TensorShape Class Reference

#include <Tensor.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 TensorShape ()
 Empty (invalid) constructor. More...
 TensorShape (unsigned int numDimensions, bool initDimensionsSpecificity=true)
 Constructor for TensorShape. More...
 TensorShape (unsigned int numDimensions, const unsigned int *dimensionSizes)
 Constructor for TensorShape. More...
 TensorShape (std::initializer_list< unsigned int > dimensionSizeList)
 Constructor for TensorShape. More...
 TensorShape (const TensorShape &other)
 Copy Constructor for TensorShape. More...
 TensorShape (unsigned int numDimensions, const unsigned int *dimensionSizes, const bool *dimensionsSpecificity)
 Constructor for TensorShape. More...
 TensorShape (std::initializer_list< unsigned int > dimensionSizeList, std::initializer_list< bool > dimensionsSpecificityList)
 Constructor for TensorShape. More...
 TensorShape (Dimensionality dimensionality)
 Constructor for TensorShape. More...
TensorShapeoperator= (const TensorShape &other)
 Assignation function. More...
unsigned int operator[] (unsigned int i) const
 Read only operator. More...
unsigned int & operator[] (unsigned int i)
 Read and write operator. More...
bool operator== (const TensorShape &other) const
 Equality comparison operator. More...
bool operator!= (const TensorShape &other) const
 Inequality comparison operator. More...
unsigned int GetNumDimensions () const
 Function that returns the tensor rank. More...
unsigned int GetNumElements () const
 Function that calculates the tensor elements by multiplying all dimension size which are Specified. More...
Dimensionality GetDimensionality () const
 Function that returns the tensor type. More...
bool GetDimensionSpecificity (unsigned int i) const
 Gets information about if the dimension size has been specified or not. More...
void SetNumDimensions (unsigned int numDimensions, bool initDimensionsSpecificity=false)
 Sets the tensor rank and therefore the Dimensionality is set to Specified if it was not. More...
void SetDimensionSize (unsigned int i, unsigned int dimensionSize)
 Sets the size of the indicated dimension and Specificity for that dimension is set to true. More...
bool AreAllDimensionsSpecified () const
 Checks if there is at least one dimension not specified. More...
bool IsAtLeastOneDimensionSpecified () const
 Checks if there is at least one dimension specified. More...

Detailed Description

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TensorShape() [1/8]

Empty (invalid) constructor.

Definition at line 25 of file Tensor.cpp.

26  : m_NumDimensions(0), m_Dimensionality(Dimensionality::Specified)
27 {
28 }

References armnn::Specified.

Referenced by TensorShape::TensorShape().

◆ TensorShape() [2/8]

TensorShape ( unsigned int  numDimensions,
bool  initDimensionsSpecificity = true 

Constructor for TensorShape.

numDimensions- Tensor rank.
initDimensionsSpecificity(optional) - value to initialize the specificity of each dimension size.

Definition at line 30 of file Tensor.cpp.

31  : m_NumDimensions(numDimensions), m_Dimensionality(Dimensionality::Specified)
32 {
33  CheckValidNumDimensions(numDimensions);
35  std::fill(m_Dimensions.begin(), m_Dimensions.begin() + m_NumDimensions, 0);
36  std::fill(m_DimensionsSpecificity.begin(), m_DimensionsSpecificity.begin() + m_NumDimensions,
37  initDimensionsSpecificity);
38 }

References armnn::Specified.

◆ TensorShape() [3/8]

TensorShape ( unsigned int  numDimensions,
const unsigned int *  dimensionSizes 

Constructor for TensorShape.

numDimensions- Tensor rank.
dimensionSizes- Size of each of dimension.

Definition at line 40 of file Tensor.cpp.

41  : m_NumDimensions(numDimensions), m_Dimensionality(Dimensionality::Specified)
42 {
43  CheckValidNumDimensions(numDimensions);
45  if (dimensionSizes == nullptr)
46  {
47  throw InvalidArgumentException("Tensor dimensionSizes must not be NULL");
48  }
50  std::copy(dimensionSizes, dimensionSizes + numDimensions, m_Dimensions.begin());
51  std::fill(m_DimensionsSpecificity.begin(), m_DimensionsSpecificity.begin() + m_NumDimensions, true);
52 }

References armnn::Specified.

