Version | Description |
V8.1.0 |
- added support for simultaneous outgoing connections via different network interfaces
- fixed handling of Ethernet drivers not supporting multicast address filtering
V8.0.0 |
- removed CORE component variants
- changed source config files to headers
- removed support for legacy Arm Compiler 5
- removed support for CMSIS-RTOS version 1
- removed legacy API interface version 6
- corrected handling of a half-closed TCP socket, data delivery added
- fixed DHCP client issue with relay agent causing "ServerAddressNotSelected" error
- added function netARP_AddCache to manually add an entry to the ARP cache table
- added option for updating mbedTLS certificates at runtime
- added IPv6 Multicasting with MLD, Multicast Listener Discovery Protocol
- added BSD socket option SO_BINDTODEVICE to bind socket to a network interface
- increased default Core Thread stack size (from 1024 to 2048)
V7.19.0 |
- using Event Recorder component from CMSIS-View pack (instead of deprecated ARM_Compiler pack)
- fixed netNBNS_Resolve function to return resolved IP address when TTL=0 in response message
- fixed netDNSc_GetHostByNameX function to return netTimeout instead of netError status on timeout
- updated BSD socket API, type int changed to type int32_t
- updated the default HTTP web page and error pages
- fixed ARP issue that discarded ARP probe messages
- fixed Neighbor Discovery issue that discarded NA messages if override flag not set
- fixed possible allocation limit exceeded in debug version of SNMP agent
- fixed possible NET_ERROR_MEM_FREE error when flooded with ARP requests
- extended HTTP server functionality, added processing of query string in POST method
- corrected BSD datagram socket to return BSD_EMSGSIZE error if message size is too large
- fixed BSD socket datagram sending so that a large message is not split into smaller datagram messages
- fixed possible buffer overflow in netMAC_ntoa function
V7.18.0 |
- aligned with mbed TLS library version 3.1.0, SMTPS server verification is now mandatory
- fixed ethernet issue not receiving VLAN-tagged frames
- fixed DHCP client issue with relay agent causing "RelayAgentAddressInvalid" error
- fixed un-initialize function to resume blocked threads if they are waiting for network resources
- added functions netNBNS_Resolve and netNBNS_ClearCache in NBNS client
- updated telnet server to allow three authorization attempts before closing connection
- corrected md5 hash calculation in BE library versions
- minor stability and performance improvements
- improved code robustness
V7.17.0 |
- libraries built with Arm Compiler 6
- updated FTP server to check the specified path in change directory command
- improved FTP server file system interface for easier integration with a custom file system
- improved Event Recorder debug, updated documentation for debug events
V7.16.0 |
- added support for HTTP cookies
- fixed issue with netHTTPs_GetSession function, which may have returned an invalid session number
- upgraded BSD sockets to dual-stack sockets for IPv6
- added function netCGI_ProcessRequest to provide users with access to HTTP request haders
- added option in SNMP agent to send NULL character in "OCTET STREAM" objects
- fixed issue with netSNMP_Trap when parameter "addr" is NULL
- extended permission to change the root path in FTP server (until the user logs in)
- corrected processing of truncated DNS response messages
- added support for IPv6 fragmentation and reassembly
- added configurable MTU parameter for network interfaces that support IPv6
V7.15.0 |
- added functions netARP_ClearCache and netNDP_ClearCache to clear the ARP or NDP cache at runtime
- improved dynamic memory debugging, more detailed information in memory allocation and memory free debug events
- improved DNS response validation to improve robustness and resilience against DNS cyber attacks
- updated for use with the FuSa C Library, sprintf and sscanf are no longer used in the network library
- fixed duplicate AutoIP addresses if the same firmware is deployed on multiple devices
- fixed nonce caching issue in HTTP Digest authentication
- corrected select function to report a socket closed by a peer as readable
- fixed an Ethernet connectivity issue when the ARP cache table is fully utilized
- added functions in the user API that enable or disable echo response at runtime
- fixed Ethernet driver handling so that the receive function is not called before the link-up
- fixed possible NULL pointer dereference in a multi-interface configuration
- fixed issue with HTTP Digest authentication with Apple Safari browser
V7.14.0 |
- fixed a problem in the netUninitialize function that active BSD sockets remain blocked when the function is called by a low priority thread
- fixed a problem with the HTTP server when uploading files from the Firefox browser
- corrected OS layer timeouts for RTOS2, if the RTOS tick frequency is not 1000 Hz
- fixed a build error when IPv6 was disabled in all LAN interfaces
- fixed "no route found" error when sending broadcast frames
- added netUDP_OptionInterface option to change the default interface for sending broadcast frames
- updated the netFTPs_ffind function in the File System interface of the FTP server
- added configuration option to prevent sending ping response (no echo reply)
- added blocking functions netARP_ProbeX and netNDP_ProbeX for easy use
V7.13.1 |
- fixed an error when building projects with older network configurations that were not updated
