CMSIS-RTOS2  Version 2.2.0
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Mutex Management

Synchronize resource access using Mutual Exclusion (Mutex). More...

Data Structures

struct  osMutexAttr_t
 Attributes structure for mutex. More...


#define osMutexRecursive   0x00000001U
 Recursive mutex. More...
#define osMutexPrioInherit   0x00000002U
 Priority inherit protocol. More...
#define osMutexRobust   0x00000008U
 Robust mutex. More...


typedef void * osMutexId_t


osMutexId_t osMutexNew (const osMutexAttr_t *attr)
 Create and Initialize a Mutex object. More...
const char * osMutexGetName (osMutexId_t mutex_id)
 Get name of a Mutex object. More...
osStatus_t osMutexAcquire (osMutexId_t mutex_id, uint32_t timeout)
 Acquire a Mutex or timeout if it is locked. More...
osStatus_t osMutexRelease (osMutexId_t mutex_id)
 Release a Mutex that was acquired by osMutexAcquire. More...
osThreadId_t osMutexGetOwner (osMutexId_t mutex_id)
 Get Thread which owns a Mutex object. More...
osStatus_t osMutexDelete (osMutexId_t mutex_id)
 Delete a Mutex object. More...


Mutual exclusion (widely known as Mutex) is used in various operating systems for resource management. Many resources in a microcontroller device can be used repeatedly, but only by one thread at a time (for example communication channels, memory, and files). Mutexes are used to protect access to a shared resource. A mutex is created and then passed between the threads (they can acquire and release the mutex).


A mutex is a special version of a semaphore. Like the semaphore, it is a container for tokens. But instead of being able to have multiple tokens, a mutex can only carry one (representing the resource). Thus, a mutex token is binary and bounded, i.e. it is either available, or blocked by a owning thread. The advantage of a mutex is that it introduces thread ownership. When a thread acquires a mutex and becomes its owner, subsequent mutex acquires from that thread will succeed immediately without any latency (if osMutexRecursive is specified). Thus, mutex acquires/releases can be nested.

CMSIS-RTOS Mutex States
Mutex management functions cannot be called from Interrupt Service Routines (ISR), unlike a binary semaphore that can be released from an ISR.
Refer to Mutex Configuration for RTX5 configuration options.

Data Structure Documentation

struct osMutexAttr_t

Specifies the following attributes for the osMutexNew function.

Data Fields
const char * name name of the mutex

Pointer to a constant string with a human readable name (displayed during debugging) of the mutex object.

Default: NULL no name specified.

uint32_t attr_bits attribute bits

The following bit masks can be used to set options:

  • osMutexRecursive : a thread can consume the mutex multiple times without locking itself.
  • osMutexPrioInherit : the owner thread inherits the priority of a (higher priority) waiting thread.
  • osMutexRobust : the mutex is automatically released when owner thread is terminated.

Use logical 'OR' operation to select multiple options, for example:

Default: 0 which specifies:

  • non recursive mutex: a thread cannot consume the mutex multiple times.
  • non priority raising: the priority of an owning thread is not changed.
  • mutex is not automatically release: the mutex object must be always is automatically released when owner thread is terminated.
void * cb_mem memory for control block

Pointer to a memory for the mutex control block object. Refer to Static Object Memory for more information.

Default: NULL to use Automatic Dynamic Allocation for the mutex control block.

uint32_t cb_size size of provided memory for control block

The size (in bytes) of memory block passed with cb_mem. For RTX, the minimum value is defined with osRtxMutexCbSize (higher values are permitted).

Default: 0 as the default is no memory provided with cb_mem.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define osMutexRecursive   0x00000001U

Recursive flag in osMutexAttr_t.

The same thread can consume a mutex multiple times without locking itself. Each time the owning thread acquires the mutex the lock count is incremented. The mutex must be released multiple times as well until the lock count reaches zero. At reaching zero the mutex is actually released and can be acquired by other threads.

The maximum amount of recursive locks possible is implementation specific, i.e. the type size used for the lock count. If the maximum amount of recursive locks is depleted mutex acquire might fail.

Code Example

#include "cmsis_os2.h"
osMutexId_t mutex_id;
const osMutexAttr_t Thread_Mutex_attr = {
"myThreadMutex", // human readable mutex name
osMutexRecursive, // attr_bits
NULL, // memory for control block
0U // size for control block
// must be called from a thread context
void UseMutexRecursively(int count) {
osStatus_t result = osMutexAcquire(mutex_id, osWaitForever); // lock count is incremented, might fail when lock count is depleted
if (result == osOK) {
if (count < 10) {
UseMutexRecursively(count + 1);
osMutexRelease(mutex_id); // lock count is decremented, actually releases the mutex on lock count zero
#define osMutexPrioInherit   0x00000002U

Priority inheritance flag in osMutexAttr_t.

