CMSIS-RTOS  Version 1.03
Real-Time Operating System: API and RTX Reference Implementation.
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Directory Structure and File Overview

The following section provides an overview of the directory structure and the files that are relevant for the user's for CMSIS-RTOS RTX.

CMSIS-RTOS RTX Directory Structure

The CMSIS-RTOS RTX is delivered in source code and several examples are provided.

Directory Content
INC The include files for CMSIS-RTOS RTX. cmsis_os.h is the central include file for user applications.
LIB CMSIS-RTOS RTX library files for ARMCC, GCC, and IAR Compiler.
SRC Source code of CMSIS-RTOS RTX library along with project files for ARMCC, GCC, and IAR Compiler.
Templates CMSIS-RTOS RTX configuration file (RTX_Conf_CM.c).
UserCode Templates Template files for creating application projects with CMSIS-RTOS RTX.

CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library Files

The CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library is available pre-compiled for ARMCC, GCC, and IAR C/C++ Compilers and supports all Cortex-M processor variants in every configuration.

Library File Processor Configuration
LIB/ARM/RTX_CM0.lib CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library for ARMCC Compiler, Cortex-M0 and M1, little-endian.
LIB/ARM/RTX_CM0_B.lib CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library for ARMCC Compiler, Cortex-M0 and M1, big-endian.
LIB/ARM/RTX_CM3.lib CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library for ARMCC Compiler, Cortex-M3, M4, and M7 without FPU, little-endian.
LIB/ARM/RTX_CM3_B.lib CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library for ARMCC Compiler, Cortex-M3, M4, and M7 without FPU, big-endian.
LIB/ARM/RTX_CM4.lib CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library for ARMCC Compiler, Cortex-M4 and M7 with FPU, little-endian.
LIB/ARM/RTX_CM4_B.lib CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library for ARMCC Compiler, Cortex-M4 and M7 with FPU, big-endian.
LIB/GCC/libRTX_CM0.a CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library for GCC Compiler, Cortex-M0 and M1, little-endian.
LIB/GCC/libRTX_CM0_B.a CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library for GCC Compiler, Cortex-M0 and M1, big-endian.
LIB/GCC/libRTX_CM3.a CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library for GCC Compiler, Cortex-M3, M4, and M7 without FPU, little-endian.
LIB/GCC/libRTX_CM3_B.a CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library for GCC Compiler, Cortex-M3, M4, and M7 without FPU, big-endian.
LIB/GCC/libRTX_CM4.a CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library for GCC Compiler, Cortex-M4 and M7 with FPU, little-endian.
LIB/GCC/libRTX_CM4_B.a CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library for GCC Compiler, Cortex-M4 and M7 with FPU, big-endian.
LIB/IAR/RTX_CM0.lib CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library for IAR Compiler, Cortex-M0 and M1, little-endian.
LIB/IAR/RTX_CM0_B.lib CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library for IAR Compiler, Cortex-M0 and M1, big-endian.
LIB/IAR/RTX_CM3.lib CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library for IAR Compiler, Cortex-M3, M4, and M7 without FPU, little-endian.
LIB/IAR/RTX_CM3_B.lib CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library for IAR Compiler, Cortex-M3, M4, and M7 without FPU, big-endian.
LIB/IAR/RTX_CM4.lib CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library for IAR Compiler, Cortex-M4 and M7 with FPU, little-endian.
LIB/IAR/RTX_CM4_B.lib CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library for IAR Compiler, Cortex-M4 and M7 with FPU, big-endian.