V7.13.0 |
- added support for multiple LAN interfaces (Ethernet, WiFi) that can be used simultaneously
- reworked network system viewer in debugger, added status view for multiple network interfaces
- corrected IGMP checksum check error if the IGMP message is longer than 8 octets
- updated HTTP server to also add custom HTTP headers to internally generated server error messages
- corrected possible memory corruption in HTTP server, when a long HTTP URL request is received and Root Folder is used
- added netCGI_CustomHeader function to add a custom HTTP header to the web server response
- corrected memory issue when BSD stream socket keeps sending data on half-closed connection
- corrected DHCPv6 client issue to discard address offers, if preferred lifetime is equal to valid lifetime
- corrected modem driver issue with modem initialization string length limited to 64 characters
- added netHTTPs_CalcHashHA1 function to calculate MD5 hash HA1 for HTTP Digest authentication
V7.12.0 |
- corrected possible memory corruption in CHAP authentication, when PPP interface used in client mode, and the server generates CHAP challenges of less than 16 bytes
- added support for user accounts in HTTP server Digest authentication
- added support for passwords stored as MD5 hash value HA1
- added support for Digest access authentication in HTTP server
- corrected memory issue when receiving fragmented broadcast message
- corrected return code from BSD_EINVAL to BSD_ESOCK if BSD socket is not created
- improved robustness in BSD sockets
- corrected filtering for link-layer addressed UDP messages (datagrams with correct MAC address and invalid IP address are no longer received)
V7.11.0 |
- added support for the WiFi interface
- corrected Neighbor Discovery failure, when the requested global IPv6 address is on-link
- updated lease renewal in the DHCP client also updates the default Gateway
- corrected possible TCP socket retransmission failure in keep-alive mode for very short time limits, when the keep-alive timer expired before the retransmission timer
- corrected CHAP authentication failure in the PPP interface, when used in client mode
- optimized send_frame functions for network interfaces
- updated IGMP multicast address filtering
- improved and optimized network core processing
- improved versioning, added library version to a map file (ie: "network_ip4_release_v7.10.6")
- improved access to ethernet, serial and modem drivers
- minor code cleanup and optimization
- corrected problem in BSD socket timeouts, when the blocked receiving and blocked sending in the socket are simultaneously used from two threads
- corrected problem, that the device is not accessible to IPv6 after changing the MAC address
- added send frame buffering, if the MAC address in the IPv6 NDP cache is not resolved (the first call to the netUDP_Send function does not fail anymore)
- improved Event Recorder debug, updated documentation for debug events
V7.10.0 |
- corrected reduced performance in the loopback interface
- added debug configuration for Event Recorder
- added sendmsg function to BSD sockets
- corrected netTCP_GetSocket and netUDP_GetSocket functions to return netError code, if no free sockets are available, instead of calling net_sys_error handler
- corrected potential failure to start network tick timer in RTX5 environment
- added implicit binding to BSD sockets in connect and sendto functions
- updated bind function to support dynamic ports (bind to port 0)
- added recvmsg function to BSD sockets
- added dynamic port range settings in TCP and UDP sockets
- improved Ethernet debugging
- added Virtual LAN support in Ethernet interface (VLAN)
- updated Ethernet interface for reading the MAC address from the driver, if a unique MAC address is available in the driver
- updated netIF_SetOption and netIF_GetOption functions to accept a possibly non-aligned buffer, when 16-bit or 32-bit option is passed in the buffer
V7.9.0 |
V7.8.0 |
- corrected quoted-printable encoding for the character '=' in netSMTPc_SendMail function
- documented possible return codes for Network API functions
- changed return code netError to netFileError where appropriate in TFTP client
- corrected netSMTPc_SendMail functionality, if the requested attachment does not exist, the function fails with error code netFileError, rather than send a dummy attachment
- corrected a failure in netSMTPc_SendMail function, when sending an email with a large attachment
- added netUninitialize function to uninitialize the Network component
V7.7.0 |
- added SMTPS Client for secure emails (SMTP over SSL/TLS) using mbed TLS library
- corrected notifications in the Ethernet interface to send gratuitous ARP for each change of the IP address
- corrected poor performance on the HTTP server, when opening large files
- corrected thread lock issue in accept function of BSD sockets, if called from a different thread in blocking mode
- improved robustness required for Achilles level 1 certification
- added transmit frame buffering, if MAC address in ARP cache is not resolved (first call to netUDP_Send function does not fail anymore)
- replaced deprecated "__declspec" compiler directives with "__attribute__" directives
- updated SMTP client configuration for backward compatibility
- some optimizations of Network Core and services
- added netSMTPc_SendMail function, which runs in blocking mode
- added support for multiple email recipients (To, Cc, Bcc)
- added support for email address friendly names in SMTP client
