DriverOptions Class Reference

#include <DriverOptions.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 DriverOptions (armnn::Compute computeDevice, bool fp16Enabled=false)
 DriverOptions (const std::vector< armnn::BackendId > &backends, bool fp16Enabled=false)
 DriverOptions ()
 DriverOptions (DriverOptions &&other)=default
const std::vector< armnn::BackendId > & GetBackends () const
bool IsVerboseLoggingEnabled () const
const std::string & GetRequestInputsAndOutputsDumpDir () const
const std::string & GetServiceName () const
const std::set< unsigned int > & GetForcedUnsupportedOperations () const
const std::string & GetClTunedParametersFile () const
const std::string & GetClMLGOTunedParametersFile () const
armnn::IGpuAccTunedParameters::Mode GetClTunedParametersMode () const
armnn::IGpuAccTunedParameters::TuningLevel GetClTuningLevel () const
bool IsGpuProfilingEnabled () const
bool IsFastMathEnabled () const
bool GetFp16Enabled () const
void SetBackends (const std::vector< armnn::BackendId > &backends)
bool ShouldExit () const
int GetExitCode () const
const std::string & GetCachedNetworkFilePath () const
bool SaveCachedNetwork () const
unsigned int GetNumberOfThreads () const
bool isAsyncModelExecutionEnabled () const
unsigned int getNoOfArmnnThreads () const

Detailed Description

Definition at line 17 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DriverOptions() [1/4]

DriverOptions ( armnn::Compute  computeDevice,
bool  fp16Enabled = false 

Definition at line 32 of file DriverOptions.cpp.

33  : m_Backends({computeDevice})
34  , m_VerboseLogging(false)
35  , m_RequestInputsAndOutputsDumpDir(std::string(""))
36  , m_ServiceName(std::string("armnn_sl"))
37  , m_ForcedUnsupportedOperations({})
40  , m_EnableGpuProfiling(false)
41  , m_fp16Enabled(fp16Enabled)
42  , m_FastMathEnabled(false)
43  , m_ShouldExit(false)
44  , m_ExitCode(EXIT_SUCCESS)
45  , m_CachedNetworkFilePath(std::string(""))
46  , m_SaveCachedNetwork(false)
47  , m_NumberOfThreads(0)
48  , m_EnableAsyncModelExecution(false)
49  , m_ArmnnNumberOfThreads(1)
50 {
51 }

◆ DriverOptions() [2/4]

DriverOptions ( const std::vector< armnn::BackendId > &  backends,
bool  fp16Enabled = false 

Definition at line 53 of file DriverOptions.cpp.

54  : m_Backends(backends)
55  , m_VerboseLogging(false)
56  , m_RequestInputsAndOutputsDumpDir(std::string(""))
57  , m_ServiceName(std::string("armnn_sl"))
58  , m_ForcedUnsupportedOperations({})
61  , m_EnableGpuProfiling(false)
62  , m_fp16Enabled(fp16Enabled)
63  , m_FastMathEnabled(false)
64  , m_ShouldExit(false)
65  , m_ExitCode(EXIT_SUCCESS)
66  , m_CachedNetworkFilePath(std::string(""))
67  , m_SaveCachedNetwork(false)
68  , m_NumberOfThreads(0)
69  , m_EnableAsyncModelExecution(false)
70  , m_ArmnnNumberOfThreads(1)
71 {
72 }

◆ DriverOptions() [3/4]

Definition at line 77 of file DriverOptions.cpp.

