EvrNetSMTP_StartTlsAccepted()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_StartTlsAccepted ( void  )

Event on SMTP client STARTTLS command accepted by the server (Op)

The event StartTlsAccepted is created when the SMTP client receives a response from the server indicating that the server is ready to start TLS.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_TlsGetContextFailed()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_TlsGetContextFailed ( void  )

Event on SMTP client failed to allocate secure TLS context (Error)

The event TlsGetContextFailed is created when the SMTP client is initialized, that is, when the function netInitialize is executed, and the service could not assign the TLS context.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • error

◆ EvrNetSMTP_TlsModeEstablished()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_TlsModeEstablished ( uint8_t  tls_id)

Event on SMTP client established secure TLS session (Op)

tls_idTLS session identifier

The event TlsModeEstablished is created when the SMTP client successfully connected the TLS session and a secure session is established.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • tls_id: mbedTLS session identification.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_TlsModeStarted()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_TlsModeStarted ( void  )

Event on SMTP client started secure TLS mode (Op)

The event TlsModeStarted is created when the SMTP client has successfully initialized and started the TLS context used for secure communication.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_TlsSupportIndicated()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_TlsSupportIndicated ( void  )

Event on SMTP client TLS support indicated by the server (Op)

The event TlsSupportIndicated is created when the SMTP client receives a response from the server indicating that the server supports explicit TLS. This can be started with the STARTTLS command.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_UnackedDataError()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_UnackedDataError ( int32_t  socket)

Event on SMTP client unacked data error (Error)

socketassigned TCP socket

The event UnackedDataError is created when the SMTP client receives a new response from the server, but the previous data has not yet been acknowledged. The new SMTP response is then discarded.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: SMTP client socket.

◆ EvrNetSMTP_UninitClient()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_UninitClient ( void  )

Event on SMTP client de-initialize (Op)

The event UninitClient is created when the function netUninitialize is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • smtp

◆ EvrNetSMTP_WrongResponse()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetSMTP_WrongResponse ( const uint8_t *  response,
uint32_t  length 

Event on SMTP client received wrong response from server (Error)

responseserver response in text form
lengthlength of the response string

The event WrongResponse is created when the SMTP server responds to the requested command, but the SMTP client does not expect that response.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • reply: server response in text format.