◆ TensorShape() [4/8]

TensorShape ( std::initializer_list< unsigned int >  dimensionSizeList)

Constructor for TensorShape.

dimensionSizeList- Size of each of dimension.

Definition at line 54 of file Tensor.cpp.

55  : TensorShape(armnn::numeric_cast<unsigned int>(dimensionSizeList.size()), dimensionSizeList.begin())
56 {
57 }

◆ TensorShape() [5/8]

TensorShape ( const TensorShape other)

Copy Constructor for TensorShape.

other- TensorShape to copy from.

Definition at line 116 of file Tensor.cpp.

117  : m_NumDimensions(other.m_NumDimensions), m_Dimensionality(other.m_Dimensionality)
118 {
119  std::copy(other.m_Dimensions.cbegin(), other.m_Dimensions.cbegin() + other.m_NumDimensions, m_Dimensions.begin());
120  std::copy(other.m_DimensionsSpecificity.cbegin(), other.m_DimensionsSpecificity.cbegin() + other.m_NumDimensions,
121  m_DimensionsSpecificity.begin());
122 }

◆ TensorShape() [6/8]

TensorShape ( unsigned int  numDimensions,
const unsigned int *  dimensionSizes,
const bool *  dimensionsSpecificity 

Constructor for TensorShape.

numDimensions- Tensor rank.
dimensionSizes- Size of each of dimension.
dimensionsSpecificity- Flags to indicate which dimension has its size specified.

Definition at line 59 of file Tensor.cpp.

62  : m_NumDimensions(numDimensions), m_Dimensionality(Dimensionality::Specified)
63 {
64  CheckValidNumDimensions(numDimensions);
66  if (dimensionSizes == nullptr)
67  {
68  throw InvalidArgumentException("Tensor dimensionSizes must not be NULL");
69  }
71  if (dimensionsSpecificity == nullptr)
72  {
73  throw InvalidArgumentException("Tensor dimensionsSpecificity must not be NULL");
74  }
76  std::copy(dimensionSizes, dimensionSizes + numDimensions, m_Dimensions.begin());
77  std::copy(dimensionsSpecificity, dimensionsSpecificity + numDimensions, m_DimensionsSpecificity.begin());
78 }

References armnn::Specified.

◆ TensorShape() [7/8]

TensorShape ( std::initializer_list< unsigned int >  dimensionSizeList,
std::initializer_list< bool >  dimensionsSpecificityList 

Constructor for TensorShape.

dimensionSizeList- Size of each of dimension.
dimensionsSpecificityList- Flags to indicate which dimension size is specified.

Definition at line 80 of file Tensor.cpp.

82 {
83  auto numDimensions = static_cast<unsigned int>(dimensionSizeList.size());
84  if (dimensionsSpecificityList.size() != numDimensions)
85  {
86  throw InvalidArgumentException("Tensors dimensionSizeList and dimensionsSpecificityList must be same size");
87  }
89  *this = TensorShape(numDimensions, dimensionSizeList.begin(), dimensionsSpecificityList.begin());
90 }

References TensorShape::TensorShape().

◆ TensorShape() [8/8]

TensorShape ( Dimensionality  dimensionality)

Constructor for TensorShape.

dimensionality- Parameter to indicate if the Tensor is a Scalar, a Tensor of known dimensionality or a Tensor of unknown dimensionality.

Definition at line 92 of file Tensor.cpp.

93 : m_Dimensionality(dimensionality)
94 {
95  switch (dimensionality)
96  {
98  throw InvalidArgumentException("Use other constructor to specify the rest of the values, this one is only "
99  "for tensors that have an unknown number of dimensions or that are scalar");
100  break;
102  m_NumDimensions = 0;
103  m_Dimensions = {0};
104  m_DimensionsSpecificity = {false};
105  break;
107  m_NumDimensions = 1;
108  m_Dimensions = {1};
109  m_DimensionsSpecificity = {true};
110  break;
111  default:
112  throw InvalidArgumentException("Invalid Dimensionality value");
113  }
114 }

References armnn::NotSpecified, armnn::Scalar, and armnn::Specified.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AreAllDimensionsSpecified()

bool AreAllDimensionsSpecified ( ) const

Checks if there is at least one dimension not specified.