- added configurable character encoding to support non ascii characters in SMTP client
- added support for email attachments in SMTP client
V7.5.0 |
- added netDHCP_SetOption function to change DHCP client options at runtime (for example DHCP Client-identifier option)
- added support for IPv4 fragmentation and reassembly
- added configurable MTU parameter for all network interfaces
- extended netIF_SetOption to change MTU parameter at runtime
- added netETH_SendRaw and netETH_ReceiveRaw functions to support implementing ethernet protocols by users
- added netDNSc_ClearCache function to clear the DNS cache at runtime
V7.4.0 |
- corrected HTTPS Web server problem, upload files limited to small files
- corrected problem of data loss in BSD stream sockets (TCP), which was caused by a traffic congestion on high-latency networks
- corrected FCARM file converter processing of regular expressions in java script (js) files
- corrected FCARM filename encoding to use slash '/' folder separator character (allows saving resource files in virtual subdirectories)
- library made RTOS agnostic, OS calls are from external functions which are compile time available
- added RTOS configuration files for CMSIS-RTOS and CMSIS-RTOS2
- added netIF_SetDefault function to dynamically change default interface at runtime
- added netHTTPs_SetRootPath, netFTPs_SetRootPath and netTFTPs_SetRootPath functions to change root folder at runtime
- corrected PPP_ACCM option negotiation in PPP interface, which caused connectivity issues with some GSM modems
V7.3.0 |
- added event recording debug library variant
V7.2.0 |
- corrected DHCP client to accept DHCP OFFER message, if source IP of relay agent is
- corrected return status in netUDP_Send function to indicate an error, if the packet is dropped while sending UDP packets back to back
- improved compatibility with ARM Compiler 6
- expanded buffer size for the modem response string from 40 to 128 bytes
- corrected infinite receive timeout in recv function, when BSD stream socket is in server mode
- simplified and optimized processing user command in Telnet server user interface
- added decoding of URL-encoded file/path information in HTTP server (ie. space character in a resource filename)
- optimized sending emails to generate less packets in SMTP client
- corrected thread deadlock in gethostbyname function, if netDNSc_GetHostByName function is called at the same time
V7.1.0 |
- added HTTPS Server for secure communication (HTTP over SSL/TLS) using mbed TLS library
- corrected link disconnect problem in netPPP_Close and netSLIP_Close functions
- updated HTTP, FTP, Telnet and TFTP Server start/stop control functions to blocking mode (function is completed after the server is running/has stopped)
- corrected problem of FTP Server not working with USB Host file system
- corrected BSD receive functions to return BSD_ERROR_CLOSED, if the connection is unexpectedly closed in blocking mode
- corrected serial communication problem on high-speed devices using PPP or SLIP interface
- added osThreadYield in Network core main loop (cooperative multithreading)
- added BSD socket event notification for mbed-client integration
- added access to modem response string in modem driver
- corrected low TCP performance problem when using only netTCP_Send and no network services
V7.0.0 |
- corrected connectivity problem in PPP interface running in server mode
- added support for relay agents in DHCP client (server on different subnet)
- added SO_RCVTIMEO option in BSD socket interface to set blocking receive timeout
- added support for AAAA-records in DNS client (resolves IPv6 address)
- added DHCPv6 client for dynamic address configuration (stateless or stateful mode)
- corrected minor bugs identified by static analysis of the source code
- added support for content type "text/plain" in HTTP server POST request processing
- corrected DHCP client lease renewal to update also DNS servers
- added fractional seconds time information in SNTP client
- added redirection of missing resources to a new location in HTTP server
- added IP address conflict detection for IPv4 and IPv6
- added Stateless Address Auto Configuration (SLAAC)
- added IPv6 FTP extensions in FTP server and FTP client
- added MIME type ".pdf" in HTTP server supported file types
- added netCGI_ContentType() function for custom MIME types
- added system configuration check in netInitialize(), signal NET_ERROR_CONFIG on error
- added system created network Core and interface threads in a library
- added mutex protection to network API functions, these functions are now thread-safe
- added adaptive time polling in ETH thread when ETH driver is used in polling mode
- updated dynamic port range in TCP and UDP sockets to use IANA recommendation (49152 - 65535)
- updated to provide full path for FTP server user access control
- corrected "frame too short" error in HTTP server when processing fragmented POST requests
- corrected application build problem when using PPP interface
- corrected bug in processing router advertisement message
- corrected vulnerability to Spank Attack and Spoofed RST packets
- corrected IPv6 receive address for loop-back interface
V7.0.0 (beta) |
- Initial release of dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) version of Network Component
- Incompatible API to version 6.x
- Added Implemented RFCs
- This Pack contains example projects for development boards: MCB1800, MCBSTM32F200, MCBSTM32F400