CMSIS-RTOS2  Version 2.1.3
Real-Time Operating System: API and RTX Reference Implementation
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Memory Management

Information about memory management possibilities. More...

The CMSIS-RTOS API v2 offers two options for memory management the user can choose. For object storage one can either use

In order to affect the memory allocation scheme all RTOS objects that can be created on request, i.e. those having a osXxxNew function, accept an optional osXxxAttr_t attr argument on creation. As a rule of thumb the object attributes at least have members to assign custom control block memory, i.e. cb_mem and cb_size members. By default, i.e. attr is NULL or cb_mem is NULL, Automatic Dynamic Allocation is used. Providing a pointer to user memory in cb_mem switches to Manual User-defined Allocation.

For detailed information about memory allocation strategies provided in RTX5 refer to Memory Allocation.

Automatic Dynamic Allocation

The automatic allocation is the default and viable for many use-cases. Moreover it is fully portable across different implementations of the CMSIS-RTOS API v2. The common drawback of dynamic memory allocation is the possibility of memory fragmentation and exhaustion. Given that all needed objects are created once upon system initialization and never deleted at runtime this class of runtime failures can be prevented, though.

The actual allocation strategy used is implementation specific, i.e. whether global heap or preallocated memory pools are used.

Code Example:

#include "cmsis_os2.h" // implementation agnostic
osMutexId_t mutex_id;
osMutexId_t mutex2_id;
const osMutexAttr_t Thread_Mutex_attr = {
"myThreadMutex", // human readable mutex name
NULL, // memory for control block (default)
0U // size for control block (default)
void CreateMutex (void) {
mutex_id = osMutexNew(NULL); // use default values for all attributes
mutex2_id = osMutexNew(&Thread_Mutex_attr); // use attributes from defined structure

The Mutexes in this example are created using automatic memory allocation.

Manual User-defined Allocation

One can get fine grained control over memory allocation by providing user-defined memory. The actual requirements such user-defined memory are implementation specific. Thus one needs to carefully refer to the size and alignment rules of the implementation used, e.g. for RTX see Static Object Memory.

Code Example:

#include "rtx_os.h" // implementation specific
osMutexId_t mutex_id;
static osRtxMutex_t mutex_cb __attribute__((section(".bss.os.mutex.cb"))); // Placed on .bss.os.mutex.cb section for RTX5 aware debugging
const osMutexAttr_t Thread_Mutex_attr = {
"myThreadMutex", // human readable mutex name
&mutex_cb, // memory for control block (user-defined)
sizeof(mutex_cb) // size for control block (user-defined)
void CreateMutex (void) {
mutex_id = osMutexNew(&Thread_Mutex_attr); // use attributes from defined structure

The above example uses user-defined memory for the mutex control block. Depending on the actual implementation used one needs to include the specific header file, rtx_os.h in this case.