CMSIS-Zone  Version 1.2.0-alpha
System Resource Management
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peripheral[n] element

The peripheral[n] element contains a sequence of all peripherals that are accessible in the zone (or system partition).

Parent Element Element Chain
system system element
zone zone element
Child Elements Description Type
.peripheral[n].name The name of the peripheral. xs:string
.peripheral[n].group The name of the peripheral group that this peripheral belongs too. xs:string
.peripheral[n].start The logical start address of the peripheral in the address map. NonNegativeInteger
.peripheral[n].size The size (in bytes) of the peripheral. NonNegativeInteger
.peripheral[n].security The security setting for this peripheral. SecurityType
.peripheral[n].security.s Peripheral is assigned to "secure" state. xs:boolean
.peripheral[n].security.n Peripheral is assigned to "non-secure" state. xs:boolean
.peripheral[n].access The access permissions for this peripheral in the following separate fields. AccessType
.peripheral[n].access.r The read access permission. xs:boolean
.peripheral[n].access.w The write access permission. xs:boolean
.peripheral[n].access.x The execution access permission. xs:boolean
.peripheral[n].access.p The peripheral access information. xs:boolean
.peripheral[n].privilege The privilege type settings for this peripheral in the following separate fields. PrivilegeType
.peripheral[n].privilege.p The privileged level setting of privilege type. xs:boolean
.peripheral[n].privilege.u The unprivileged level setting of privilege type. xs:boolean
.peripheral[n].shared "1" specifies that this peripheral is used by multiple zones. Default value is "0". xs:boolean
.peripheral[n].dma "1" specifies that this peripheral is accessed by a DMA controller. Default value is "0". xs:boolean
.peripheral[n].info Brief description of the peripheral region. xs:string