AND of all array elements.

- True when all dimension sizes are specified. False when at least one dimension size is not specified.

Definition at line 241 of file Tensor.cpp.

242 {
243  CheckUnspecifiedNumDimensions();
245  bool areAllDimensionsSpecified = true;
246  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_NumDimensions; ++i)
247  {
248  if (!m_DimensionsSpecificity[i])
249  {
250  areAllDimensionsSpecified = false;
251  break;
252  }
253  }
254  return areAllDimensionsSpecified;
255 }

Referenced by armnn_driver::DumpTensor(), armnn_driver::IsDynamicTensor(), ConstantLayer::ValidateTensorShapesFromInputs(), and Layer::VerifyShapeInferenceType().

◆ GetDimensionality()

Dimensionality GetDimensionality ( ) const

Function that returns the tensor type.

- Parameter to indicate if the Tensor is a scalar, a Tensor of known dimensionality or a Tensor of unknown dimensionality

Definition at line 92 of file Tensor.hpp.

92 { return m_Dimensionality; }

Referenced by armnn_driver::ComputeShape(), GatherNdLayer::InferOutputShapes(), GatherLayer::InferOutputShapes(), armnn_driver::IsDynamicTensor(), armnn::operator<<(), Layer::ValidateAndCopyShape(), ConstantLayer::ValidateTensorShapesFromInputs(), and Layer::VerifyShapeInferenceType().

◆ GetDimensionSpecificity()

bool GetDimensionSpecificity ( unsigned int  i) const

Gets information about if the dimension size has been specified or not.

i- Dimension index.
- Flag to indicate if the dimension "i" has a specified size.

Definition at line 211 of file Tensor.cpp.

212 {
213  CheckUnspecifiedNumDimensions();
214  CheckDimensionIndex(i);
216  return m_DimensionsSpecificity[i];
217 }

Referenced by armnn::operator<<(), and Layer::ValidateAndCopyShape().

◆ GetNumDimensions()

unsigned int GetNumDimensions ( ) const

Function that returns the tensor rank.

- Tensor rank.

Definition at line 174 of file Tensor.cpp.

175 {
176  CheckUnspecifiedNumDimensions();
178  return m_NumDimensions;
179 }

Referenced by BroadcastLoop::BroadcastLoop(), ShapesAreBroadcastCompatible::CalcInputSize(), armnnDeserializer::CheckShape(), ClStackWorkload::ClStackWorkload(), armnn::ClUnidirectionalSequenceLstmFloatWorkloadValidate(), armnn_driver::ComputeShape(), armnn_driver::ConvertPaddings(), armnnUtils::ConvertTensorShapeToString(), armnn::CoordinatesToIndex(), armnn::CopyTensorContentsGeneric(), ClRankWorkload::Execute(), NeonRankWorkload::Execute(), armnnUtils::ExpandDims(), armnnUtils::ExpandDimsToRank(), BatchMatMulDescriptor::GetAxesNotMul(), BatchMatMulDescriptor::GetAxesToMul(), TensorInfo::GetNumDimensions(), armnnUtils::GetNumElementsAfter(), armnnUtils::GetNumElementsBetween(), armnn::GetOffset(), BatchMatMulDescriptor::GetPermuteVec(), GetTosaTensorShape(), armnn::GetUnpaddedTensorStrides(), ElementwiseBaseLayer::InferOutputShapes(), GatherNdLayer::InferOutputShapes(), BatchMatMulLayer::InferOutputShapes(), TileLayer::InferOutputShapes(), ElementwiseBinaryLayer::InferOutputShapes(), GatherLayer::InferOutputShapes(), ArgMinMaxLayer::InferOutputShapes(), StridedSliceLayer::InferOutputShapes(), LogicalBinaryLayer::InferOutputShapes(), ComparisonLayer::InferOutputShapes(), PreluLayer::InferOutputShapes(), ReduceLayer::InferOutputShapes(), Pooling2dLayer::InferOutputShapes(), Pooling3dLayer::InferOutputShapes(), StackLayer::InferOutputShapes(), MeanLayer::InferOutputShapes(), PadLayer::InferOutputShapes(), DepthwiseConvolution2dLayer::InferOutputShapes(), Convolution3dLayer::InferOutputShapes(), Convolution2dLayer::InferOutputShapes(), TransposeConvolution2dLayer::InferOutputShapes(), armnn::LogSoftmax(), armnn::MirrorPad(), NeonStackWorkload::NeonStackWorkload(), armnn::NeonUnidirectionalSequenceLstmFloatWorkloadValidate(), armnn::NeonUnidirectionalSequenceLstmWorkloadValidate(), armnn::Offset(), armnn::operator<<(), armnn::Pad(), armnnUtils::Permuted(), armnnUtils::ReduceDims(), ShapesAreBroadcastCompatible::ShapesAreBroadcastCompatible(), ShapesAreSameRank::ShapesAreSameRank(), armnn::Slice(), armnn::Softmax(), armnnUtils::SqueezeDims(), TensorBufferArrayView< DataType >::TensorBufferArrayView(), armnnUtils::TransposeTensorShape(), StackQueueDescriptor::Validate(), ArgMinMaxQueueDescriptor::Validate(), Layer::ValidateAndCopyShape(), and armnnNumpy::WriteToNumpyFile().