A mutex using priority inheritance protocol transfers a waiting threads priority to the current mutex owner if the owners thread priority is lower. This assures that a low priority thread does not block a high priority thread.

Otherwise a low priority thread might hold a mutex but is not granted execution time due to another mid priority thread. Without priority inheritance the high priority thread waiting for the mutex would be blocked by the mid priority thread, called priority inversion.

Code Example

This example reveals a blocked high priority thread if osMutexPrioInherit is removed.

#include "cmsis_os2.h"
osMutexId_t mutex_id;
const osMutexAttr_t Thread_Mutex_attr = {
"myThreadMutex", // human readable mutex name
osMutexPrioInherit, // attr_bits
NULL, // memory for control block
0U // size for control block
void HighPrioThread(void *argument) {
osDelay(1000U); // wait 1s until start actual work
while(1) {
osMutexAcquire(mutex_id, osWaitForever); // try to acquire mutex
// do stuff
void MidPrioThread(void *argument) {
osDelay(1000U); // wait 1s until start actual work
while(1) {
// do non blocking stuff
void LowPrioThread(void *argument) {
while(1) {
osDelay(5000U); // block mutex for 5s
osDelay(5000U); // sleep for 5s

During the first second the high and mid priority threads are delayed. Thus the low priority thread can start its work, acquires the mutex and delays while holding it.

After the first second the high and mid priority threads become ready. Thus the high priority thread gets precedence and tries to acquire the mutex. Because the mutex is already owned by the low priority thread the high priority thread gets blocked.

Finally the mid priority thread gets executed and start doing a lot of non-blocking stuff, i.e. it does not call any blocking RTOS functionality.

Without osMutexPrioInherit we would stuck here forever. Even if the low priority thread gets ready after 5s. Due to its low priority the mid priority thread always gets precedence. The effect called priority inversion leads to the mid priority thread blocking the high priority thread indirectly.

Using osMutexPrioInherit as shown in the example code we get rid of this situation. Due to the priority inheritance protocol the low priority thread inherits the high priority while holding the mutex. Thus the low priority thread gets precedence over the mid priority thread until it release the mutex. On osMutexRelease the high priority thread get ready and is scheduled immediately.

#define osMutexRobust   0x00000008U

Robust flag in osMutexAttr_t.

Robust mutexes are automatically released if the owning thread is terminated (either by osThreadExit or osThreadTerminate). Non-robust mutexes are not released and the user must assure mutex release manually.

Code Example

This example reveals a blocked mutex if osMutexRobust is removed.

#include "cmsis_os2.h"
osMutexId_t mutex_id;
const osMutexAttr_t Thread_Mutex_attr = {
"myThreadMutex", // human readable mutex name
osMutexRobust, // attr_bits
NULL, // memory for control block
0U // size for control block
void Thread(void *argument) {

Due to osMutexRobust the mutex gets released automatically. A non-robust mutex would stay locked and cannot be released anymore.

Typedef Documentation

Mutex ID identifies the mutex.

Returned by:

Function Documentation

osMutexId_t osMutexNew ( const osMutexAttr_t attr)
[in]attrmutex attributes; NULL: default values.
mutex ID for reference by other functions or NULL in case of error.

The function osMutexNew creates and initializes a new mutex object and returns the pointer to the mutex object identifier or NULL in case of an error. It can be safely called before the RTOS is started (call to osKernelStart), but not before it is initialized (call to osKernelInitialize).

The parameter attr sets the mutex object attributes (refer to osMutexAttr_t). Default attributes will be used if set to NULL.

This function cannot be called from Interrupt Service Routines.

Code Example

#include "cmsis_os2.h"
osMutexId_t mutex_id;
const osMutexAttr_t Thread_Mutex_attr = {
"myThreadMutex", // human readable mutex name
NULL, // memory for control block
0U // size for control block
void CreateMutex (void) {
mutex_id = osMutexNew(&Thread_Mutex_attr);
if (mutex_id != NULL) {
// Mutex object created
*const char * osMutexGetName ( osMutexId_t  mutex_id)
[in]mutex_idmutex ID obtained by osMutexNew.
name as null-terminated string.

