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CMSIS-Driver Validation
Version 3.0.1-dev27
Driver Validation
For proper operation, add the following software components in the Manage Run-Time Environment window:
Right-click Source Group 1... and select Add New Item to Group, select User Code Template and choose the CMSIS-RTOS2 'main' function file from CMSIS: RTOS2:Keil RTX5.
Add this include:
In the app_main
function, create the cmsis_dv
thread, before endless for
to run all the tests that you have chosen in the next step.
Open DV_Config.h under the CMSIS Driver Validation group in the Project window.
In the configuration file DV_Config.h select Plain Text as the Report Format.
Each interface has a related DV_interface_Config.h file, where interface represents interface's acronym or abbreviation.
For example for Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) related config file name is DV_SPI_Config.h.
For details on interface specific configuration and test selection please check the Configuration section in the Reference of the related interface.
Depending on the buffer sizes used for data transfer tests the heap size has to be adjusted to provide enough memory for these buffers to be allocated.
Depending on how heap is configured in your system, open your startup_<device>.s or startup_<device>.c file from the Device group in the Project window or use a linker script to adjust the heap size.
Set the heap size to minimum of 16384 bytes.
For details on heap requirements please refer to the Heap Memory requirements documentation.
Open RTX_Config.h and set:
For details on CMSIS-RTOS2 requirements please refer to the CMSIS-RTOS2 requirements documentation.
Depending on your device, you might have different pin/hardware configuration options. Usually, you can configure the device using the RTE_Device.h
file from the Device group or with a vendor provided pin configuration tool. Enable all interfaces you wish to test and make all necessary pin-out changes required by your actual board layout (consult the board schematics).
You can check the provided examples as a reference point.
For a robust test with good coverage, implement various targets with different settings:
For the interfaces that support loopback testing: Ethernet, USART and SPI, connect the following pins on your target hardware together (refer to the hardware schematics):
For the interfaces that support testing with dedicated server: WiFi and SPI, connect the related hardware as required by the related server:
In the Options for Target dialog, under debug settings, if you use ITM as standard output channel ensure that Trace and ITM port 0 are enabled and that the correct Core Clock frequency is set:
Build, load and run the project. The output is displayed in the Debug (printf) Viewer window.
Example below shows output result of an SPI driver testing:
CMSIS-Driver_Validation v3.0.0 CMSIS-Driver SPI Test Report March 30 2022 13:44:11 TEST 01: SPI_GetVersion DV_SPI.c (1023): [INFO] Driver API version 2.3, Driver version 2.15 PASSED TEST 02: SPI_GetCapabilities PASSED TEST 03: SPI_Initialize_Uninitialize PASSED TEST 04: SPI_PowerControl DV_SPI.c (1314): [WARNING] PowerControl (ARM_POWER_LOW) is not supported PASSED TEST 05: SPI_Mode_Master_SS_Unused PASSED TEST 06: SPI_Mode_Master_SS_Sw_Ctrl PASSED TEST 07: SPI_Mode_Master_SS_Hw_Ctrl_Out PASSED TEST 08: SPI_Mode_Master_SS_Hw_Mon_In PASSED TEST 09: SPI_Mode_Slave_SS_Hw_Mon PASSED TEST 10: SPI_Mode_Slave_SS_Sw_Ctrl PASSED TEST 11: SPI_Format_Clock_Pol0_Pha0 PASSED TEST 12: SPI_Format_Clock_Pol0_Pha1 PASSED TEST 13: SPI_Format_Clock_Pol1_Pha0 PASSED TEST 14: SPI_Format_Clock_Pol1_Pha1 PASSED TEST 15: SPI_Format_Frame_TI PASSED TEST 16: SPI_Format_Clock_Microwire NOT EXECUTED TEST 17: SPI_Data_Bits_1 NOT EXECUTED TEST 18: SPI_Data_Bits_2 NOT EXECUTED TEST 19: SPI_Data_Bits_3 NOT EXECUTED TEST 20: SPI_Data_Bits_4 NOT EXECUTED TEST 21: SPI_Data_Bits_5 NOT EXECUTED TEST 22: SPI_Data_Bits_6 NOT EXECUTED TEST 23: SPI_Data_Bits_7 NOT EXECUTED TEST 24: SPI_Data_Bits_8 PASSED TEST 25: SPI_Data_Bits_9 NOT EXECUTED TEST 26: SPI_Data_Bits_10 NOT EXECUTED TEST 27: SPI_Data_Bits_11 NOT EXECUTED TEST 28: SPI_Data_Bits_12 NOT EXECUTED TEST 29: SPI_Data_Bits_13 NOT EXECUTED TEST 30: SPI_Data_Bits_14 NOT EXECUTED TEST 31: SPI_Data_Bits_15 NOT EXECUTED TEST 32: SPI_Data_Bits_16 PASSED TEST 33: SPI_Data_Bits_17 NOT EXECUTED TEST 34: SPI_Data_Bits_18 NOT EXECUTED TEST 35: SPI_Data_Bits_19 NOT EXECUTED TEST 36: SPI_Data_Bits_20 NOT EXECUTED TEST 37: SPI_Data_Bits_21 NOT EXECUTED TEST 38: SPI_Data_Bits_22 NOT EXECUTED TEST 39: SPI_Data_Bits_23 NOT EXECUTED TEST 40: SPI_Data_Bits_24 NOT EXECUTED TEST 41: SPI_Data_Bits_25 NOT EXECUTED TEST 42: SPI_Data_Bits_26 NOT EXECUTED TEST 43: SPI_Data_Bits_27 NOT EXECUTED TEST 44: SPI_Data_Bits_28 NOT EXECUTED TEST 45: SPI_Data_Bits_29 NOT EXECUTED TEST 46: SPI_Data_Bits_30 NOT EXECUTED TEST 47: SPI_Data_Bits_31 NOT EXECUTED TEST 48: SPI_Data_Bits_32 NOT EXECUTED TEST 49: SPI_Bit_Order_MSB_LSB PASSED TEST 50: SPI_Bit_Order_LSB_MSB PASSED TEST 51: SPI_Bus_Speed_Min PASSED TEST 52: SPI_Bus_Speed_Max DV_SPI.c (3524): [WARNING] At requested bus speed of 10000000 bps, effective bus speed is 6477809 bps PASSED TEST 53: SPI_Number_Of_Items PASSED TEST 54: SPI_Abort PASSED TEST 55: SPI_DataLost PASSED TEST 56: SPI_ModeFault PASSED Test Summary: 56 Tests, 25 Passed, 0 Failed. Test Result: PASSED