◆ GetNumElements()

unsigned int GetNumElements ( ) const

Function that calculates the tensor elements by multiplying all dimension size which are Specified.

- Total number of elements in the tensor.

Definition at line 181 of file Tensor.cpp.

182 {
183  CheckUnspecifiedNumDimensions();
185  if (m_NumDimensions == 0)
186  {
187  return 0;
188  }
190  unsigned int count = 1;
191  bool atLeastOneDimensionSpecified = false;
192  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_NumDimensions; ++i)
193  {
194  if (m_DimensionsSpecificity[i])
195  {
196  atLeastOneDimensionSpecified = true;
197  count *= m_Dimensions[i];
198  }
199  }
201  if (atLeastOneDimensionSpecified)
202  {
203  return count;
204  }
205  else
206  {
207  return 0;
208  }
209 }

Referenced by armnn_driver::ConvertPaddings(), QASymm8Decoder::DecodeTensor(), QASymmS8Decoder::DecodeTensor(), QSymmS8Decoder::DecodeTensor(), QSymm16Decoder::DecodeTensor(), Float16Decoder::DecodeTensor(), Float32Decoder::DecodeTensor(), ScaledInt32Decoder::DecodeTensor(), Int32Decoder::DecodeTensor(), Int32ToInt32tDecoder::DecodeTensor(), Int64Decoder::DecodeTensor(), BooleanDecoder::DecodeTensor(), BooleanDecoderBool::DecodeTensor(), QSymm8PerAxisDecoder::DecodeTensor(), ScaledInt32PerAxisDecoder::DecodeTensor(), armnn::DepthToSpace(), armnn_driver::DumpTensor(), armnn::Fill(), armnnUtils::FindMinMax(), TensorInfo::GetNumElements(), armnn::TransposeConvolution2dImpl(), and ScatterNdLayer::ValidateTensorShapesFromInputs().

◆ IsAtLeastOneDimensionSpecified()

bool IsAtLeastOneDimensionSpecified ( ) const

Checks if there is at least one dimension specified.

OR of all array elements.

- True at least one dimension sizes is specified. False when all dimension sizes are not specified.

Definition at line 257 of file Tensor.cpp.

258 {
259  CheckUnspecifiedNumDimensions();
261  bool isAtLeastOneDimensionSpecified = false;
262  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_NumDimensions; ++i)
263  {
264  if (m_DimensionsSpecificity[i])
265  {
266  isAtLeastOneDimensionSpecified = true;
267  break;
268  }
269  }
270  return isAtLeastOneDimensionSpecified;
271 }

◆ operator!=()

bool operator!= ( const TensorShape other) const

Inequality comparison operator.

other- TensorShape to compare with.