78  : m_VerboseLogging(false)
79  , m_RequestInputsAndOutputsDumpDir(std::string(""))
80  , m_ServiceName(std::string("armnn_sl"))
81  , m_ForcedUnsupportedOperations({})
84  , m_EnableGpuProfiling(false)
85  , m_fp16Enabled(false)
86  , m_FastMathEnabled(false)
87  , m_ShouldExit(false)
88  , m_SaveCachedNetwork(false)
89  , m_NumberOfThreads(0)
90  , m_EnableAsyncModelExecution(false)
91  , m_ArmnnNumberOfThreads(1)
92 {
93  std::string unsupportedOperationsAsString;
94  std::string clTunedParametersModeAsString;
95  std::string clTuningLevelAsString;
96  std::vector<std::string> backends;
97  bool showHelp = false;
98  bool showVersion = false;
100  const char* rawEnv = std::getenv("ARMNN_SL_OPTIONS");
101  // If the environment variable isn't set we'll continue as if it were an empty string.
102  if (!rawEnv)
103  {
104  rawEnv = "";
105  }
106  string optionsAsString(rawEnv);
107  regex whiteSpaceRegex("\\s+");
108  // Tokienize the string based on whitespace.
109  sregex_token_iterator iter(optionsAsString.begin(), optionsAsString.end(), whiteSpaceRegex, -1);
110  sregex_token_iterator end;
111  vector<string> cliAsVector(iter, end);
112  // As we're pretending to be a command line, argv[0] should be an executable name.
113  cliAsVector.insert(cliAsVector.begin(), "ARMNN_SL_OPTIONS");
114  // Convert the vector of string to a vector of char* backed by the existing vector.
115  std::vector<char*> argVector;
116  for (const auto& arg : cliAsVector)
117  {
118  argVector.push_back((char*);
119  }
120  // Terminate the array.
121  argVector.push_back(nullptr);
122  // Create usable variables.
123  int argc = argVector.size() - 1; // Ignore the null pointer at the end.
124  char** argv =;
126  cxxopts::Options optionsDesc(argv[0], "Arm NN Support Library for the Android Neural Networks API."
127  "The support library will convert Android NNAPI requests "
128  "and delegate them to available ArmNN backends.");
129  try
130  {
131  optionsDesc.add_options()
133  ("a,enable-fast-math",
134  "Enables fast_math options in backends that support it. Using the fast_math flag can "
135  "lead to performance improvements but may result in reduced or different precision.",
136  cxxopts::value<bool>(m_FastMathEnabled)->default_value("false"))
138  ("c,compute","Comma separated list of backends to run layers on. "
139  "Examples of possible values are: CpuRef, CpuAcc, GpuAcc",
140  cxxopts::value<std::vector<std::string>>(backends))
142  ("d,request-inputs-and-outputs-dump-dir",
143  "If non-empty, the directory where request inputs and outputs should be dumped",
144  cxxopts::value<std::string>(m_RequestInputsAndOutputsDumpDir)->default_value(""))
146  ("f,fp16-enabled", "Enables support for relaxed computation from Float32 to Float16",
147  cxxopts::value<bool>(m_fp16Enabled)->default_value("false"))
149  ("h,help", "Show this help",
150  cxxopts::value<bool>(showHelp)->default_value("false")->implicit_value("true"))
152  ("m,cl-tuned-parameters-mode",
153  "If 'UseTunedParameters' (the default), will read CL tuned parameters from the file specified by "
154  "--cl-tuned-parameters-file. "
155  "If 'UpdateTunedParameters', will also find the optimum parameters when preparing new networks and update "
156  "the file accordingly.",
157  cxxopts::value<std::string>(clTunedParametersModeAsString)->default_value("UseTunedParameters"))
159  ("g,mlgo-cl-tuned-parameters-file",
160  "If non-empty, the given file will be used to load/save MLGO CL tuned parameters. ",
161  cxxopts::value<std::string>(m_ClMLGOTunedParametersFile)->default_value(""))
163  ("o,cl-tuning-level",
164  "exhaustive: all lws values are tested "
165  "normal: reduced number of lws values but enough to still have the performance really close to the "
166  "exhaustive approach "
167  "rapid: only 3 lws values should be tested for each kernel ",
168  cxxopts::value<std::string>(clTuningLevelAsString)->default_value("rapid"))
170  ("p,gpu-profiling", "Turns GPU profiling on",
171  cxxopts::value<bool>(m_EnableGpuProfiling)->default_value("false"))
173  ("q,cached-network-file", "If non-empty, the given file will be used to load/save cached network. "
174  "If save-cached-network option is given will save the cached network to given file."
175  "If save-cached-network option is not given will load the cached network from given "
176  "file.",
177  cxxopts::value<std::string>(m_CachedNetworkFilePath)->default_value(""))
