WorkloadUtils.cpp File Reference
#include <backendsCommon/WorkloadUtils.hpp>
#include <armnn/Utils.hpp>
#include <armnn/utility/NumericCast.hpp>
#include <armnnUtils/DataLayoutIndexed.hpp>
#include <armnnUtils/TensorUtils.hpp>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <numeric>
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armnn::ConstTensor PermuteTensor (const ConstTensorHandle *tensor, const PermutationVector &permutationVector, void *permuteBuffer)
void ReshapeWeightsForAcl (TensorInfo &weightInfo, DataLayout dataLayout)
template<typename DataType >
ConstTensor ReorderWeightChannelsForAcl (const ConstTensor &weightHandle, DataLayout dataLayout, void *permuteBuffer)
TensorInfo ConvertWeightTensorInfoFromArmnnToAcl (const TensorInfo &weightInfo, DataLayout dataLayout)
std::tuple< ConstTensor, unsigned int > Convert1HWOTensorToAcl (const ConstTensorHandle *weightTensor, const TensorInfo &inputInfo, const DataLayout dataLayout, void *permuteBuffer)
 Weights for depthwise have a datalayout of [1,H,W,O] = [1,H,W,I*M] This function coverts a ConstCpuTensorHandle from [1,H,W,I*M] to [1,I*M,H,W] (if NCHW) or keeps it at [1,H,W,I*M] (if NHWC) as required by the compute library. More...
std::tuple< TensorInfo, unsigned int > Convert1HWOTensorInfoToAcl (const TensorInfo &weightInfo, const TensorInfo &inputInfo, const DataLayout dataLayout)
 Weights for depthwise have a datalayout of [1,H,W,O] = [1,H,W,I*M] This function coverts a TensorInfo from [1,H,W,I*M] to [1,I*M,H,W] (if NCHW) or keeps it at [1,H,W,I*M] (if NHWC) as required by the compute library Returns a tuple of converted weights tensor info and depth multiplier. More...
std::tuple< ConstTensor, unsigned int > Convert1HWOtoMIHW (const ConstTensorHandle *weightTensor, const TensorInfo &inputInfo, const DataLayout &dataLayout, void *permuteBuffer)
 Converts a (weights) tensor from [1, H, W, I*M] = [1, H, W, O] to [M, I, H, W]. More...
armnn::ConstTensor ConvertWeightTensorFromArmnnToAcl (const ConstTensorHandle *weightTensor, DataLayout dataLayout, void *permuteBuffer)
int32_t ConvertMaskToACLFormat (int32_t mask, int32_t numDim)
std::map< std::string, unsigned int > CalculateGatherNdKeyIndices (TensorInfo inputInfo0, TensorInfo inputInfo1)
 Calculates the key index values needed for GatherNd: N, ND, K, W, C (N is always 1) More...
armnn::PermutationVector GeneratePermutationVectorOnLastTwoDimensions (unsigned int rank)
 Generates a permutation vector of size rank that permutes the 2 most right dimensions. More...
std::set< unsigned int > ComputeSplitAxis (const armnn::SplitterDescriptor &desc, const TensorShape &input)
 Calculates the axis values for split operation. More...