Definition at line 169 of file Tensor.cpp.

170 {
171  return !(*this == other);
172 }

◆ operator=()

TensorShape & operator= ( const TensorShape other)

Assignation function.

other- TensorShape to copy from.

Definition at line 124 of file Tensor.cpp.

125 {
126  m_NumDimensions = other.m_NumDimensions;
127  m_Dimensionality = other.m_Dimensionality;
128  std::copy(other.m_Dimensions.cbegin(), other.m_Dimensions.cbegin() + other.m_NumDimensions, m_Dimensions.begin());
129  std::copy(other.m_DimensionsSpecificity.cbegin(), other.m_DimensionsSpecificity.cbegin() + other.m_NumDimensions,
130  m_DimensionsSpecificity.begin());
131  return *this;
132 }

◆ operator==()

bool operator== ( const TensorShape other) const

Equality comparison operator.

other- TensorShape to compare with.

Definition at line 160 of file Tensor.cpp.

161 {
162  return ((m_NumDimensions == other.m_NumDimensions) &&
163  (m_Dimensionality == other.m_Dimensionality) &&
164  std::equal(m_Dimensions.cbegin(), m_Dimensions.cbegin() + m_NumDimensions, other.m_Dimensions.cbegin()) &&
165  std::equal(m_DimensionsSpecificity.cbegin(), m_DimensionsSpecificity.cbegin() + m_NumDimensions,
166  other.m_DimensionsSpecificity.cbegin()));
167 }

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

unsigned int & operator[] ( unsigned int  i)

Read and write operator.

i- Dimension index.

Definition at line 145 of file Tensor.cpp.

146 {
147  if (Dimensionality::Scalar == m_Dimensionality)
148  {
149  std::stringstream errorMessage;
150  errorMessage << "TensorShape with Dimensionality::Scalar must be const to use operator[]";
151  throw InvalidArgumentException(errorMessage.str(), CHECK_LOCATION());
152  }
153  CheckUnspecifiedNumDimensions();
154  CheckDimensionIndex(i);
155  CheckDimensionSpecified(i);
157  return;
158 }

References CHECK_LOCATION, and armnn::Scalar.

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

unsigned int operator[] ( unsigned int  i) const

Read only operator.

i- Dimension index.

Definition at line 135 of file Tensor.cpp.

136 {
137  CheckUnspecifiedNumDimensions();
138  CheckDimensionIndex(i);
139  CheckDimensionSpecified(i);
141  return;
142 }

◆ SetDimensionSize()

void SetDimensionSize ( unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  dimensionSize 

Sets the size of the indicated dimension and Specificity for that dimension is set to true.

i- Dimension index.
dimensionSize- size of one dimension.

Definition at line 232 of file Tensor.cpp.

233 {
234  CheckScalar();
235  CheckDimensionIndex(i);
237  m_Dimensions[i] = dimensionSize;
238  m_DimensionsSpecificity[i] = true;
239 }

◆ SetNumDimensions()

void SetNumDimensions ( unsigned int  numDimensions,
bool  initDimensionsSpecificity = false 

Sets the tensor rank and therefore the Dimensionality is set to Specified if it was not.

numDimensions- Tensor rank.
initDimensionsSpecificity(optional) - value to initialize the specificity of each dimension size.

Definition at line 219 of file Tensor.cpp.

220 {
221  CheckScalar();
222  CheckSpecifiedNumDimensions();
223  CheckValidNumDimensions(numDimensions);
225  m_NumDimensions = numDimensions;
226  m_Dimensionality = Dimensionality::Specified;
227  std::fill(m_Dimensions.begin(), m_Dimensions.begin() + m_NumDimensions, 0);
228  std::fill(m_DimensionsSpecificity.begin(), m_DimensionsSpecificity.begin() + m_NumDimensions,
229  initDimensionsSpecificity);
230 }

References armnn::Specified.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Definition: Exceptions.hpp:203
@ Scalar
@ NotSpecified
@ Specified
Empty (invalid) constructor.
Definition: Tensor.cpp:25