179  ("s,save-cached-network",
180  "Enables saving the cached network to the file given with cached-network-file option."
181  " See also --cached-network-file",
182  cxxopts::value<bool>(m_SaveCachedNetwork)->default_value("false"))
184  ("number-of-threads",
185  "Assign the number of threads used by the CpuAcc backend. "
186  "Input value must be between 1 and 64. "
187  "Default is set to 0 (Backend will decide number of threads to use).",
188  cxxopts::value<unsigned int>(m_NumberOfThreads)->default_value("0"))
190  ("t,cl-tuned-parameters-file",
191  "If non-empty, the given file will be used to load/save CL tuned parameters. "
192  "See also --cl-tuned-parameters-mode",
193  cxxopts::value<std::string>(m_ClTunedParametersFile)->default_value(""))
195  ("u,unsupported-operations",
196  "If non-empty, a comma-separated list of operation indices which the driver will forcibly "
197  "consider unsupported",
198  cxxopts::value<std::string>(unsupportedOperationsAsString)->default_value(""))
200  ("v,verbose-logging", "Turns verbose logging on",
201  cxxopts::value<bool>(m_VerboseLogging)->default_value("false")->implicit_value("true"))
203  ("V,version", "Show version information",
204  cxxopts::value<bool>(showVersion)->default_value("false")->implicit_value("true"))
205  ;
206  }
207  catch (const std::exception& e)
208  {
209  VLOG(DRIVER) << "An error occurred attempting to construct options: " << e.what();
210  std::cout << "An error occurred attempting to construct options: %s" << std::endl;
211  m_ExitCode = EXIT_FAILURE;
212  return;
213  }
215  try
216  {
217  cxxopts::ParseResult result = optionsDesc.parse(argc, argv);
218  }
219  catch (const cxxopts::exceptions::exception& e)
220  {
221  VLOG(DRIVER) << "An exception occurred attempting to parse program options: " << e.what();
222  std::cout << << std::endl
223  << "An exception occurred while parsing program options: " << std::endl
224  << e.what() << std::endl;
225  m_ShouldExit = true;
226  m_ExitCode = EXIT_FAILURE;
227  return;
228  }
229  if (showHelp)
230  {
231  VLOG(DRIVER) << "Showing help and exiting";
232  std::cout << << std::endl;
233  m_ShouldExit = true;
234  m_ExitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS;
235  return;
236  }
237  if (showVersion)
238  {
239  VLOG(DRIVER) << "Showing version and exiting";
240  std::cout << "ArmNN Android NN driver for the Android Neural Networks API.\n"
241  "ArmNN v" << ARMNN_VERSION << std::endl;
242  m_ShouldExit = true;
243  m_ExitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS;
244  return;
245  }
247  // Convert the string backend names into backendId's.
248  m_Backends.reserve(backends.size());
249  for (auto&& backend : backends)
250  {
251  m_Backends.emplace_back(backend);
252  }
254  // If no backends have been specified then the default value is GpuAcc.
255  if (backends.empty())
256  {
257  VLOG(DRIVER) << "No backends have been specified:";
258  std::cout << << std::endl
259  << "Unable to start:" << std::endl
260  << "No backends have been specified" << std::endl;
261  m_ShouldExit = true;
262  m_ExitCode = EXIT_FAILURE;
263  return;
264  }
266  if (!unsupportedOperationsAsString.empty())
267  {
268  std::istringstream argStream(unsupportedOperationsAsString);
270  std::string s;
271  while (!argStream.eof())
272  {
273  std::getline(argStream, s, ',');
274  try
275  {
276  unsigned int operationIdx = std::stoi(s);
277  m_ForcedUnsupportedOperations.insert(operationIdx);
278  }
279  catch (const std::invalid_argument&)
280  {
281  VLOG(DRIVER) << "Ignoring invalid integer argument in -u/--unsupported-operations value: " << s.c_str();
282  }
283  }
284  }
286  if (!m_ClTunedParametersFile.empty())
287  {
288  // The mode is only relevant if the file path has been provided
289  if (clTunedParametersModeAsString == "UseTunedParameters")
290  {
292  }
293  else if (clTunedParametersModeAsString == "UpdateTunedParameters")
294  {
296  }
297  else
298  {
299  VLOG(DRIVER) << "Requested unknown cl-tuned-parameters-mode "
300  << clTunedParametersModeAsString.c_str() << ". Defaulting to UseTunedParameters";
301  }
303  if (clTuningLevelAsString == "exhaustive")
304  {
306  }
307  else if (clTuningLevelAsString == "normal")
308  {
310  }
311  else if (clTuningLevelAsString == "rapid")
312  {
314  }
315  else
316  {
317  VLOG(DRIVER) << "Requested unknown cl-tuner-mode '%s'. "
318  "Defaulting to rapid" << clTuningLevelAsString.c_str();
319  }
320  }
321 }

