Version 1.7.2
Delivery Mechanism for Software Packs
The basic package information captures the package vendor, the package name, a brief description of the package, and the schema version. Additional elements support the logistics of handling packages. The url specifies the origin of the description. It may be left empty if the pack will not be uploaded onto a web server. A license file might point to license agreements. A list of keywords assists searching for packages.
Parent Element | Element Chain | ||
root | Document root | ||
Attributes | Description | Type | Use |
schemaVersion | CMSIS-PDSC schema version used for describing the Software Pack (for example, "1.2"). The version format is described in Version Type. | VersionType | required |
xmlns:xs | Is set to: "" to indicate compliance to the XML format. | xs:string | required |
xs:noNamespaceSchemaLocation | Path and file name of the PACK.xsd Schema. For example, "PACK.xsd". | xs:string | required |
Dcore | Pack only used for a specific processor core. Use predefined values as listed in the table Device Cores. Note: do not apply for packs that define a device | DcoreEnum | optional |
Dvendor | Pack only used for a specific silicon vendor of the device. Use predefined values as listed in the table Device Vendor. Note: do not apply for packs that define a device | DeviceVendorEnum | optional |
Dname* | Pack only used for a specific name of the device. Note: do not apply for packs that define a device | xs:string | optional |
Tcompiler | Pack only used for a specific compiler toolchain (ARMCC, GCC, IAR, Tasking, ...). Use predefined values as listed in table Compiler Types. | CompilerEnumType | optional |
Child Elements | Description | Type | Occurrence |
name | Name of the Software Pack. Could be displayed by an installer. | xs:string | 1..1 |
vendor | Name of the supplier or vendor of the Software Pack. | xs:string | 1..1 |
description | Brief description of the Software Pack. | xs:string | 1..1 |
url | HTTP URL or file URI location of the Software Pack. The URL can be used by installers for downloading, updating, or checking versions. If left empty, the Pack cannot be updated automatically from a server location. | xs:anyURI | 1..1 |
supportContact | HTTP URL or e-mail address for users to get support for the content of the Pack | xs:string | 0..1 |
license | Path to a license document. | xs:string | 0..1 |
dominate | dominate | A pack that has dominate attribute overrules other packs that provide devices, APIs, or software components with the same name. | empty |
requirements | Specifies other CMSIS-Packs, programming languages and compiler as well as their respective version or version range required by the components in this pack. | RequirementsType | 0..1 |
create | !!! Deprecated, use cprj format instead !!! Use only when creating CMSIS software projects. | CreateType | 0..1 |
repository | URL of a public repository the pack originates from. | xs:anyURI | 0..1 |
releases | Version release history with brief information about a Software Pack. | ReleasesGroup | 1..1 |
keywords | Defines keywords that might be used to find a Software Pack. Keywords may be also exported to web page to provide information for search engines, such as Google. | group | 0..1 |
generators | Specifies generator tools that have been used to create the Software Pack. | GeneratorsType | 0..1 |
devices | Defines the device family, the devices, and optionally variants (such as boards). | group | 0..1 |
boards | Defines the development board support package. | BoardsType | 0..1 |
taxonomy | Contains the description for a component class or for the combination between a component class and component group. | TaxonomyType | 0..1 |
apis | Defines the API (Application Programming Interfaces) specifications contained in the Software Pack. | ApisType | 0..1 |
conditions | Is a group that contains dependency definitions used within the Pack. These rules can describe dependencies on various levels: device attributes, components, or tools. Conditions are referenced by components and files. | ConditionsType | 0..1 |
examples | Lists the examples that are included in the Pack. | group | 0..1 |
components | Lists the software components that are included in the Pack. | group | 0..1 |
*) Wild-cards can be used to match names with the following definitions:
CMSIS-Pack version specification is inspired by the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0. Under this scheme, version numbers and the way they are incremented convey a meaning about the underlying content quality and the significance of changes from one version to the next. A version consists of 3 mandatory and 2 optional sections:
The above is extending the recommendation that was given in previous version of this specification.:
Version types are used in:
Example: this example applies to /package/releases/release.