Configuration File RTX_Conf_CM.c

* Name: RTX_Conf_CM.C
* Purpose: Configuration of CMSIS RTX Kernel for Cortex-M
* Rev.: V4.70.1
* Copyright (c) 1999-2009 KEIL, 2009-2016 ARM Germany GmbH. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "cmsis_os.h"
* RTX User configuration part BEGIN
//-------- <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> -----------------
// <h>Thread Configuration
// =======================
// <o>Number of concurrent running user threads <1-250>
// <i> Defines max. number of user threads that will run at the same time.
// <i> Default: 6
#ifndef OS_TASKCNT
#define OS_TASKCNT 6
// <o>Default Thread stack size [bytes] <64-4096:8><#/4>
// <i> Defines default stack size for threads with osThreadDef stacksz = 0
// <i> Default: 200
#ifndef OS_STKSIZE
#define OS_STKSIZE 50 // this stack size value is in words
// <o>Main Thread stack size [bytes] <64-32768:8><#/4>
// <i> Defines stack size for main thread.
// <i> Default: 200
#define OS_MAINSTKSIZE 50 // this stack size value is in words
// <o>Number of threads with user-provided stack size <0-250>
// <i> Defines the number of threads with user-provided stack size.
// <i> Default: 0
#ifndef OS_PRIVCNT
#define OS_PRIVCNT 0
// <o>Total stack size [bytes] for threads with user-provided stack size <0-1048576:8><#/4>
// <i> Defines the combined stack size for threads with user-provided stack size.
// <i> Default: 0
#define OS_PRIVSTKSIZE 0 // this stack size value is in words
// <q>Stack overflow checking
// <i> Enable stack overflow checks at thread switch.
// <i> Enabling this option increases slightly the execution time of a thread switch.
#define OS_STKCHECK 1
// <q>Stack usage watermark
// <i> Initialize thread stack with watermark pattern for analyzing stack usage (current/maximum) in System and Thread Viewer.
// <i> Enabling this option increases significantly the execution time of osThreadCreate.
#ifndef OS_STKINIT
#define OS_STKINIT 0
// <o>Processor mode for thread execution
// <0=> Unprivileged mode
// <1=> Privileged mode
// <i> Default: Privileged mode
#ifndef OS_RUNPRIV
#define OS_RUNPRIV 1
// </h>
// <h>RTX Kernel Timer Tick Configuration
// ======================================
// <q> Use Cortex-M SysTick timer as RTX Kernel Timer
// <i> Cortex-M processors provide in most cases a SysTick timer that can be used as
// <i> as time-base for RTX.
#ifndef OS_SYSTICK
#define OS_SYSTICK 1
// <o>RTOS Kernel Timer input clock frequency [Hz] <1-1000000000>
// <i> Defines the input frequency of the RTOS Kernel Timer.
// <i> When the Cortex-M SysTick timer is used, the input clock
// <i> is on most systems identical with the core clock.
#ifndef OS_CLOCK
#define OS_CLOCK 12000000
// <o>RTX Timer tick interval value [us] <1-1000000>
// <i> The RTX Timer tick interval value is used to calculate timeout values.
// <i> When the Cortex-M SysTick timer is enabled, the value also configures the SysTick timer.
// <i> Default: 1000 (1ms)
#ifndef OS_TICK
#define OS_TICK 1000
// </h>
// <h>System Configuration
// =======================
// <e>Round-Robin Thread switching
// ===============================
// <i> Enables Round-Robin Thread switching.
#ifndef OS_ROBIN
#define OS_ROBIN 1
// <o>Round-Robin Timeout [ticks] <1-1000>
// <i> Defines how long a thread will execute before a thread switch.
// <i> Default: 5
#define OS_ROBINTOUT 5
// </e>
// <e>User Timers
// ==============
// <i> Enables user Timers
#ifndef OS_TIMERS
#define OS_TIMERS 1
// <o>Timer Thread Priority
// <1=> Low
// <2=> Below Normal <3=> Normal <4=> Above Normal
// <5=> High
// <6=> Realtime (highest)
// <i> Defines priority for Timer Thread
// <i> Default: High
#define OS_TIMERPRIO 5
// <o>Timer Thread stack size [bytes] <64-4096:8><#/4>
// <i> Defines stack size for Timer thread.
// <i> Default: 200
#define OS_TIMERSTKSZ 50 // this stack size value is in words
// <o>Timer Callback Queue size <1-32>
// <i> Number of concurrent active timer callback functions.
// <i> Default: 4
#define OS_TIMERCBQS 4
// </e>
// <o>ISR FIFO Queue size<4=> 4 entries <8=> 8 entries
// <12=> 12 entries <16=> 16 entries
// <24=> 24 entries <32=> 32 entries
// <48=> 48 entries <64=> 64 entries
// <96=> 96 entries
// <i> ISR functions store requests to this buffer,
// <i> when they are called from the interrupt handler.
// <i> Default: 16 entries
#ifndef OS_FIFOSZ
#define OS_FIFOSZ 16
// </h>
//------------- <<< end of configuration section >>> -----------------------
// Standard library system mutexes
// ===============================
// Define max. number system mutexes that are used to protect
// the arm standard runtime library. For microlib they are not used.
#define OS_MUTEXCNT 8
* RTX User configuration part END
#define OS_TRV ((uint32_t)(((double)OS_CLOCK*(double)OS_TICK)/1E6)-1)
* Global Functions
/*--------------------------- os_idle_demon ---------------------------------*/
/// \brief The idle demon is running when no other thread is ready to run
void os_idle_demon (void) {
for (;;) {
/* HERE: include optional user code to be executed when no thread runs.*/
#if (OS_SYSTICK == 0) // Functions for alternative timer as RTX kernel timer
/*--------------------------- os_tick_init ----------------------------------*/
/// \brief Initializes an alternative hardware timer as RTX kernel timer
/// \return IRQ number of the alternative hardware timer
int os_tick_init (void) {
return (-1); /* Return IRQ number of timer (0..239) */
/*--------------------------- os_tick_val -----------------------------------*/
/// \brief Get alternative hardware timer's current value (0 .. OS_TRV)
/// \return Current value of the alternative hardware timer
uint32_t os_tick_val (void) {
return (0);
/*--------------------------- os_tick_ovf -----------------------------------*/
/// \brief Get alternative hardware timer's overflow flag
/// \return Overflow flag\n
/// - 1 : overflow
/// - 0 : no overflow
uint32_t os_tick_ovf (void) {
return (0);
/*--------------------------- os_tick_irqack --------------------------------*/
/// \brief Acknowledge alternative hardware timer interrupt
void os_tick_irqack (void) {
/* ... */
#endif // (OS_SYSTICK == 0)
/*--------------------------- os_error --------------------------------------*/
/* OS Error Codes */
#define OS_ERROR_MBX_OVF 3
extern osThreadId svcThreadGetId (void);
/// \brief Called when a runtime error is detected
/// \param[in] error_code actual error code that has been detected
void os_error (uint32_t error_code) {
/* HERE: include optional code to be executed on runtime error. */
switch (error_code) {
/* Stack overflow detected for the currently running task. */
/* Thread can be identified by calling svcThreadGetId(). */
/* ISR FIFO Queue buffer overflow detected. */
/* Mailbox overflow detected. */
/* User Timer Callback Queue overflow detected. */
for (;;);
* RTX Configuration Functions
#include "RTX_CM_lib.h"
* end of file