◆ DriverOptions() [4/4]

DriverOptions ( DriverOptions &&  other)

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetBackends()

const std::vector<armnn::BackendId>& GetBackends ( ) const

◆ GetCachedNetworkFilePath()

const std::string& GetCachedNetworkFilePath ( ) const

Definition at line 41 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

41 { return m_CachedNetworkFilePath; }

Referenced by ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModel(), and ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModelFromCache().

◆ GetClMLGOTunedParametersFile()

const std::string& GetClMLGOTunedParametersFile ( ) const

Definition at line 32 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

32 { return m_ClMLGOTunedParametersFile; }

Referenced by ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModel(), and ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModelFromCache().

◆ GetClTunedParametersFile()

const std::string& GetClTunedParametersFile ( ) const

Definition at line 31 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

31 { return m_ClTunedParametersFile; }

Referenced by ArmnnDevice::ArmnnDevice(), and ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModel().

◆ GetClTunedParametersMode()

armnn::IGpuAccTunedParameters::Mode GetClTunedParametersMode ( ) const

Definition at line 33 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

33 { return m_ClTunedParametersMode; }

Referenced by ArmnnDevice::ArmnnDevice(), and ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModel().

◆ GetClTuningLevel()

armnn::IGpuAccTunedParameters::TuningLevel GetClTuningLevel ( ) const

Definition at line 34 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

34 { return m_ClTuningLevel; }

Referenced by ArmnnDevice::ArmnnDevice().

◆ GetExitCode()

int GetExitCode ( ) const

Definition at line 40 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

40 { return m_ExitCode; }

Referenced by ArmnnDevice::ArmnnDevice().

◆ GetForcedUnsupportedOperations()

const std::set<unsigned int>& GetForcedUnsupportedOperations ( ) const

Definition at line 30 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

30 { return m_ForcedUnsupportedOperations; }

◆ GetFp16Enabled()

bool GetFp16Enabled ( ) const

Definition at line 37 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

37 { return m_fp16Enabled; }

◆ getNoOfArmnnThreads()

unsigned int getNoOfArmnnThreads ( ) const

Definition at line 45 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

45 { return m_ArmnnNumberOfThreads; };

◆ GetNumberOfThreads()

unsigned int GetNumberOfThreads ( ) const

Definition at line 43 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

43 { return m_NumberOfThreads; }

Referenced by ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModel(), and ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModelFromCache().

◆ GetRequestInputsAndOutputsDumpDir()

const std::string& GetRequestInputsAndOutputsDumpDir ( ) const

Definition at line 28 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

28 { return m_RequestInputsAndOutputsDumpDir; }

Referenced by ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModel(), and ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModelFromCache().

◆ GetServiceName()

const std::string& GetServiceName ( ) const

Definition at line 29 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

29 { return m_ServiceName; }

◆ isAsyncModelExecutionEnabled()

bool isAsyncModelExecutionEnabled ( ) const

Definition at line 44 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

44 { return m_EnableAsyncModelExecution; };

Referenced by ArmnnDevice::ArmnnDevice(), ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModel(), and ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModelFromCache().

◆ IsFastMathEnabled()

bool IsFastMathEnabled ( ) const

Definition at line 36 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

36 { return m_FastMathEnabled; }

Referenced by ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModel(), and ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModelFromCache().

◆ IsGpuProfilingEnabled()

bool IsGpuProfilingEnabled ( ) const

Definition at line 35 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

35 { return m_EnableGpuProfiling; }

Referenced by ArmnnDevice::ArmnnDevice(), ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModel(), and ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModelFromCache().

◆ IsVerboseLoggingEnabled()

bool IsVerboseLoggingEnabled ( ) const

Definition at line 27 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

27 { return m_VerboseLogging; }

Referenced by ArmnnDevice::ArmnnDevice().

◆ SaveCachedNetwork()

bool SaveCachedNetwork ( ) const

Definition at line 42 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

42 { return m_SaveCachedNetwork; }

Referenced by ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModel().

◆ SetBackends()

void SetBackends ( const std::vector< armnn::BackendId > &  backends)

Definition at line 38 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

38 { m_Backends = backends; }

Referenced by ArmnnDevice::ArmnnDevice().

◆ ShouldExit()

bool ShouldExit ( ) const

Definition at line 39 of file DriverOptions.hpp.

39 { return m_ShouldExit; }

Referenced by ArmnnDevice::ArmnnDevice().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
@ Rapid
@ Exhaustive
@ UseTunedParameters
@ Normal
@ UpdateTunedParameters
ARMNN_VERSION: "X.Y.Z" where: X = Major version number Y = Minor version number Z = Patch version num...
Definition: Version.hpp:22