CMSIS-Compiler provides software components for retargeting I/O operations in standard C run-time libraries. Following interfaces are supported for retargeting:
- File interface for reading and writing files.
- I/O interface for standard I/O stream retargeting (stderr, stdin, stdout).
- OS interface for multithread safety using an arbitrary RTOS.
Overview of CMSIS-Compiler
Standard C library functions are platform independent, but the implementations of the low-level I/O and multithreading support are tailored to the target compiler toolchains.
Access to CMSIS-Compiler
CMSIS-Compiler is maintained in a GitHub repository and is also released as a standalone package in CMSIS Pack format.
Key Features and Benefits
- CMSIS-Compiler allows individual retargeting configuration for common I/O interfaces: file, stderr, stdin, stdout.
- Implements several ready-to-use retarget variants: into File, Breakpoint, Event Recorder, ITM, as well as user-specific variant.
- Supports common standard C libraries, such as from Arm Compiler and GCC (Newlib) toolchains. IAR support is planned.
- Provides implementation templates and examples to get started.