The function osMutexGetName returns the pointer to the name string of the mutex identified by parameter mutex_id or NULL in case of an error.

This function may be called from Interrupt Service Routines.
osStatus_t osMutexAcquire ( osMutexId_t  mutex_id,
uint32_t  timeout 
[in]mutex_idmutex ID obtained by osMutexNew.
[in]timeoutTimeout Value or 0 in case of no time-out.
status code that indicates the execution status of the function.

The blocking function osMutexAcquire waits until a mutex object specified by parameter mutex_id becomes available. If no other thread has obtained the mutex, the function instantly returns and blocks the mutex object.

The parameter timeout specifies how long the system waits to acquire the mutex. While the system waits, the thread that is calling this function is put into the BLOCKED state. The parameter timeout can have the following values:

  • when timeout is 0, the function returns instantly (i.e. try semantics).
  • when timeout is set to osWaitForever the function will wait for an infinite time until the mutex becomes available (i.e. wait semantics).
  • all other values specify a time in kernel ticks for a timeout (i.e. timed-wait semantics).

Possible osStatus_t return values:

  • osOK: the mutex has been obtained.
  • osErrorTimeout: the mutex could not be obtained in the given time.
  • osErrorResource: the mutex could not be obtained when no timeout was specified.
  • osErrorParameter: parameter mutex_id is NULL or invalid.
  • osErrorISR: cannot be called from interrupt service routines.
  • osErrorSafetyClass: the calling thread safety class is lower than the safety class of the specified mutex.
This function cannot be called from Interrupt Service Routines.

Code Example

#include "cmsis_os2.h"
void WaitMutex (void) {
osMutexId_t mutex_id;
osStatus_t status;
mutex_id = osMutexNew(NULL);
if (mutex_id != NULL) {
status = osMutexAcquire(mutex_id, 0U);
if (status != osOK) {
// handle failure code
osStatus_t osMutexRelease ( osMutexId_t  mutex_id)
[in]mutex_idmutex ID obtained by osMutexNew.
status code that indicates the execution status of the function.

The function osMutexRelease releases a mutex specified by parameter mutex_id. Other threads that currently wait for this mutex will be put into the READY state.

Possible osStatus_t return values:

  • osOK: the mutex has been correctly released.
  • osErrorResource: the mutex could not be released (mutex was not acquired or running thread is not the owner).
  • osErrorParameter: parameter mutex_id is NULL or invalid.
  • osErrorISR: osMutexRelease cannot be called from interrupt service routines.
This function cannot be called from Interrupt Service Routines.

Code Example

#include "cmsis_os2.h"
osMutexId_t mutex_id; // Mutex id populated by the function osMutexNew()
void ReleaseMutex (osMutexId_t mutex_id) {
osStatus_t status;
if (mutex_id != NULL) {
status = osMutexRelease(mutex_id);
if (status != osOK) {
// handle failure code
osThreadId_t osMutexGetOwner ( osMutexId_t  mutex_id)
[in]mutex_idmutex ID obtained by osMutexNew.
thread ID of owner thread or NULL when mutex was not acquired.

The function osMutexGetOwner returns the thread ID of the thread that acquired a mutex specified by parameter mutex_id. In case of an error or if the mutex is not blocked by any thread, it returns NULL.

This function cannot be called from Interrupt Service Routines.
osStatus_t osMutexDelete ( osMutexId_t  mutex_id)
[in]mutex_idmutex ID obtained by osMutexNew.
status code that indicates the execution status of the function.

The function osMutexDelete deletes a mutex object specified by parameter mutex_id. It releases internal memory obtained for mutex handling. After this call, the mutex_id is no longer valid and cannot be used. The mutex may be created again using the function osMutexNew.

Possible osStatus_t return values:

  • osOK: the mutex object has been deleted.
  • osErrorParameter: parameter mutex_id is NULL or invalid.
  • osErrorResource: the mutex is in an invalid state.
  • osErrorISR: osMutexDelete cannot be called from interrupt service routines.
  • osErrorSafetyClass: the calling thread safety class is lower than the safety class of the specified mutex.
This function cannot be called from Interrupt Service Routines.

Code Example

#include "cmsis_os2.h"
osMutexId_t mutex_id; // Mutex id populated by the function osMutexNew()
void DeleteMutex (osMutexId_t mutex_id) {
osStatus_t status;
if (mutex_id != NULL) {
status = osMutexDelete(mutex_id);
if (status != osOK) {
// handle failure code